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Tracheal agenesis (TA) is a very rare congenital malformation of unknown aetiology. It is often associated with polymalformative syndromes; the neonates commonly present a critical condition during post-natal treatment. Pathology revolves around the triad of aphonia, respiratory distress syndrome and impossibility of endotracheal intubation. In contrast to the most important differential diagnosis, i.?e., congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS), surgical airway management is also impossible due to the absence of tracheal structures. In most cases, prognosis is very poor. The case report at hand portrays the treatment of a neonate suffering from tracheal agenesis.  相似文献   

Botulinum toxin A represents a significant development in the management of children and adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy. Prerequisites for an adequate result are a correct indication, an exact injection technique and an intensive post-treatment programme. Spastic muscle overactivity and the constant tendency of the involved muscles to shorten with growth cannot be treated by only one method. Therefore a multilevel approach and an integrated treatment schedule including plaster of Paris, orthoses and physiotherapy are currently the best ways to modify the disease process. The inclusion of objective clinical documentation techniques combined with 3-D instrumented gait analysis allows the determination of the indications more exactly and for monitoring the post-treatment results. If started early and correctly, this integrated management approach has the potential to modify the natural history of the disorder, and to reduce the frequency of later surgery.  相似文献   

Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery - Die Verfahren, welche an der KlinikLexer seit 1909 zur operativen Knochenbruchvereinigung in Anwendung kommen, sind 1. Verzahnung, 2. Knochennaht nur bei Apo-...  相似文献   

The Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) belongs to the so-called prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. The iatrogenic transmission of the pathogen by direct contact with infectious tissue, tissue extracts and surgical instruments has been demonstrated. CJD is not an infectious disease in the usual sense. Transmission is not possible by normal social contact nor by nursing measures just as CJD can not be transferred by normal skin contact or contact with blood, serum or other patient' secretions. Therefore, CJD patients do not have to be isolated, because strict conformity to the generally recognized rules of hygiene is completely sufficient. The high resistance of prions to environmental influences requires the combination of different disinfection and sterilization measures before inactivation of the pathogen occurs and it is possible to exclude transmission by medical products.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die N.gr. wird bei Spondylose der Lendenwirbelsäule durchgeführt. Die Umformung der Wirbel wird in Korrelation zu den Nucleusveränderungen gebracht. Bei der sogenannten isolierten Spondylose werden die Veränderungen an den benachbarten N. besprochen. In Deduktion der verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen wird durch die N.gr. auf die vermutliche Normalform des N. geschlossen. Von der Normalform werden die verschiedenen Degenerationsstadien abgeleitet.Mit 8 Textabbildungen (12 Einzelbildern).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND DATA: Patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures frequently complain of pain and a loss of function and mobility. Such fractures are associated with an increased mortality. The common treatment with bed rest, bracing or osteosynthesis does not lead to satisfying results. With two new surgical techniques, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, an internal stabilisation of osteoporotic vertebral fractures is possible. METHODS: All patients were treated by kyphoplasty. With a minimal invasive dorsal approach, an inflatable bone tamp is placed in the fractured vertebral body. This tamp can restore the vertebral body height and create a cavity, which is filled with bone cement under low pressure. The advantage of kyphoplasty compared to vertebroplasty is the restoration of the vertebral height and a decreased cement leakage rate. We performed a prospective, interdisciplinary study with a follow-up of 12 months. We treated 192 vertebral fractures in 102 patients. Augmentation was performed with polymethylmethacrylate in 138 cases and with a new injectable calcium phosphate-cement in 54 vertebral bodies. Outcome data were obtained with two different spine-scores and by the radiomorphometric evaluation of x-rays before and after treatment. RESULTS: We noticed a significant improvement in pain and function in 89% of the patients. All patients showed a regain of vertebral height of on average 17%. In 7% of all treated vertebral bodies, we noticed cement leakage, which was, however, far below the rates published for vertebroplasty (20-70%). There were two complications, bleeding due to an unknown coagulopathy and a violation of the myelon by malpunction. CONCLUSION: Kyphoplasty is a reliable and minimally invasive method for stabilizing fractured osteoporotic vertebral bodies. Improvement of pain and function and a regain in height of the treated vertebral body can be accomplished.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der Einlage eines suprapubischen Harnblasenkatheters (Zystostomie) kann eine Fehlpunktion aufgrund der engen anatomischen Lagebeziehungen der Beckenorgane, typische, in Einzelfällen auch letale Verletzungsmuster hervorrufen. Dieses ist insbesondere bei einem unzureichenden Blasenfüllungsvolumen der Fall. Derartige Probleme sind kasuistisch auch in der rechtsmedizinischen Literatur beschrieben worden. Um die kraniale Verdrängung gefährdeter Darmanteile durch eine gefüllte Harnblase zu verifizieren, wurden in dieser Studie bei 76 Fällen im Rahmen einer gerichtlichen Autopsie der Abstand zwischen Symphysenoberkante und Apex vesicae in situ vermessen und mit dem Blasenfüllungsvolumen korreliert. Bei einem Volumen von 200 ml wurde eine suprapubische Distanz von 4 cm in 69,2% der Fälle ermittelt. Diese kollidiert jedoch mit dem üblichen klinischen Interventionspunkt, 2 fingerbreit oberhalb der Symphyse. Alle Fälle mit einer Blasenfüllung 300 ml wiesen eine Distanz von 5 cm auf. Basierend auf unseren Ergebnissen halten wir eine präoperative Harnblasenfüllung von 300 ml für die komplikationsarme Anlage eines suprapubischen Blasenkatheters für erforderlich.  相似文献   

Sonographic examination can yield additional information free of radiation in the course of corticotomy/callus distraction. The echogenic structures of the cortical structure and the callus between can be scanned at the area of the callus distraction by ultrasound examination. Individual sectional planes are focussed. They are different from the standardized ultrasound examination. Depending on when the corticotomy was performed, the callus between the cortical structures can be visualized sonographically. First it is echo poor, and then it becomes more and more echogenic. The ultrasound examination can give additional information during the first 4 weeks after corticotomy/callus distraction. A deviation of the axis in the area of callus distraction cannot be judged reliably. A sonographically guided division into three stages is possible.  相似文献   

Objective Restoration of extension of wrist and of the long fingers' metacarpophalangeal joints as well as of thumb abduction in patients with radial nerve palsy with the goal to improve hand function. Indications Irreparable damage of deep branch of radial nerve. As an additional procedure, after extensive interpositional nerve transplantation with uncertain prognosis. Request for speedy restoration of function. Loss of power of muscles innervated by radial nerve in instances of brachial plexus lesions after unsuccessful conservative or neurosurgical treatment. Contraindication Insufficient rehabilitation after conservative treatment or neurosurgical intervention. Inadequate passive motion of wrist or finger joints. Insufficient power of muscles innervated by median nerve. Lack of patient's cooperation and compliance. Surgical Technique Detachment of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon from the pisiform bone, subcutaneous passage to the extensor digitorum communis tendons, and suturing to these tendons. Division of the palmaris longus tendon, and suturing to the extensor pollicis longus tendon. Results Between October 1997 and December 2001, we used this technique in twelve patients. Using the score of Haas, we obtained six excellent and six good results. The active wrist extension varied between 0° and 70° (average, 20°). The length of follow-up was between 3 and 48 months (mean, 14 months).  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 10 Textabbildungen (20 Einzelbilder)Herrn Professor Dr. G. A. Wollenberg zum 85. und Herrn Professor Dr. M. Brandes zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Bei der Einlage eines suprapubischen Harnblasenkatheters (Zystostomie) kann eine Fehlpunktion aufgrund der engen anatomischen Lagebeziehungen der Beckenorgane, typische, in Einzelfällen auch letale Verletzungsmuster hervorrufen. Dieses ist insbesondere bei einem unzureichenden Blasenfüllungsvolumen der Fall. Derartige Probleme sind kasuistisch auch in der rechtsmedizinischen Literatur beschrieben worden. Um die kraniale Verdrängung gefährdeter Darmanteile durch eine gefüllte Harnblase zu verifizieren, wurden in dieser Studie bei 76 Fällen im Rahmen einer gerichtlichen Autopsie der Abstand zwischen Symphysenoberkante und Apex vesicae in situ vermessen und mit dem Blasenfüllungsvolumen korreliert. Bei einem Volumen von 200 ml wurde eine suprapubische Distanz von 4 cm in 69,2% der Fälle ermittelt. Diese kollidiert jedoch mit dem üblichen klinischen Interventionspunkt, 2 fingerbreit oberhalb der Symphyse. Alle Fälle mit einer Blasenfüllung 300 ml wiesen eine Distanz von 5 cm auf. Basierend auf unseren Ergebnissen halten wir eine präoperative Harnblasenfüllung von 300 ml für die komplikationsarme Anlage eines suprapubischen Blasenkatheters für erforderlich.  相似文献   

Local injection therapy is of great value in the border area between non-operative or operative treatment of discogenic and spinal stenotic radicular syndromes. With a series of deep periradicular infiltrations of local anesthetics and antiphlogistics it is possible to reduce the pain peaks in the spontaneous course of degenerative spinal diseases, so that planned surgery is no longer necessary. For the rare serious palsies immediate surgery is still necessary. On-going improvement is reached by physiotherapy and psychotherapy and with the back school.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Für die Durchführung der Osteotomien im Trochantergebiet, die der Beseitigung einer fehlerhaften Torsion des coxalen Femurendes, einer Coxa vara oder valga zum Ziele haben, hat sich in 25 von den Verfassern operierten Fällen die Anwendung der von Pohl für die operative Behandlung der pertrochanteren Frakturen angegebenen Laschenschraube in abgewandelter und näher beschriebener Form auch im Kindesalter bewährt. Die Technik wird im einzelnen beschrieben. Die Vorzüge gegenüber der Anwendung der Schanzschen Schrauben liegen in der einwandfreien Asepsis durch primären Wundverschluß, der zuverlässigen Einstellung der Fragmente und der schnelleren knöchernen Konsolidation. Der Detorsionsosteotomie kann die Pfannendachplastik in gleicher Sitzung angeschlossen werden. Knöcherne Heilung der Osteotomie erfolgt innerhalb von 6 Wochen. Die Fixation im Gipsverband kann abgekürzt oder fortgelassen werden.Mit 5 Textabbildungen (9 Einzelbilder).  相似文献   

Currently, sacral nerve modulation (SNM) is an effective treatment for overactive bladder symptoms which are refractory to anticholinergic or muscarinergic treatment. However, SNM requires the implantation of stimulation electrodes at the sacral nerves and a subcutaneous impulse generator. The SNM procedure can be divided into three phases: the acute phase comprising the implantation of the test stimulation electrodes, the subchronic stimulation phase over a period of 7-14 days during which neurostimulation takes place by means of an external impulse generator, and finally chronic SNM after implantation of the final impulse generator.In 1981 the SNM technique for treatment of bladder dysfunctions was first developed by Tanagho and Schmidt and has since been refined, while the range of indications has been extended continuously. It has been shown that patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunctions are able to gain the greatest benefit from SNM. The long-term results of SNM are very encouraging so far. In addition, a highly innovative and promising technique is the implantation of a miniaturized impulse generator with integrated stimulation electrode at the n. pudendus. However, the outcome of these trials has not fully been capable of living up to the expectations so far.  相似文献   

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