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目的了解2006年福建省国际戒烟竞赛一年随访数据的质量,为开展戒烟竞赛或其他活动的随访工作提供依据。方法通过调查—再调查的方法,对40位福建省参加国际戒烟的竞赛者进行一年戒烟情况的电话随访,通过计算Kappa值和Spearman相关分析来衡量一年随访数据的可信度。结果两次访问,人口学资料(文化程度、婚姻)以及戒烟情况(一年内是否彻底戒烟、竞赛一年来的吸烟情况、戒烟措施、得到支持和戒烟竞赛对戒烟的帮助)等各项指标一致性好,Kappa值在0.529~0.787之间,Spearman相关系数在0.539~0.707之间;吸烟情况除吸烟量、烟龄两项指标一致性好(Kappa值分别为0.456和0.479)外,其余指标(赛前戒烟次数、戒烟态度和戒烟目的)一致性差(Kappa值均为0.4以下);复吸情况,除"是否受烟草广告或促销等影响"一致性较好外,其他复吸者两次随访结果总体一致性差。结论在我国,戒烟竞赛是控烟工作的一种新方法,只要加强管理和培训,戒烟竞赛活动可以获得比较可靠的数据。  相似文献   

河南省2004年中国国际戒烟竞赛参赛者一月随访   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价河南省2004年中国国际戒烟竞赛的效果。方法戒烟竞赛开展1个月后,对来自17个省辖市的7378名参赛者进行系统抽样,共抽取936名参赛人员,通过电话或面谈的方式进行随访。结果1个月戒烟率为53.0%;没有戒烟的人中,平均每日吸烟量由原先的18支/d降至为8支/d(P<0.05);多因素分析表明,年龄、文化程度、戒烟态度、参赛目标、使用特别戒烟方法与最终戒烟效果有关,而参赛目标对戒烟成功与否影响最大(P<0.001),其次是戒烟态度(P=0.0042)。结论戒烟竞赛的效果令人满意。通过营造全方位的戒烟氛围,戒烟竞赛使多种戒烟方法得以综合运用。  相似文献   

中国2004年国际戒烟竞赛一年随访效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了评价参加2004年国际戒烟竞赛的中国参赛者一年来戒烟的保持情况,探索影响戒烟成功的因素,中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室于2005年5月8日至6月8日开展了一年随访研究。1.对象与方法:调查对象为参加2004年5月戒烟竞赛的参赛者。根据可行性和各参赛省市注册报名表编号,利用系统抽样的方法,对参赛人数在300人以上的13个省市的所有参赛者系统抽取10%进行1年随访调查,共抽取4174  相似文献   

中国1998年戒烟竞赛效果评价   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1998年我国7个城市参加了国际戒烟竞赛,参赛者共3.8万人。参赛者进行随机抽样调查,一月戒烟率为69.4%,一年戒烟成功率为44.7%。影响戒烟一年成功的主要因素有“竞赛一月期间戒烟成功”和“参塞目的为了戒烟”,OR分别为11.74和8.11。此外戒烟有人帮助和吸烟量少也有利于戒烟的成功。由于卫生部和各市周密计划,良好组织和动员,使竞赛十分成功。竞赛调动了各部门和广大群众控烟工作的积极性,为促进  相似文献   

烟草的危害性已成为慢性非传染性疾病之后又一威胁人类健康的行为性疾病因素,在全社会,一方面以疾病预防控制中心健康教育所为代表的卫生系统加大了对烟草危害性的宣传,在全社会形成了一个良好的氛围;另一方面,一些公共场所也加大了对无吸烟场所的构建,形成了一种对戒烟行为的外在要求。随着宣传的深入,吸烟者已经从根本上认识了烟草对健康的危害。宜都市在2006年5月参加了国际戒烟竞赛,为评价此次戒烟竞赛的效果,于2007年5月从1116参赛者中抽取了117人,对戒烟竞赛后一年进行了随访调查。1对象与方法1.1对象随访对象为宜都市2006年5月参加国…  相似文献   

吸烟是人类健康的杀手。目前全球有ll亿人吸烟,在发展中国家,特别是西太区吸烟人数一直呈上升趋势,烟草危害已成为世界性的公共卫生问题。国际戒烟竞赛是一个旨在通过奖励来鼓励人们戒烟的国际戒烟项目,是由多国合作并参与的一种具有低成本高效益的国际控烟活动。郑州市2004年5月首次参加了国际戒烟竞赛,郑州市报名人数达2042人,为了评价这次戒烟竞赛活动的效果,于2005年5月竞赛一年时对参赛者进行了随访调查。  相似文献   

[目的]分析贵州省首次参加国际戒烟竞赛的效果,探讨影响戒烟成功的相关因素,为医务人员指导烟民戒烟提供参考.[方法]根据国际戒烟竞赛规则,使用统一问卷在戒烟竞赛结束1月和1年分别随机抽取10%的参赛者进行随访,数据用EPIDATA2.0进行录入,用SPSS13.0进行统计分析.[结果]参加竞赛人群中,70.6%的人参赛的目的是为了完全戒烟,73.5%的人参赛的最重要原因是预防严重疾病.竞赛后1个月有71.9%的人认为戒烟竞赛对自己戒烟有帮助,1年后,该比例上升为92.9%.竞赛期间的戒烟率为54%,竞赛结束后1个月、1年后的戒烟率分别为59.85%、37.95%.复吸率分别为46.72%、65.69%.竞赛1个月随访,影响戒烟成功的主要原因是周围有人吸烟(27.7%)和戒断症状(21.5%),1年后的主要原因是周围有人吸烟(48.4%).[结论]国际戒烟竞赛开展的效果明显,复吸的主要原因是周围人吸烟和戒断症状,帮助戒烟的措施主要是加强宣传教育,营造控烟环境,加强戒烟门诊的建设.  相似文献   

上海市2004年国际戒烟竞赛1个月随访分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎江  李新建  卢伟  罗齐燕 《职业与健康》2005,21(8):1185-1187
目的分析上海市2004年国际戒烟竞赛的效果,并探讨其戒烟行为的影响因素:方法竞赛1个月后对全市3691名报名参赛者进行随机抽样调查。结果竞赛4周内戒烟率为63.4%,1个月随访戒烟率为45.4%,复吸的主要原因是周围的人吸烟,Logistic回归分析结果显示:性别、戒烟决心、是否会自己戒烟是影响戒烟成功的显著因子。结论竞赛组织者通过各种渠道向社会宣传报名信息,竞赛取得了成功,对促进今后的控烟工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

[目的]了解2008年山东省戒烟竞赛活动的效果,探讨科学有效的戒烟方法。[方法]2009年1月(戒烟竞赛活动开展半年后),从参赛人员中抽取10%进行电话随访调查。[结果]调查790人,其中医务人员315人,普通大众475人。全部调查对象中,获取戒烟竞赛信息的渠道,40.63%通过疾病预防控制中心,28.48%来自报刊;戒烟支持来自家人的占62.91%,来自朋友或同事的占55.57%,来自医务人员的占40.25%;戒烟的有效措施是自我控制的占33.04%,找医务人员及戒烟热线帮助的占28.23%,使用戒烟药物的占10.76%,未采取明确措施的占27.97%;完全戒烟者占36.58%;戒烟不成功的主要原因是周围有人吸烟的占37.33%,是饮酒时吸烟的占25.35%,有戒断症状的占13.37%。[结论]戒烟竞赛效果明显,要进一步扩展控烟信息传播渠道,创造良好的支持环境,开展必要的技术服务。  相似文献   

国际戒烟竞赛是一个旨在通过积极的奖励来鼓励人们戒烟的国际戒烟项目,每2年举办1次,2004年全球有71个国家和地区参加了此项目。我国自1996年以来,已连续参加了5次,上海是我国最早参加的城市之一,2004年有3697人参赛。为了解参加2004年戒烟竞赛的吸烟者戒烟的保持情况,我们于2005年5—6月开展了1年随访研究。  相似文献   

Quit and Win has rapidly grown in popularity as a practical international smoking cessation activity. This is likely to be due to Quit and Win's unique, positive approach to a problem that is receiving increasing attention worldwide as a major health threat. The campaign is also a concrete channel for large international health collaboration, which is necessary considering the global nature of marketing efforts of the tobacco industry. Based on encouraging experiences of three previous international campaigns in 1994, 1996 and 1998, the next International Quit and Win will be organized in 2000. It will be larger than ever and support the new WHO Tobacco-Free Initiative.  相似文献   

Quit and Win Contest 1994: Evaluation in three countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates the European Quit and Win contest 1994In Finland, Russia and Spain/Catalonia. The numbers of participantswere 5,879 in Finland (0.6% of smokers), 28,361 In Russia (0.1%)and 1,752 in Spain/Catalonia (0.1%). A one year follow-up surveywas conducted, with response rates 67% in Finland (n=1,419),38% In Russia (n=339) and 42% In Spain/Catalonia (n=353). Twooutcome estimates were used: the proportion of abstainers amongthe respondents and the among the sample regarding all non-respondentsas relapsed. For the first estimate, the abstinence rates were23.0% In Finland, 32.1% in Russia and 34.5% In Spain/Catalonia(p<0.001). For the latter estimate, the corresponding figureswere 15.4, 12.1 and 14.5% (p=0.057). The results suggest thatthis cessation method obtains satisfying abstinence resultsin different countries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In recent years community intervention plans for motivating smokers to stop smoking have been developed. One of these programs is the initiative of the World Health Organization. Our study evaluated the impact of this intervention in a sample of persons who participated in the 1996 edition of the program in Barcelona, Spain. METHODS: One year after the contest, a telephone follow-up survey was carried out in one-third of the participants. Subjects were questioned about their current smoking status and their participation in the contest, including motivation and whether they had remained abstinent throughout the contest. RESULTS: A total of 941 valid cards were received from Barcelona residents, equivalent of 0.23% of all smokers. A selection was made of 307 persons for follow-up, 18 of which were excluded because they were former smokers. From the remaining 289 participants, we obtained valid responses from 196, 82 (41.8%) of which were abstinent when the survey was made. Participating in the contest with the intention to stop smoking permanently and continued abstinence throughout the contest period (one month) were significantly associated with abstention one year later. The overall agreement between participants' statements and the statements of a subsample (n=18) was 81.3%. CONCLUSIONS: One year after the intervention the proportion of abstinent smokers was higher than in earlier studies. However, self-selection by the participation who responded to the follow-up questionnaire could have contributed to the final result. Overall, such initiatives could be useful in motivating predisposed persons to stop smoking.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quit and Win is a community-wide stop smoking contest to help cigarette smokers stop smoking and educate the general public concerning smoking hazards. METHODS: All community residents, 15 years of age or older, were eligible to participate in either the stop smoking contest or the supporter contest. A random telephone survey to local households was conducted before and after the Quit and Win contest to assess the level of knowledge and attitude changes about smoking. RESULTS: Of the 304 smokers enrolled in the contest, 42% self-reported continuous tobacco abstinence for the 4-week contest period and 11% were abstinent at 1 year postcontest. Significant predictors for tobacco abstinence during the contest were formal education beyond high school, absence of other smokers in the household, having a support person enrolled in the support person contest, and the type of relationship that the support person had with their smoker. Survey results showed that this contest changed some local attitudes and increased general knowledge of smoking hazards. CONCLUSIONS: Community-wide stop smoking contests can be used to engage smokers and their support in the community and can be successful in reducing tobacco use.  相似文献   

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