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The results of this investigation indicate that the range of selenium intakes of the preschool children who were studied was in the acceptable range of adequate and safe as suggested by the Food and Nutrition Board. The majority of the selenium in the diets of the subjects came from grains. Although the amount of selenium consumed was within normal limits, the concentration in the diet was estimated to be 70% of the expected value for mixed diets, i.e., 0.1 microgram/gm.  相似文献   



Dietary intake of tin has seldom been studied in children although they probably have a high intake. This study was initiated to investigate dietary tin intake (Sn-D) of children in Japan.


In this study, 24-h food duplicate samples were collected from 296 preschool children in Miyagi prefecture, Japan. Sn in the samples were analyzed by inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry, after homogenization and wet digestion.


Sn-D by the children was low, with 4.2 μg/day as a median. The distribution was however wide, from 0.4 μg/day up to >3 μg/day. Canned foods were the major dietary Sn source, whereas rice contributed essentially little. Sn-D among canned food consumers was 30.2 μg/day as a geometric mean (10.6 μg/day as a median), whereas Sn-D among the non-consumers of canned foods was distributed log-normally, with 3.3 μg/day as a geometric mean (2.5 μg/day as a median). Sn levels in urine did not differ between children who consumed canned foods on the day previous to urine collection and those who did not. The Sn-D was far below the provisional tolerable weekly intake (14 mg/kg body weight/week) set by the 2001 Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee. Nevertheless, children took more Sn than adults when compared on a body-weight basis.


Canned foods were the major source of dietary Sn intake for preschool children studied. Thus, median Sn-D was higher for the canned food consumers (10.6 μg/day) than for non-consumers of canned foods (2.5 μg/day). Sn-D by canned food-consuming children was, however, substantially lower than the provisional tolerable weekly intake. No difference was detected in Sn levels in urine between canned food-consuming and non-consuming children.  相似文献   

Dietary intake of lead among Japanese farmers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
More than 1,000 24-h duplicates of food consumed were collected from farmers in 49 nonpolluted regions in Japan during the winter and summer seasons of 1977-1981. The samples were analyzed for lead to assess dietary intake. The dietary intake distributed log-normally in both winter and summer. The geometric mean (GM) (geometric standard deviation [GSD]) for winter samples was 38.2 micrograms/d (1.94) for males (N = 381) and 32.8 micrograms/d (1.91) for females (N = 711). A seasonal variation was detected in females but not in males. The findings on regional differences in dietary intake were inconclusive. The levels observed were lower than most values reported in the literature. The low dietary intake levels were in agreement with the low blood lead levels found among the subjects, which may reflect of Japan's decision in 1975 to withdraw alkyl lead from automobile gasoline. No significant correlation could be established between dietary intake and blood lead levels when GMs for the study regions were compared, or when dietary intake and blood lead levels were compared in 555 nonsmoking and nondrinking females who were between 30 and 59 y of age. It is estimated that 2-4 micrograms of lead is absorbed daily from the diet (i.e., food and water), and 0.1-1 micrograms is absorbed via respiration, and that cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption may increase lead absorption.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess and compare dietary intake and nutritional status of vegetarian and omnivorous preschool children and their parents. Fifty-six omnivores (28 children and 28 parents) and 42 vegetarians (21 preschool children with 18 lacto-ovo-vegetarians and 3 ovo-vegetarians; 21 parents with 16 lacto-ovo-vegetarians, 2 ovo-vegetarians, 1 lacto-vegetarian, and 2 vegans) were recruited. Anthropometric measurements were taken; body mass index and weight-for-height index (WHI) were calculated. Nutrient intake was recorded using 3-day dietary records. Fasting venous blood samples were obtained to estimate hematologic and vitamin status parameters. Height, weight, body mass index, WHI, and triceps skinfold thickness value differences between omnivores and vegetarians in both parent and child groups were not found. Both omnivorous parents and their children had significantly higher fat and lower fiber intakes than vegetarian parents and children. Omnivorous children had significantly higher protein and lower vitamin C intakes than vegetarian children, whereas omnivorous parents had significantly lower vitamin A and iron intakes than vegetarian parents. Vegetarians and omnivores in both parent and child groups had mean calcium consumption less than 75% of the Taiwan dietary intakes. All mean hematologic and biochemical nutrient status indices were within the reference range in any groups. However, both vegetarian parents and children had significantly lower mean total cholesterol and serum ferritin concentrations than those of omnivorous parents and children. Our vegetarian and omnivorous preschool children had normal growth and adequate nutritional status. However, both parents and children had inadequate calcium intakes, which may potentially affect bone health, especially for preschool children in the growing stage.  相似文献   

The dietary lead intake was studied among children and adults from Germany. Two different age groups of children (A: 1.8, 1.3 – 3.0 years, B: 3.8, 1.8 – 5.2 years) and one group of adults (D: 40.9, 24 – 64 years) were from the highly industrialized Ruhr district and one group of children from the North Sea island Amrum (C: 3.9, 1.5 – 5.3 years). A total of 229 duplicate food portions were collected from 49 individuals between December 1994 and May 1995. Sampling period for each participant was either 3 (groups B and D) or 7 days (groups A and C). Lead levels in duplicate samples were measured by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The lead intakes (median, range) for the different groups were as follows: Group A: 0.21 (0.05 – 1.5) μg/(kg bwday), group B: 0.68 (0.06 – 1.6) μg/(kg bwday), group C: 0.29 (0.04 – 1.6) μg/(kg bwday) and group D: 0.26 (0.07 – 0.83) μg/(kg bwday). No value exceeded the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) of 25 μg/(kg bwweek) proposed by the WHO. The median and maximum of the different groups amounted to 7.2 – 16% and 16 – 36% of the PTWI, respectively. It is concluded that health risks due to dietary lead intake seem to be low in Germany.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Interpreting associations between lead exposure and child behavior problems is difficult because studies have not controlled for sociodemographic confounders or have used shed teeth to mark exposure. This study explored associations between blood lead and preschool behavior. METHODS: Children from a smelter town and a non-lead-exposed town in Yugoslavia were followed up prospectively from pregnancy through age 3. The Child Behavior Checklist was used to assess behavior problems in 379 3-year-olds, controlling for sociodemographic factors and difficult infant temperament. RESULTS: Multiple regression revealed the expected significant associations between checklist subscales and sociodemographic factors, which explained 7% to 18% of the variance on the subscales. Concurrent blood lead explained a significant 1% to 4% of the variance on the Destructive and Withdrawn subscales. Earlier difficult temperament explained an additional 2% to 5% of the checklist variance. Scores on the Destructive subscale were consistently associated with blood lead. As blood lead increased from 10 to 20 micrograms/dL, subscale scores increased by approximately 0.5 points. CONCLUSIONS: Lead/behavior associations are significant but small compared with the effects of social factors.  相似文献   

Access to food and the amount consumed were investigated within a group of 45 children aged 33 to 60 months, among whom growth stunting was common. Children were observed throughout 1 day; all foods offered and consumed were weighed, and food-related behaviors noted. Children ate frequently, at least 2 meals and an average of 7.4 +/- 2.6 snacks daily. Children had access to 2029 +/- 575 kcal (8493 +/- 2407 kJ) yet only consumed 1528 +/- 343 kcal (6396 +/- 1436 kJ) daily; thus food availability was not restricting intake. A higher proportion of snacks than meals (85 per cent vs. 71 per cent) was consumed. Children requested foods frequently (x = 9.2 +/- 4.3) and 76 per cent of requests were fulfilled. Neither amount of accessible food nor amount consumed differed by age, gender, or socioeconomic status. The importance of the child's role in determining food intake, and of snacking to overall food consumption, was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to analyze the diets of preschool children going to infant schools (IS) in Cheboksary and to evaluate their provision with calcium and phosphorus. For this, the authors developed the serum content of calcium and phosphorus, the indices of children's physical development, the levels of macro- and micronutrients, and calorie content by the calculation method and chemical analytical method and quantities of calcium and phosphorus in the IS food allowances. Our studies using the calculation and chemical analytical methods revealed differences in the content of macroelements. In the children being examined, the serum levels of calcium complied with the normal values; 59% of the children were found to have mild hypophospathemia attributable to inadequate phosphorus amount in the diet. The study showed it necessary to correct the quantities of calcium and phosphorus in the children's diets.  相似文献   

铅对儿童骨代谢的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
【目的】 通过对山西省某铅污染较重矿区儿童血铅水平及骨代谢生化指标的测定 ,探讨血铅对儿童骨代谢的影响。 【方法】 整群抽取 5~ 6岁儿童 12 0名 ,应用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定血铅值 ;通过酶联免疫法(ELISA)检测本组儿童血清骨钙素 (OC)、骨碱性磷酸酶 (BALP)及 2 5 (OH)D3 水平。 【结果】 随着血铅水平的增高 ,该组儿童的血清OC和 2 5 (OH)D3 水平呈下降趋势 ,而BALP呈上升趋势。其中Ⅲ级铅中毒儿童血清OC较Ⅰ级铅中毒儿童显著下降 (P <0 .0 1) ,而血清BALP显著增高 (P <0 .0 1) ,且Ⅱ级铅中毒儿童血清BALP较Ⅰ级铅中毒儿童已有显著增高改变 (P <0 .0 1)。另外 ,相关性分析表明本调查组儿童血铅水平与OC和 2 5 (OH )D3 呈负相关而与BALP呈正相关。 【结论】 铅中毒可抑制成骨细胞的活动 ,阻碍生长期儿童骨的正常矿化过程  相似文献   

本指南适用于2周岁以后至未满6周岁的学龄前儿童。学龄前儿童生长发育速率与婴幼儿相比略有下降,但仍处于较高水平,这个阶段的生长发育状况也直接关系到青少年和成人期发生肥胖的风险。经过7~24月龄期间膳食模式的过渡和转变,学龄前儿童摄入的食物种类和膳食结构已开始接近成人,是饮食行为和生活方式形成的关键时期。  相似文献   

李致平  成莉莉  姜婕 《中国校医》2002,16(4):309-309
开放改革 2 0年多来 ,在学校卫生专业工作者的指导下 ,学校给学生开展了丰富多样的卫生保健服务和健康教育等工作 ,而这些服务和教育的效果与需求如何 ,学生家长是较有发言权的。随着开放改革的深入 ,外来文化自然会渗透到每个角落 ,甚至国人自古讳莫如深的性问题 ,在学校中也普遍存在[1] 。为了解学生家长对新形势下学校提供的医疗卫生保健服务和健康教育的认可情况 ,我们开展了本调查 ,为制定学校卫生保健工作计划 ,积极有效地开展、完善或改进学校卫生保健和健康教育等工作 ,提供科学的依据。1 材料和方法在广州市区选择邻近大学的完全…  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to calculate the distribution of total iodine intake among Flemish preschoolers and to identify the major sources contributing to iodine intake. A simulation model using a combination of deterministic and probabilistic techniques was utilised. Scenario analyses were performed to assess iodine intake via dairy products, industrially added iodised salt in bread and discretionarily added iodised household salt. Relevant data from 3-d estimated dietary records of 696 preschoolers 2·5-6·5 years old were used. Usual iodine intakes were calculated using the Iowa State University method. With a more generalised utilisation of iodised salt in bread (44?% of the bakers in 2011 instead of 12?% in 2002), mean iodine intake increased from 159 to 164?μg/d using the McCance and Widdowson's food composition table and from 104 to 109?μg/d using the German food composition table. The percentage of preschoolers with an iodine intake below the estimated average requirement (65?μg/d) decreased from 5-12 to 4-9?%, while the percentage of preschoolers with an iodine intake above the tolerable upper intake level (300?μg/d) remained constant (0·3-4?%). Mean iodine intake via food supplements was 4·2?μg/d (total population) and 16·9?μg/d (consumers only). Both in 2002 and 2011, sugared dairy products, milk and iodised salt (21·4, 13·1, and 8·7?%, respectively in 2011) were the main contributors to total iodine intake. In conclusion, dietary iodine intake could still be improved in Flemish preschoolers. The use of adequately iodised household salt and the more generalised use of iodised salt by bakers should be further encouraged.  相似文献   

The duration of the period of time during which diet should be recorded for sufficiently accurate results on the usual intake of an individual is an especially challenging issue in prospective studies among children. We set out to describe nutrient intake variability in preschoolers and to determine the number of record days required (D) to estimate intake of energy and thirty-two nutrients. The diet and the use of dietary supplements were assessed with three consecutive daily food records including one weekend day in 1639 children participating in the population-based birth cohort of the Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention Project (DIPP) in Finland. Variance ratios and D stratified by sex and age groups were calculated for 455 (1-year-old), 471 (3-year-old) and 713 (6-year-old) children (born between 1998 and 2003). Within:between variance ratios and D increase with increasing age, and are slightly higher for girls. Vitamin A, cholesterol, n-3 and n-6 fatty acids, β-carotene and folate intakes require the most replicates. Including supplemental intake has an impact on the variance estimates according to the proportion of supplement users. In the DIPP Nutrition Study with 3?d food records, the correlation coefficients between observed and true intakes of energy and thirty-two nutrients averaged 0·91 in 1-year-old children, 0·79 in 3-year-old children and 0·74 in 6-year-old children. For providing accurate nutrient intake estimates, three replicates of food records are reasonable in 1-year-old children but must be questioned for several nutrients in 3- and 6-year-old children. The accuracy of ranking boys is greater than that for girls.  相似文献   

Dietary calcium intakes of urban children at risk of lead poisoning.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Dietary calcium is well known to decrease gastrointestinal lead absorption and thereby reduce the risk for lead poisoning. Because children in economically deprived urban centers are especially likely to have excessive lead exposure, we surveyed dietary calcium intakes of 314 children from the greater Newark, New Jersey, area. The areas of Newark and adjacent communities studied had been previously identified as containing significant sources of environmental lead by geographic information systems technology. An abbreviated National Cancer Institute Health Habits and History Questionnaire, modified to focus on foods high in calcium, was used to determine dietary calcium. Calcium intakes were then compared to the new Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) guidelines. The respondents were primarily the parents of African-American and Hispanic children ranging in age from 1 to 8 years, with a mean age of 3.5 years. The most recent blood lead concentration was 11.4 +/- 0.8 microg/dL (mean +/- standard error), and 48.6% had concentrations at or above the current guideline of 10 microg/dL. Quintiles of calcium intake were: 221 +/- 13; 488 +/- 9; 720 +/- 6; 885 +/- 6; and 1,389 +/- 49 mg/day. Fifty-five of 175 (31.4%) children aged 1-3 years had calcium intakes below the DRI, as did 82 of 139 (59.0%) children aged 4-8 years. The percentage of mothers reporting lactose intolerance in their children was 2.5%. The observation that the children in the highest quintile easily exceeded the DRIs for calcium suggests that urban parents who include dairy foods in their childrens' meals can provide a diet that meets the DRI guidelines. Children in the lowest quintiles are at risk of increased absorption of the environmental lead to which they are inevitably exposed, as well as other problems associated with a low intake of dietary calcium. The data suggest that both lead exposure and low dietary calcium continue to pose significant health risks to urban minority children.  相似文献   

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