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The knowledge and attitudes of primary healthcare professionals have been cited as barriers to appropriate uptake of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This questionnaire survey of general practitioners and practice nurses revealed positive attitudes to HRT but uncovered a lack of pharmacological knowledge.  相似文献   

Women's views on the menopause and hormone replacement therapy were explored using a questionnaire given to women attending one general practice who were having hormone replacement therapy under the supervision of their doctor. Sixty four women (67%) responded. Although only 5% of women had requested hormone replacement therapy from their general practitioner the majority of women indicated that they had been helped by hormone replacement therapy. Eight per cent of women were using hormone replacement therapy primarily to treat menopausal symptoms with only 6% of women using it primarily as prophylaxis against osteoporosis. Many women were correctly informed about the effects of hormone replacement therapy but mistaken beliefs about its side effects may indicate the need for further health education. The desire for further information was striking: 59% of women wanted further information about hormone replacement therapy, and 80% of women would have liked to have had more information about the menopause before its onset. The media appeared to be an important source of information about health matters: 61% of women obtained information about hormone replacement therapy from either the television, magazines or newspapers. The role of the media and health workers in health education is discussed.  相似文献   

Current psychological models of voice hearing emphasise the personal meaning that individuals attribute to the voice hearing experience. Recent developments in theory and research have highlighted the importance of the relationship between the hearer and the voice. This study aims to contribute to this area of research, by exploring the experience and usefulness of a new form of ‘Relating Therapy’ that aims to modify distressing relationships with voices. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with ten participants and explored the experience and usefulness of a pilot of Relating Therapy: three therapists, three voice hearers, two relatives and two referrers. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Three themes that emerged from the analysis are presented for discussion: engaging with the therapeutic model; developing a new relating style; and how change is described and defined by participants. This study is consistent with the growing body of theory and research that highlights the interpersonal nature of the voice hearing experience. It also offers tentative support for a therapeutic framework that aims to modify distressing relationships with voices as a means of bringing about positive change. Clinical implications and areas for future research are outlined. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Key Practitioner Message: ? Conceptualising the voice hearing experience within a relational framework may be normalising, hopeful and helpful for some clients. ? Similarities exist between social relationships and the relationship with the voice. ? Therapy that aims to modify distressing relationships with voices may be of benefit for some voice hearers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is not known how patients value continuity for different health problems. In addition, it is not clear how different types of patients value continuity. It has been argued, for example, that young and healthy individuals have different ideas about continuity from older people with chronic illnesses. More extensive exploration of patients' views and expectations on personal continuity is important as this may help to organise general practice better in the future. AIM: To explore patients' views on continuity of care in general practice and their relations to patient characteristics. DESIGN OF STUDY: Postal questionnaire survey. SETTING: Thirty-five general practices throughout The Netherlands. METHOD: A sample of 25 patients from each practice was sent a questionnaire. RESULTS: The response rate was 644/875 (74%). The percentage of patients feeling that it was important to see their personal doctor varied, from 21% for a splinter in the eye, to 96% for discussing the future when seriousy ill. The main reasons for preference of their own general practitioners (GPs) were the GP's assumed better medical knowledge of the patient and understanding of the personal and family background. Multiple linear regression analysis (GLM) showed that patient characteristics could explain 10% to 12% of the variance in these views on personal continuity. CONCLUSION: The importance that patients attach to continuity of care depends on the seriousness of the conditions/facing them. Patients in The Netherlands desire a high level of personal care for serious conditions. Patient characteristics, such as age, sex, and frequency of visits to the GP influence views on continuity of care only to a minor extent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: General practitioners' views on two major changes in the organization of general practice--the 1990 contract for general practitioners and fundholding, introduced in 1991--have not been researched in any great detail. AIM: A study in 1993 sought to investigate the views of general practitioners from group practices and of single-handed general practitioners, in family health services authority areas with different socioeconomic characteristics, on the 1990 contract for general practitioners, fundholding and the effects of these two changes in general practice organization. METHOD: One general practitioner partner from each of 323 group practices in six family health services authority areas of England was invited for interview and 142 single-handed general practitioners in the study areas were sent a postal questionnaire. The interview and questionnaire sought general practitioners' views on the 1990 contract and fundholding, reasons for their opinions, and views on the effects of these reforms on workload and the quality of service. Other information was recorded on fundholding status, workload pressures, outreach clinics, budget surpluses, retirement plans, and opinions on a salaried service. RESULTS: A total of 260 group practice general practitioners (80%) participated in the study and 80 single-handed general practitioners (56%) returned questionnaires, 78 of which could be analysed. Over half of all respondents were opposed or strongly opposed to both the 1990 contract and fundholding. However, despite this opposition, a sizeable minority of group practice practitioners (38%) agreed that the quality of services provided had improved or considerably improved since the 1990 contract. Workload appeared to have increased, with the proportion of respondents who reported being always under pressure increasing from 12% in 1987 to 41% in 1993. All but one respondent considered administration to have increased. Some respondents were considering early retirement. One of the solutions proposed to alleviate problems in inner city general practice, a salaried service, received little support, even from those general practitioners working in areas which might be expected to benefit. CONCLUSION: Dissatisfaction of general practitioners with the National Health Service reforms was expressed in continued opposition, in concerns about workload and levels of administration, and in a desire to retire early. Suitable ways of improving general practitioner morale must be sought.  相似文献   

A postal questionnaire was sent to all 1291 general practitioners in the Oxford region to determine the pattern of preventive care and their beliefs about its effectiveness. Replies were received from 1014 doctors (79%). Doctors' attitudes to their role in prevention and health promotion were very positive and a large majority claimed to discuss health related topics with their patients when indicated. Fewer respondents said they made a point of discussing smoking habits (64%), alcohol intake (26%), diet (12%), or exercise (11%) as a matter of routine with all their adult patients. Most general practitioners said they usually offered simple advice, leaflets, or other aids when they had identified a problem, but few said they would refer these patients to the practice nurse. With the exception of cervical screening (45%), few respondents said they maintained statistics on the distribution of risk factors in their practice population. Despite considerable enthusiasm for their role in preventive health care, before the imposition of the new contact most general practitioners in the Oxford region had not yet embraced the model of prevention which the contract aims to encourage: systematic screening for risk factors and lifestyle advice for all patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Current low morale in general practice and the fall in the number of general practitioner registrars (trainees) has led to concern about the decline in popularity of general practice as a career. AIM. A study was performed to evaluate the career intentions of general practitioner registrars and the factors underlying their decisions. METHOD. An anonymous postal questionnaire seeking both quantitative and qualitative data was sent to 138 registrars during June 1993. All were registrars at practices in the south west region of England. Outcome measures used were the popularity of different types of general practice work and identification of variables and emergent themes considered important in career choice. RESULTS. A total of 101 registrars returned questionnaires (73%). Of the respondents, 96% expressed an interest in general practice as a career. However, registrars expressed considerable uncertainty about the future of general practice and therefore their career. Continuity of care and a holistic approach were considered valued aspects of work in general practice. Increased workload, increased out-of-hours work and erosion of professional autonomy emerged as negative aspects of a career in general practice. Of the respondents, 91% considered time for leisure activities an important factor when considering future career, 72% would have been glad to do away with 24-hour cover and 99% agreed that general practitioners increasingly fear litigation. CONCLUSION. Although registrars were interested in general practice as a career they had many concerns and expressed uncertainties. The future popularity of general practice is likely to depend on addressing these concerns and on the clarification of the future direction of the profession.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Low back pain is a common and persistent problem. Research studies seeking to improve the quality of management of this condition have tended to ignore the opinions of patients. There is a growing acceptance of the importance of taking patients' views into account in developing management and educational programmes for a variety of conditions. AIM: This study set out to elicit the views of patients concerning low back pain and its management in general practice. METHOD: Fifty-two in-depth interviews were conducted with patients selected from a broad range of 12 general practices. RESULTS: Analysis of the interviews identified seven themes relating to: quality of life, prognosis, secondary prevention, help-seeking behaviour, explanation of underlying pathology, satisfaction with general practitioner management, and complementary therapy. Different patient viewpoints or perspectives were expressed within each of these themes. Patients adapted to the progress of their low back pain and were not seeking a 'magical cure' from either conventional or complementary therapies. CONCLUSION: Patients' views on low back pain are heterogeneous. The dissatisfaction expressed with medical explanations for the pain may be related to superficial clinical management and the constraints of general practice. Good management of low back pain needs to take patients' complex views of the condition into account.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reviewing elderly patients' medication is a requirement of the National Service Framework for Older People. Many general practitioners have insufficient time to review patients' medications in a consultation. Pharmacist review has been offered as an alternative and this will be a new experience for many patients. AIM: To ascertain patients' views of a pharmacist-conducted medication review clinic, run in their general practice surgery. DESIGN OF STUDY: Qualitative study using focus group interviews. SETTING: General practices in Leeds Health Authority area. METHOD: Patients aged 65 years and over, who had attended a medicine review clinic, took part in focus groups that were recorded and transcribed. Units of information representing an idea were identified and similar ideas were grouped together as themes. RESULTS: Patients had a number of prior beliefs about the clinic. Most patients knew that the clinic's purpose was to review repeat medication, to find out more about their medicines, and to ask questions about efficacy and side effects. Some patients were suspicious about the purpose of the clinic but others welcomed the opportunity to have an in-depth review and an explanation of their condition and its treatment; some patients did not accept advice or were disappointed that their expectations were not fulfilled. Most patients were happy to attend a yearly review but some expressed guilt about attending the surgery too frequently. CONCLUSION: Patients who attended the medication review clinics expressed a range of views about the service. Further research into patients' and carers' opinions about medicine review is needed to inform the development of these services.  相似文献   

Prisoners' perceptions of why they consulted the doctor, how ill they thought they were and what happened during the consultation were studied in Bedford prison using a questionnaire. Patients' perceptions were compared before and after the consultation and with the perception of the doctor. The figures from this study were compared with comparable groups in a similar general practice survey. Prisoners perceived themselves to be more ill than comparable groups living in the community and both doctor and prisoners perceived that the prisoners received less reassurance. Prisoners were less likely to attend the doctor because their treatment had not worked, or because the doctor had asked them to return than comparable groups living in the community. The perception of the doctor and the prisoners about what occurred in the consultation diverged. The doctors perceived that they provided more advice and support than the prisoners felt they received. These perceptions may reflect a more difficult doctor-patient relationship and poorer continuity of care in prison medicine. These problems might be overcome if the prison medical service were run by the National Health Service and prison doctors had no role in the management of prisoners.  相似文献   

One thousand final-year medical students were asked to record what they had learned during a three-and-a-half week attachment to a general practice, under the headings of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, workload, use of medical care; they were also invited to criticize the teaching programme. It is suggested that this clinical education and vocational experience should now be made available earlier in the undergraduate course.  相似文献   

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