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目的探讨特发性室性心动过速(IVT)的标测方法.方法对52例行射频消融的IVT患者进行标测.39例源于右心室的IVT采用消融导管右心室起搏标测法,以起搏时与室性心动过速(室速)发作时的12导联心电图QRS波形态与振幅完全相同的起搏部位为消融靶点.12例起源于左心室的IVT以发作时消融电极导管在左心室内标测到较体表心电图QRS波提前≥20 ms的最早高频低振幅电位为消融靶点(激动顺序标测法),1例左心室室速采用起搏标测法.结果左心室IVT消融成功率100%(13/13),右心室IVT消融成功率94.87%(37/39).结论起源于左心室的IVT宜采用激动顺序标测法,起源于右心室的IVT宜采用起搏标测法.  相似文献   

特发性室性心动过速的导管射频消融治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价特发性室性心动过速(IVT)的导管射频消融(RFCA)治疗效果。方法20例IVT患者,男11例,女9例,年龄30.4±12.419~40岁。病史1~8年。心动过速频率146~240bpm。所有病例无器质性心脏病的证据。术前停用抗心律失常药物至少5个半衰期。常规心内电生理检查,采用起搏标测与激动标测相结合的方法进行标测,并行靶点消融。结果20例病人中,右室IVT9例,其中右室流出道VT8例,成功7例;希氏束下方VT1例,消融成功;左室IVT11例,其中间隔部VT10例,成功9例,左室游离壁VT1例,成功1例,总成功率90%(18/20)。18例术中成功诱发出VT,2例左室IVT患者术中未诱发出VT,采用起搏标测,记录到与自发VT心电图12导联完全一致的起搏心电图,消融3个月后,1例复发。结论RFCA治疗IVT疗效肯定,成功率高,复发率低。左室IVT应以激动标测为主,记录到最提前的浦肯野电位(PP)或异常电位(AP)提示为成功的靶点,且术中能否诱发出VT是手术成功的关键。右室IVT应以起搏标测为主。  相似文献   

目的报道6例应用电解剖标测系统(Carto系统)引导经盐水灌注射频导管消融法洛四联症术后室性心动过速(VT)。方法6例患者均为男性,年龄6~38岁,法洛四联症术后出现阵发性心悸,体表心电图均表现为持续性VT,3例有晕厥史,6例患者均不同意放置植入型心律转复除颤器(ICD)。应用Carto系统标测和消融VT方法如下:心室程序电刺激诱发VT,如血流动力学稳定则在VT时行激动标测和电压标测,结合标测舒张期电位和拖带标测等方法确定并消融VT关键峡部;如血流动力学不稳定或不能诱发持续性VT,则在窦性心律时行右心室电压标测、起搏标测,在局部起搏时和VT有相同或相近的体表心电图并伴较长的刺激到QRS波时间的部位消融,并消融晚电位或碎裂电位及消融连接可能的电屏障区。结果6例患者可诱发出8种形态VT,VT周长230~310ms,7种为持续性VT,其中2种血流动力学不稳定;另1种为非持续性VT。4例患者在VT时标测和消融,2例患者在窦性心律下标测后消融。6例8种形态VT均为瘢痕折返机制,均消融成功。随访6~19个月,仅1例VT复发,经再次消融成功。结论应用Carto系统引导盐水灌注射频导管消融法洛四联症术后VT有较高的成功率和较低的复发率,尤其对引导血流动力学不稳定、多形或非持续性VT的消融可能有较好的效果。  相似文献   

大部分起源于心室流出道及其邻近结构的特发性室性期前收缩/室性心动过速(PVCs/VT),采用激动标测寻找“最早”心室电位结合起搏标测(至少11/12导联相同)进行射频导管消融(下称消融)往往有效,然而少数起源于心室流出道的PVCs/VT采用上述方法寻找“最早”心室电位结合起搏标测进行消融无效,而在激动相对延迟处,且起搏标测匹配并不理想或起搏标测不能夺获心室的情况下却可消融成功,现将4例消融成功病例报道如下。  相似文献   

特发性室性心动过速及室性早搏的射频消融治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨射频导管消融(RFCA)治疗特发性室性心动过速(IVT)和室性早搏(VPC)的疗效及该方法的可行性和必要性。方法:72例IVT、VPC患者采用激动顺序标测和起搏标测法确定室性心动过速(VT)、VPC的起源部位并行RFCA治疗。结果:19例左室IVT中16例起源于左室间隔部左后分支的蒲肯野系统,3例起源于左室心尖部,6例右室IVT起源于右室流出道(RVOT)间隔部,24例消融成功,1例失败。47例VPC中43例起源RVOT间隔部,2例起源于RVOT游离壁,2例起源于左室流出道,44例消融成功,2例复发。结论:RFCA治疗IVT及特定部位的VPC是安全、有效且成功率高的一种方法。  相似文献   

目的报道1组起源于左心室游离壁的无器质心脏病基础的频发室性早搏(室早)射频消融结果。方法共11例特发性室早患者,男性7例,女性4例,平均年龄(47.2±14.4)岁。均接受常规电生理检查及射频消融治疗,所有病例室早体表心电图均呈右束支阻滞图型。消融术中采用激动标测和起搏标测相结合的方法。结果11例室早均消融成功(2例复发经再消融成功),所有室早被证实均起源于左心室游离壁,6例起源于前外侧游离壁中、高段,4例起源于后下侧游离壁中段,1例起源于游离壁低段近心尖部。术中成功消融部位局部V波较体表心电图QRS波起点提前24~41(27±9)ms。其中9例成功消融部位起搏心电图与室早图形基本相同。结论起源于左心室游离壁的室早是特发性室早的一个亚组,射频消融治疗可取得良好效果。  相似文献   

射频消融治疗特发性室性心动过速44例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨特发性室性心动过速 (IVT)射频消融 (RFCA)治疗的检测方法和疗效。方法  4 4例IVT病人 ,男性 32例 ,女性 12例 ,年龄 12~ 6 0岁 ,其中左室IVT(LIVT) 2 6例 ,右室IVT(RIVT) 18例 ,采用激动标测和起搏标测相结合的方法寻找靶点进行RFCA。结果  2 6例LIVT消融成功 2 3例 ,18例RIVT消融成功 16例 ,总成功率 88 6 %。结论 RFCA治疗IVT成功率高 ,是治疗IVT的首选方法。  相似文献   

经导管射频消融心律转复除颤器植入后电风暴   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的报道3例心律转复除颤器(ICD)植入后抗心律失常药物治疗无效的室性心律失常电风暴患者经导管射频消融的结果。方法2名男性与1名女性患者,年龄为75、55、37岁,分别患有陈旧性前壁心肌梗死、致心律失常性右心室心肌病、左心室心肌病。均在ICD植入后发生抗心律失常药物治疗无效的电风暴。应用Carto电解剖标测系统引导盐水灌注射频导管标测和消融室性心动过速(VT)。对可标测VT(持续性、血流动力学稳定)行激动和拖带标测;对不可标测VT,则在基质标测的基础上行起搏标测和/或短时间的拖带标测。结果3例患者中共诱发出5种形态的VT,4种血流动力学较稳定VT和1种血流动力学不稳定VT。成功消融了所有形态的VT,抑制了电风暴的急性发作。消融后随访的6、19和36个月中,仅1例患者出现1次ICD放电。结论在电解剖标测的基础上,应用盐水灌注射频导管消融ICD植入后抗心律失常药物治疗无效的电风暴有很好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的:应用右心室造影结合电解剖标测(CARTO标测)指引经盐水灌注射频导管消融法洛四联症术后室性心动过速(VT)5例。方法: 5例患者中4例为男性,6~38岁,法洛四联症术后2~16年反复出现阵发性心悸,发病时体表心电图均表现为持续性VT且药物治疗无效,2例有晕厥史。均不同意放置埋藏式心脏复律除颤器(ICD)。应用右心室造影结合CARTO标测指引消融VT的方法如下:首先进行右心室造影明确右心室解剖及肺动脉瓣环位置,并作为解剖路标,在窦律时行右心室电压标测,标记低电压手术疤痕和室间隔补片区域,明确VT发生基质。而后心室程序电刺激诱发VT,如血流动力学稳定,则在VT时行拖带标测,确定并消融VT关键峡部;如血流动力学不稳定或不能诱发持续性VT,则在窦律时行起搏标测,在局部起搏时和VT有相同或相近的体表心电图并伴较长的刺激到QRS波时间的部位消融,并消融有晚电位或碎裂电位的电屏障区。结果: 5例患者可诱发出6种形态VT,VT周长230~310 ms,5种为持续性VT,其中1种血流动力学不稳定;另1种为非持续性VT。3例患者在VT时标测和消融,2例患者在窦律下标测后消融。6种形态VT均为疤痕折返机制,6种VT均消融成功。随访12~30月,无VT复发。结论: 右心室造影能明确法洛四联症术后右心室及肺动脉瓣环解剖结构,CARTO标测可以定位室间隔补片和外科手术疤痕,在明确这些VT发生基质基础上指引射频导管消融法洛四联症术后VT可取得较高的成功率。  相似文献   

儿童特发性室性心动过速的临床诊治特点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨儿童特发性室性心动过速(IVT)的临床诊治特点。方法 对18例诊断为IVT的患儿,就其临床表现、心电图特征、部分患儿的运动试验(Brace方案)检查结果及临床治疗转归进行分析。结果 1.儿童IVT主要起源于右心室流出道及左心室间隔;2.37%右室流出道IVT患儿有明屁的心悸主诉,且与运动、情绪、感染等有关:90%左室IVT。有心悸、面色苍白;3.右室流出道IVT常伴有频发室性早搏,VT多数为非持续性VT,运动试验VT的诱发率高;左室IVT均呈持续性VT发作,能为心房或心室的程序刺激所诱发;4.腺苷、β受体阻滞剂、钙通道阻滞剂能较好地防治,VT的发生;5.大多数儿童,VT具有很好的预后,射频消融能根治IVT。结论 儿童IVT是发生于无器质性心脏病证据或致心律失常因素的一种VT,预后良好。有部分病人在疾病的某个过程需要药物的防治.其中大部分可以发展为不用药,甚至痊愈。对于症状严重、发作频繁的患儿,射频消融可使IVT得以根治。  相似文献   

探讨环形电极对右室流出道室性心动过速(RVOTVT)的标测指导作用及射频消融方法。6例特发性RVOTVT患者,男4例、女2例,年龄35.0±6.3(18~42)岁。行常规电生理检查,应用环形电极标测右室流出道,以最早激动点结合窦性心律下起搏标测确定靶点。结果:4例起源于右室流出道间隔前部,1例起源于间隔后部,1例起源于游离壁,6例均成功进行了射频消融,成功率100%。平均手术时间78±22min。结论:环形标测电极可以指导快速寻找室性心动过速起源点,缩短标测及消融时间。  相似文献   

Objectives. The current study reviews the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency catheter ablation for the treatment of right ventricular outflow tachycardia in children and adolescents and describes a modified method for mapping the tachycardia focus.Background. Although radiofrequency catheter ablation has proved highly effective for the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia during childhood and adolescence, its application in children with idiopathic right ventricular outflow tachycardia has been limited.Methods. Six children (mean [±SD] age 10.6 ± 2.4 years, range 6 to 16) with right ventricular outflow tachycardia underwent seven radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures. The mean tachycardia cycle length was 323 ± 24 ms (range 300 to 360). Two multipolar catheters were positioned in the right ventricular outflow tract to map the tachycardia focus.Results. Radiofrequency catheter ablation was successful in five (83%) of the six children (95% confidence interval 36% to 99%). At successful ablation sites, local endocardial activation times preceded the surface QRS onset by 46 ± 5 ms (range 37 to 57), and there was concordance of the 12-lead pace map and the electrocardiogram (ECG) in 11 (one patient) to 12 ECG leads (four patients). One patient developed complete right bandle branch block during radiofrequency catheter ablation. There were no additional complications and no clinical recurrences over a mean follow-up period of 12.7 ± 3.8 months (range 9 to 22).Conclusions. These results suggest that radiofrequency catheter ablation is a safe effective treatment for right ventricular outflow tachycardia during childhood and adolescence. In addition, tachycardia mapping may be enhanced by use of a multipolar right ventricular outflow catheter technique.  相似文献   

特发性室性心动过速的射频消融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对经射频消融术证实的特发性室性心动过速的病例进行总结分析,探讨室性心动过速的发病状况、心电图特点、消融靶点的确定及消融结果。方法:对68 例特发性室性心动过速的起源部位和体表心电图进行分析,所有患者在诱发出室性心动过速后进行射频消融治疗,观察特发性室性心动过速的射频消融成功率和复发率以及它们和消融靶点的关系。结果:本组特发性室性心动过速患者中右室室性心动过速较左室室性心动过速多见。右室特发性室性心动过速心电图表现为左束支传导阻滞,左室特发性室性心动过速心电图则多表现为右束支传导阻滞。消融靶点的确定右室特发性室性心动过速主要采用起搏标测法,左室特发性室性心动过速主要采用激动顺序标测法。右室流出道室速组在起搏标测时起搏ECG和VT时ECG的12导联QRS波完全相同处消融成功率较高。结论:室性心动过速发作时的体表心电图可初步估计特发性室性心动过速的起源部位,射频消融术治疗特发性室性心动过速成功率高,并发症少。  相似文献   

目的对经射频消融术证实的特发性室性心动过速的病例进行总结分析,探讨室性心动过速的发病状况、心电图特点、消融靶点的确定及消融结果。方法对32例特发性室性心动过速的起源部位和体表心电图进行分析,所有患者在诱发出室性心动过速后进行射频消融治疗,观察特发性室性心动过速的射频消融成功率和复发率,以及它们和消融靶点的关系。结果右室特发性室性心动过速心电图表现为左束支传导阻滞,左室特发性室性心动过速心电图则多表现为右束支传导阻滞。消融靶点的确定右室特发性室性心动过速主要采用起搏标测法,左室特发性室性心动过速主要采用激动顺序标测法。右室流出道室速组在起搏标测起搏ECG和VT时ECG的12导联QRS波完全相同处消融成功率较高。结论室性心动过速发作时的体表心电图可初步估计特发性室性心动过速的起源部位,射频消融术治疗特发性室性心动过速成功率高、并发症少。  相似文献   

Fifteen consecutive patients with drug-refractory, recurrent, sustained, monomorphic ventricular tachycardia and a history of remote myocardial infarction underwent catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia. Shocks of 100 to 300 J were delivered to sites at which pacing during ventricular tachycardia resulted in concealed entrainment, in which the ventricular tachycardia accelerated to the pacing rate, there was a long stimulus to QRS interval and there was no change in the configuration of the QRS complex during pacing at several rates compared with the configuration during ventricular tachycardia, thus identifying a zone of slow conduction in the reentrant circuit. Concealed entrainment was demonstrated in nine (60%) of 15 patients, and the stimulus to QRS intervals were 90 to 400 ms. At sites of concealed entrainment, the endocardial activation time relative to the QRS complex during ventricular tachycardia ranged from -125 to +50 ms, the timing of the local electrogram relative to the QRS complex was the same during entrainment as during ventricular tachycardia and the pace map during sinus rhythm was discordant with that of the ventricular tachycardia in seven patients. In the six patients in whom a site of concealed entrainment could not be identified, the target site for ablation was selected on the basis of identification of an isolated mid-diastolic potential, activation mapping and pace mapping. The mean (+/- SD) cumulative number of joules delivered to the target site was 306 +/- 140. A successful long-term clinical outcome was achieved in 9 of the 15 patients (mean follow-up 20 +/- 7 months). The clinical success rate was the same whether the target site was selected on the basis of concealed entrainment (five of nine, 56%) or on the basis of the other mapping techniques (four of six, 67%). In conclusion, the responses to pacing suggest that sites at which there is concealed entrainment may be located within a zone of slow conduction in the ventricular tachycardia reentry circuit, although not necessarily in an area critical for the maintenance of reentry. The long-term clinical efficacy of catheter ablation targeted to sites of concealed entrainment is about 60%, similar to the results achieved when conventional mapping techniques are used.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Frequent ventricular ectopic beats can result in severe symptoms and may even be incapacitating in some patients. Although radiofrequency catheter ablation is an effective and safe therapy for drug refractory idiopathic ventricular tachycardia, it has not been widely used in ventricular ectopy. The purpose of this study was: (1) to assess the potential role of catheter ablation in eliminating monomorphic ventricular ectopy in symptomatic patients regarding feasibility and safety and (2) to determine the usefulness of various mapping strategies. METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-one patients with symptomatic ventricular ectopic activity (right ventricular origin in 23 patients, left ventricular origin in 18 patients) were enrolled. The mean frequency of ventricular ectopic beats was 1512+/-583/hour documented by Holter ECG monitoring. These patients had previously been unable to tolerate or had been unsuccessfully treated with a mean of 3+/-1 antiarrhythmic agents. The site of origin was mapped using earliest endocardial activation times, unipolar electrograms and pace mapping. Radiofrequency ablation was successful in 34 (83 %) of 41 patients. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed pace mapping as the only independent predictor for a successful ablation site (P < 0.01). After a follow-up of 3 months, the overall success rate was 71%. The mean frequency of ventricular ectopic beats after successful ablation was 12+/-10 ventricular premature beat/hour. CONCLUSION: Radiofrequency catheter ablation is an effective and safe treatment for frequent symptomatic drug refractory monomorphic ventricular ectopic activity. Pace mapping predicts best successful ablation of ventricular ectopic beats.  相似文献   

Ten consecutive patients with recurrent episodes of symptomatic, idiopathic, sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) originating in the right ventricle underwent an attempt at catheter ablation of the ventricular tachycardia. There were seven women and three men, with a mean age of 39 +/- 14 years (+/- SD). None of the patients had any evidence of structural heart disease. The VT had a left bundle branch block configuration and an inferior axis in each patient, and the mean cycle length was 313 +/- 75 msec. Based on the methods of induction of the VT and the response of the VT to verapamil, the VT mechanism was presumed to be reentry in six patients, triggered activity in three patients, and catecholamine-sensitive automaticity in one patient. Sites for ablation were guided by pace mapping, and an appropriate target site was identified in the right ventricular outflow tract in each patient. From one to three shocks of 100-360 J (mean total, 336 +/- 195 J) were delivered from a defibrillator between the tip of the ablation catheter (cathode) and a patch electrode on the anterior chest (anode). An electrophysiology test 7-9 days after ablation demonstrated that VT was still inducible in only one patient, who was treated with amiodarone. One other patient had a recurrence of VT 3 weeks after ablation and was treated with verapamil. Eight of 10 patients were not treated with antiarrhythmic medications and have had no episodes of symptomatic VT during 15-68 months of follow-up (mean follow-up, 33 +/- 18 months). There were no acute or long-term complications.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

5例特发性室性心动过速(VT)经射频电流导管消融(RFCA)而获治愈。本文从成功的RFCA结果着重探讨特发性VT兴奋灶的标测方法。心内膜激动时间标测,以局部电图较体表导联QRS波时间提前≥10ms处定为心室最早激动点(EVA),5例平均心室最早激动至QRS波起始时间为18±11.7ms,在EVA处放电消融仅1例成功。采用起搏标测法定位以略低于自发VT的频率沿EVA上下左右逐点标测,寻找起搏电图至少11个导联的QRS波形态、振幅、极性与自发VT相同的标测点放电消融,4例均获成功。消融成功的局部电图较QRS波平均提前26±12.8ms。结果提示联合应用心内膜激动时间标测和起搏标测并侧重于后者,可能是提高RFCA特发性VT成功率的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

介绍非接触球囊导管标测系统 (EnSite 30 0 0系统 )指导难治性特发性左室室性心动过速的标测与射频消融的初步经验。 5例男性病人 ,年龄 33± 17(17~ 6 2 )岁 ,常规方法标测和导管消融失败 2 .4± 1.1(1~ 4)次。常规放置高位右房和右室电生理导管 ,运用置入左室的 6 4极球囊导管和大头电极 ,系统重建三维心内膜几何模型和等电势 ,经右室导管诱发VT ,心动过速周期为 32 3.8± 48.1ms。EnSite 30 0 0系统标测到VT的最早激动点分别位于左后间隔中下部、左侧间隔后下部左束支下方、后下间隔近心尖部、左室后壁近基底部和左后间隔中部。在最早激动点和关键峡部分别行点状、环状和线性消融。 2例患者在心动过速时放电、3例患者在窦性心律时消融 ,均获成功。成功消融靶点处的单极电图均为QS型。X线曝光时间为 2 5± 12min。随访 7.8± 4.6 (1~ 11)个月所有患者均未发作心动过速。结果表明 ,与常规方法比较 ,EnSite 30 0 0系统所建立的心腔三维模拟等电势图可直观地显示心动过速的起源点、传导途径和关键峡部 ,系统模拟的单极腔内电图的形态也有助于判断病灶起源部位及提高消融成功率 ,尤其适用于常规方法消融失败的室性心律失常的标测 ,其独特的导航系统可引导消融导管到达靶点部位指导射频消融 ,并可减少X?  相似文献   

Objectives. This study attempted to determine the feasibility and long-term efficacy of catheter ablation by means of either radiofrequency or direct current energy in a selected group of patients with coronary artery disease.Background. Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia has proved to be highly effective in patients with idiopathic and bundle branch reentrant ventricular tachycardia. In patients with coronary artery disease and recurrent sustained ventricular tachycardia resistant to medical antiarrhythmic management, the value of catheter ablation has not yet been established.Methods. One hundred thirty-six patients with coronary artery disease and one configuration of monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia underwent radiofrequency (72 patients) or direct current catheter ablation (64 patients). The mapping procedure to localize an adequate site for ablation included pace mapping during sinus rhythm, endocardial activation mapping, identification of isolated mid-diastolic potentials and pacing interventions during ventricular tachycardia.Results. Primary success was achieved in 102 (75%) of 136 patients (74% of 72 undergoing radiofrequency and 77% of 64 with direct current ablation). Complications were noted in 12% of patients. During a mean (± SD) follow-up period of 24 ± 13 months (range 3 to 68), ventricular tachycardia recurred in 16% of patients.Conclusions. Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia in coronary artery disease is feasible in patients with one configuration of monomorphic sustained ventricular tachycardia. There is no significant difference with respect to the type of energy applied. The follow-up data show that in a selected group of patients with coronary artery disease, catheter ablation offers a therapy alternative.  相似文献   

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