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Skin integrity is essential for the normal usage of a stoma appliance. There is little published on the prevalence, prevention or management of stoma skin problems. Allergic contact dermatitis is often cited as the cause, usually without evidence from formal investigations. The authors approached, by postal questionnaire, 525 patients who had had a stoma formation in the last 10 years. A total of 325 responded. All those who described a skin problem were invited to attend a multidisciplinary clinic for further investigations and appropriate treatment of their peristomal skin. This may be severe and debilitating as well as socially restricting. However, with a multidisciplinary approach a number of conditions can be recognized and easily treated, thus improving the quality of life for stoma patients.  相似文献   

An ostomy is an artificial opening in the body for the purpose of eliminating excretions from a working organ or for providing nourishment. Artificial openings may be from the stomach, intestine, urinary bladder, kidney, or trachea. The stoma is the terminal end of the ostomy, or the opening that is visible on the surface of the skin. This article will discuss stoma creation and the care of a stoma, as well as the complications and effects of living with one. Although the focus of this article is urinary stomas, the care is similar for all types. It is imperative that all care providers understand stoma care and potential problems that may arise. There are ongoing issues of quality of life for children with stomas, including body image and peer reaction. School nurses are in a unique position to educate children and families on the proper care of a stoma, to recognize potential complication, and to educate staff and student peers.  相似文献   

Complications related to stoma surgery can occur immediately post surgery or following discharge from hospital, and will either resolve spontaneously or become a difficult management problem for both the stoma patient and healthcare practitioner. In the early stages of rehabilitation, the patient with a stoma relies heavily on the expertise of the healthcare practitioner to assist them in returning to the lifestyle they once enjoyed. Literature acknowledges that adjustment to life with a stoma depends largely on whether complications following the creation of a stoma are persistent (Bekkers et al, 1996; Taylor, 1999; Cottam and Richards, 2006). Evidence demonstrates that prolonged unresolved stoma problems hinder adaptation and adjustment to the stoma (Bekkers et al, 1996; Williams et al, 2010), therefore, it is important for the healthcare practitioner to be well informed and skilled regarding common stoma problems. This article aims to highlight common stoma complications and offer guidance on evidence-based management of such problems to inform healthcare practitioners working in the community setting.  相似文献   

The transition from hospital to home can be a worrying period of time for a patient with a newly formed stoma. It is well documented that community care is important, however this transition has been seen as a weak link in the care for a patient with a stoma (Allison 1996). In most cases following discharge from hospital, the nurse specialist in stoma care will visit the patient at home as a means of maintaining continuity of care. It is also important that the patient's GP, district nurse and other relevant community services are introduced to ensure a cohesive approach to the patients care at home (Taylor, 2003). This article therefore aims to offer the community nurse an overview of stoma care nursing in order to provide the continuity of care much needed by this group of patients.  相似文献   

Stoma siting is often regarded as the most important part of preoperative preparation. Marking the abdominal skin at the proposed stoma site takes place after a period of assessment, discussion, observation, consideration and evaluation that will have begun on the first meeting between the patient and the nurse. The siting procedure is a joint decision made between the patient and the nurse about the most suitable place for their stoma. The position of the stoma should allow the patient to manage it independently and to resume their normal activities after recovery. The success of the stoma can depend on the site and its condition. The purpose of this article is to describe and discuss the siting process and how it benefits the patient. Community nurses should gain a greater understanding of the issues involved, as well as the considerations for both the nurse and the patient. This article is intended to help the community nurse feel more aware of the issues involved in siting, and feel more prepared to assist the patient to prepare for and begin their life with the stoma. The outcome and effects of a 'poorly' or 'less than ideally' sited stoma (e.g. formed during emergency surgery), and its care and management will also be discussed. Illustrations have been included to assist the reader through the process of siting.  相似文献   

Jo Hyland 《Gastroenterology nursing》2002,25(6):241-4; quiz 244-5
Basic ostomy care can be intimidating because nurses don't often see colostomies, ileostomies, or urostomies. While there are as many different ostomies as there are people who have them, there are some commonalities in the care of the stoma. These can be generalized to all stomas, regardless of the type of output. Some care, however, is specific to the placement of the stoma and the type of effluent flowing from the opening. This article will provide the gastroenterology nurse an overview of the basic features of ostomies as well as routine ostomy care.  相似文献   

Improving quality of care and developing and maintaining high standards of care are issues that are high on the NHS, nursing, and paediatric care agendas. Stoma formation will have an impact on the wellbeing and lifestyle of the person and their family, whatever the person's age. The specialty of stoma care nursing in the UK and Ireland is well established. However, the sub-specialty of paediatric stoma care nursing is much smaller in its 'membership' and its client group. There are differences in the needs of, and the associated care of, paediatric stoma patients even within this overall patient group. Paediatric stoma care nurses are in an ideal position to increase awareness about the specialty and improve standards of nursing care for neonates, children, adolescents and their families. However, until the establishment of the Paediatric Stoma Nurse Group (PSNG) in 2005, this 'position' had not being utilized. This article discusses the ongoing work of the PSNG to devise standards of paediatric stoma care nursing, best practice guidelines, relevant patient/parental information and establish itself as a valuable, proactive and independent forum for all healthcare professionals involved in the care of children with stomas.  相似文献   

目的 探讨成立伤口造口护理学组在提高全院伤口造口管理质量和患者满意度的效果评价.方法 择优选取有责任心热爱伤口造口护理专业的护理骨干作为学组成员,并明确学组成员职责;设立学组质控控制体系;制定伤口造口质控标准;规范换药流程;加强护士的伤口造口知识培训和教育.结果 患者对伤口造口护理满意度由82.0%提升到95.0%(P<0.01);患者造口并发症的发生率由45.0%下降到15.0%(P<0.001);护士的伤口造口知识考核合格率由63.3%提升到93.9.%(P<0.001);伤口治疗愈合率由74.8%提升到90.8%(P<0.01).结论 伤口造口护理学组的建立不仅可以提高医院的伤口造口管理质量、提高患者的满意度和舒适度;而且可以提升护士的伤口造口管理水平和学术水平,推进伤口造口护理学科向专业化发展.  相似文献   

A community nurse may often encounter an ostomate (person with a stoma) but may not be regularly involved in their stoma care. This article explains the main types of stoma, stoma appliances and indications for some operations. Explanations are provided on some of the stoma appliances and accessories and when these might be useful to the community nurse and the ostomate. Stoma care is explained, including how to undertake a basic stoma appliance change. Issues that community nurses might be questioned about, such as diet and driving, are explored to assist the community nurse in providing holistic care for ostomates.  相似文献   

Community nurses are likely to encounter people with a stoma, most commonly a colostomy. An appliance is used to collect and contain the stomal output. There are various appliances available, each designed to specifically care for a particular type of stoma. Ostomates (people with a stoma) are trained to care for their stoma while they are in hospital by the stoma specialist nurse. However, it is possible that complications can occur, such as sore peristomal skin, and in this instance a stoma accessory can be used to good effect. There are many accessories available, which can make choice difficult. However, an understanding of why accessories are used can assist in the assessment and treatment choice. It may be necessary to request the assistance of the stoma specialist nurse.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper is a report of a study to examine adjustment and its relationship with stoma acceptance and social interaction, and the link between stoma care self-efficacy and adjustment in the presence of acceptance and social interactions. BACKGROUND: There have been significant advances in stoma appliances and an increase in nurses specialising in stoma care. Despite this, a large proportion of patients continue to experience adjustment problems, which suggests that improvements in the management of the stoma are by themselves not enough to enhance psychosocial functioning. Illness acceptance and interpersonal relationships are widely reported as correlates of adjustment to chronic illness, but these have not been specifically examined in patients with a colostomy. Evidence of their association could offer stoma therapists alternative ways of aiding adjustment. METHOD: Between 2000 and 2002, 51 patients with colostomies provided demographic and clinical data and completed validated questionnaires to measure acceptance of the stoma, relationship with others and stoma care self-efficacy 6 months after surgery. FINDINGS: Multiple regression analysis showed that stoma care self-efficacy, stoma acceptance, interpersonal relationship and location of the stoma were strongly associated with adjustment. The model explained 77% of the variance. Stoma-care self-efficacy accounted for 57.5%, the psychosocial variables 13% and location of the stoma 4.6%. The addition of gender, which was not statistically significant (P > 0.05), explained a further 1.9% of the variance. CONCLUSION: Addressing psychosocial concerns should become part of the care routinely given to stoma patients. We recommend more emphasis on dispelling negative thoughts and encouraging social interactions.  相似文献   

目的探讨肠造口患儿造口周围皮肤损伤危险因素与预防。方法选择2017年2月至2019年2月我院收治的114例肠造口患儿为研究对象,其中发生造口周围皮肤损伤40例。收集其年龄、疾病原因等病历资料,通过经单因素及多因素logistic回归分析调查肠造口患儿造口周围皮肤损伤的危险因素。结果多因素logistic回归分析显示,造口回缩、合并其他并发症、主要照顾者护理能力差、水样粪便、未按时电话随访是肠造口患儿造口周围皮肤损伤的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论肠造口患儿造口周围皮肤损伤发生率较高,与造口回缩、并发症、主要照顾者护理能力、粪便类型、电话随访等有关,应据此采取针对性预防措施降低造口周围皮肤损伤风险。  相似文献   

Undergoing surgery and having the formation of a stoma may be required for a number of reasons and how a patient accepts their new body image and changes to their lifestyle can be greatly determined by the support and care they receive from their stoma nurse and other health professionals involved in their recovery after stoma formation. Preparing a patient pre-operatively and taking time to listen to their individual needs will enhance their perception of living with a stoma and accepting their stoma, thus not negatively impacting on what they perceive to be their quality of life. Acknowledging the quality of life of an individual and taking measures to maintain a person's quality of life at an early stage within the surgical pathway will have a positive impact on a patient's recovery from surgery and ability to cope with the daily routine involved when living with a stoma. Nurses need to understand what their patient perceives as a good quality of life and how to alter any negative factors that may inhibit a patient's ability to care for and accept their stoma.  相似文献   

直肠癌肠造口患者健康教育需求调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解直肠癌肠造口患者的健康教育需求,以便进行有针对性的健康教育。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷对人住普外科的50名患者进行健康知识和健康教育需求凋查,收集资料进行分析。结果肠造口患者对家人及医护人员的心理支持,肠造口的日常护理与并发症的预防、饮食调养知识等方面存在强烈需求,并且对获得健康知识方式的需求存在多样性。结论医护人员应重视直肠癌肠造口患者的健康教育需求,根据患者的需求有针对性地进行宣教和指导。  相似文献   

Background:Incontinence and automatic defection of permanent intestinal stoma bring about great psychic pressure and inconvenience to patients. So nurse of stoma is important to the recovery of disease and living quality. From 1999 to 2001, 54 intestinal stoma patients received self nurse instruction, which received satisfactory effects. It's reported as followed.  相似文献   

This article revisits the various issues that surround the nurse caring for a patient with a stoma (colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy). Understanding the basic anatomy, reasons for stoma formation and the surgical operations, including variations such as continent stomas, can assist the nurse in caring for this patient group. The article discusses briefly the various stoma appliances that can be used by the nurse or ostomate (person with a stoma). Practical tips on pre- and postoperative nursing care of the patient with a newly formed stoma are provided for the nurse. In some cases, unfortunately, complications may occur following stoma-forming surgery; these are discussed and nursing advice provided. One of the most important ways in which the nurse can support the patient is to teach the patient his/her stoma care, ensuring independence before discharge and showing empathy and compassion.  相似文献   

Patients undergoing stoma formation encounter many challenges including psychosocial issues, relationship concerns and fear of leakage. Leakage, inappropriate product usage and poor patient adaptation post stoma formation has cost implications for the NHS. Developing good, practical stoma care skills has been identified as improving patient outcomes, promoting the provision of quality care and improving efficiency within the NHS. However, a thorough literature search indicated that there is little research available on patient stoma care education. This is considered surprising by Metcalf (1999), O'Connor (2005) and the author of this article. This article considers and adapts generic educational theory to make it pertinent to patient stoma care education in order to bridge the gap between theory and practice.  相似文献   

Stomas are frequently encountered by nurses. Common complications include problems with the peristomal skin-the skin around the stoma. It has been reported that up to 80% of people with a stoma, who are termed ostomates, are affected. The three main types of stomas are colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy; all these come with a risk of sore peristomal skin. These stomas pass faeces or urine, which are collected in a stoma appliance that adheres to the peristomal skin. It is essential to ensure that this skin is free from breaks or soreness as this might lead to appliance leakage. This article is aimed at ward nurses and will focus on some of the stoma accessories that are used to treat, protect or 'level' peristomal skin. Accessories, such as barrier creams or films, can be used to protect skin. Filler paste, seals and convex appliances, for example, can be used to resolve creases in the skin or to treat a retracted stoma. The situations in which stoma accessories might be useful in resolving peristomal skin problems or retaining its integrity are numerous.  相似文献   

总结了5例同种异体小肠移植术后移植肠造口的护理经验。注重肠造口局部管理,包括对早期移植肠存活、蠕动、分泌等功能的观察;在进行肠镜病理学观察时做好准备和配合工作;加强肠内营养时肠造口的管理,包括对后期移植肠消化、吸收功能及排斥反应的观察。5例患者全部存活,移植肠造口血运良好,颜色红润,且未发生移植肠造口周围皮肤破溃等并发症,患者逐步恢复经口正常饮食。  相似文献   

造口伤口横向与纵向网络化的构建和完善改变了传统的造口护理模式,通过网络资源与教学资源共享,提高了造口伤口临床护理质量,改善了造口伤口患者的生活质量,规范了造口伤口人才培养,造口伤口护理信息的共享和造口护理技术的优势互补,提升了护理人员的积极性与主动性,提高了病人及家属的自我护理能力,对于造口伤口护理管理的科学化、规范化有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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