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为加强全国妇幼卫生健康教育工作者之间的沟通与交流 ,帮助广大妇幼卫生健康教育工作者提高专业知识水平 ,中国健康教育杂志社、山西省卫生厅基妇处、山西省妇幼保健院将于2 0 0 3年 5月 1 9~ 2 9日在山西太原联合举办“全国妇幼卫生健康教育学术研讨会暨培训班”。现将具体事宜通知如下 :一、培训内容 :①健康教育基本理论 ;②传播学、心理学、美学在健康教育中的应用 ;③群体行为的干预模式与评价 ;④健康教育的管理 ;⑤妇幼保健健康教育 ;⑥降低出生缺陷的健康教育 ;⑦如何撰写健康教育论文及规范化要求。二、研讨内容 :①城镇社区妇幼…  相似文献   

目的探讨妇幼卫生工作对提高全民健康素养的重要性。方法分析妇幼卫生工作所具有的特殊重要意义,以及健康教育的目的、意义及作用;探讨我国的妇幼卫生工作中的健康素养教育。结果根据妇幼卫生工作性质所具有的特殊重要性,妇幼卫生工作中的健康素养教育应从育龄妇女抓起。由于我国的人口老龄化日趋加剧,国家出台了二孩政策,如何保障二孩政策产生的人口红利,是对我国妇幼卫生工作的最大考验,其中的健康教育工作就起到了保驾护航的重要作用。结论强烈呼吁从事健康教育的专家、学者行动起来,为我国妇幼卫生工作中的健康教育提供专业服务。同时与国际接轨,将国外成功的健康教育模式为我所用,推动我国妇幼卫生事业又好、又快的发展,为维护妇女儿童健康、家庭幸福和社会和谐做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

促进社区健康活动和社区健康教育是提高居民健康素养和健康水平的重要方法。和田市在两个试点开展社区居民健康教育和健康促进项目,为其他项目开展的相关内容、加强基层妇幼卫生人员的能力建设提供参考依据。现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

为掌握青海省"卫Ⅵ"项目县育龄妇女中的妇幼卫生保健知识、信念、行为,以确定"综合妇幼卫生"项目健康教育中需优先考虑的问题,并以此作为今后健康教育服务效果评价的基础,青海省妇幼保健院依照<青海省健康教育基线调查实施方案>,于1996年12月~1997年 1月对湟源、共和2县育龄妇女进行调查.现将结果分析如下.  相似文献   

为促进妇幼卫生项目健康教育工作的进一步开展,卫生部妇幼司、联合国儿童基金会、联合国人口基金会于1991年3月26日至30日在广西南宁市联合举办了中南六省区妇幼卫生项目健康教育材料制作讲习班。讲习班上,来自中南六省区妇幼保健院、儿童医院的健康教育专业人员22人就妇幼卫生健康教育材料制作进行了经验交流并作了  相似文献   

冯宁  金曦 《中国健康教育》2010,(6):472-474,483
我国妇女儿童的数量占全人口的2/3,妇女儿童的健康关系到人类社会发展的进程。联合国千年发展目标的目标4(减少儿童死亡)和目标5(改善产妇健康)均直接与妇女儿童的健康有关。降低孕产妇死亡率和5岁以下儿童死亡率、改善妇女儿童生活质量、提高其健康水平是妇幼卫生工作的主要任务。其中,以妇女、儿童、儿童家长为一级目标人群开展妇幼健康教育与妇幼卫生投入、妇幼保健服务共同构成妇幼卫生工作的三大要素。随着我国妇幼保健体系的建立,妇幼保健知识的科学化、系统化和专业化,健康教育作为重要的公共卫生策略,也成为妇幼卫生工作的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

健康教育材料制作是妇幼卫生项目工作中不可缺少的组成部分,在制作过程中有两个步骤应作重点强调,即调查分析与预试验。文章对健康教育材料制作模式进行了探索,改变了过去传统的经验式管理办法,走出了一条新路。  相似文献   

卫Ⅵ项目健康教育赴美考察报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
卫Ⅵ项目健康教育赴美考察报告卫Ⅵ项目健康教育赴美考察组根据卫Ⅵ项目计划安排,妇幼卫生健康教育考察团一行10人于1995年10月18日~10月31日,赴美国洛杉矶、华盛顿和波士顿进行访问,重点考察了马里兰州的妇幼卫生和健康教育情况。考察团由卫生部国外贷...  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,特别是改革开放以来,我国的卫生健康体系不断发展和完善,妇幼卫生健康工作作为发展最为迅速的领域之一,取得了举世瞩目的成就.文章分析了我国妇幼卫生健康工作经验在国际传播的重要意义,以及现阶段我国妇幼卫生健康工作领域具备的优势.通过"5W"模式理论框架对我国妇幼卫生健康工作经验在国际范围的传播进行分析,为我国...  相似文献   

云和县属贫困山区。为了缩小经济欠发达地区与全省妇幼卫生工作上的差距,浙江省妇女儿童工作委员会在2001年将丽水、衢州等地的16个县(市)启动了《母婴健康工程》项目,云和县被列入其中。我县为了促进项目的开展,做好妇幼卫生事业发展纲要,在县委、县政府的重视和正确领导下,近几年来积极开展多种形式的健康教育宣传活动,促进妇幼卫生事业发展,确保连续9年无孕产妇死亡,现将健康教育工作的形式探讨如下。  相似文献   

Health behavior models compared   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study compares the health belief, Fishbein/Ajzen, and PRECEDE models to predict changes in smoking, exercise, and consumption of sweet and fried foods over an eight-month interval. Data were collected from a panel of 326 adults in two large cities of the western United States. The PRECEDE model accounted for more variance in behavior than both the Fishbein/Ajzen and health belief models, but it required far more questions. Fishbein/Ajzen and PRECEDE provide a limited theoretical basis for selecting specific types of beliefs or predisposing factors without turning to the health belief model, making the health belief model complementary to either Fishbein/Ajzen or PRECEDE.  相似文献   

This study applied the PRECEDE model to investigate dietarypredisposing, enabling, reinforcing factors and dietary behavioramong Chinese-American college students with a community-basednutrition education program (Group 1), and those without theprogram (Group 2). A total of 218 students participated in thestudy. A PRECEDE instrument, including nutritional knowledge,perception of diet and health, dietary instruction, media influence,social support, and dietary behavior, was employed to collectpre- and post-test data. Students in Group 1 improved perceptionof diet and health, dietary instruction, social support, anddietary behavior significantly after joining the program. Althoughnot significant, students in Group 1 improved nutritional knowledgeand media influence after completing the program. These resultssuggest PRECEDE components are important in changing dietarybehavior.  相似文献   

健康促进在学校结核病控制中的成本效果分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 评价学校健康教育对控制大学结核病的成本效果。方法 以PRECEDE模式为基础,开展系列学校健康教育活动包括社区(学校行政领导、学生、家长)动员,直视下的全程经疗,大众传播,健康教育课,小组讨论,角色扮演,专家演讲,给经济困难的患病学生提供经济支持等为期4年的干预。结果 经过健康教育/健康促进,学生结核的病发病率下降,结核病发现率、预防服药及全程化疗率、关于结核病的知识率均明显上升。结论 健康  相似文献   

Early diagnosis and treatment are recognized strategies to reduce the long-term functional effects of chronic diseases, including psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Treatment may be delayed if youth, young adults and parents are not aware of the early signs and symptoms of psychosis, the need for early diagnosis and treatment and where and how to get help. This article describes the use of the PRECEDE component of PRECEDE-PROCEED model as a conceptual framework in the development of an early psychosis public education program's objectives designed to meet the learning needs of the target population (youth and young adults ages 15-30 years and their parents). The PRECEDE framework provided a strong conceptual model in the program's planning.  相似文献   

The studies reviewed in this paper suggest that each of themajor health education models (taxonomy of educational objectives,health belief model, theory of reasoned action and PRECEDE model)makes a contribution to explaining the effectiveness of AIDSeducation. The major finding is that information on its own,without modification of attitudes or perception of AIDS as apersonal concern that one can do something about, will haveno effect on knowledge or behavior. Knowledge about AIDS isgenerally unrelated to behavior without the modification ofattitudes and beliefs. The potential importance of perceivednorms and social supports for behavior change are also apparentin these data and are acknowledged as important predisposingand reinforcing factors. The importance of such factors (includingdrug and alcohol use) as situational determinants of behavior,despite the level of motivation and knowledge, is apparent.The critical importance of providing motivation (through personalizationof information) to activate information and behavior changeis also apparent. These aspects of the health education modelswould appear to be of considerable importance in designing healtheducation campaigns at this stage of the AIDS epidemic.  相似文献   

The authors outline the development and implementation of a public health education program for cervical cancer screening among black women in Forsyth County, NC. The educational program includes distributing electronic and printed information media messages, a program of direct education for women, and providing information on current issues in cervical screening to primary-care physicians. Program development was based on social marketing principles, the PRECEDE model, and the communication-behavior change (CBC) model. Since a true experimental design was not feasible, program evaluation is based on several complementary quasi-experimental designs. Analysis of baseline data indicate that the county where the intervention is taking place, and the control county, are similar with respect to both demographic characteristics and the current level of screening activity. Preliminary results indicate that the program has been successful in raising women's level of awareness of cervical cancer and cervical screening.  相似文献   

The burdens related to mental illness have been increasingly recognized in many countries. Nevertheless, research in positive mental health behaviors remains scarce. This study utilizes the Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Causes in Education Diagnosis and Evaluation (PRECEDE) model to identify factors associated with mental health promoting behaviors and to examine the effects of these behaviors on mental well-being and quality of life among 941 adults in Hong Kong. Structural equation modeling shows that sense of coherence (predisposing factor), social support (reinforcing factor), and daily hassles (enabling factor) are significantly related to mental health promoting behaviors, which are associated with mental well-being and quality of life. Results of bootstrap analyses confirm the mediating role of mental health promoting behaviors on well-being and quality of life. The study supports the application of the PRECEDE model in understanding mental health promoting behaviors and demonstrates its relationships with well-being and quality of life.  相似文献   



Individual health education is considered to be essential in the overall care of patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2), although there is some uncertainty regarding its metabolic control benefits. There have been very few randomized studies on the effects of individual education on normal care in DM2 patients with a control group, and none of these have assessed the long-term results. Therefore, this study aims to use this design to assess the effectiveness of the PRECEDE (Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling, Causes in Educational Diagnosis, and Evaluation) education model in the metabolic control and the reduction of cardiovascular risk factors, in patients with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Theoretical models that may be useful to research studies in school health education are reviewed. Selected, well-defined theories include social learning theory, problem-behavior theory, theory of reasoned action, communications theory, coping theory, social competence, and social and family theories. Also reviewed are multiple theory models including models of health related-behavior, the PRECEDE Framework, social-psychological approaches and the Activated Health Education Model. Two major reviews of teaching models are also discussed. The paper concludes with a brief outline of the general applications of theory to the field of school health education including applications to basic research, development and design of interventions, program evaluation, and program utilization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective was to compare the use of family planning methods during the immediate postpartum period and two years following childbirth among the adolescent females who had followed two different intervention programs during their pregnancies. METHODS: A quasi-experimental study was designed. A total of 62 pregnant adolescents were selected to comprised two intervention groups, the PRECEDE model and the Health Belief model (MCS) groups. Non-parametric statistical tests were employed and 95% confidence intervals estimated. RESULTS: The average starting knowledge in the MCS groups was 69.12 points (95% CI 63.27-74.97) and ending 89.71 points (95% CI 86.24-93.17), while the starting knowledge for the PRECEDE group was 49.39 points (95% Cl 42.24-56.54) and ending 75.25 points (95% CI 71.12-79.38). IN the immediate postpartum, 93% (95% CI 83.5-100) of the adolescents in the PRECED group accepted the use of a family planning method similar to that employed by the MCS group, of 94.2 (95% CI 86.3-100). As regards the continued use of the method, that is, two years later, the PRECEDE strategy had a greater effect that the MCS strategy, respectively 92% (95% Cl 82-100) and 72% (95% CI 56.9-87.1). CONCLUSIONS: A difference was found to exist between models as regards the use of family planning methods 2 years following childbirth. The PRECEDE program is proposed as the education strategy for preventing a second pregnancy among adolescent females.  相似文献   

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