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Since the first cases of HIV transmission through breast-feeding were documented, a fierce debate has raged on appropriate guidelines for infant feeding in resource-poor settings. A major problem is determining when it is safe and feasible to formula-feed, as breast-milk protects against other diseases. A cross-sectional survey of 113 women attending the programme for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, was conducted. Over 95% of women on the programme formula-fed their infants and did not breast-feed at all. Seventy per cent of women said that their infant had never had diarrhoea, and only 3% of children had had two episodes of diarrhoea. Focus groups identified the main reasons for not breast-feeding given by women to their families and those around them. Formula feeding is safe and feasible in an urban environment where sufficient potable water is available.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost and cost effectiveness nationally and for each province of a programme to reduce mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV in South Africa. METHODS: A model developed to estimate cost and cost effectiveness of interventions in Hlabisa, KwaZulu-Natal, was modified and applied to each province. This model predicts a 37% reduction in paediatric HIV infections if short-course oral zidovudine (ZDV) plus infant formula feed for 4 months is provided within a strengthened health system. Estimates of the number of pregnancies and HIV prevalence among pregnant women per province in 1997 were combined with an estimated 30% MTCT rate. Costs were calculated from a health system perspective, and effectiveness was estimated as cost per infection averted and cost per disability-adjusted life year (DALY) gained. RESULTS: In 1997, 63,397 paediatric HIV infections were estimated to have occurred in South Africa, mainly in KwaZulu-Natal (18,513, 29%) and Gauteng (10,417, 16%). The cost of a national programme is estimated at R155.9 million (1997 rand costs, 0.94% of the national health budget). Major cost items are drugs (R46.4 m, 30%), staff salaries (R45.8 m, 29%), and formula feed (R37.1 m, 24%). Most money would need to be spent in KwaZulu-Natal (R37.6 m, 24% of national cost), Gauteng (R25.2 m, 16%) and the Eastern Cape (R24 m, 15%). National cost per infection averted is R6,724, and R213 per DALY gained. Provincial DALY costs range from R176 to R369. CONCLUSIONS: A national programme preventing 37% of expected paediatric HIV infections would cost a small fraction of the national health budget, at a cost equivalent to R3.89 per capita total population. The cost per DALY gained compares well with established public health and clinical interventions in middle-income countries, even without factoring in the care costs that would be saved through a successful programme. Cost effectiveness is greatest where HIV prevalence is highest.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the operational effectiveness of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV programme at McCord Hospital during the period 1 March 2004 - 31 August 2005. DESIGN: Observational cohort study. SETTING: McCord Hospital, Durban, South Africa. SUBJECTS: Antenatal patients attending the PMTCT clinic. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: During the 18 months all 2 624 women (100%) attending the antenatal clinic received HIV counselling, resulting in 91% (2 388) being tested for HIV. The prevalence of HIV in the total cohort was 13% (95% confidence interval (CI) 11.6 - 14.2). Of the HIV-positive mothers 302 (89%) completed their pregnancy at the hospital, and in this group there were 3 intrauterine deaths, 1 miscarriage, 1 maternal death (with the baby in utero) and 297 live births with 1 early neonatal death. Only 11% (36 out of 338) were lost to follow-up. A quarter (668) of the partners of all women attending the antenatal clinic were tested for HIV. Delivery in 70% (209) of live births was by caesarean section. Nevirapine was administered to 98% (290) of live babies and 75% (224) received zidovudine (AZT) as well. The 6-week polymerase chain reaction (PCR) baby test uptake was 81% (239 out of 296 live babies). Of those tested, 2.9% (95% CI 1.3 - 6.2) tested HIV positive. CONCLUSION: Despite challenges faced by PMTCT providers in a resource-constrained setting, this state-aided hospital provides a comprehensive and integrated service and has achieved outcomes that compare favourably with those in the developed world.  相似文献   



The provision of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services was piloted in three public sector facilities in a high HIV disease burden, low circumcision rate province in South Africa to inform policy and operational guidance for scale-up of the service for HIV prevention. We report on adverse events (AEs) experienced by clients following the circumcision procedure.


Prospective recruitment of HIV-negative males aged 12 and older volunteering to be circumcised at three select public health facilities in KwaZulu-Natal between November 2010 and May 2011. Volunteers underwent standardized medical screening including a physical assessment prior to the surgical procedure being performed. AEs were monitored at three time intervals over a 21-day period post-operatively to determine safety outcomes in this pilot demonstration programme.


A total of 602 volunteers participated in this study. The median age of the volunteers was 22 years (range 12–56). Most participants (75.6%) returned for the 48-hour post-operative visit; 51.0% for day seven visit and 26.1% for the 21st day visit. Participants aged 20–24 were most likely to return. The AE rate was 0.2% intra-operatively. The frequency of moderate AEs was 0.7, 0.3 and 0.6% at 2-, 7- and 21-day visits, respectively. The frequency of severe AEs was 0.4, 0.3 and 0.6% at 2-, 7- and 21-day visits, respectively. Swelling and wound infection were the most common AEs with mean appearance duration of seven days. Clients aged between 35 and 56 years presented with most AEs (3.0%).


VMMC can be delivered safely at resource-limited settings. The intensive three-visit post-operative review practice may be unfeasible due to high attrition rates over time, particularly amongst older men.  相似文献   



Since 2018, Youth Health Africa (YHA) has placed unemployed young adults at health facilities across South Africa in 1-year non-clinical internships to support HIV services. While YHA is primarily designed to improve employment prospects for youth, it also strives to strengthen the health system. Hundreds of YHA interns have been placed in programme (e.g. HIV testing and counselling) or administrative (e.g. data and filing) roles, but their impact on HIV service delivery has not been evaluated.


Using routinely collected data from October 2017 to March 2020, we conducted an interrupted time-series analysis to explore the impact of YHA on HIV testing, treatment initiation and retention in care. We analysed data from facilities in Gauteng and North West where interns were placed between November 2018 and October 2019. We used linear regression, accounting for facility-level clustering and time correlation, to compare trends before and after interns were placed for seven HIV service indicators covering HIV testing, treatment initiation and retention in care. Outcomes were measured monthly at each facility. Time was measured as months since the first interns were placed at each facility. We conducted three secondary analyses per indicator, stratified by intern role, number of interns and region.


Based on 207 facilities hosting 604 interns, YHA interns at facilities were associated with significant improvements in monthly trends for numbers of people tested for HIV, newly initiated on treatment and retained in care (i.e. loss to follow-up, tested for viral load [VL] and virally suppressed). We found no difference in trends for the number of people newly diagnosed with HIV or the number initiating treatment within 14 days of diagnosis. Changes in HIV testing, overall treatment initiation and VL testing/suppression were most pronounced where there were programme interns and a higher number of interns; change in loss to follow-up was greatest where there were administrative interns.


Placing interns in facilities to support non-clinical tasks may improve HIV service delivery by contributing to improved HIV testing, treatment initiation and retention in care. Using youth interns as lay health workers may be an impactful strategy to strengthen the HIV response while supporting youth employment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite rapid expansion of antiretroviral therapy (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa there are few longitudinal data describing programme performance during rapid scale-up. METHODS: We compared mortality, viral suppression and programme retention in 3 consecutive years of a public sector community-based ART clinic in a South African township. Data were collected prospectively from establishment of services in October 2002 to the censoring date in September 2005. Viral load and CD4 counts were monitored at 4-monthly intervals. Community-based counsellors provided adherence and programme support. RESULTS: During the study period 1139 ART-na?ve patients received ART (161, 280 and 698 in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years respectively). The median CD4 cell counts were 84 cells/microl (interquartile range (IQR) 42-139), 89 cells/microl (IQR 490-149), and 110 cells/microl (IQR 55-172), and the proportions of patients with World Health Organization (WHO) clinical stages 3 and 4 were 90%, 79% and 76% in each sequential year respectively. The number of counsellors increased from 6 to 28 and the median number of clients allocated to each counsellor increased from 13 to 33. The overall loss to follow-up was .9%. At the date of censoring, the Kaplan-Meier estimates of the proportion of patients still on the programme were 82%, 86% and 91%, and the proportion who were virally suppressed (< 400 copies/ml) were 100%, 92% and 98% for the 2002, 2003 and 2004 cohorts respectively. CONCLUSIONS: While further operational research is required into optimal models of care in different populations across sub-Saharan Africa, these results demonstrate that a single community-based public sector ART clinic can extend care to over 1000 patients in an urban setting without compromising programme performance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Available evidence on the relationship between marital status and HIV is contradictory. The objective of this study was to determine HIV prevalence among married people and to identify potential risk factors for HIV infection related to marital status in South Africa. METHODS: A multistage probability sample involving 6 090 male and female respondents, aged 15 years or older was selected. The sample was representative of the South African population by age, race, province and type of living area, e.g. urban formal, urban informal, etc. Oral fluid specimens were collected to determine HIV status. A detailed questionnaire eliciting information on socio-demographic, sex behaviour and biomedical factors was administered through face-to-face interviews from May to September 2002. RESULTS: HIV prevalence among married people was 10.5% compared with 15.7% among unmarried people (p-value < 0.001). The risk of HIV infection did not differ significantly between married and unmarried people (odds ratio (OR) = 0.85, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.71 - 1.02) when age, sex, socio-economic status, race, type of locality, and diagnosis of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) were included in the logistical regression model. However, the risk of HIV infection remained significantly high among unmarried compared with married people when only sex behaviour factors were controlled for in the model (OR 0.55; 95% CI: 0.47 - 0.66). CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between marital status and HIV is complex. The risk depends on various demographic factors and sex behaviour practices. Increased prevention strategies that take socio-cultural context into account are needed for married people.  相似文献   



To investigate and synthesize reasons for low access, initiation and adherence to antiretroviral drugs by mothers and exposed babies for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.


A systematic literature review was conducted. Four databases were searched (Medline, Embase, Global Health and Web of Science) for studies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa from January 2000 to September 2012. Quantitative and qualitative studies were included that met pre-defined criteria. Antiretroviral (ARV) prophylaxis (maternal/infant) and combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) usage/registration at HIV care and treatment during pregnancy were included as outcomes.


Of 574 references identified, 40 met the inclusion criteria. Four references were added after searching reference lists of included articles. Twenty studies were quantitative, 16 were qualitative and eight were mixed methods. Forty-one studies were conducted in Southern and East Africa, two in West Africa, none in Central Africa and one was multi-regional. The majority (n=25) were conducted before combination ART for PMTCT was emphasized in 2006. At the individual-level, poor knowledge of HIV/ART/vertical transmission, lower maternal educational level and psychological issues following HIV diagnosis were the key barriers identified. Stigma and fear of status disclosure to partners, family or community members (community-level factors) were the most frequently cited barriers overall and across time. The extent of partner/community support was another major factor impeding or facilitating the uptake of PMTCT ARVs, while cultural traditions including preferences for traditional healers and birth attendants were also common. Key health-systems issues included poor staff-client interactions, staff shortages, service accessibility and non-facility deliveries.


Long-standing health-systems issues (such as staffing and service accessibility) and community-level factors (particularly stigma, fear of disclosure and lack of partner support) have not changed over time and continue to plague PMTCT programmes more than 10 years after their introduction. The potential of PMTCT programmes to virtually eliminate vertical transmission of HIV will remain elusive unless these barriers are tackled. The prominence of community-level factors in this review points to the importance of community-driven approaches to improve uptake of PMTCT interventions, although packages of solutions addressing barriers at different levels will be important.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The role of antiretroviral treatment for adults in the pubic sector in South Africa is debated with little consideration of programme choices that could impact on the cost-effectiveness of the intervention. This study seeks to explore the impact of these programme choices at an individual level, as well as explore the total cost of a rationed national public sector antiretroviral treatment programme. METHODS: Eight scenarios were modelled of limited national treatment programmes over the next 5 years, reflecting different programme design choices. The individual cost-effectiveness of these scenarios were compared. The total costs of the most cost-effective scenario were calculated, and the potential for savings in other areas of health care utilisation was explored. RESULTS: The direct programme costs per life-year saved varied between scenarios from R5,923 to R11,829. All the costs of the most cost-effective scenario could potentially be offset depending on assumptions of health care access and utilisation. The total programme costs for the most cost-effective scenario in 2007 with 107,000 people on treatment are around R409 million. CONCLUSION: Specific policy choices could almost double the number of people who could benefit from an investment in a limited national antiretroviral treatment programme. Such a programme is affordable within current resource constraints. The consideration of antiretroviral treatment calls for a unique public health approach to the rationing of health services in the public sector.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate a South African workplace HIV/AIDS peer-education programme running since 1997. METHODS: In 2001 a cross-sectional study was done of 900 retail-section employees in three geographical areas. The study measured HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS, belief about self-risk of infection, and condom use as a practice indicator. The impact of an HIV/AIDS peer-education programme on these outcomes was examined. RESULTS: Training by peer educators had no significant impact on any outcome. Fifty-nine per cent of subjects had a good knowledge score, 62% had a positive attitude towards people with HIV/AIDS, 34% used condoms frequently, and the majority of participants (73%) believed they were at low risk of infection. Logistical regression showed that a very small proportion of the variance in the four outcomes was explained by potential determinants of interest (8% for knowledge, 6% for attitude, 7% for risk and 17% for condom use). CONCLUSIONS: The HIV peer-education programme was found to be ineffective and may have involved an opportunity cost. The programme contrasts with more costly comprehensive care that includes antiretrovirals. The private sector appears to have been as tardy as the public sector in addressing the epidemic effectively.  相似文献   

There has been significant progress towards the goal of eliminating vertical transmission of HIV by 2015. However, a question that remains is how we can most effectively prevent late postnatal transmission of HIV through infant feeding. Guidelines published by the World Health Organization in 2010 have been widely adopted. These guidelines place strong emphasis on exclusive breastfeeding, in some countries over‐turning a prior emphasis on formula feeding. Where available, provision of antiretroviral treatment for HIV‐positive mothers or prophylaxis for infants offers additional protection against vertical transmission through infant feeding. However, merely changing guidelines is not sufficient to change practice, particularly with regard to culturally sanctioned forms of feeding, such as mixed feeding. This commentary highlights structural, social and contextual barriers to effective implementation of the guidelines and suggests ways to address some of these barriers.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to document the official oral fluid therapy (OFT) policies of all the ministries of health in South Africa and of the four provincial authorities, to determine what methods of OFT are used in hospitals providing paediatric care, to determine the OFT methods recommended by hospital staff for use at home, to establish the level of support for the idea of one national policy for OFT and to determine what senior academic paediatricians think about these issues. We conducted structured telephonic interviews of professional staff in charge of paediatric wards in 159 randomly selected hospitals providing general inpatient care. The hospitals were stratified as private, provincial and 'homeland'. We also interviewed the directors-general or the secretaries or their deputies in each ministry of health as well as directors of hospital services or their deputies in each one of the four provinces of the Republic. Lastly, we spoke to the academic heads of paediatric departments in each of the country's eight medical schools. The results show that the use of OFT for inpatient care of diarrhoeal disease is far from universal, and that the picture with regard to promotion of home OFT is even less favourable. We identified an unacceptable diversity in the OFT methods being promoted as well as a degree of resistance to the development of one national policy. We recommend that one policy, based on the recommendations of the South African Paediatric Association, be adopted by all health authorities in South Africa as a matter of urgency.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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