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The organization of the facial nucleus was studied in the opossum by localizing neurons which stin poorly for acetylcholinesterase activity following transection of identified facial rami. The caudal auricular representation is limited to the ventromedial extreme of the nucleus, whereas the neurons contributing to the cervical ramus are situated dorsally and medially. The zygomatic representation extends throughout the intermediate portion of the nucleus, apparently overlapping with that of the palpebral and rostral auricular muscles which is limited to the ventral extreme of the intermediate zone. The buccolabial area is particularly large in the opossum and encompasses most of the lateral facial enlargement. Midbrain-facial projections were identified from the superior colliculus, the midbrain tegmentum (particularly caudal ventromedial areas) and the red nucleus. The location of terminal degeneration in the facial nucleus following lesions within each of these areas was plotted and interpreted in light of facial organization. Of particular note is the fact that the fibers of rubral origin distribute preferentially to the zygomatic and, to some extent, buccolabial areas, whereas the ventromedial tegmental system distributes most strongly to the areas of caudal auricular, cervical, palpebral and rostral auricualar representation. The medial and intermediate regions of the facial nucleus receive a denser midbrain projection than does the lateral (buccolabial) area. In contrast, evidence was obtained for an extensive facial projection from the parvocellular reticular formation and the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus which strongly favors the buccolabial enlargement. The possibility exists that the medial pontine and medullary reticular formation as well as portions of the dorsal column nuclei also have a facial projection. Spino-facial fibers arise rostral to the cervical enlargement and show a predilection for the medial facial enlargement (cervical and caudal auricular areas). Although some systems distribute preferentially to specific areas of the facial nucleus, overlap is present suggesting considerable integration.  相似文献   

Taste buds in goldfish and other cyprinids are found not only within the oropharyngeal cavity but also scattered over the external body surface. The external taste buds are innervated by branches of the facial nerve that terminate centrally in an enlargement of the medulla termed the facial lobe. The peripheral distribution and areas of innervation of the rami of the facial sensory nerve were determined by using a modification of the Sihler technique and by examination of a Bodian-stained head series. The central projections of individual rami of the facial sensory nerve were traced by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Fibers of the facial sensory nerve distribute over the head and trunk via nine rami. The supraorbital ramus distributes fibers to taste buds above the eye. The palatine, maxillary, and mandibular rami innervate taste buds of the rostral palate, upper lip, and lower lip, respectively. The three rami of the hyomandibular trunk innervate taste buds on the operculum, branchiostegal rays, and in the lower cheek region. A facial recurrent ramus was also found that distributes fibers to taste buds on the trunk and pectoral fin via two rami, the lateral recurrent ramus and pectoral recurrent ramus. The facial sensory rami map somatotopically on the facial lobe. Overall, the projections follow an anteroposterior orientation with the long axis of the body tilted slightly ventrally. The lips and rostral palate make up a disproportionately large portion of the map, taking up nearly the entire ventral extent of the lobe. The trunk and pectoral fin regions map broadly across the dorsal portion of the lobe. Further, projections to the nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract were observed with labeling of the supraorbital, maxillary, and mandibular rami, and the rami of the hyomandibular trunk. Projections to the facial motor nucleus were also observed with labeling of maxillary and mandibular rami, perhaps indicating a monosynaptic reflex are. These projections have not been reported in previous studies on the teleostean facial taste system.  相似文献   

It has been proposed (see Berntson and Micco for review) that circuits intrinsic to the midbrain play an important role in the elaboration and control of behaviors involving the motor nuclei of the trigeminal, facial and hypoglossal nerves (e.g. defense, threat, attack); but because of technical problems, it has been difficult to analyze their organization. Using the horseradish peroxidase technique we have localized those midbrain neurons which project to each of the above nuclei and by using the autoradiographic method we have plotted the intranuclear distribution of their axons. Using both techniques, we have seen that mesencephalic projections to oral-facial motor nuclei strongly favor the nucleus of the facial nerve. Cells ventral to the cerebral aqueduct, including the ventral periaqueductal gray, the interstitial nucleus of Cajal, the nucleus of Darkshchewitsch and the rostral oculomotor nucleus provide major midbrain-facial projections in the opossum. Their axons terminate densely and bilaterally within areas innervating auricular muscles and to a lesser extent, the platysma sheet. The projection to the caudal auricular area of the facial complex is particularly dense. Neurons within and dorsal to the red nucleus project to regions of the contralateral facial nucleus reported to supply buccolabial, zygomatic and cervical musculature. There is also a minor tectal projection to the facial nucleus. Direct projections to the hypoglossal nuclei also arise within the periaqueductal gray and interstitial nucleus, but if such regions influence the motor trigeminal nucleus, it is mainly by way of dendrites that extend outside the nucleus or by at least one synaptic delay. The mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, however, projects strongly to the motor trigeminal nucleus. These data are discussed in light of their possible functional significance.  相似文献   

The horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic techniques have been used to determine the origin and intranuclear termination of brainstem axons projecting to the facial nucleus of the opossum and to define networks which could be utilized in some oral-facial behaviors. Two regions of the midbrain have dense projections to the facial nucleus. One region is the ventral periaqueductal gray and adjacent interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus which project bilaterally to those areas of the facial nucleus supplying auricular and cervical musculature. A second is the paralemniscal zone of the caudolateral midbrain which innervates the same areas of the contralateral facial nucleus. The red nucleus and/or the adjacent tegmentum send a less dense projection to those regions of the contralateral facial nucleus which innervate buccolabial and zygomatic muscles. The dorsolateral pons (the parabrachial complex, the nucleus locus coeruleus, pars alpha, and the nucleus sensorius n. trigemini, pars dorsalis) projects densely to those areas of the ipsilateral facial nucleus which innervate buccolabial and zygomatic musculature. In contrast, the nucleus reticularis pontis, pars ventralis, projects bilaterally to parts of the facial nucleus supplying auricular and cervical muscles. There was evidence of some rostral to caudal organization in the latter projection. Neurons in medial parts of the lateral reticular formation project bilaterally to the facial nucleus. Those within the nucleus reticularis parvocellularis and the rostral nucleus reticularis medullae oblongatae ventralis innervate areas supplying buccolabial and zygomatic muscles. Neurons in the nucleus reticularis medullae oblongatae ventralis located caudal to the obex favor regions of the facial nuclei which supply auricular and cervical muscles. Neurons in the nucleus reticularis medullae oblongatae dorsalis and lamina V of the medullary and spinal dorsal horns project ipsilaterally to the facial nucleus in a manner suggesting that information from specific cutaneous areas reaches neurons supplying the muscles deep to them. The brainstem-facial connections are discussed in relation to the functionally diverse roles served by the facial nucleus in oral-facial behavior.  相似文献   

The goldfish posterior lateral line nerve consists of a dorsal and a ventral branch, each of which is associated with a ramus of the sensory branch of the VII th nerve (ramus recurrens facialis). The afferent and efferent pathways of these nerves within the central nervous system were studied by using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemistry. The afferent fibers of the ramus recurrens facialis travel in the ventral portion of the VIIth nerve as it enters the brain and project predominantly to the ipsilateral half of the facial lobe. The afferent fibers of either the dorsal or ventral branch of the posterior lateral line nerve split into two bundles as they enter the brain. The caudally projectingfascicle terminates predominantly in thenucleusmedialis. The fibers of the rostrally projecting bundle terminate predominantly in nucleus medialis and nucleus magnocellularis and in the eminentia granularis. The posterior lateral line efferent somata were located in the diencephalon as well as in the medulla oblongata. The medullary efferent neurons formed two distinct groups, a rostral and a caudal nucleus. The cell bodies of the latter were more numerous and larger than those of the former. The axons of the efferent neurons exit from the brain by one of two routes. The first is at the level of the rostral efferent nucleus and the second at the level of the Mauthner cell. Previous reports have described input of posterior lateral line afferent fibers to the Mauthner cell soma and proximal lateral dendrite of the goldfish. This electrophysiological input was bilateral and was interpreted as monosynaptic. The afferent input described in this study was ipsilateral and ended in the vicinity of the distal lateral dendrite. These differences are discussed in the context of the neuronal circuitry that may be present.  相似文献   

The anterior dorsal fin in rocklings consists of a fringe of 50-80 delicate, vibratile rays, which are densely beset with epidermal chemosensory cells. The innervation of these cells is from the dorsal branch of the recurrent facial nerve, which also innervates all other fins and the skin of the trunk. This nerve carries at least three classes of fibres: small (0.5-1.5 micron in diameter), medium (1.5-4 micron), and large (greater than 4 micron). Approximately 12,000 small and weakly myelinated nerve fibres from the recurrent facial nerve innervate the anterior dorsal fin organ. Application of HRP at different locations of the recurrent facial nerve labelled three different sizes of sensory perikarya within the geniculate ganglion--small (6-15 micron in diameter), medium (18-24 micron), and large (greater than 25 micron)--which corresponds to the different size classes of fibres present within the nerve. Retrograde transganglionic transport of HRP revealed somatotopy within the brainstem facial lobe: the delicate nerve fibres innervating the chemosensory anterior dorsal fin terminate exclusively in a distinct, dorsal portion of the facial lobe. Fibres innervating the posterior dorsal fin, the anal and caudal fins, as well as the skin of the trunk terminate within caudal and dorsal areas of the ventral facial lobe; pectoral and pelvic fins are represented in the ventral and caudal portions of the ventral facial lobe. Innervation by a distinct type of fibre and exclusive representation within a distinct, dorsal part of the facial lobe may indicate a peculiar biological role in the anterior dorsal fin chemosensory organ in the rocklings.  相似文献   

In the rockling, Ciliata mustela (Teleostei), a portion of the dorsal fin is a specialized chemosensory organ possessing solitary chemoreceptor cells innervated by a recurrent branch of the facial nerve. Previous studies have demonstrated that the specialized solitary chemoreceptor cell system is represented in the dorsal segment of the medullary facial lobe (DFL), whereas the taste buds in the remainder of the facial-nerve-innervated skin are represented in the ventral division of the lobe (VFL). The carbocyanine dye DiI was used to investigate the secondary and higher order brain connections of these two distinct subdivisions of the facial lobe. Both segments of the facial lobe sent fibers into the contralateral DFL via a dorsocaudal facial commissure and to the contralateral vagal lobes and VFL via fibers arching ventrally through the reticular formation. Ascending fibers from both facial lobe segments were traced into the secondary gustatory nucleus and into the lateral superficial facial nucleus, a small area in the dorsolateral brainstem laterally adjacent to the nucleus medialis of the octavolateral complex. Additionally, the VFL had reciprocal connections with a newly described nucleus adjacent to the incoming facial nerve root. Both DFL and VFL had descending fibers reaching two portions of the funicular nuclear complex, although the VFL contribution to this area is far more extensive than the DFL input. Thus, substantial overlap exists in the connections of the two facial subsystems; i.e., the solitary chemoreceptor information is not processed in nuclei distinct from those making up the usual gustatory lemniscus. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of cerebellar corticonuclear and corticovestibular fibers from the anterior lobe of the North American opossum, Didelphis virginiana, was studied using the Fink and Heimer (1967) technique. Corticonuclear fibers from medial areas of anterior lobe project into the medial cerebellar nucleus (NM) in a topographically organized manner. Fibers from lobules II and III enter rostral and rostrodorsal NM, while those from lobules IV and V terminate in progressively more caudal parts of the nucleus. Collectively the terminal fields in NM for axons from lobules II–V occupy about the rostral two–thirds of the nucleus. Those areas of lobules II-V of opossum that project into NM presumably correspond to zone A of cat and primate. Cerebellar corticovestibular fibers originate from cortex located immediately lateral to areas projecting to NM. The predominance of corticovestibular projections into the lateral vestibular nucleus suggests the presence of a B zone and identifies its points of interface with the A zone. The results further suggest that zones A and B overlap at their respective margins. In contrast to other mammals studied to date, zones A and B of opossum anterior lobe are comparatively wide. Corticonuclear fibers to anterior and posterior interposed nuclei and to the lateral cerebellar nucleus (NL) originate from relatively narrow lateral portions of anterior lobe. These results also suggest that the intermediate cortex of opossum anterior lobe is not clearly divisible into individual zones C1, C2 or C3. The cortical area that innervates NL is very narrow and presumably corresponds to zone D of other forms.  相似文献   

Glyoxylic acid-paraformaldehyde-induced histofluorescence was used to determine locations of catecholamine-containing neurons in the brain stem of Tupaia. Fluorescent cells in the medulla were located ventrolaterally in association with the lateral reticular nucleus; another group was found dorsolateral to the hypoglossal nucleus and extended laterally toward the solitary nucleus. In the pons, fluorescent cells were found in locus coeruleus, subcoeruleus and in association with the superior olivary nucleus. At caudal midbrain levels, catecholamine neurons were seen within the reticular formation and in association with the dorsal raphe nucleus, while more rostrally fluorescent neurons were located in substantia nigra, ventrla tegmental area, among root fibers of the oculomotor nerve and in periaqueductal gray. The locations of catecholamine-containing neurons in tree shrew conform to the general mammalian pattern. Additionally, tree shrew has catecholamine neurons in the rostral mesencephalic periaqueductal gray as described in rat, opossum, rabbit and some primate; catecholamine neurons are also associated with the dorsal raphe nucleus in Tupaia, a finding previously reported only in primates.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A major reason for the poor functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury is the outgrowth of supernumerary axonal branches at the lesion site. Projecting within several nerve fascicles, the branches of one axon often re-innervate synchronously muscles with antagonis-tic functions and impair any coordinated activity. We hypothetized that accelerated axonal elongation through extracellular matrix proteins fos-tering neurite outgrowth might reduce axonal branching and improve recovery of function. METHODS: In a control group of rats, ramus zygomaticus, ramus buccalis, and ramus marginalis mandibulae of the facial nerve were transected and the stumps labeled with DiI, Fluoro-Gold (FG), and Fast Blue (FB). RESULTS: Neuron counts showed that the zygomatic ramus contained axons of 204 +/- 88 DiI-labeled motoneurons in the dorsal facial subnu-cleus. No perikarya were labeled by 2 or 3 tracers. After transection and suture of the facial nerve trunk, the zygomatic ramus contained axons of 328 +/- 50 motoneurons dispersed throughout the whole facial nucleus. The occurrence of double-labeled (DiI+FG and DiI+FB) motoneu-rons showed that about 30 % of all axons in the zygomatic ramus had a twin branch projecting within the buccal and/or mandibular ramus. CONCLUSIONS: Entubulation of transected facial nerve in a silicone tube containing phosphate buffered saline, collagen type I, laminin, fibronectin, or tenascin did not reduce the portion of double-labeled motoneurons. We conclude that (i) axonal branching follows a rather con-stant pattern regardless of changes in the local microenvironment; (ii) despite their known effect to support neurite outgrowth, all tested extra-cellular matrix proteins do not suppress axonal branching in the rat facial nerve model.  相似文献   

Cochlear root neurons (CRNs) are involved in the acoustic startle reflex, which is widely used in behavioral models of sensorimotor integration. A short-latency component of this reflex, the auricular reflex, promotes pinna movements in response to unexpected loud sounds. However, the pathway involved in the auricular component of the startle reflex is not well understood. We hypothesized that the auricular reflex is mediated by direct and indirect inputs from CRNs to the motoneurons responsible for pinna movement, which are located in the medial subnucleus of the facial motor nucleus (Mot7). To assess whether there is a direct connection between CRNs and auricular motoneurons in the rat, two neuronal tracers were used in conjunction: biotinylated dextran amine, which was injected into the cochlear nerve root, and Fluoro-Gold, which was injected into the levator auris longus muscle. Under light microscopy, close appositions were observed between axon terminals of CRNs and auricular motoneurons. The presence of direct synaptic contact was confirmed at the ultrastructural level. To confirm the indirect connection, biotinylated dextran amine was injected into the auditory-responsive portion of the caudal pontine reticular nucleus, which receives direct input from CRNs. The results confirm that the caudal pontine reticular nucleus also targets the Mot7 and that its terminals are concentrated in the medial subnucleus. Therefore, it is likely that CRNs innervate auricular motoneurons both directly and indirectly, suggesting that these connections participate in the rapid auricular reflex that accompanies the acoustic startle reflex.  相似文献   

The primary gustatory sensory nuclei in catfish are grossly divisible into a vagal lobe and a facial lobe. In this study, the reflex connections of each gustatory lobe were determined with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing methods. In addition, in order to determine the loci and morphology of the other brainstem cranial nerve nuclei, HRP was applied to the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, or vagus nerve. The sensory fibers of the facial nerve terminate in the facial lobe. The facial lobe projects bilaterally to the posterior thalamic nucleus, superior secondary gustatory nucleus, and medial reticular formation of the rostral medulla. The facial lobe has reciprocal connections with the n. lobobulbaris, medial reticular formation of the rostral medulla, descending trigeminal nucleus, medial and lateral funicular nuclei, and the vagal lobe, ipsilaterally; and with the facial lobe contralaterally. In addition, the facial lobe receives inputs from the raphe nuclei, from a pretectal nucleus, and from perilemniscal neurons located immediately adjacent to the ascending gustatory lemniscal tract at the level of the trigeminal motor nucleus. The gustatory fibers of the vagus nerve terminate in the vagal lobe, while the general visceral sensory fibers terminate in a distinct general visceral nucleus. The vagal lobe projects ipsilaterally to the superior secondary gustatory nucleus, lateral reticular formation, and n. ambiguus; and bilaterally to the commissural nucleus of Cajal. The vagal lobe has reciprocal connections with the ipsilateral lobobulbar nucleus and facial lobe. In addition, the vagal lobe receives input from neurons of the medullary reticular formation and perilemniscal neurons of the pontine tegmentum. In summary, the facial gustatory system has connections consonant with its role as an exteroceptive system which works in correlation with trigeminal and spinal afferent systems. In contrast, the vagal gustatory system has connections (e.g., with the n. ambiguus) more appropriate to a system involved in control of swallowing. These differences in central connectivity mirror the reports on behavioral dissociation of the facial and vagal gustatory systems.  相似文献   

The central projections of the ramus mandibularis were examined in the Japanese sea catfish, Plotosus anguillaris by using the technique of transganglionic tracing with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). This ramus receives fibers from both the trigeminal and facial nerves and supplies primarily the two mandibular barbels. Two pathways for a direct trigeminal projection to the facial lobe (FL) were found: one from the main descending root of the Vth nerve (MRDV) to the medial portion of the FL, approximately midway between the rostro-caudal axis of the FL and a second, from deep RDV to the intermediate nucleus (NIF), beneath the medial lobule of the FL. The facial fibers project exclusively onto the medial portion of the FL and the NIF. The results show that fibers of these two cranial sensory nerves supplying the mandibular barbels converge centrally on the medial portion of the FL, indicating that the FL of the Japanese sea catfish is a highly differentiated center for both gustation and somatosensation.  相似文献   

The central connections of the lateral line nerve ganglia, the eithth nerve ganglia and the fused fifth-seventh ganglion of Ganathonemus petersii have been studied with silver degeneration techniques. The anterior (NLLa) and posterior (NLLp) lateral line nerves have a topographically organised projection upon the posterior lateral line lobe. NLLa, representing the head region, distributes to the rostral half of the posterior lobe, while NLLp, representing the trunk, distributes to the caudal half of the posterior lobe. The lateral line nerves also end in the anterior nucleus of the anterior lobe. There is some overlap within the middle third of the anterior nucleus, although NLLp tends to have a more caudal distribution than NLLa. N VIII terminates within n. tangentialis and n. octavius; there appears to be little or no overlap between VIII and lateral line nerve territories. The V–VIIth ganglion projects to entirely different parts of the brainstem. Terminal areas of V–VII are the sensory nucleus of the vagus, the nucleus of the descending trigeminus, and the funicular nuclei.  相似文献   

The central projections of the trigeminal, facial and anterior lateral line nerves were studied in the carp (Cyprinus carpio) by the Nauta and Fink-Heimer silver techniques following rhizotomy. Degenerating trigeminal fibers were found projecting on the nucleus of the descending trigeminal root and on the medial funicular nucleus. The former can be subdivided in five portions lying dorsal to the various cranial motor nuclei. The afferent facial fibers could be traced into the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagal lobes, while the anterior lateral line nerve projects on rostral, medial and caudal parts of the medial nucleus and on the eminetia granularis. The anterior lateral line nerve can be divided into a dorsal and a ventral root, each following the same course. The role trigeminal and facial nerves play in proprioception of respiratory muscles is discussed.  相似文献   

Using the horseradish peroxidase technique on the North American opossum, we were able to locate the neurons within the dorsal column and lateral cuneate nuclei which innervate the cerebellum and thalamus as well as those within the dorsal column nuclei which project spinalward. The medial and lateral cuneate nuclei supply axons to the anterior lobe, the paramedian lobule and the pyramis of the cerebellum and the lateral nucleus provides an additional projection to the uvula. The cerebellar projections from these nuclei arise from neurons located rostral to the obex. The thalamic projections from the gracile and medial cuneate nuclei originate from neurons throughout their rostral to caudal extent, although most of them are located just rostral to the obex. Neurons within the lateral cuneate nucleus which innervate the thalamus are found at intermediate rostrocaudal levels where most of them approximate the medial cuneate nucleus. The medial cuneate also projects to at least lumbar levels of the spinal cord in the opossum and neurons giving rise to such connections are found at the level of the obex and caudal to it. Neurons within the dorsal part of the dorsal column nuclei were labelled only after thalamic injections. Our results in the opossum are compared with those obtained in several placental mammals.  相似文献   

Rhythmical whisking of the mystacial vibrissae at about 7 Hz during exploration is one of the most conspicuous behavioral patterns in the rat. To identify the final common pathway for vibrissal movement, individual motor branches of the facial nerve, including the posterior auricular, temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, cervical, stylohyoid, and posterior digastric branches, were cut, either singly or in various combinations. We found that vibrissal movement could be abolished only by transection involving the buccal branch and the upper division of the marginal mandibular branch. To trace back the central origins of the buccal and marginal mandibular, as well as the other branches of the facial nerve, all distal to the stylomastoid foramen, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was applied to the cut proximal ends of these individual branches. The retrograde HRP labelling in the facial motor nucleus revealed topographical representation of these branches in which the buccal and marginal mandibular branches were represented laterally. The stylohyoid and posterior digastric branches originated from cells in the suprafacial nucleus. Consistent with earlier observations with intramuscular HRP injections, the motoneuronal population devoted to vibrissal movement did not seem to be substantially larger than that for other facial movements. An additional examination was made of the labelled afferent component of the facial motor nerve. We confirmed and extended previous findings that none of the above facial motor nerve branches, except the posterior auricular branch, contained a significant number of afferent fibers originating from the geniculate ganglion, the sensory ganglion of the seventh nerve. In addition, no labelling was seen in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus or trigeminal ganglion. These findings, in combination, suggest that, with the exception of the posterior auricular branch, all the facial motor nerve branches, including those involved in vibrissal movement, are almost entirely efferent.  相似文献   

Neurons of the superior salivary nucleus in rats have been labeled by retrograde transport of HRP injected into the lingual nerve. The nucleus is formed by a band of small, multipolar cells diagonally oriented in the lateral reticular formation of the caudal pons, just caudal to the root of the facial nerve. As time for transport of HRP was increased from 14 to 24 hr, the number of labeled cells increased exponentially along the curve, Y = 0.001 exp(0.51T), r = 0.995, to a maximum of 272 cells. Stimulating neuronal activity immediately after HRP injection, by swabbing the rat's mouth with 1% acetic acid, increased the number of labeled cells at 14 , 16, 18 and 20 (p < 0.01) hr transport time. Counts of labeled cells in stimulated animals fell along a cumulative, normal distribution curve (ogive) with a mean at 18.2 hrs, S.D. 1.6 hr. Enhanced labeling of activated cells could be due to more rapid transport rates or to increased amounts of HRP transported.  相似文献   

Efferent tectal pathways have been determined for the opossum, Didelphis virginiana, by employing the Nauta-Gygax technique ('54) on animals with tectal lesions of varying sizes. The superior colliculus projected tectothalamic fascicles to the suprageniculate nucleus, the central nucleus of the medial geniculate body, the lateral posterior thalamus, the pretectal nucleus, the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the fields of Forel and zona incerta, the parafascicular complex, the paracentral thalamic nucleus and in some cases to restricted areas of the anterior thalamus. Degenerating fibers from superior collicular lesions showed profuse distribution to the deeper layers of the superior colliculus on both sides and to the midbrain tegmentum, but only minimally to the red nucleus and substantia nigra. Fibers of tectal origin did not distribute to the motor nuclei of the oculomotor or trochlear nerves. At pontine levels, efferent fascicles from the superior colliculus were present as an ipsilateral tectopontine and tectobulbar tract and as a crossed predorsal bundle. The tectopontine tract ended mostly within the lateral and ventral basal pontine nuclei, whereas the ipsilateral tectobulbar tract distributed to certain specific areas of the reticular formation throughout the pons and medulla, minimally to the most medial portion of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve and to the nucleus of the inferior olive. The predorsal tract contributed fascicles to certain nuclei of the pontine raphe, extensively to the medial reticular formation of the pons, to the central and ventral motor tegmental nuclei of the reticular formation within the pons and medulla, to the paraabducens region, minimally to cells within restricted portions of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve, to certail specific regions of the caudal medulla and to the cervical cord as far caudally as the fourth segment. The tectospinal fascicles were few but some ended related to the spinal accessory nucleus and the ventral medial nucleus of the ventral horn. Lesions of the inferior colliculus resulted in degenerating fibers which distributed rostrally to the rostral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus and parabrachial region, to the suprageniculate nucleus, the parabigeminal nucleus and to the central nucleus of the medial geniculate body. The inferior colliculus also contributed fibers to the ipsilateral tectopontine and tectobulbar tracts. The latter bundle was traced as far caudally as the medulla and may arise from cells of the superior colliculus which are situated dorsal to the nucleus of the inferior colliculus.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was applied to the submandibular ganglion of the rabbit to determine the locus of the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the medulla. Labeled cells were recognized in the ipsilateral bulbar reticular formation at the level between the caudal end of the facial genu and the caudal part of the root of the facial nerve. The size of the labeled cells were distributed from 150 to 1150 μm2 with a variety of forms such as spindle shape, triangular, and polygonal. Moreover, these cells of different sizes and forms were evenly scattered in the superior salivatory nucleus. To evaluate the physiologic functions of the bulbar salivatory nucleus, electrical stimulation was applied to the medulla, and salivary secretion and thermal change of the submandibular gland were measured simultaneously after bilateral cervical sympathectomy. A very good parallelism between the volume of salivary secretion and the magnitude of temperature change at each stimulating point suggests that secretory and vasodilator cells are intermingled with each other in the salivatory nucleus.  相似文献   

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