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目的:探讨经阴道子宫瘢痕部位妊娠病灶切除及子宫修补术治疗子宫瘢痕妊娠(CSP)的临床疗效。方法:回顾分析2012年1月至2014年1月我院收治的52例经阴道子宫瘢痕部位妊娠病灶切除及子宫修补术治疗CSP患者的临床资料。结果:除1例患者因子宫与前腹壁粘连紧密改开腹手术外,其余患者手术均顺利。平均手术时间39.8min,平均术中出血量85.2ml;术后血β-HCG水平下降率平均为86.8%;平均住院时间8.2天;平均住院费用9093.4元。结论:经阴道子宫瘢痕部位妊娠物清除及子宫修补术治疗CSP具有安全、有效、微创、经济的优点,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extrauterine lesions of intermediate trophoblast have occurred in and around fallopian tubes and ovaries and are thought to result from an exaggerated trophoblastic response to the implantation site of a previous ectopic pregnancy. Additionally, cesarean scar defects have recently been identified as a source of persistent, irregular vaginal bleeding in women and can be identified by pelvic ultrasound. CASE: A 35-year-old woman presented with irregular vaginal bleeding in association with an anterior extrauterine cystic mass detected by pelvic ultrasound and thought to represent a cesarean scar defect. Subsequent histology revealed an endometrial diverticulum lined with chorionic-type intermediate trophoblast, a subpopulation of trophoblast that composes placental site nodules. CONCLUSION: This was the first case of a lesion of intermediate trophoblast occurring in a cesarean scar diverticulum.  相似文献   

Background: The differential diagnosis of intermenstrual bleeding includes structural lesions of the endometrium and cervix.Cases: Discrete diverticuli were noted in the endocervical canals of three women presenting with histories of multiple cesareans and chief complaints of intermenstrual bleeding. On ultrasound, diverticuli were diagnosed as cavities filled with heterogeneous material consistent with blood. In one case, the diverticulum was also visualized on hysterosalpingogram. Hysterectomy specimens in two cases showed diverticuli lined with fibrous tissue in previous uterine scars; in one case, this also contained endometrium.Conclusion: Uterine scar diverticuli may cause intermenstrual bleeding in women with previous cesareans. When performing ultrasound in this clinical setting, physicians should look for these defects.  相似文献   



With the incidence of cesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) rising, the reports of serious adverse outcomes of it have increased gradually. The management of CSP remains an inadequately explored clinical field, and there is no consensus on it presently. The present study was performed to investigate the efficacy and safety of operative hysteroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of CSP.

Materials and methods

Forty-four patients with CSP underwent operative hysteroscopy for removal of scar ectopic pregnancy in our institution. Among them, hysteroscopy was combined with laparoscopy in two patients, three cases with massive hemorrhage were pretreated with bilateral uterine artery embolization before hysteroscopic surgery, and four patients were pretreated with mifepristone (200 mg for 3 days) and methotrexate (25 mg for 2 days). Clinical data, serum β-human chorionic gonadotropin, myometrial thickness, residual conceptus, cesarean scar defect, operation time, blood loss, and hospital stay were recorded.


All of the ectopic gestations were removed entirely by operative hysteroscopy. Mean operation time was 34.8 ± 16.5 minutes (range 20–120 minutes), and mean blood loss was 35.3 ± 24.4 mL (range 5–100 mL). The mean hospital stay was 5.0 ± 3.01 days (range 1–19 days). Cesarean scar defect could be diagnosed in 70% (31/44) of patients, while in 20/32 cases (63%), a conceptus remained after uterine curettage only was performed.


Operative hysteroscopy might be recommended as a first-line treatment modality for patients with a cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy, especially when myometrium thickness between bladder and gestational sac is more than 3 mm.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of robotic/laparoscopic repair of cesarean scar defects or cesarean scar pregnancies with a uterine sound.Materials and methodsAll consecutive women with cesarean scar defects or cesarean scar pregnancies who underwent robotic/laparoscopic repair with a bent uterine sound guidance were reviewed. Subjective changes in symptoms and objective changes in the depth and width of cesarean scar defects after surgery were reviewed.ResultsA total of 20 women underwent robotic (n = 3) or conventional laparoscopic (n = 17) repair of cesarean scar defects, which included postmenstrual vaginal bleeding associated with cesarean scar defects (n = 15), cesarean scar pregnancies (n = 3), accumulated pus in the cesarean scar defect (n = 1) and an incomplete abortion incarcerated in the cesarean scar defect (n = 1). Bladder perforation occurred in one woman during robotic adhesiolysis. All women with cesarean scar defects (n = 15) reported an improvement in postmenstrual vaginal bleeding after surgery. Follow-up sonography showed a decrease in the depth and width of the cesarean scar defect and an increase in the residual myometrial thickness.ConclusionRobotic or laparoscopic repair with a uterine sound guidance seems to be a feasible and effective method in the treatment of cesarean scar defect or cesarean scar pregnancy.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo introduce a new vaginal surgery for repair of cesarean scar diverticula and to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment for correcting the anatomic defect and eliminating abnormal uterine bleeding.DesignRetrospective clinical study (Canadian Task Force classification II-3).SettingUniversity-affiliated hospital.PatientsData for 42 patients were reviewed retrospectively. All patients had abnormal uterine bleeding, prolonged menstrual flow, and/or postmenstrual spotting. The diagnosis of a cesarean scar diverticulum of the uterus was established using transvaginal ultrasound.InterventionsHysteroscopy was performed to visualize the defect if necessary. Vaginal repair involved excision of the scar and surrounding tissue, followed by closure using 2 layers of sutures.Measurements and Main ResultsThe median (range) duration of surgery was 60 (30–120) minutes; blood loss during surgery was 45 (10–100) mL; length of hospital stay was 3 (2–11) days. Perioperative complications occurred in 1 of 42 patients (2.4%). Follow-up ranged from 10 to 23 months. The efficacy of anatomic correction and rate of symptomatic relief was 92.9% (39 of 42 patients).ConclusionVaginal repair is a minimally invasive and effective surgical approach for treatment of uterine scar diverticula associated with previous cesarean section.  相似文献   

Ectopic pregnancy within a cesarean delivery scar: a case report   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The implantation of a pregnancy within the scar of a previous cesarean delivery is the rarest of ectopic pregnancy locations. If it is diagnosed early, treatment options are capable of preserving the uterus and subsequent fertility. However, a delay in either diagnosis or treatment can lead to uterine rupture, hysterectomy, and significant maternal morbidity.  相似文献   

Three ureterovaginal fistulas occurred following laparoscopic hysterectomy in two patients. Inadvertent burn of the distal ureter by a unipolar electrocautery was thought to be the cause. Avoidance of unipolar cautery to achieve hemostasis of uterine arteries would have prevented these urologic complications.  相似文献   

Successful medical treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy: a case report   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: Cesarean scar pregnancy is implantation of the pregnancy within the fibrous tissue of the cesarean scar which is completely surrounded by myometrium. METHOD AND RESULT: A 32-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 1 presented at our emergency department with mild lower abdominal pain and minimal vaginal bleeding. She was diagnosed with cesarean scar pregnancy. Conservative treatment with methotrexate 50 mg/m2 was administered IM on days 0 and 8. Her betaHCG value was zero at the 14th week after beginning of the treatment. CONCLUSION: Repeated methotrexate administration in the management of cesarean scar pregnancy should be attempted in informed patients who especially desire fertility and can be closely followed up.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extrapelvic endometriosis is a fairly rare phenomenon. The majority of extrapelvic endometriosis involves scar tissue following obstetric/gynecologic procedures. Cesarean section scar endometriosis may be more common than reflected in the literature and has a distinct presentation and treatment. CASES: Two patients with histories of cesarean sections presented with a painful, enlarging mass involving the cesarean section scar. The pain was cyclic and strongest just prior to menstruation. Both patients were treated with surgical excision, and both specimens had endometriosis confirmed by histopathology. CONCLUSION: Endometriosis involving a cesarean section scar may be more common than thought. Patients typically present with a history of cesarean section or other obstetric/gynecologic surgery and are found to have a mass involving the scar, with symptoms intensifying prior to each menstrual cycle. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice, providing both diagnostic and therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

We report on 2 cases of multiple leiomyomas arising in the pelvis after laparoscopic hysterectomy. One patient underwent laparoscopic myomectomy at 41 years of age and subsequently had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy for myomas 4 years later. Three years post-hysterectomy, she presented with pelvic masses that were removed laparoscopically and were leiomyomas on histopathologic examination. The other patient underwent supracervical hysterectomy for myomas with removal of a parasitic myoma from underneath the dome of the diaphragm. Eight months post-hysterectomy, she came to our office with a pelvic mass with a large myoma that was removed laparoscopically. Disseminated leiomyomas may occur after hysterectomy; and though various theories have been proposed to explain this remarkable entity, none has found universal acceptance. A thorough MEDLINE search did not reveal any reports of large pelvic masses of this size after hysterectomy or their management laparoscopically, and these are probably the first reported cases.  相似文献   

Placenta accreta in cesarean scar; report of a case   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

经阴道修补剖宫产术后子宫切口憩室64例临床分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨经阴道剖宫产术后子宫切口憩室(CSD)修补手术的临床疗效。方法对同济大学附属第一妇婴保健院2013年3月至2014年9月期间接受经阴道CSD修补手术的64例患者的临床病理资料进行回顾性分析和术后随访。结果64例CSD患者剖宫产术后均存在月经淋漓不净,平均经期为(14.8±3.5)d;均实施了经阴道CSD修补手术,无手术并发症发生,手术均顺利完成,平均手术时间(67±12)min,平均术中出血量(53±32)ml,平均住院时间(4.0±1.1)d。64例患者均术后随访,经阴道CSD修补手术后经期较术前平均缩短(8.1±3.5)d,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);症状学评估手术有效率为94%(60/64),解剖学评估手术有效率为95%(61/64);手术前后憩室部位距离子宫浆膜层厚度均有明显改善,术后较术前平均增厚了(3.4±0.4)mm,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论经阴道CSD修补手术具有手术微创,暴露清楚,修补疗效确切,住院时间短等优点,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨剖宫产瘢痕妊娠(CSP)个体化治疗的临床价值。 方法回顾性分析2010年3月至2013年2月余姚市人民医院收治61例CSP患者的临床资料,将病灶分为内生型(Ⅰ型)和外生型(Ⅱ型),比较型别的差异性。根据血β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)水平和病灶部位、大小、血供、表面肌层厚度及阴道流血情况,分别行甲氨蝶呤(MTX)+甲酰四氢叶酸(CF)或子宫动脉化疗栓塞(UACE)杀灭胚胎、止血和预防出血;在宫腔镜或B超引导下,必要时+腹腔镜监视下清宫术。根据杀灭胚胎治疗距清宫术的时间不同,分为≤7 d清宫和>7 d清宫两组,比较有关疗效指标。 结果Ⅰ型54例,Ⅱ型7例,Ⅱ型较Ⅰ型患者先期流产者多(为71%和11%,χ2=11.445)、包块平均直径大[分别为(4.3±1.2)cm和(2.4±1.3)cm,t=-3.612]、表面肌层薄[分别为(1.6±0.5)mm和(2.7±1.0)mm,t=2.916],差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。行UACE杀灭胚胎、止血54例,MTX+CF方案治疗7例;宫腔镜引导下清宫44例,B超监视下清宫6例,宫腔镜引导+腹腔镜监视下清宫7例,经腹病灶切除+子宫修补术和UACE后病灶消失各2例。61例患者均治愈出院,无子宫切除病例。≤7 d清宫组的住院时间[(13±6) d]和血β-HCG转为正常水平时间[(18±7)d]短于>7 d清宫组[分别为(27±12)d和(31±11)d,t=-5.862和t=-5.486],差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.01)。 结论根据病情选择个体化治疗方案能改善CSP患者的疗效和预后,病情严重者应行介入疗法;病灶超声分型对选择合理的手术方式有指导意义。  相似文献   

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