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We reported about intrathoracic changes and prognosis of 686 patients with sarcoidosis diagnosed in our hospital between 1963 and 1988. We evaluated CT findings in 135 patients with sarcoidosis and found pulmonary involvements in 81. We analyzed CT findings according to the classification by Tuengerthal which classified radiographic findings combining ILO classification of pneumoconiosis and characteristic findings of bronchovascular sheath with sarcoidosis. The CT findings were as follows: small opacities (44 out of 81 cases, 54.3%), large opacities (37 cases, 46.7%). Additional findings were as follows: peribronchial marking (42 cases, 51.9%), contraction (17 cases, 21.0%), pleural involvement (9 cases, 11.1%), bulla (5 cases, 6.2%). The characteristic CT findings of serious sarcoidosis were extasis of bronchus, thickening of the bronchial wall, unclearness of vascular shadow, atelectasis and thickening of pleura. Concerning the prognosis of pulmonary involvement, according to age, patients younger than 30 years old at initial diagnosis were better than those of 30 years and over in terms of disappearance of pulmonary involvements. According to stage, patients of stage I and stage II were better than those of stage III. Among the patients we were able to observe chest X-ray findings during five years according to the character of shadow, ill-defined shadow of small opacities and rounded shadows of large opacities had a higher disappearance rate of pulmonary involvements than irregular shadows of large opacities, atelectasis and contraction.  相似文献   

Summary To obtain data on infectious involvements contributing to joint attacks in Reiter's syndrome (RS) 72 consecutive males with RS were investigated. Controls were 219 personally interviewed males. A history of some type of oronaso-pharyngeal or pulmonary infectious involvements were reported as often in the patients as in the controls, but the frequency of persons with a history of joint manifestations followed by these infections was significantly higher in the patients (23/72) than in the controls (8/219) (p<0.0001). Gastrointestinal involvements occurred only in a minority of cases as a triggering infection. Histories of prostatitis, gonorrhoea, condylomata acuminata, haematuria and trichomonas vaginalis infections were significantly more common in patients than in controls (p < 0.001 – p < 0.025). This finding, as well as evidence of chlamydial infection in 61%, speaks in favour of the importance of sexually transmitted diseases as an etiologic agent. A case report of triggering infections during the course of RS is given and the possible role of these infections in the immunopathogenesis in RS is discussed.  相似文献   

目的 探索胃肠结核的影像学特点。方法回顾分析经确诊为胃肠结核19例病例,从病灶部位、形态、边缘、周围组织的影像改变进行分析。结果19例患者中,胃窦部结核1例,空肠结核1例,末端回肠、回盲部结核15例,回盲部及升结肠同时受累1例,横结肠结核1例。本组病例影像诊断,除胃结核、回盲部结核各1例误诊外,其余均与病理诊断相符合,误诊率为10.5%,准确率89.5%。结论胃肠结核的影像表现有一定的特征性,但必须结合临床病史,进行病理、细菌学检查才可做出明确的诊断。  相似文献   

The procedure developed by the Bekhterev Leningrad Research Institute was used to define the attitude towards the disease in 40 patients with sarcoidosis. A harmonic attitude towards the disease was detected only in 20% of cases. There was a relationship between the magnitude of clinical manifestations of sarcoidosis and the type of an attitude towards the disease. Hyperneurotization was observed in 50% of female patients with sarcoidosis. The study showed it necessary to perform psychotherapy for sarcoidosis on an individual basis to improve their psychoemotional status and to reach a better mutual understanding between the patient and the medical staff.  相似文献   

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