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This work tests the hypothesis that a network of areas involving bilateral premotor cortex and right parietal cortex subserves the analysis of sound movement. The components of this network have been examined at the level of individual subjects in a study where 720 fMRI scans were acquired per subject. Additionally, the effect of movement direction was investigated by varying this property systematically. Linear sound ramps that are perceived as movement toward one side of the head or the other were used in an experiment in which the principal contrast was between movement, and a stationary control stimulus made up of identical component interaural phase and amplitude cues. In a group analysis, the network of bifrontal and right parietal areas suggested by previous work was confirmed. The frontal activation included both dorsal premotor activity in the region of the frontal eye fields and discrete ventral premotor activation in an area corresponding to primate areas for multimodal spatial analysis and motor planning. The right parietal activation included both superior and inferior parietal cortex. Analysis of the individual data showed a similar pattern of activation in each subject, with the greatest variability within the right parietal area. The pattern of activation did not vary when the direction of movement was varied, suggesting that both directions of movement are represented in the network we have demonstrated.  相似文献   

功能区胶质瘤的术中直接电刺激判断核心手术技术   总被引:32,自引:9,他引:23  
目的分析术中直接电刺激判断大脑功能区的手术技术。方法回顾性分析25例大脑半球胶质瘤手术切除技术,及fMRI与DTI在辅助判断肿瘤与功能区的作用。通过术中直接电刺激判断大脑功能区,最大程度切除肿瘤,提高病人术后Karnofsky生活状态(KPS)评分。结果19例术前KPS 80~90分的病人(术前平均85.8分)术后恢复至平均95.3分,6例KPS 40~70分病人术后恢复至平均73.3分;MRI示肿瘤全切23例,肿瘤大部切除2例。结论术中直接电刺激有助于判断大脑功能区位置,从而以最小的损伤,最大程度切除胶质瘤。  相似文献   

Cebus monkeys stand out from other New World monkeys by their ability to perform fine hand movements, and by their spontaneous use of tools in the wild. Those behaviors rely on the integration of somatosensory information, which occurs in different areas of the parietal cortex. Although a few studies have examined and parceled the somatosensory areas of the cebus monkey, mainly using electrophysiological criteria, very little is known about its anatomical organization. In this study we used SMI‐32 immunohistochemistry, myelin, and Nissl stains to characterize the architecture of the parietal cortical areas of cebus monkeys. Seven cortical areas were identified between the precentral gyrus and the anterior bank of the intraparietal sulcus. Except for areas 3a and 3b, distinction between different somatosensory areas was more evident in myelin‐stained sections and SMI‐32 immunohistochemistry than in Nissl stain, especially for area 2 and subdivisions of area 5. Our results show that cebus monkeys have a relatively complex somatosensory cortex, similar to that of macaques and humans. This suggests that, during primate evolution, the emergence of new somatosensory areas underpinned complex manual behaviors in most Old World simians and in the New World cebus monkey. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:1399–1423, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ketoprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, has analgesic effects in animals and humans through a peripheral as well as a central action. This study was designed to determine which brain sites are involved in the central analgesic action of ketoprofen, by using the hot-plate test. Latencies to the first hindpaw lick were recorded in animals receiving local cerebral injections of ketoprofen (10 micrograms in 0.3 microliters) or a control solution (saline). Nineteen brain sites were tested. A significant analgesia was obtained in the 8 following sites: central gray, centro-medial nucleus of the thalamus, nucleus reuniens, dorso-lateral geniculate nucleus, medial geniculate nucleus, dorso-medial and ventro-medial nuclei of the hypothalamus, posterior hypothalamic nucleus and lateral vestibular nucleus. A slight analgesia, which did not reach significance, was observed in three structures: dorsal raphé, raphé magnus and ventral postero-medial thalamic nucleus. No analgesia was observed in other sites: centro-lateral nucleus of the thalamus, posterior thalamic nuclear group, parafascicular nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, mesencephalic tegmentum, nucleus of the tractus solitarius, spinal trigeminal complex, and brainstem reticular formation. Therefore ketoprofen seems to be centrally active mostly at the level of several integrative and non-specific structures.  相似文献   

Body weight regulation depends on neuronal signaling by adiposity-related hormones such as insulin and leptin. Activation of receptors for these hormones induces cell signaling via the insulin receptor substrate/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (IRS-PI3K) pathway, and growing evidence from knockout models implicates IRS-2 as a key component of this signal transduction mechanism. As a first step towards the identification of brain areas that utilize IRS-PI3K signaling in the control of energy homeostasis, we used immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the neuronal distribution of IRS-2 protein in rat brain. In the hypothalamus, strong IRS-2 staining was detected chiefly in the arcuate (ARC), ventromedial (VMN) nucleus and parvocellular paraventricular nucleus (PVN). Within the ARC, IRS-2 was co-localized with alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) as well as neuropeptide Y (NPY). In the hindbrain, IRS-2 staining was detected in the area postrema (AP), medial nucleus of the solitary tract (mNTS), dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (DMV) and the hypoglossal nucleus (HN). Co-localization studies in the mNTS demonstrated the presence of IRS-2 in catecholamine neurons. IRS-2 protein was also found in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), an important area for reward perception, and was detected in dopamine neurons in this brain area. In summary, neurons containing IRS-2 immunoreactivity were identified in forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain areas and in cell types that are crucial for the control of food intake and autonomic function. An improved understanding of mechanisms underlying normal and abnormal energy homeostasis may be gained by analysis of the role played by signaling through IRS-2 in these brain areas.  相似文献   

汉-英双语言脑功能区外科手术定位的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨中国人汉-英语的脑功能区定位及手术方法。方法对1例广东籍汉语普通话-英语双语言脑功能区低级别胶质瘤病人,术前通过汉、英语语义、语音和图文实验任务,经功能磁共振(fMRI)定位汉语和英语皮质区.由神经功能导航制定手术计划和定位,术中采用超声探测肿瘤,全麻唤醒下双语定位监测功能区,行显微手术切除病变。结果fMRI检出汉语激活区在肿瘤的前下外部,即额中下回后部,英语激活区则位于近肿瘤的额上中回后部。切除肿瘤过程中英语较汉语出现明显障碍征象。肿瘤获次全切除,术后出现短暂辅助运动区(SMA)综合征,英语运动性失语于术后1周内恢复;术后3个月,fMRI显示英语激活区重塑位移。术后8个月随访,病人恢复正常生活和工作,术前癫痫症状消失。结论①采用双语方式进行fMRI扫描定位、神经导航功能区定位和术中清醒状态下双语监测,使双语言脑功能区病变病人的手术治疗成为可能。②在保留母语功能的前提下,对第2语言区病变做到最大限度切除后,其语言功能仍可能得到恢复。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies have suggested that gap junctions not only modulate the fate of the neocortex, but are also involved in maintaining homeostasis in the mature brain. However, the neuroprotective effects of gap junction communication following brain ischemic injury remain poorly understood.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the neuroprotective effects and possible mechanisms of gap junction communication following focal ischemia and reperfusion.
DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: A randomized, controlled, animal experiment was performed at the School of Basic Medical Sciences of Lanzhou University between June 2007 and May 2008.
MATERIALS: Rabbit polyclonal anti-connexin 43 (Cx43) and gap junction blocking agent octanol were purchased from Sigma, USA; mouse monoclonal anti-rat glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was provided by Santa Cruz, USA; mouse monoclonal anti-rat CD11 b was produced by Abcam, England.
METHODS: A total of 52 adult, male, Sprague Dawley rats were randomly assigned to three groups: sham-operated (n = 12), vehicle control (n = 20), and octanol-treated (n = 20). Brain ischemia and reperfusion were induced by transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in vehicle control and octanol-treated groups, while no MCAO was administered to the sham-operated group. In the octanol-treated group, 5 mmol/kg octanol was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (0.005% v/v) and was intraperitoneally injected 30 minutes prior to ischemic onset. Sham-operated and vehicle groups received equivalent volumes of dimethyl sulfoxide.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Infarct volumes in ipsilateral striatum after MCAO were measured using cresyl violet dye; GFAP, CD11 b, and Cx43 expression in the ipsilateral striatum following MCAO were detected by immunohistochemistry; Western blot analysis was employed to determine Cx43 and GFAP expression.
RESULTS: At 1 and 3 days following MCAO and reperfusion, ipsilateral striatum infarct volumes in the octanol group were significantly greater than in the vehicle group (P 〈 0.05). There was no infarction in the sham-operated group. Cx43 and GFAP expression in the ipsilateral striatum of the octanol group was remarkably decreased compared with the vehicle group (P 〈 0.05), and expression in the sham-operated group was less than in the other two groups (P 〈 0.05). In the octanol-treated group, CD11 b expression was significantly increased compared with the vehicle group (P 〈 0.05), and there were less CD11 b-immunoreactive cells in the sham-operated group compared with the other two groups (P 〈 0.05).
CONCLUSION: The pretreatment of blocking gap junction aggravated brain injury following MCAO. These results were possibly due to reduced astrocyte proliferation and activation, as well as reduced inflammatory response via activated microglia.  相似文献   

Brain mapping with direct electrical stimulation is usefull when the tumor is located near or has infiltrated the central lobe. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the surgical findings with direct electrical stimulation of the cortex and white matter under general anesthesia during surgery for brain tumors related to the central lobe. METHOD: We studied 42 patients operated on from June 2000 to June 2003. We analyzed surgical findings and details of brain mapping. RESULTS: The mean value of the intensity of the stimulus was greater among those who presented motor deficit prior to surgery (p = 0.0425) and edema on MRI (p = 0.0468) or during anesthesia with continuous propofol (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: The functional mapping of the central lobe may be influenced by severe motor deficit, edema on MRI and propofol's anesthesia.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the 10s molecular form (G4) of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is selectively lost from several cortical areas of Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain. In the current follow-up study, we microdissected several areas of nondemented and AD brain, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus. Tissue homogenates were separated on sucrose density gradients and the resulting fractions were analyzed for AChE activity in order to define the ratios of the predominant AChE molecular forms (G4/G1). Both the hippocampus and amygdala exhibited distinct patterns of alterations in the G4/G1 ratio which correlate with the known distribution of histopathological changes in AD brain. In order to further define the major pool of AChE that is depleted in AD, we separated fractionated tissue homogenates into salt-soluble and detergent-soluble fractions. The G4/G1 ratios were only altered in the detergent-soluble fractions, indicating that the loss of the G4 AChE molecular form involves a selective depletion of the membrane pool. Available evidence would suggest that this form is the AChE molecular form physiologically relevant at the cholinergic synapse.  相似文献   

The iron-induced model of post-traumatic chronic focal epilepsy in rats was studied by depth-electrode mapping to investigate the spread of epileptiform activity into subcortical brain structures after its onset in the cortical epileptic focus. Electrical seizure activity was recorded in the hippocampal CA1 and CA3 areas, amygdala and caudate-putamen, in rats with iron-induced chronic cortical focal epilepsy. These experiments showed that the epileptiform activity with its onset in the cortical focus synchronously propagated into the studied subcortical brain areas. Seizure behaviours seemed to increase in correspondence with the spread of the epileptic electrographic activity in subcortical areas. Comparison of the cortical focus electroencephalographic and associated multiple-unit action potential recordings with those from the subcortical structures showed that the occurrence and evolution of the epileptiform activity in the subcortical structures were in parallel with that in the cortical focus. The intracerebral anatomic progression and delineation of seizure spread (mapped by field potential (EEG) and multiple-unit action potentials (MUA) recordings) indicated participation of these regions in the generalization of seizure activity in this model of epilepsy. The seizure-induced activation of the hippocampus appeared to evolve into an epileptic focus independent of the cortical focus. The present study demonstrates the propagation of epileptic activity from the cortical focus into the limbic and basal ganglia regions. Treatment of iron-induced epileptic rats with ethosuximide, an anti-absence drug, resulted in suppression of the epileptiform activity in the cortical focus as well as in the subcortical brain areas.  相似文献   

Behavioral studies, motivated by columnar cortical model predictions, have given evidence for music causally enhancing spatial-temporal reasoning. A wide range of behavioral experiments showed that listening to a Mozart Sonata (K.448) gave subsequent enhancements. An EEG coherence study gave evidence for a carryover from that Mozart Sonata listening condition to the subsequent spatial-temporal task in specific cortical regions. Here we present fMRI studies comparing cortical blood flow activation by the Mozart Sonata vs. other music. In addition to expected temporal cortex activation, we report dramatic statistically significant differences in activation by the Mozart Sonata (in comparison to Beethoven's Fur Elise and 1930s piano music) in dorsolateral pre-frontal cortex, occipital cortex and cerebellum, all expected to be important for spatial-temporal reasoning. It would be of great interest to explicitly test this expectation. We propose an fMRI study comparing (subject by subject) brain areas activated in music listening conditions and in spatial-temporal tasks.  相似文献   

Caffeine is not considered addictive, and in animals it does not trigger metabolic increases or dopamine release in brain areas involved in reinforcement and reward. Our objective was to measure caffeine effects on cerebral perfusion in humans using single photon emission computed tomography, with a specific focus on areas of reinforcement and reward. Two groups of nonsmoking subjects were studied, one with a low (8 subjects) and one with a high (6 subjects) daily coffee consumption. The subjects ingested 3 mg/kg caffeine or placebo in a raspberry-tasting drink, and scans were performed 45 min after ingestion. A control group of 12 healthy volunteers receiving no drink was also studied. Caffeine consumption led to a generalized, statistically nonsignificant perfusion decrease of 6% to 8%, comparable in low and high consumers. Compared with controls, low consumers displayed neuronal activation bilaterally in inferior frontal gyrusanterior insular cortex and uncus, left internal parietal cortex, right lingual gyrus, and cerebellum. In high consumers, brain activation occurred bilaterally only in hypothalamus. Thus, on a background of widespread low-amplitude perfusion decrease, caffeine activates a few regions mainly involved in the control of vigilance, anxiety, and cardiovascular regulation, but does not affect areas involved in reinforcing and reward.  相似文献   

Synthetic selective modulators of the estrogen receptors (SERMs) have shown to protect neurons and glial cells against toxic insults. Among the most relevant beneficial effects attributed to these compounds are the regulation of inflammation, attenuation of astrogliosis and microglial activation, prevention of excitotoxicity and as a consequence the reduction of neuronal cell death. Under pathological conditions, the mechanism of action of the SERMs involves the activation of estrogen receptors (ERs) and G protein-coupled receptor for estrogens (GRP30). These receptors trigger neuroprotective responses such as increasing the expression of antioxidants and the activation of kinase-mediated survival signaling pathways. Despite the advances in the knowledge of the pathways activated by the SERMs, their mechanism of action is still not entirely clear, and there are several controversies. In this review, we focused on the molecular pathways activated by SERMs in brain cells, mainly astrocytes, as a response to treatment with raloxifene and tamoxifen.  相似文献   

Using the autoradiographic method in the zebra finch (poephila guttata), areas of the brain were identified which contain cells which accumulate testosterone. Among these areas are the caudal nucleus of the hyperstriatum ventrale, nucleus intercollicularis of the midbrain, and the tracheosyringeal portion of the hypoglossal nucleus of the medulla (nXIIts). These three are known to control or influence androgen dependent song and other vocalizations of passeriform birds, and nXIIts is composed of the motoneurons innervating the vocal (syringeal) muscles. Other areas containing hormone-concentrating cells are the medial preoptic area, nucleus periventricularis magnocellularis of the hypothalamus, dorsal infundibular layers, dorsomedial thalamus, lateral septum, magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum, periventricular medial neostriatum, nucleus taeniae of the archistriatum, and ventral paleostriatum augmentatum. Accumulation by cells in the preoptic area, hypothalamus, and limbic forebrain is consistent with a general vertebrate pattern of distribution of brain cells which accumulate sex steroids. Some of these same areas may be involved in the control of androgen dependent events such as courtship, copulation, aggression, and feedback regulation of the hypophysis.  相似文献   

The repulsive guidance molecule (RGMa) is involved in controlling the topography of retinal ganglion cell axons along the anterioposterior axis of the tectum. Here, we generated a new RGMa-monoclonal antibody and show that it is expressed in the developing retina, suggesting that it may regulate retinal axon pathfinding. We tested this hypothesis by using in ovo electroporation to either overexpress or downregulate RGMa in the eye. Anterograde labeling of retinal axons entering the optic tecta revealed abnormal phenotypes when RGMa expression is perturbed. These included the absence of terminal zone, the premature stalling of arborization of fibers, overshooting of terminal zone, aberrant axonal turns in the optic tectum and abnormal projections into deeper tectal layers. Moreover, RGMa overexpression frequently leads to intraretinal pathfinding errors. Thus, these data suggest that RGMa expression on retinal axons is a major determinant of topographic targeting in the retino-tectal projection and in the retina.  相似文献   

Two core questions in the study of speech evolution are whether nonhuman primate signals should be conceived as referential, and what the role of social cognition is in primate communication. Current evidence suggests that the structure of primate vocalizations is largely innate and related to the affective/motivational state of the caller, with a probabilistic and underdetermined relationship between specific events and calls. Moreover, nonhuman primates do not appear to express or comprehend communicative or informative intent, which is in line with a lack of mental state attribution to others. We argue that nonhuman primate vocalizations as well as gestures should be best conceived as goal-directed, where signallers are sensitive to the relation between their signalling and receivers’ responses. Receivers in turn use signals to predict signaller behaviour. In combination with their ability to integrate information from multiple sources, this renders the system as a whole relatively powerful, despite the lack of higher-order intentionality on the side of sender or receiver.  相似文献   

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