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The author sums up the results and considers the tasks of future reorganization of all the components of pathological service at hospitals, chairs of medical institutes, and at research institutes. Present-day organization of autopsy departments and training in pathology at the chairs of medical institutes and institutes for continuous education are in need of improvement, as is the planning and coordination of research, that should be aimed at priority studies.  相似文献   

Dr. Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht provides a broad and helpful overview of the many techniques and latest trends in diagnostic imaging. Latest sensing technology is reviewed including: X-ray systems, ultrasound, thermography, radionuclide imaging, endoscopy, and optical methods. Approximate system cost ranges are indicated. This paper examines the technological trends in: sensors, imagers, hardcopy production, computer enhancement, storage, and communication of images. Dr. Meyer-Ebrecht describes three generations of computed tomographic scanners and alternative approaches to three-dimensional imaging. Image storage is presented as a major limitation of present technology. A view of future systems approaches envisions "picture bases" that will complement present data bases of hospital information systems. Integration of latest technology into diagnostic picture information systems will lead to advanced systems.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of chronic (3 to 8.5 months) smoke inhalation from cigarettes laced with 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 mg kaolin (hydrated aluminum silicate) per gram of tobacco on the morphological integrity of lungs and the pulmonary macrophage population were evaluated in young and old male C57BL/6 mice. Lacing procedures, monitored by determining aluminum content in acid-digested aliquots of tobacco via atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), proved to be uniform. Amounts of aluminum in right lungs of young mice evaluated by AAS and of kaolin assessed by electron diffraction and polarizing light microscopy were larger in mice which inhaled smoke from cigarettes laced with more kaolin. A more pronounced increase in lung parenchymal tissue and decrease of alveolar space was observed in old mice subjected to smoke from cigarettes containing higher doses of kaolin than in similarly treated young animals. Concomitant with the above, the lung macrophage population did not increase as markedly in response to smoke inhalation in old mice nor did it increase in as clear a dose-response fashion to kaolin as it did in young animals. Further, the degree of ultrastructural alteration of the phagocytes in the old mice suggested impaired cell function. Plate-like material resembling kaolin crystals was most conspicuous in lung macrophages of mice which inhaled largest amounts of kaolin. Manifestations of abnormal aggregates of lymphocytes and macrophages correlated with kaolin dose inhaled in old mice but not in young animals. The reported observations indicate that 1) kaolin gains access to lungs via cigarette smoke inhalation, 2) macrophages are important in maintaining pulmonary homeostasis and 3) the inorganic compound kaolin appears to impede macrophage function, resulting in potentiation of lung abnormalities.  相似文献   

In 1973, 18,032 young Americans, 15 to 24 years of age, died in motor-vehicle accidents, 5182 were murdered, and 4098 committed suicide. The death rate, for this age group, was 19 per cent higher in 1973-74 than it had been in 1960-61, owing entirely to deaths by violence. The largest rise in deaths from homicide during the past two decades was at the ages of one to four. For a considerable proportion of American children and youth, the "culture of violence" is now both a major health threat and a way of life. One contributing factor is television's massive daily diet of symbolic crime and violence in "entertainment" programs. After numerous studies of televsion influence on real-life violence, including two major government commissions, the industry is experimenting with a 7 to 9 p.m. "Family Hour" (6 to 8 p.m. Central Time) from which violence, along with sex, has been largely banished. Three industry unions claim censorship and are suing. The medical profession is urged to concern itself with this serious and complex health hazard.  相似文献   

The "fictitious" scratch reflex was evoked in decerebrate curarized cats by pinna stimulation. Activity of neurons of the ventral spino-cerebellar tract ( VSCT ) from the L4 and L5 segments of the spinal cord as well as of neurons of the spino-reticulo-cerebellar pathway ( SRCP ) from the lateral reticular nucleus of the medulla oblongata was recorded. Cooling and destruction of different parts of the lumbo-sacral enlargement of the spinal cord were performed. Cooling of the L5 or L6 segment abolished the rhythmic activity in the greater part of the spinal hindlimb centre but did not affect the generation of rhythmic oscillations in the remaining (rostral) segments of the lumbo-sacral enlargement. Under these conditions, neither the rhythmic activity of VSCT neurons located rostral to the thermode nor that of SRCP neurons changed. A normal rhythmic activity of SRCP neurons also persisted after destruction of grey matter in the L3 and L4 segments. It can be concluded that activity of these neurons is independent of whichever part of the enlargement generates rhythmic oscillations. From these observations a hypothesis is advanced that the main content of signals conveyed by the VSCT and SRCP to the cerebellum is the information regarding activity of the generator of rhythmic oscillations that is located in the L3-L5 spinal segments.  相似文献   

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