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Auditory conditioning (associative learning) causes reorganization of the cochleotopic (frequency) maps of the primary auditory cortex (AI) and the inferior colliculus. Focal electric stimulation of the AI also evokes basically the same cortical and collicular reorganization as that caused by conditioning. Therefore, part of the neural mechanism for the plasticity of the central auditory system caused by conditioning can be explored by focal electric stimulation of the AI. The reorganization is due to shifts in best frequencies (BFs) together with shifts in frequency-tuning curves of single neurons. In the AI of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) and the posterior division of the AI of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii), focal electric stimulation evokes BF shifts of cortical auditory neurons located within a 0.7-mm distance along the frequency axis. The amount and direction of BF shift differ depending on the relationship in BF between stimulated and recorded neurons, and between the gerbil and mustached bat. Comparison in BF shift between different mammalian species and between different cortical areas of a single species indicates that BF shift toward the BF of electrically stimulated cortical neurons (centripetal BF shift) is common in the AI, whereas BF shift away from the BF of electrically stimulated cortical neurons (centrifugal BF shift) is special. Therefore, we propose a hypothesis that reorganization, and accordingly organization, of cortical auditory areas caused by associative learning can be quite different between specialized and nonspecialized (ordinary) areas of the auditory cortex.  相似文献   

The cortex is thought to be the primary site of sensory plasticity, particularly during development. Here, we report that large-scale reorganization of the mouse auditory midbrain tonotopic map is induced by a specific sound-rearing environment consisting of paired low- (16 kHz) and high-frequency (40 kHz) tones. To determine the potential for plasticity in the mouse auditory midbrain, we used manganese-enhanced MRI to analyze the midbrain tonotopic maps of control mice during normal development and mice reared in the two-tone (16 + 40 kHz) environment. We found that the tonotopic map emerged during the third postnatal week in normal mice. Before 3 weeks, a larger percentage of auditory midbrain responded to each of the suprathreshold test frequencies, despite the fact that the primary afferent projections are in place even before hearing onset. By 3 weeks, the midbrain tonotopic map of control mice was established, and manganese-enhanced MRI showed a clear separation between the 16- and 40-kHz responses. Two-tone rearing dramatically altered the appearance of these discrete frequency-specific responses. A significant volume of the auditory midbrain became responsive to both rearing frequencies, resulting in a large-scale reorganization of the tonotopic map. These results indicate that developmental plasticity occurs on a much greater scale than previously appreciated in the mammalian auditory midbrain.  相似文献   

Focal excess sensory stimulation evokes reorganization of a sensory system. It is usually an expansion of the neural representation of that stimulus resulting from the shifts of the tuning curves (receptive fields) of neurons toward those of the stimulated neurons. The auditory cortex of the mustached bat has an area that is highly specialized for the processing of target-distance information carried by echo delays. In this area, however, reorganization is due to shifts of the delay-tuning curves of neurons away from those of the stimulated cortical neurons. Elimination of inhibition in the target-distance processing area in the auditory cortex by a drug reverses the direction of the shifts in neural tuning curves. Therefore, such unique reorganization in the time domain is due to strong lateral inhibition in the highly specialized area of the auditory cortex.  相似文献   

The effect of thrombin stimulation on actin organization in human platelets has been analyzed by using the DNase I inhibition assay, which is selective for unpolymerized and filamentous actin. The results provide biochemical evidence for the suggestion that stimulation leads to rapid polymerization of actin. The measurements also reveal changes in the polymerization state of actin occurring after cell lysis. These changes are influenced by the concentration of free calcium in the extracts.  相似文献   

As repetitive acoustic stimulation and auditory conditioning do, electric stimulation of the primary auditory cortex (AI) evokes reorganization of the frequency map of AI, as well as of the subcortical auditory nuclei. The reorganization is caused by shifts in best frequencies (BFs) of neurons either toward (centripetal) or away from (centrifugal) the BF of stimulated cortical neurons. In AI of the Mongolian gerbil, we found that focal electrical stimulation evoked a centripetal BF shift in an elliptical area centered at the stimulated neurons and a centrifugal BF shift in a zone surrounding it. The 1.9-mm long major and 1.1-mm long minor axes of the elliptical area were parallel and orthogonal to the frequency axis, respectively. The width of the surrounding zone was 0.2-0.3 mm. Such "center-surround" reorganization has not yet been found in any sensory cortex except AI of the gerbil. The ellipse is similar to the arborization pattern of pyramidal neurons, the major source of excitatory horizontal connections in AI, whereas the surrounding zone is compatible to the arborization range of small basket cells (inhibitory neurons) in AI.  相似文献   

In a simulation of the "cocktail party" problem, subjects listened to recordings of a target voice, obscured by four background voices from adjacent locations in space. Listening conditions were either dichotic (with interaural directional cues preserved) or diotic (same input to both ears, directional cues removed). Elderly subjects were unable to use binaural directional cues as effectively as young subjects to improve intelligibility of the target voice. The results suggest that there is an age related deficit in the ability to perform the binaural signal analysis necessary to effectively separate speech signals from noise.  相似文献   

The spontaneous contractions of the initial lymphatics of the bat's wing were observed to be modulated by changes in local blood flow. Lymphatic pressure and frequency of contraction were measured with the servo-null technique during the occlusion of the ulnar artery or vein. Lymphatic contractile activity was decreased during arterial occlusion but was increased during venous occlusion and postocclusion hyperemia. These changes in lymphatic activity are not consistent with the hypothesis that flow-associated changes in lymphatic contractile activity is mediated primarily by metabolic factors.  相似文献   

The optic tectum of the barn owl (Tyto alba) contains a neural map of auditory space consisting of neurons that are sharply tuned for sound source location and organized precisely according to their spatial tuning. The importance of vision for the development of this auditory map was investigated by comparing space maps measured in normal owls with those measured in owls raised with both eyelids sutured closed. The results demonstrate that owls raised without sight, but with normal hearing, develop auditory space maps with degraded precision and with aspects of topography that are abnormal.  相似文献   

Inhibitory interneurons regulate the responses of cortical circuits. In auditory cortical areas, inhibition from these neurons narrows spectral tuning and shapes response dynamics. Acute disruptions of inhibition expand spectral receptive fields. However, the effects of long-term perturbations of inhibitory circuitry on auditory cortical responses are unknown. We ablated ~30% of dendrite-targeting cortical inhibitory interneurons after the critical period by studying mice with a conditional deletion of Dlx1. Following the loss of interneurons, baseline firing rates rose and tone-evoked responses became less sparse in auditory cortex. However, contrary to acute blockades of inhibition, the sizes of spectral receptive fields were reduced, demonstrating both higher thresholds and narrower bandwidths. Furthermore, long-latency responses at the edge of the receptive field were absent. On the basis of changes in response dynamics, the mechanism for the reduction in receptive field size appears to be a compensatory loss of cortico-cortically (CC) driven responses. Our findings suggest chronic conditions that feature changes in inhibitory circuitry are not likely to be well modeled by acute network manipulations, and compensation may be a critical component of chronic neuronal conditions.  相似文献   

K Charitidi  I Meltser  B Canlon 《Endocrinology》2012,153(9):4412-4421
Estrogens' effects on hearing are documented across species, but the responsible molecular mechanisms remain unknown. The presence of estrogen receptors (ER) throughout the auditory system offers a potential pathway of direct estrogenic effects on auditory function, but little is known about how each ER's expression is regulated by the overall hormonal status of the body. In the present study, we determined the effects of ovariectomy and chronic 17β-estradiol treatment on mRNA and protein expression of ERα and ERβ in peripheral (cochlea) and central (inferior colliculus) auditory structures of mice, as well as on auditory-related behavior using the acoustic startle response (ASR), prepulse inhibition (PPI), and habituation of the startle response. 17β-Estradiol treatment down-regulated ERα but not ERβ and increased PPI and latency of the ASR. Neither the magnitude nor the habituation of ASR was affected. Furthermore, ER's mRNA and protein expression in the inner ear were analyzed throughout the estrous cycle (proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus), revealing a negative correlation of circulating estrogens with ERα expression, whereas ERβ was stable. Our findings show that ER not only are present in both the peripheral and central auditory system but also that circulating estrogen levels down-regulate ERα expression in the auditory system and affect PPI and the latency of ASR, suggesting a key role of ERα as a hormone-induced modulator of the auditory system and behavior.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are known to occur in different parts of the brain during aging. In our study we attempted to define the effect that aging has on glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), the key enzyme in the synthesis of GABA, in the central parts of the auditory system. Age-related changes in GAD65 and GAD67 levels were investigated using immunohistochemistry and Western blotting in the inferior colliculus (IC), the auditory cortex (AC) and the visual cortex in Long-Evans rats. The results show that aging is associated with a decrease in the numbers of GAD65- and 67-immunoreactive neurons and the optical density of their somas in both the IC and AC. Western blot analysis revealed a pronounced age-related decline in the levels of GAD65 and 67 proteins in both the IC and AC. For comparison, in the visual cortex the decrease in both proteins was less pronounced than in the IC and AC. A similar pattern of age-related changes was found in Fischer 344 rats, a strain that manifests a rapid loss of hearing function with aging. The observed age-related decline in the levels of GAD65 and 67 may contribute significantly to the deterioration of hearing function that accompanies aging in mammals, including man.  相似文献   

46 patients (39 males), mean age 51 years (range 33-66), were randomly allocated to two different groups of treatment if their diastolic blood pressure was superior to 90 mmHg after a one-month treatment by 20 mg of enalapril. In the first group (ENA), 23 patients were given higher dosages of enalapril (40 and, if necessary 60 mg once-a-day). In the second group (HCTZ) 23 patients were given enalapril 20 mg and hydrochlorothiazide 25 and, if necessary, 50 mg once-a-day. Dosages were eventually increased after 2 weeks and evaluation of the results was performed after 4 weeks on treatment. Blood pressure was monitored in the supine position, at 3 minutes interval for thirty minutes, by an automatic device based on oscillometric method. Two successive measurements with a standard sphygmomanometer were performed by the physician at the end of the recording. No patient withdrew from the study nor was lost to follow-up. At the end of the study, 14 patients in the ENA group were receiving enalapril 60 mg once-a-day and 8 patients in the HCTZ group were receiving 50 mg of hydrochlorothiazide. Blood pressure was significantly lower in teh HCTZ group with the automatic device (130 +/- 9/80 +/- 8 vs 141 +/- 5/86 +/- 8 mmHg, p less than 0.01/p less than 0.05) and with the sphygmomanometer (134 +/- 10/89 +/- 6 vs 149 +/- 16/94 +/- 5 mmHg, p less than 0.001/p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of vasoactive agents on the spontaneous contractions of the initial lymphatics of the bat's wing was investigated. Initial lymphatic contractile frequency and pulsatile pressure were measured with the servo-null micropressure system. Norepinephrine, phenylepinephrine, isoproterenol, acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, prostaglandin F2a, prostaglandin E2, indomethacin and ibuprofen were delivered to the immediate vicinity of the initial lymphatic by microinjection or iontophoresis. Only bradykinin produced changes in initial lymphatic contractions which were significantly different from control. The response to bradykinin was characterized by an increase in the frequency, strength or duration of the contraction.  相似文献   

Little is known about the neural bases of the reduced auditory and cortical processing speeds that have been recorded in language-impaired, autistic, schizophrenic, and other disabled human populations. Although there is strong evidence for genetic contributions to etiologies, epigenetic factors such as perinatal anoxia (PA) have been argued to be contributors, or causal, in a significant proportion of cases. In this article, we explored the consequences of PA on this elementary aspect of auditory behavior and on auditory system function in rats that were briefly perinatally anoxic. PA rats had increased acoustic thresholds and reduced processing efficiencies recorded in an auditory behavioral task. These rats had modestly increased interpeak intervals in their auditory brainstem responses, and substantially longer latencies in poststimulus time histogram responses recorded in the primary auditory cortex. The latter were associated with degraded primary auditory cortex receptive fields and a disrupted tonotopy. These processing deficits are consistent with the parallel behavioral and physiological deficits recorded in children and adults with a history of language-learning impairment and autism.  相似文献   

Birdsong is a learned behavior controlled by a distinct set of brain nuclei. The song nuclei known as area X, the medial nucleus of the dorsolateral thalamus (DLM), and the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (L-MAN) form a pathway that plays an important but unknown role in song learning. One function served by this circuit might be auditory feedback, which is critical to normal song development. We used single unit recordings to demonstrate that all three of these nuclei contain auditory neurons in adult male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). These neurons are song selective: they respond more robustly to the bird's own song than to songs of conspecific individuals, and they are sensitive to the temporal structure of song. Auditory neurons so highly specialized for song within a pathway required for song learning may play a role in the auditory feedback essential in song development. Recordings in the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), the nucleus to which L-MAN projects, showed that RA also contains highly song-selective neurons. RA receives a direct projection from the caudal nucleus of the ventral hyperstriatum (HVc) as well as from L-MAN. We investigated the contributions of these two inputs to auditory responses of RA neurons by selectively inactivating one or both inputs. Our results suggest that there is a song-selective pathway directly from HVc to RA in addition to the circuit via L-MAN. Thus the songbird brain contains multiple auditory pathways specialized for song, and these circuits may vary in their functional importance at different stages of learning.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of calcium binding proteins are known to occur in different parts of the brain during aging. In our study we attempted to define the effect that aging has on the parvalbumin-expressing system of neurons in the higher parts of the central auditory system. Age-related changes in parvalbumin immunoreactivity were investigated in the inferior colliculus (IC), medial geniculate body (MGB) and auditory cortex (AC) in two rat strains, normally aging Long-Evans (LE) and fast aging Fischer 344 (F344). The results demonstrate that the changes in PV-immunoreactivity are strain-dependent with an increase in the number of PV-immunoreactive (PV-ir) neurons occurring in the inferior colliculus of old LE rats and a pronounced decline in the number of PV-ir neurons appearing in the auditory cortex of aged F344 animals. In some parts of the AC of old F344 animals no PV-ir neurons were present at all. The number of PV-ir neurons in the MGB in all examined animals was very low independent of the strain and age. The loss of PV-ir neurons in the auditory cortex of Fischer 344 rats with aging may contribute to the substantial deterioration of hearing function in this strain.  相似文献   

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