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A new family with a bleeding diathesis and FVIII deficiency secondary to abnormal binding of von Willebrand factor (vWF) to factor VIII (FVIII) is described. Two propositi of this family, an 18-year-old male and a 33-year-old female, both with a history of epistaxis, bruising, bleeding from the gums, epistaxis, hemarthrosis, and hematoma, were analyzed. Also additional members of the same family with no bleeding history were also studied. The propositi showed normal vWF activities, low FVIII activity; one of them had been diagnosed as having hemophilia A and the other was a hemophilia A carrier. Both showed a very poor response to treatment with FVIII concentrates and desmopressin (DDAVP) but a good clinical response to cryoprecipitate. APTT was prolonged and no inhibitory activity was noticeable in their plasmas. Thirty-five units per kilogram body weight of Hemofil M was infused to both propositi and FVIII reached basal level within 60 minutes of the infusion. No FVIII response at all was observed in the female after intravenous DDAVP administration. However, the male who received the infusion of 35 U/kg body weight of Humate-P achieved a normal FVIII level that was maintained for 12 hours. Multimeric analysis of vWF was normal in all the members studied. Von Willebrand factor domain for FVIII binding was assayed in the two propositi and in six other members of the same family by using a non-isotopic and sensitive method, a modification of the one previously described, using the Hemofil M concentrate as exogenous FVIII. The data obtained showed that both propositi had similar binding to that observed by using plasma of a patient with severe von Willebrand disease. Furthermore, five siblings had a decreased binding of vWF to FVIII, when compared with plasma from normal individuals or patients with hemophilia A. We also observed that, for screening purpose, the ratio of bound FVIII/immobilized vWF (at saturation of the anti-vWF and offering of 1 U/ml of exogenous FVIII) distinguished two levels of abnormality (normal range 0.70-1.15, propositi 0.004-0.007, and remaining members affected 0.25-0.42). The most probable explanation is that the propositi are homozygous or double heterozygous, the other five siblings affected being heterozygous for a recessive vWF defect. This more accessible assay presented here may be of help in routine analysis for diagnosing this type of von Willebrand disease, which has important implications for therapy and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

New variant of von Willebrand disease with defective binding to factor VIII   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
Nishino  M; Girma  JP; Rothschild  C; Fressinaud  E; Meyer  D 《Blood》1989,74(5):1591-1599
A new variant of von Willebrand disease (vWD) was identified by a new analytic method which characterizes the ability of plasma von Willebrand Factor (vWF) to bind to purified factor VIII (F.VIII). vWF was isolated from small amounts of plasma by immunoadsorption with a selected monoclonal antibody to vWF previously coated onto wells of microtitration plates. Plasma F.VIII was removed from immobilized vWF by washing with 0.4 mol/L CaCl2; purified F.VIII was then added to the well. The amount of bound F.VIII was estimated directly in the wells by a chromogenic assay and immobilized vWF was estimated by an immunologic a pool of normal plasma, ten control individuals, 13 with hemophilia A and five with type I vWD. In all cases, the dose-response curves were linear and the slopes of the regression lines were essentially the same. The method was then applied to investigate the binding of vWF to F.VIII in two vWD patients (sister and brother) who demonstrated significantly lower activity of F.VIII than of vWF. The first patient, with a long history of epistaxis, bruising, and hematomas, showed a slightly prolonged bleeding time (10 minutes); 15% VIII:C and 39% of vWF:Ag and vWFRCo. Her brother, who has a bleeding syndrome but no hematomas, showed similar data (bleeding time 9 minutes, 20% VIII:C, 53% vWF:Ag and vWFRCo). Similar levels of F.VIII were observed in the two propositi by four different methods (one- and two-stage clotting and chromogenic and immunologic assays). Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) 1.4% agarose gel electrophoresis showed that all multimers of vWF were present in both patients. vWF binding to F.VIII was markedly decreased in the two propositi. The abnormal binding of vWF to F.VIII was not corrected during pregnancy or after infusion of 1-deamino (8-D- arginine) vasopressin despite an increase in vWF levels. The qualitative abnormality of vWF in both patients was associated with a subtle alteration of the multimeric structure by SDS 3% agarose gel electrophoresis in which the two central subbands of the quintuplet of individual oligomers were undetectable or poorly visible. SDS- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions demonstrated a single band of 275 Kd in the plasma of both patients, and there was no evidence of a second band corresponding to pro-vWF, the precursor of the mature vWF subunit, suggesting that proteolytic processing of vWF was normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A form of von Willebrand's disease has been described with enhanced ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation and anodal migration of the factor VIII/von Willebrand factor protein (type IIb). We studied two families with this form of von Willebrand's disease and macrothrombocytopenia. We have found that these platelets bind more of the normal and intermediate-sized multimers of the factor VIII/von Willebrand factor than normal platelets. Analysis of the binding data show an increased affinity of these vWd platelets for the factor VIII/von Willebrand factor. These findings are consistent with an increased number of platelet receptors, which, either by their native topography or migration on the platelet surface, bind factor VIII/von Willebrand factor protein with greater affinity than normal platelets, platelets of other vWd patients, and large platelets of other etiologies.  相似文献   

C Gaucher  S Jorieux  B Mercier  D Oufkir  C Mazurier 《Blood》1991,77(9):1937-1941
We previously reported a functional defect of von Willebrand factor (vWF) in a new variant of von Willebrand disease (vWD) tentatively named vWD "Normandy." The present work has attempted to characterize the molecular abnormality of this vWF that fails to bind factor VIII (FVIII). The immunopurified vWF from normal and patient's plasma were digested by trypsin and the resulting peptides were compared. The electrophoresis of "vWF Normandy" showed a shift in the band corresponding to a polypeptide from amino acid 1 to 272. Consequently, we performed the molecular analysis of the portion of the vWF gene of this patient encoding this amino acid sequence. Exons 18-24 were amplified by the use of polymerase chain reaction and their nucleotide sequences corresponding to 1.8 kb were determined. Our analysis showed a point mutation C to T at codon 791, resulting in the substitution of Methionine for Threonine at position 28 of the mature vWF subunit. Because this nucleotide substitution destroyed a Mae II restriction site, this mutation was conveniently sought in various individual DNAs. The patterns obtained were consistent with the homozygous and heterozygous state of this mutation in the patient and in her son, respectively, and with its absence in 28 normal individuals. We conclude that Threonine at position 28 in plasma vWF may be crucial for the conformation and FVIII-binding capacity of its cystine-rich N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

In von Willebrand disease, the main goals of treatment are to correct the dual defect of haemostasis caused by a reduced or abnormal von Willebrand factor (vWF), i.e. the prolonged bleeding time (BT) and the deficiency of factor VIII coagulant activity (FVIII:C). The synthetic vasopressin analogue, desmopressin (DDAVP), has reduced the need for transfusions in most of the mild forms of von Willebrand disease but DDAVP is ineffective in type 3 and in other severe cases of types 1 and 2 von Willebrand disease. For many years cryoprecipitate has been the mainstay of replacement therapy but, after the introduction of virucidal methods, concentrates containing FVIII/vWF have been considered much safer than cryoprecipitate and proposed in von Willebrand disease management. FVIII/vWF concentrates have been produced and tested by many authors but there is only one report describing four virus-inactivated FVIII/vWF concentrates evaluated in a cross-over randomized trial. According to these in vitro and pharmacokinetic data, the following information can be derived: (a) no FVIII/vWF concentrate had an intact multimeric structure similar to that of normal plasma or of cryoprecipitate; (b) all FVIII/vWF concentrates were equally effective in attaining normal and sustained levels of FVIII:C postinfusion, although peak levels were more delayed in the concentrate devoid of FVIII:C; (c) no FVIII/vWF concentrate consistently normalized the BT in a sustained fashion. On the other hand, clinical haemostasis can be achieved in the management of bleeding episodes and of surgery for most of von Willebrand disease cases regardless of whether the BT is corrected; in the few rare cases with mucosal bleeding not controlled by FVIII/vWF concentrates, infusion of DDAVP or platelet concentrates can be administered in addition.  相似文献   

Kroner  PA; Foster  PA; Fahs  SA; Montgomery  RR 《Blood》1996,87(3):1013-1021
In this report we describe the further investigation of the von Willebrand factor (vWF)/FVIII interaction in a type 1 von Willebrand disease patient characterized by discrepant VIII:C levels as determined by one-stage and two-stage VIII:C assays. A solid-phase binding assay shows that this patient's plasma vWF is moderately defective in capturing recombinant FVIII. Sequence analysis of the FVIII-binding domain encoded by the vWF mRNA of the affected individual identified mutations in both vWF alleles. In allele A, the mutations C2344T and T2451A result in the substitution of Trp for Arg19 (R19W) and of G1n for His54 (H54Q) in mature vWF, respectively. This allele also contains a reported polymorphism (A2365G, Thr26Ala). Allele B, which is underexpressed at the RNA level, contains a one-nucleotide deletion in the FVIII-binding domain (delta G2515) that results in the premature termination of translation. Analysis of the binding of FVIII by full- length vWF transiently expressed in COS-7 cells confirms that the combined R19W and H54Q substitutions are the cause of the defective vWF/FVIII interaction in this patient. The FVIII-binding defect of vWF containing either mutation alone is approximately half that of the double mutant, which suggests that the effect of these mutations is additive. The mutant proteins are recognized equally well by vWF monoclonal antibodies MBC105.4, 32B12, and 31H3, which block the binding of FVIII by vWF, indicating that amino acids Arg19, Thr26, and His54 are not critical residues in the epitopes of these antibodies.  相似文献   

Vlot  AJ; Koppelman  SJ; van den Berg  MH; Bouma  BN; Sixma  JJ 《Blood》1995,85(11):3150-3157
To study the interaction between factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWF), binding experiments were performed using immobilized plasma vWF. Plasma was obtained from healthy donors and from patients with severe hemophilia A. For normal and hemophilic vWF, the dissociation constants (kd) for binding of factor VIII to vWF were 0.21 +/- 0.04 and 0.22 +/- 0.05 nmol/L, respectively. At saturation, the stoichiometry was one factor VIII molecule per 50 vWF monomers. In gel-filtration experiments, vWF was saturated by 23 times more factor VIII. However, when this FVIII-vWF complex was immobilized on microtiter plates, the ratio of factor VIII/vWF decreased to the same ratio as in the solid- phase binding assay. To exclude any effect of antibody binding, colloidal gold particles with a diameter of 15 nm were coupled to purified vWF. This vWF-gold complex remained immunoreactive toward polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, and was able to bind factor VIII, specifically, saturably, and reversibly. After incubation of vWF-gold with factor VIII, unbound and bound factor VIII were separated by centrifugation. Binding isotherms of these fluid-phase binding experiments indicated a kd of 0.32 +/- 0.09 nmol/L and a stoichiometry of approximately 0.5 factor VIII molecule per vWF monomer. We conclude that vWF-binding to a surface, with or without an antibody, may induce a conformational change causing a dissociation of bound factor VIII from vWF.  相似文献   

We report a 55-year-old patient with type 3 von Willebrand disease who underwent multiple tooth extractions with successful hemostatic management using recombinant factor VIII. The patient was previously misdiagnosed and treated incorrectly then at 53 years old, he was diagnosed with type 3 von Willebrand disease. As he had avoided dental treatments for two decades due to severe bleeding after dental extraction, multiple severe caries and marginal periodontitis were revealed. The patient refused the use of blood products in hemostatic management because he was afraid of blood-borne diseases and development of anti-von Willebrand factor alloantibodies. After close consultation, we therefore decided to use recombinant factor VIII. Four teeth extraction procedures were executed twice. Before extraction, bolus recombinant factor VIII (50 IU/kg) was administered intravenously followed by continuous infusion (5-10 IU/kg per h) for approximately 48 h. The factor VIII:C level increased from about 1 to 20-32% 30 min after bolus infusion. During continuous infusion (10 IU/kg/h), factor VIII:C was maintained at more than 10%. Little bleeding occurred during and after the multiple teeth extractions and during suture removal. On frequent examinations during a 1-year follow-up, neither von Willebrand factor nor factor VIII inhibitors were detected.  相似文献   

A 16-yr-old girl with severe von Willebrand disease complicated by the development of precipitating alloantibodies to von Willebrand factor (anti-VWF) had a life-threatening anaphylactoid reaction immediately after the infusion of a commercial plasma concentrate of factor VIII/von Willebrand factor. An early post-infusion activation of the complement system was demonstrated by the appearance of C3 split products and by the drop of serum CH50 activity, occurring in parallel with a post-infusion drop in the anti-VWF antibody levels. Immune complexes remained unchanged in the early post-infusion period and rose to a moderate extent only after 24 h. We conclude that biologically active products of the complement system contributed to the onset of this life-threatening reaction which occurred after concentrate infusion.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a multimeric glycoprotein that mediates the adhesion of platelets to the subendothelium by binding to platelet glycoprotein Ib. For human vWF, this interaction can be induced in vitro by the antibiotic ristocetin or the snake venom protein botrocetin. A missense mutation, Gly-561-->Ser, was identified within the proposed glycoprotein Ib binding domain of vWF in the proband with von Willebrand disease type B, a unique variant characterized by no ristocetin-induced, but normal botrocetin-induced, binding to glycoprotein Ib. The corresponding mutant recombinant protein, rvWF(G561S), formed normal multimers and exhibited the same functional defect as the patient's plasma vWF, confirming that this mutation causes von Willebrand disease type B. These data show that botrocetin and ristocetin cofactor activities of vWF can be dissociated by a point mutation and confirm that these mediators promote vWF binding to platelets by different mechanisms. The normal botrocetin-induced binding and the defective ristocetin-induced binding of rvWF(G561S) suggest that the primary defect in von Willebrand disease type B may be a failure of normal allosteric regulation of the glycoprotein Ib binding function of vWF.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with different types of von Willebrand disease (vWD) having acute bleeds or elective surgery were treated with Immunate(sound recording copyright sign), a double-virus inactivated factor VIII/von Willebrand factor (FVIII/vWF) concentrate. The concentrate was applied as a bolus or via continuous infusion. FVIII activity (FVIIIc), vWF antigen (vWF:Ag), ristocetin cofactor activity (vWF:RCo), collagen binding activity (vWF:CB), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and von Willebrand multimers (vW-multimers) were monitored for 48 hours. Pharmacokinetic analyses were performed. The clinical efficacy was rated excellent or good. Bleeding complications occurred in 3 patients due to an additional FXIII deficiency in one patient, to a surgically induced bleed in another patient, and a rather short substitution period in the third patient. There were no serious adverse experiences. One patient showed a phlebitic reaction at the site of venous access after more than 100 hours of continuous infusion, requiring a change to application via bolus.  相似文献   

Type IIB is a special variant of von Willebrand's disease, characterized by an abnormal von Willebrand factor which shows an increased interaction with platelets. This interaction sometimes causes platelet aggregation and thrombocytopenia in vivo. It involves the glycoprotein-Ib (GPIb) receptor on platelets and corresponding GPIb-binding sites in the von Willebrand factor. We here demonstrate a C----T mutation at codon 1308 of the von Willebrand factor gene in 2 related patients with IIB von Willebrand's disease. The transition gives rise to a substitution of arginine by cysteine at position 545 of the mature von Willebrand factor subunit. This position is close to the GPIb- as well as the collagen- and heparin-binding domains of the von Willebrand factor. The mutation may change the conformation of the molecule in this region and activate the GPIb-binding domain, which is normally not exposed in the von Willebrand factor of circulating blood.  相似文献   

The Factor VIII antigen molecules in the plasma of patients with classical type 1 and variant type 2A von Willebrand disease were compared to the Factor VIII antigen molecules in normal plasma. Factor VIII antigen was isolated from plasma by solid-phase immunoprecipitation and analyzed by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; the stained Factor VIII antigen bands were removed, radioiodinated, and subjected to tryptic digestion. Computerized analysis of autoradiographs revealed that the two-dimensional peptide maps of the different Factor VIII antigens were remarkably similar. The results suggest that the Factor VIII antigen molecules in these two forms of von Willebrand disease are probably identical to the Factor VIII antigen molecules present in normal plasma. It is thus likely that the differences observed in plasma Factor VIII antigen in classical and variant von Willebrand disease are not due to qualitatively abnormal molecules but rather represent quantitative shifts in the metabolism of normal Factor VIII antigen molecules.  相似文献   

Type IIB von Willebrand disease is an autosomal dominant bleeding disorder characterized by the selective loss of high molecular weight von Willebrand factor (vWF) multimers in plasma, presumably due to their abnormally increased reactivity with platelets. We and others have recently identified a panel of missense mutations clustered in the platelet glycoprotein Ib binding domain of vWF from patients with type IIB von Willebrand disease. We now report functional analysis of one of the most frequent type IIB missense mutations, Arg-543----Trp (vWF R543W). vWF from a human umbilical vein endothelial cell culture heterozygous for the vWF R543W mutation showed markedly increased binding of large vWF multimers to platelets in the presence of a low dose of ristocetin compared to vWF from a normal control culture. Recombinant vWF containing the vWF R543W mutation expressed in COS-7 cells also demonstrated increased binding of large vWF multimers. Mixed multimers obtained by cotransfection of mutant and wild-type cDNAs showed partial dominance of the vWF R543W mutation. Thus these data demonstrate that the vWF R543W mutation alone is sufficient to confer increased binding of large vWF multimers to platelets in a dominant fashion and that no other factors relating to vWF posttranslational processing or secretion in endothelial cells are required for this effect.  相似文献   

J W Precup  B C Kline  D N Fass 《Blood》1991,77(9):1929-1936
To study the interaction of human factor VIII (FVIII) with its various ligands, select regions of cDNA encoding FVIII light chain were cloned into the plasmid expression vector pET3B to overproduce FVIII protein fragments in the bacterium Escherichia coli. Partially purified FVIII protein fragments were used to produce monoclonal antibodies. One monoclonal antibody, 60-B, bound both an FVIII protein fragment (amino acid residues 1563 through 1909) and recombinant human FVIII, but not porcine FVIII. This antibody prevented FVIII-vWF binding and acted as an inhibitor in both the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) assay and a chromogenic substrate assay that measured factor Xa generation. The ability of the antibody to inhibit FVIII activity was diminished in a dose-dependent fashion by von Willebrand factor. This anti-FVIII monoclonal antibody bound to a synthetic peptide, K E D F D I Y D E D E, equivalent to FVIII amino acid residues 1674 through 1684. The 60-B antibody did not react with a peptide in which the aspartic acid residue at 1681 (underlined) was changed to a glycine, which is the amino acid present at this position in porcine FVIII. Gel electrophoretic analysis of thrombin cleavage patterns of human FVIII showed that the 60-B antibody prevented thrombin cleavage at light chain residue 1689. The coagulant inhibitory activity of the 60-B antibody may be due, in part, to the prevention of thrombin activation of FVIII light chain.  相似文献   

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