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It is well established that poor academic performance is related to smoking, but the association between academic well-being and smoking is less known. We measured academic well-being by school burnout and schoolwork engagement and studied their associations with smoking among 14- to 17-year-old schoolchildren in Belgium, Germany, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, and Portugal. A classroom survey (2013 SILNE survey, N = 11,015) was conducted using the Short School Burnout Inventory and the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory. Logistic regression, generalized linear mixed models, and ANOVA were used. Low schoolwork engagement and high school burnout increased the odds for daily smoking in all countries. Academic performance was correlated with school burnout and schoolwork engagement, and adjusting for it slightly decreased the odds for smoking. Adjusting for socioeconomic factors and school level had little effect. Although high school burnout and low schoolwork engagement correlate with low academic performance, they are mutually independent risk factors for smoking.  相似文献   

《Sleep medicine》2015,16(9):1109-1115
Study ObjectiveWorking memory deficits in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have been reported in previous studies, but the results were inconclusive. This study tried to address this issue by delineating working memory functions into executive processes and storage/maintenance components based on Baddeley's working memory model.MethodsWorking memory and basic attention tasks were administered on 23 OSA children aged 8–12 years and 22 age-, education-, and general cognitive functioning-matched controls. Data on overnight polysomnographic sleep study and working memory functions were compared between the two groups. Associations between respiratory-related parameters and cognitive performance were explored in the OSA group.ResultsCompared with controls, children with OSA had poorer performance on both tasks of basic storage and central executive components in the verbal domain of working memory, above and beyond basic attention and processing speed impairments; such differences were not significant in the visuo-spatial domain. Moreover, correlational analyses and hierarchical regression analyses further suggested that obstructive apnea–hypopnea index (OAHI) and oxygen saturation (SpO2) nadir were associated with verbal working memory performance, highlighting the potential pathophysiological mechanisms of OSA-induced cognitive deficits.ConclusionsVerbal working memory impairments associated with OSA may compromise children's learning potentials and neurocognitive development. Early identification of OSA and assessment of the associated neurocognitive deficits are of paramount importance. Reversibility of cognitive deficits after treatment would be a critical outcome indicator.  相似文献   

Background  Deliberate self-harm has become more prevalent among adolescents. Aims  To investigate the prevalence and the associated background factors of self-cutting and other self-harming behaviour. Methods  The study sample included 4,205 adolescents aged 13–18 years. Background factors, social relationships, alcohol and substance abuse, self-harm and self-cutting were assessed by a structured questionnaire including the Youth Self Report and Beck Depression Inventory. Results  The life-time prevalence of self-cutting was 11.5% and of other self-harm 10.2%, while the prevalence of current self-cutting was 1.8%. Self-cutting was associated with female gender and a very wide range of adverse psychosocial background variables. Parents living together were an independent protective factor. By contrast, there was no gender difference in the risk of other self-harm. Independent risk factors were depressive mood, somatic complaints, drug abuse, poor school performance and poor family relationships. No protective factors were found for other self-harm. Conclusions  During adolescence, self-cutting and other self-harm are common. Adolescents who have self-cutting or harm themselves have wide-ranging problems in their lives. The specific characteristics of these phenomena need further investigation.  相似文献   

Working memory and secondary memory deficits in Alzheimer's disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The memory loss associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) may have multiple cognitive components. Working Memory appears to be impaired due to failures of a Central Executive System. Secondary Memory, on the other hand, is affected due to poor encoding or mediational processes. An analysis of the performance of 71 AD patients on tests related to these neuropsychological constructs revealed that they could indeed be dissociated. In fact, individual patients were identified with significantly different, and unique, patterns of impairment which were consistent with the two-component model. These data, therefore, lend preliminary support for the notion of multiple cognitive impairments being responsible for the memory loss in AD.  相似文献   

The visual evoked response to a 7 mm (40') check using a pattern reversal stimulus was measured in 73 normal children, aged 6-11. Full pattern displacement for the right and left eye and 1/4 and 1/2 pattern displacement for the right eye were studied. The amplitudes of the N65-P95 and P95-N125 wave, together with the P95 latency, were measured. Analysis of the data showed that there was no clear relationship between the mean amplitude or latency of the evoked response and age. However, significant changes were found between linear displacement and linear age for the N65-P95 wave and there was a complex interaction for the same wave between age, sex and eye. There was a significant difference in latencies between right and left eye between the boys and the girls, with the boys having longer latencies. There are thus both age- and sex-related differences in the amplitude and latency of the N65-P95 wave in 6-11 year-old children.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of the evolution of the concept of working memory from a unitary store into a multicomponent system. Four components are distinguished, the phonological loop which is responsible for maintaining speech‐based information, the visuospatial sketchpad performing a similar function for visual information, the central executive which acts as an attentional control system, and finally a new component, the episodic buffer. The buffer comprises a temporary multidimensional store which is assumed to form an interface between the various subsystems of working memory, long‐term memory, and perception. The operation of the model is then illustrated through an account of a research programme concerned with the analysis of working memory in Down syndrome.  相似文献   

A number of studies suggest an important role for the hippocampus in tasks involving visuospatial or relational working memory. We test the generality of this proposal across tasks using a battery designed to investigate the various components of working memory, studying the working memory performance of Jon, who shows a bilateral reduction in hippocampal volume of approximately 50%, comparing him to a group of 48 college students. We measure performance on four complex working memory span measures based on combining visuospatial and verbal storage with visuospatial or verbal concurrent processing as well as measuring Jon's ability to carry out the component storage and processing aspects of these tasks. Jon performed at a consistently high level across our range of tasks. Possible reasons for the apparent disparity between our own findings and earlier studies showing a hippocampal deficit are discussed in terms of both the potential differences in the demands placed on relational memory and of the proposed distinction between egocentric and allocentric visuospatial processing.  相似文献   

Theories of human memory have led to conflicting views regarding the relationship between working memory (WM) maintenance and episodic long-term memory (LTM) formation. Here, we tested the prediction that WM maintenance operates in two stages, and that processing during the initial stage of WM maintenance promotes successful LTM formation. Results from a functional magnetic resonance imaging study showed that activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and hippocampus during the initial stage of WM maintenance was predictive of subsequent LTM performance. In a behavioral experiment, we demonstrated that interfering with processing during the initial stage of WM maintenance impaired LTM formation. These results demonstrate that processing during the initial stage of WM maintenance directly contributes to successful LTM formation, and that this effect is mediated by a network that includes the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The validity of Baddeley's working memory model within the typically developing population, was tested. However, it is not clear if this model also holds in children and adolescents with mild to, borderline intellectual disabilities (ID; IQ score 55–85). The main purpose of this study was therefore, to explore the model's validity in this population. Several verbal and visuo-spatial STM and WM tasks, were administered to 115 children with mild to borderline ID (mean age 10 years) and to 98, adolescents with mild to borderline ID (mean age 15). Structural equation modeling (LISREL) shows, that Baddeley's working memory model does not fit the data of the 10-year and 15-year old, participants. Principal components analyses on the other hand show a hazy pattern with on the one, side an indication for a ‘general’ component with loadings of visuo-spatial short-term memory and, working memory tasks and a separate verbal short-term memory component. On the other hand there, is also an indication of a modality specific memory structure; a visuo-spatial- versus a verbal, component. A straight-forward dichotomy between STM and WM indicates apparently an, oversimplification, at least it is for children and adolescents with mild to borderline ID.  相似文献   



The development of an evolutionarily grounded analogue magnitude representation linked to the parietal lobes is frequently thought to be a major factor in the arithmetic development of humans. We investigated the relationship between counting and the development of magnitude representation in children, assessing also children's knowledge of number symbols, their arithmetic fact retrieval, their verbal skills, and their numerical and verbal short-term memory.


The magnitude representation was tested by a non-symbolic magnitude comparison task. We have perfected previous experimental designs measuring magnitude discrimination skills in 65 children kindergarten (4-7-year-olds) by controlling for several variables which were not controlled for in previous similar research. We also used a large number of trials which allowed for running a full factorial ANOVA including all relevant factors. Tests of verbal counting, of short term memory, of number knowledge, of problem solving abilities and of verbal fluency were administered and correlated with performance in the magnitude comparison task.

Results and discussion

Verbal counting knowledge and performance on simple arithmetic tests did not correlate with non-symbolic magnitude comparison at any age. Older children performed successfully on the number comparison task, showing behavioural patterns consistent with an analogue magnitude representation. In contrast, 4-year-olds were unable to discriminate number independently of task-irrelevant perceptual variables. Sensitivity to irrelevant perceptual features of the magnitude discrimination task was also affected by age, and correlated with memory, suggesting that more general cognitive abilities may play a role in performance in magnitude comparison tasks.


We conclude that young children are not able to discriminate numerical magnitudes when co-varying physical magnitudes are methodically pitted against number. We propose, along with others, that a rather domain general magnitude representation provides the later basis for a specialized representation of numerical magnitudes. For this representational specialization, the acquisition of the concept of abstract numbers, together with the development of other cognitive abilities, is indispensable.  相似文献   

The main aims of this study were to develop norms for the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in 6- to 11-year-old children in Taiwan; to explore the effect of sex, age, birth order, number of siblings, and parental education on WCST performance in 6- to 11-year-old children; and to make a comparison of WCST performance between children in Taiwan and the USA. The results of this comparison of developmental norms of school children in Taiwan and the United States may facilitate the WCST as a clinical or research instrument in combination with other test procedures to assess aspects of cognitive and neuropsychological functioning of school children.  相似文献   

《Sleep medicine》2014,15(2):236-239
ObjectiveThe purpose of our study was to evaluate the association between environmental factors, sleep duration, and sleep bruxism (SB) in schoolchildren.MethodsA case-control study was performed. Individuals participating in the study were randomly chosen from public and private schools in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. A total of 120 children with bruxism and 240 without bruxism (mean age, 8 years) participated in our study. A questionnaire for parents was used to collect data based on criteria taken from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Conditional binary logistic regression statistical tests and χ2 tests were used for analysis.ResultsThe final logistical model found that children with a median sleep time ⩽8 h per night (odds ratio [OR], 2.561 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 1.480–4.433]), who did not enjoy a good night’s sleep (OR, 3.253 [95% CI, 1.600–6.615]), who slept with noise in the room (OR, 2.699 [95% CI, 1.645–4.429]), and who had the light on (OR, 2.370 [95% CI, 1.446–3.884]), were more likely to have SB.ConclusionChildren who sleep for less than 8 h a night are more likely to have SB. Light and noise in the room were two predisposing factors for the occurrence of SB.  相似文献   

The working memory of people with intellectual disability has been found to generally lag behind their mental age. However, studies concerning the structure of working memory or its connections to other cognitive functions are rare. The present study employs a versatile battery of tests for the evaluation of working memory structure in adults with intellectual disability of unknown aetiology. In addition, connections between working memory and cognitive skills valid for everyday functioning are evaluated. Working memory performance in the study participants was found to stem from two distinct components which could be regarded to represent phonological and general working memory. General working memory was closely related to intelligence, whereas phonological working memory was not. The subjects in the study group differed in their working memory profiles. These distinct profiles were significantly related to academic skills (e.g. reading, writing and mathematics) and sentence comprehension because the profile of the working memory predicted these abilities even when the intelligence and educational background of the participants was taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The afternoon sleep of 12 children aged 7-9 was studied; its electrophysiological indices and sequential organization were described and compared to those of afternoon sleep of adults and to those of night sleep of adults and children. The EEG indices which differentiate sleep patterns of children from adults' were the following: abundance of slow rhythms from onset of sleep; absence of low voltage fast activity at sleep onset and during REM sleep; early appearance of a large amount of transitory potentials in the form of sharp rolandic waves and sharp occipital waves. Moreover, either focal or generalized paroxysmal discharges occasionally occurred. Even when it covers a complete sleep cycle, the afternoon sleep of children appears shorter than both that of adults and the first cycle of night sleep in children of the same age. The organization of sleep components does not allow identification of the classical stages defined in adults nor to describe homogeneous stages which are specific to children. The very atypical character of REM sleep also makes it difficult to differentiate unequivocally the classical slow and paradoxical sleeps. The significance of rolandic and occipital sharp transients is discussed; the role of maturation and the influence of the time of occurrence within the circadian rhythm are considered, in order to explain the phenomenological and temporal characteristics of day sleep in children.  相似文献   

The present study examined developmental patterns in children's interpretation of anxiety-related physical symptoms and emotional reasoning (i.e., the tendency to infer danger on the basis of physical response information). A sample of 171 children aged between 4 and 13 years were interviewed after listening to a number of vignettes in which the presence and absence of physical symptoms was systematically varied. Results revealed the expected developmental pattern for anxiety-related interpretations of physical symptoms. More precisely, from age 7, children were increasingly capable of linking physical symptoms to the emotion of anxiety. Furthermore, support was obtained for an emotional reasoning effect. That is, children rated vignettes with physical symptoms as more dangerous than vignettes without such symptoms. While the emotional reasoning effect was present in children of all ages, this phenomenon was more salient among older children. Finally, cognitive development as measured by Piagetian conservation tasks appeared to influence children's anxiety-related interpretations of physical symptoms and emotional reasoning. Altogether, these findings are relevant for researchers who are interested in "physical symptoms-based" theories of childhood anxiety.  相似文献   

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