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故事一古时有一位国王,梦见山倒了,水枯了,花也谢了,便叫王后给他解梦。王后说:"大势不好。山倒了指山河要倒;水枯了指民众离心,君是船,民是水,水枯了,船也不能行了;花谢了指好景不长了。"  相似文献   

好心情,是相当宝贵的."天的心情好了,天就晴朗了;水的心情好了,水就流淌了;花的心情好了,花就开放了;鸟的心情好了,鸟就飞翔了.打开心灵的天窗,让阳光漫步;  相似文献   

不发烧也不咳嗽的小希希小希希出生两周了,妈咪的奶水很多,小希希每天都大口地吃,每次吃完了就呼呼大睡。可是从今天早上开始,妈咪在喂奶时发现,她不像往常那么爱吃奶了,吸奶力度也变弱了。到了下午再给小希希喂奶,她更不愿意吃了,还发生了呛奶,奶水从鼻子里流了出来。  相似文献   

不少肿瘤患者家属有一种感觉.动了手术或上了化疗之后.肿瘤反倒转移得快了。有的患者去世后,家属就会认为到了晚期不做手术,上不上化疗.结果都是一样;做了手术,上了化疗.患者伤了元气.受了痛苦生命可能会结束得更快。  相似文献   

2005年,英年早逝成了社会熟点,男人活得太累了,男人得病增多了,相对寿命缩短了,男人究竟怎么了?  相似文献   

孙林 《健康生活》2012,(3):55-55
孩子终于断奶了,王婷也松了口气,可另外的烦恼又来了:如何避孕。本来就过早做了妈妈的王婷,如今可是提起怀孕就害怕。在哺乳期,听信别人说不需要避孕,结果却导致珠胎暗结而怀了“暗胎”,不得不做了“人流”手术终止妊娠;这回孩子断奶了,王婷又到一家诊所上了节育环,以为可以高枕无忧了,过了两个多月,觉得胃里不舒服,但想到已上了环,  相似文献   

公立医院在经济活动中出现了一些偏差,不但影响了医院的形象,也损害了患者的合法权益。文章介绍了公立医院经济活动偏差的现状,分析了产生的原因,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   

郭海婴 《长寿》2011,(12):1
秋天走了,带走了丰收和秋高气爽,但也送走了悲凉。冬天来了,带来了寒冷和枯萎,但也带来了银装素裹。人的一生,就像各个季节一样,有美好的,也有灰暗  相似文献   

乾隆是清代一位多才多艺的皇帝,在一年的春天,有一天春雷阵阵,下起开春后的第一场雨。乾隆帝忽来雅兴,率领诸大臣去御花园赏雨。雨下的越来越大,不大功夫竟将亭子外的小草淹没。乾隆见景生情,触动灵感,随口拈一谜语曰:"大了小了,小了大了,大了没有了。"请各位大臣来猜。等了很久,  相似文献   

做了妈妈以后,你为孩子做了什么,为自己做了什么?你发现自己的生活在哪些方面发生了翻天覆地的变化了吗?你注意到这些变化了吗?通过你的这些信息,我们就可以帮你了解自己是什么类型的妈妈了,快点进入我们的测试环节吧!  相似文献   

In May 1993, an outbreak of pruritic skin lesions occurred amonga group of employees located in tour laboratories in the basementof an office building. Medical interviews with the affectedworkers were performed and an industrial hygiene survey of thesite was conducted. Workers commonly reported a prickling sensationon exposed skin. Four of the workers had small (<5mm) erythematouspapules on their forearms. Just prior to the outbreak, the installationof fibrous glass insulation had commenced in the mechanicalrooms which provided air to the basement of the building. Becauseof the nature of the symptoms and the temporal relationshipwith the nearby insulation work, direct skin contact with fibrousglass fibres was thought to be the cause of the outbreak. Thepoorly maintained air handling unit supplying air to the laboratoriesprobably contributed to this outbreak by inefficient filteringof the circulating air.  相似文献   

The adipose tissue plays a major role in energy homeostasis through the storage and release of fatty acids as well as adipokine production. The endothelial cells of the adipose tissue vascular network constitute a barrier between the blood and the adipocyte compartments. They are key players in the metabolic status of the fat mass controlling the exchanges of nutrients, hormones, oxygen and immune-inflammatory cells. Recent data highlight the process of lipid handling at the endothelial cell surface and of the transendothelial transit of fatty acids. The extension of the vascular network and its functionality are necessary for the adipose tissue integrity. Insufficient oxygen supply generates hypoxic area within the tissue that favors metabolic abnormalities and the recruitment of immuno-inflammatory cells. The present review relates to the role of adipose tissue endothelial cells in the adipose tissue physiology. Their involvement and more particularly the role of accelerated ageing, in the link between obesity and associated metabolic and cardiovascular pathologies are described.  相似文献   

The media coverage given to occupational health studies in the field of ionizing radiation has, on occasion, been the cause of very real distress to radiation workers and their families. In response to this situation the Chief Medical Officers of the major UK nuclear companies developed an ethical policy for future involvement in research, based on the duty of care which researchers owe to a key customer of such studies: the worker. The policy consists of four principal elements: medical confidentiality; worker information; worker consent and the guarantee of the availability to the workers of pre-publication knowledge of the results. The policy issued in 1991/92 has achieved growing acceptance among researchers and medical journals, though the medical officers involved have been aware of some scepticism, particularly in relation to the practicalities of the dissemination of pre-publication information. The Record Linkage Study published in November 1997 marked a major piece of research work involving data from 120,000 radiation workers that had been carried out since the development of the policy. This paper reports on the successful compliance arrangements to meet the ethical requirements of that study within a single UK nuclear company, and is published to demonstrate that with commitment from researchers, the journal and occupational health staff such ethical requirements, and particularly the need for pre-publication information can be met in full.  相似文献   

Occupational Health Services in Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The provision of adequate health care facilities to cater forthe health of workers is an important consideration in the managementof manufacturing industries, since productivity is dependenton the health status of the workers. There are very few studiesevaluating the health care provision in Nigerian industries.This study elucidates such health care services in Edo and DeltaStates of Nigeria. One hundred and thirty-five (56%) of the241 registered manufacturing industries in Edo and Delta Statesof Nigeria were randomly selected and investigated. The responserate was 91.1% and the result showed that the medical staffcomprised 2.5% of the total workforce, with the large scaleindustries contributing the highest proportion of these. Fourpoint five per cent of the medical staff had formal trainingin occupational health and 15.6% of them visited the factoryshop floor. The doctor:staff ratio in the medium and large scaleindustries were 1:819 and 1:618 respectively. It was found thatall the industries used the health care facilities providedby the government, there were no clinics in all the small scaleindustries and group practice was not used by any of the industriesstudied. Pre-employment medical examinations were carried outin each of the groups of industries (100%, 39.4% and 5%) respectively,as were periodic medical examinations during employment, althoughto a lesser extent (100%, 13.2%, 0%) for the large, medium andsmall scale industries respectively. These finding suggest theavailability of a reasonable standard of health care provisionfor large scale industries and somewhat less availability formedium and small scale industries. Health education of boththe employers of labour, and the employees and the enforcementof existing laws are needed to improve the existing standardof occupational health services.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of calcium and osteoporosis have been hampered by the lack of a suitable tool for assessing calcium intake. This report describes a new frequency and amount questionnaire for measuring present and past calcium intake in the elderly. The validity of the questionnaire was tested against two commonly used standards of dietary assessment, five-day duplicate diets and seven-day weighed dietary inventories. The resulting correlation coefficients were, respectively, r = 0.76 and r = 0.69, while that for repeatability was r = 0.84. Furthermore, the questionnaire categorized subjects into thirds of the distribution of intake with almost no gross misclassification. It is suggested that the present findings may be extended to the majority of normal, healthy elderly subjects, implying wide application for the questionnaire in the assessment of calcium intake in the elderly.  相似文献   

Ghrelin is a 28-amino acid acylated peptide predominantly produced by the stomach peripherally as well as the pituitary and the hypothalamus in the brain. Originally discovered as the endogenous ligand of the orphan growth hormone secretagogue receptor, it is also involved in the regulation of food intake and body weight. Ghrelin is the first known orexigenic hormone. Human plasma ghrelin levels sharply increase before and decrease after every meal. Plasma ghrelin levels correlate negatively with the magnitude of energy stores. Obesity is characterized by low ghrelin plasma concentration, conversely patients suffering anorexia or cachexia display high levels. Weight loss triggers an increase in ghrelin levels while the opposite is observed during weight gain. The role for ghrelin in the regulation of appetite and body weight is mediated, at least in part, via the activation of neurons in the hypothalamus that coexpress neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AgRP), two anabolic neuropeptides. Ghrelin appears as the hormone that coordinates GH secretion and food intake to assure an optimal growth and a steady energy balance. Due to its role in the regulation of body weight, ghrelin holds promise as a target for both medical and surgical approaches to obesity treatment.  相似文献   

The association between problems of the upper limb and the workplaceis complex. A large printing manufacturer in the North Westof England sought the advice of both a surgeon, specializingin problems of the upper limb and an ergonomist in an attemptto control the frequency of these abnormalities amongst itsworkforce. The prevalence of these problems prior to and afterthe introduction of a number of recommendations was collatedand the results are discussed. Effectively the introductionof sensible and sympathetic modifications to the workplace appearedto reduce the number of upper limb disorders.  相似文献   

In most developed and developing countries, a regular increase of the prevalence of obesity has been documented during the last decade(s) of the xxth century. The last figure from the USA is for the first time discordant with this general trend by showing a clear slowing down since year 2000. In children likewise, a rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity took place in the second half of the xxth century but recent publications from France, Switzerland, UK, USA also report a stabilization of childhood overweight and obesity prevalences. The experience of developing countries clearly shows the impact of socioeconomic status improvement and urbanization on the prevalence of obesity. In developed countries like France, a striking element was the diffuse nature of the adult obesity epidemic observed from the 1990s. The general improvement of living conditions after the Second World War probably explains the diffuse nature of the epidemics. Specifically, the changes in the nutritional status of children that happened at that time have long lasting consequences for adult obesity epidemics. Indeed, a new current in epidemiology, lifecourse epidemiology, has prompted over the past decade a new approach of the pathophysiology of chronic diseases, including obesity. Lifecourse epidemiology considers factors affecting the susceptibility to diseases over the whole life with critical periods during developmental phases. Critical periods for the susceptibility to obesity have been documented in prenatal life, during the first 6 months of postnatal life and from 3 years on starting at the time of the adiposity rebound. Parental obesity is involved at each of the critical periods. The transgenerational transmission of obesity is explained by genetic factors, shared lifestyle but also epigenetics especially during the early developmental periods. The slowing down of the childhood obesity epidemics observed in several developed countries may signal that factors affecting the early susceptibility to obesity have recently changed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses upon conflict between professional and managerial values in an occupational health setting. Findings are presented which suggest that the guidelines issued by UK occupational health professional bodies (describing the duties and responsibilities of occupational health professionals), have been perceived by professionals as being impractical because they tend to focus on the theoretical role of the professional at the expense of the reality of the experienced role. The paper concludes that the problem does not actually lie with the guidelines, but with the perception of the guidelines. It is suggested that this problem can be addressed by empowering occupational health professionals to interpret and tailor the guidelines to suit their particular working environment. In addition, encouraging occupational health professionals to pro-actively market their role, will result in awareness raising amongst the managers for whom they work who often have inappropriate expectations of the occupational health professionals.  相似文献   

Antibiotics represent one of the most important drug groups used in the management of bacterial infections in humans and animals. Due to the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance, assurance of the antibacterial effectiveness of these substances has moved into the focus of public health. The reduction in antibiotic residues in wastewater and the environment may play a decisive role in the development of increasing rates of antibiotic resistance. The present study examines the wastewater of 31 patient rooms of various German clinics for possible residues of antibiotics, as well as the wastewater of five private households as a reference.To the best of our knowledge, this study shows for the first time that in hospitals with high antibiotic consumption rates, residues of these drugs can be regularly detected in toilets, sink siphons and shower drains at concentrations ranging from 0.02?μg·L?1 to a maximum of 79?mg·L?1. After complete flushing of the wastewater siphons, antibiotics are no longer detectable, but after temporal stagnation, the concentration of the active substances in the water phases of respective siphons increases again, suggesting that antibiotics persist through the washing process in biofilms. This study demonstrates that clinical wastewater systems offer further possibilities for the optimization of antibiotic resistance surveillance.  相似文献   

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