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In this study, we investigated some of the signalling pathways involved in bradykinin (BK)-induced relaxation in epithelium-intact strips of the guinea-pig trachea (GPT + E). BK induced time- and concentration-dependent relaxation of GPT + E. Similar responses were observed for prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) or the combination of subthreshold concentrations of BK plus PGE2. The nonselective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors indomethacin or pyroxicam, or the selective COX-2 inhibitors DFU, NS 398 or rofecoxib, but not the selective COX-1 inhibitor SC 560, all abolished BK-induced relaxation. The tyrosine kinase inhibitors herbimycin A and AG 490 also abolished BK-induced relaxation in GPT + E. The nonselective nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor 7-NINA concentration-dependently inhibited BK effects. BK-induced relaxation was prevented by the selective antagonists for EP3 (L 826266), but not by EP1 (SC 19221), EP1/EP2 (AH 6809) or EP4 (L161982) receptor antagonists. Otherwise, the selective inhibitors of protein kinases A, G and C, mitogen-activated protein kinases, phospholipases C and A2, nuclear factor-kappaB or potassium channels all failed to significantly interfere with BK-mediated relaxation.BK caused a marked increase in PGE2 levels, an effect that was prevented by NS 398, HOE 140 or AG 490. COX-2 expression did not differ in preparations with or without epithelium, and it was not changed by BK stimulation. However, incubation with BK significantly increased the endothelial NOS (eNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS) expression, independent of the epithelium integrity. Our results indicate that BK-induced relaxation in GPT + E depends on prostanoids (probably PGE2 acting via EP3 receptors) and NO release and seems to involve complex interactions between kinin B2 receptors, COX-2, nNOS, eNOS and tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

In guinea-pig isolated tracheae precontracted with pilocarpine (2 x 10(-5)M) mechanical removal of the epithelium did not significantly modify the degree of relaxation induced by three different adrenergic agonists: epinephrine (adrenaline), isoproterenol (isoprenaline) and salbutamol. The failure of epithelium removal to modify isoproterenol relaxant activity was observed in both spontaneous tone and pilocarpine precontracted tracheae. In tracheae obtained from actively sensitized (ovalbumin) guinea-pigs, log-concentration response curves of epinephrine and salbutamol were unchanged by epithelium damage, whereas that of isoproterenol was slightly shifted to the left. In ovalbumin sensitized tracheae exposed to the antigen (ovalbumin, 50 micrograms/ml) epithelium removal enhanced the relaxant activity of the three adrenergic agonists used. Beta-adrenoceptor desensitization (isoproterenol, 10(-6)M for 20 min twice) carried out in ovalbumin actively sensitized tracheae with or without epithelium, shifted the log-concentration response curves of isoproterenol to a similar rightward position. The present data suggest that the airway epithelium plays a minor role in the regulation of guinea-pig tracheal sensitivity to beta-adrenoceptor agonists, which is evident only in a classical model of experimental asthma.  相似文献   

The responses to adenosine were studied on isolated, methacholine-precontracted tracheal strips of guinea pigs in the course of long-term caffeine or solvent treatment. Guinea pigs were fed caffeine for 10 weeks (average serum caffeine concentration: 39.1 +/- 3.9 microM). In epithelium-intact tracheal preparations (EITPs), sensititization to adenosine-induced relaxation (AIR) developed. It attained a maximum in week 1 of caffeine treatment, and then its level diminished and disappeared completely by weeks 4 - 6. In epithelium-denuded tracheal preparations (EDTPs), an increase in the sensitivity to adenosine was observed from week 1 to week 10 (a 4 - 6-fold reduction in EC50). Use of a coaxial bioassay system confirmed the role of epithelium in this process. The enhancement of the AIR of the EITPs was not modified by inhibitors of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase. Following depletion of the neuropeptides by acute capsaicin pretreatment, the AIR of the EITPs was strongly enhanced after caffeine treatment for 6 weeks. In chronically caffeine-treated EITPs, the inhibition of neutral endopeptidase led to dramatic reduction of the AIR. On the basis of the results by inhibiting nitric oxide synthase, it can be supposed that nitric oxide released from EITPs of long-lasting caffeine-treated animals operated as a constrictor agent. Our results show that chronic caffeine treatment gives rise to an initial sensitization to adenosine of the EITPs, this being followed by the development of a specific adaptive process in the epithelial cells, which counterbalances the increased tracheal sensitivity to adenosine.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the possibility that tracheal epithelium generates a relaxant factor analogous to the endothelial-derived relaxant factor (EDRF) of vascular tissue. The absence of such a factor following epithelial damage in diseases such as asthma might help to explain the airway hyperreactivity characteristic of such diseases. Removal of epithelium by rubbing enhanced the sensitivity of guinea-pig isolated tracheal chains to 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine, acetylcholine, adenosine, isoprenaline and also minimally to KCl. Responses to LaCl3 and electrical field stimulation were not affected. Low concentrations of adenosine produced contractions only in tissues denuded of epithelium. In the presence of indomethacin 1.4 microM or dithiothreitol (DTT) 1 microM, dose-response curves to histamine were moved to the left in both control and rubbed tissues, and the maximum response was increased. The difference in sensitivity between tissues with and without epithelium was not affected by indomethacin, but was slightly reduced by DTT. Phenidone (0.1 mM) also increased the maximum responses, but increased the sensitivity only of the tissues with intact epithelium, to the same level as that seen in the tissues denuded of epithelium. Superfusion cascade studies provided no evidence for the generation of a relaxant factor from tracheal epithelium. It is suggested that the supersensitivity produced by removal of the epithelium is not due to the removal of a relaxant factor, but rather to the removal of a permeability barrier, allowing a greater concentration of agonist at the level of the underlying smooth muscle.  相似文献   

1. The effects of two nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis-inhibitors NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG) and NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) on the relaxation induced by bradykinin (BK, 100 nM), isoprenaline (Iso, 1 microM) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 1 microM) were investigated in epithelium-intact strips of guinea-pig isolated trachea. 2. Relaxations induced by BK (100 nM) in guinea-pig tracheal strips under spontaneous tone were inhibited in a concentration-related manner by L-NOARG and L-NMMA (1 to 100 microM), with IC50s (and 95% confidence limits) of 9.1 (6.9-11.6) microM and 7.0 (4.2-12.3) microM, respectively. However, at the maximal concentration (100 microM) used, neither of these drugs inhibited completely BK-induced relaxation (maximal inhibition of 74 +/- 7 and 67 +/- 7%, respectively). On the other hand, D-NMMA, the D-enantiomer of L-NMMA, up to 100 microM failed to inhibit BK-induced relaxation. The relaxation induced by Iso (1 microM) and SNP (1 microM) were not affected by either L-NOARG or L-NMMA (30 microM). 3. The inhibition of BK-induced relaxation caused by L-NOARG and L-NMMA was partially reversed by addition of excess of L-arginine but not D-arginine (1 mM). 4. Like L-NOARG and L-NMMA, methylene blue (10 microM), an agent that inhibits the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase by NO, also significantly inhibited BK-induced relaxation, leaving responses to Iso unaffected. 5. Indomethacin (0.3 nM to 10 nM), a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, concentration-dependently inhibited BK-mediated relaxation, with an IC50 of 2.6 (1.7-3.8) nM, without affecting Iso and SNP-mediated relaxant responses. 6. A combination of a very low concentration of indomethacin (1 nM) and either L-NOARG or L-NMMA (100 microM) changed the response of tracheal preparations to BK (100 nM) from a relaxation to a sustained contraction. 7. These findings indicate that BK-induced relaxation in guinea-pig trachea is mediated jointly by the release of NO or a NO-related substance and a prostanoid, probably prostaglandin E2.  相似文献   

To discover whether hypoxia affects mediator responses and neurotransmission in tracheal smooth muscle, we studied in vitro tracheal segments from guinea-pigs under isometric conditions. Hypoxia itself did not alter the basal tone. The maximum response to acetylcholine and histamine under hypoxia was less than that under oxygenated conditions. The logarithm of 50% effective concentration (log EC50) of the response to acetylcholine under hypoxia was not altered, but the log EC50 of the response to histamine decreased significantly. In contrast to the response to exogenous acetylcholine, the maximum contractile response to electrical field stimulation (EFS) under hypoxia was not different from that under oxygenated conditions, but the logarithm of 50% effective frequency of contractions caused by EFS under hypoxia decreased significantly. On the other hand, non-adrenergic-non-cholinergic relaxation caused by EFS was unaffected by hypoxia. These observations suggest that hypoxia can modulate the responses of tracheal smooth muscle to acetylcholine, histamine and nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

1. The classification of tachykinin receptors in the guinea-pig trachea has been investigated. This was of interest because, from previous studies, it was not clear whether the guinea-pig trachea contains either a mixture of NK1 and NK2 receptors or, alternatively, a single type of novel tachykinin receptor. 2. In the present study, the guinea-pig trachea was contracted by tachykinin agonists selective for NK1 receptors (substance P methylester (SPOMe) and GR73632) or NK2 receptors (GR64349) but not NK3 receptors (senktide). 3. Against SPOMe and GR73632, the NK1 antagonist, GR71251, behaved as a reversible competitive antagonist having apparent affinity (pKB 7.05 vs SPOMe) consistent with action at NK1 receptors. GR71251 (3 microM) did not antagonize responses to GR64349. 4. The NK2 antagonists L-659,877 and Ac-Leu-Asp-Gln-Trp-Phe-Gly-NH2 (R396) antagonized GR64349 although only R396 appeared to behave competitively (pKB 5.73). Neither L-659,877 (30 microM) nor R396 (30 microM) blocked responses to SPOMe. 5. For L-659,877 and R396, comparison was made between activity in guinea-pig trachea and in preparations known to contain tachykinin receptors predominantly of the NK2 type. In the rabbit trachea, both L-659,877 and R396 had effects similar to those in guinea-pig trachea. In contrast, in the rat colon muscularis mucosae, both L-659,877 and R396 appeared to behave competitively with pKB values against GR64349 of 7.83 and 6.90 respectively. 6. It is concluded that in guinea-pig trachea, contractile responses can be induced by activation of both NK1 and NK2 receptors. The present data are discussed with reference to the proposed existence of subtypes of the NK2 receptor.  相似文献   

As beta-adrenoceptor function in the lung could be relevant in asthma, we carried out a functional and biochemical study of the possible occurrence of beta-receptor desensitization after the anaphylactic reaction induced in vitro in actively sensitized guinea-pig tracheas. The relaxing effect of epinephrine and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) was tested in tracheal strips. Binding was studied with tracheal membranes and 125I-cyanopindolol. Antigen challenge resulted in a marked decrease of epinephrine-induced relaxation paralleled by a 50% reduction in beta-receptor number. The adrenergic system was specifically affected since VIP-induced relaxation was not modified by the anaphylactic reaction. In some experiments tissues were pretreated with hydrocortisone or indomethacin. Both these drugs prevented antigen exposure from impairing epinephrine relaxation, suggesting the involvement of eicosanoids in this phenomenon. Our data clearly indicate the occurrence of beta-receptor desensitization as a consequence of the anaphylactic reaction, thus impairment of the adrenergic system might play a role in asthma.  相似文献   

1. The purpose of the present experiments was to study the underlying mechanisms responsible for the relaxant action of endothelin-1 (ET-1) in the guinea-pig trachea in vitro. 2. In tracheal strips precontracted (60-70% of the maximum) with carbachol, ET-1 (1-100 nM) evoked slowly developing concentration-dependent relaxations. Preincubation of the tissues with the thromboxane A2/prostaglandin H2 receptor antagonist, BM 13505 (5 microM) significantly potentiated the relaxant response to ET-1. 3. Removal of the epithelium changed the response of precontracted tracheal preparations to ET-1 from a relaxation to a sustained contraction. 4. ET-1-induced relaxations were abolished by methylene blue (10 microM) and were almost completely attenuated by oxyhaemoglobin (5 microM) and NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, 100 microM), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis, but were not altered by indomethacin (10 microM). 5. In tracheal strips under passive tension, ET-1 (1-100 nM) elicited dose-dependent contractions. The sensitivity of tissues to ET-1 was significantly enhanced by removal of the epithelium (apparent EC50 values were 28.1 +/- 4.1 and 12.5 +/- 0.8 nM in intact and rubbed trachea, respectively, n = 7, P < 0.01). 6. Preincubation of intact tracheal strips with methylene blue, oxyhaemoglobin or L-NMMA did not mimic the effect of epithelium removal on ET-1-induced contractions. 7. There was a concentration-dependent increase in thromboxane A2 but not in PGE2 and prostacyclin release from intact tracheal strips following stimulation with ET-1 (5-100 nM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mechanism of action of prostacyclin (PGI2) on isolated segments of guinea-pig terminal ileum was studied by recording the changes in isometric tension. In these preparations PGI2 (1 nM-1 microM) caused a concentration-dependent increase in muscle tension. This effect was rapid and short-lasting. PGI2-induced contractions were inhibited by atropine and potentiated by physostigmine. Hemicholinium-3 reduced the response to PGI2 and the inhibition was quantitatively comparable at any PGI2 concentration tested. Tetrodotoxin as well as low temperature (20 degrees C) abolished and beta-bungarotoxin reduced the effect of PGI2. Hexamethonium decreased the response to submaximal, but not to maximal PGI2 concentrations. PGI2 potentiated the twitch response of the ileum to electrical stimulation. In the presence of tetrodotoxin, PGI2 did not alter the effect of a sub-maximal concentration of acetylcholine (ACh). The present results give indirect evidence for the ability of PGI2 to facilitate ACh release from intramural nerves possibly by increasing the excitability of cholinergic cell bodies.  相似文献   

1. Epithelium removal did not influence the development of spontaneous tone in guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle mounted as open ring preparations with two adjoining cartilaginous rings in vitro. 2. Epithelium removal did not change the potency of carbachol but tended to reduce the maximal contraction. In the presence of epithelium the EC50 of carbachol was not different in tracheal open ring compared with intact tube preparations (comprising four cartilaginous rings), suggesting that the size of continuous epithelium in vitro was not critical for the potency of carbachol. 3. Substance P produced the same response in intact and rubbed tracheae. The enkephalinase inhibitor thiorphan (0.1 mM) by itself contracted the trachea and appeared to potentiate the substance P response five times more in the absence than in the presence of epithelium. Capsaicin (1 microM)-induced contractions did not differ between intact and rubbed preparations. 4. Arachidonic acid, 22 microM, variably produced small relaxations and contractions in intact as well as in rubbed tracheae. The mean effects of arachidonic acid were not significantly altered by epithelium removal. 5. Adenosine produced small contractions and dose-dependent relaxations in the presence and absence of epithelium. 6. Epithelium removal had no effect on the potency of the relaxant agonists theophylline and enprofylline. The isoprenaline curve was shifted 2 fold to the left and the terbutaline curve 1.5 fold to the right. The maximal relaxations were generally reduced in epithelium-free tissue. The reduction reached statistical significance with theophylline. 7. The present results suggest that epithelium removal is of little consequence for the pharmacology of the guinea-pig tracheal open ring preparation in vitro.  相似文献   

The potassium channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) has been shown to antagonize the negative inotropic effects of muscarinic receptor agonists on atrial preparations. This is consistent with muscarinic agonists mediating their negative inotropy through the opening of potassium channels. In the present study, the possibility of a direct antagonism of the muscarinic receptor was examined by comparing the effects of 4-AP upon the responses to carbachol of isolated left atria (negative inotropy) and tracheal spirals (contraction) from reserpine pretreated guinea-pigs. The latter response is K+ channel-independent. The concentration-response curve for carbachol on the paced left atria was displaced 520-fold to the right by 4-AP (10 mM). 4-AP alone caused dose-related contractions of the tracheal spirals. Carbachol-induced contractions were, however, superimposed upon the raised tone and there were substantial rightwards shifts of the concentration-response curves of 4.7- and 31.4-fold by 1 and 10 mM of 4-AP, respectively. Thus 4-AP appears to have muscarinic receptor antagonistic blocking properties. The blockade of the atrial responses was, however, substantially greater and could be attributed to an additional blockade of muscarinic receptor-linked potassium channels. The negative inotropic responses of the A1-adenosine receptor agonist L-phenylisopropyladenosine (L-PIA) were also antagonized by 4-AP, but to a lesser extent than for carbachol. After allowing for the muscarinic receptor blocking activity of 4-AP, carbachol was still antagonized more effectively than L-PIA. This could be due to the presence of a K+ channel-independent component in the response to L-PIA which is not susceptible to 4-AP.  相似文献   

1. The influence of epithelium removal on the effects of adenosine on airway contractility was investigated on the guinea-pig isolated trachea. 2. In preparations under resting tone or precontracted with histamine 10(-5) M, removal of the tracheal epithelium resulted in similar shifts to the left of the adenosine concentration-response curves (0.61 +/- 0.18 (P less than 0.05) and 0.80 +/- 0.09 (P less than 0.001) log units; n = 5), corresponding to 4.07 and 6.31 fold potentiations of the relaxant effect of adenosine. 3. In the presence of dipyridamole 10(-5) M the relaxant effects of adenosine were potentiated 85.1 fold on tracheae with epithelium; removal of the epithelium did not produce a significant additional shift to the left of the adenosine concentration-response curves (0.07 +/- 0.03 log units; n = 5; NS). 4. In the absence of dipyridamole, the theophylline-adenosine antagonism was not of the competitive type, irrespective of whether the tracheae were with or without epithelium. 5. In the presence of dipyridamole, this antagonism was likely to be of the competitive type and its characteristics were the same when the epithelium was present or absent. Regression slope and pA2 values were 0.84 and 5.07, respectively, in the presence of epithelium and 0.76 and 4.89, respectively, in its absence. 6. It is suggested that, at least in the guinea-pig isolated trachea model, the airway epithelium seems to be involved only in the uptake and metabolism of adenosine.  相似文献   

1. We have assessed the influence of a range of synthetic cationic polypeptides with putative inhibitory actions at prejunctional muscarinic M2-receptors on electrical field stimulation-induced contraction of guinea-pig isolated tracheal preparations. Electrical field stimulation of epithelium-denuded guinea-pig trachea resulted in frequency-dependent contractile responses. As expected, tracheal smooth muscle sensitivity to electrical field stimulation was increased in tissues pretreated with the muscarinic M2-receptor antagonist, gallamine. In contrast, gallamine did not significantly alter the contractile potency to acetylcholine. 2. Unlike gallamine, the synthetic cationic polypeptides, poly-L-arginine, poly-L-lysine, poly-D-lysine, the cationic dye ruthenium red and the anionic polysaccharide, heparin, failed to increase significantly tracheal smooth muscle sensitivity to electrical field stimulation. 3. Poly-L-arginine, ruthenium red and heparin had no effect on the contractile response to exogenously applied methacholine. 4. These data are consistent with the concept that in guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle, gallamine is an allosteric antagonist of guinea-pig tracheal muscarinic M2-receptors, whereas the various cationic polypeptides and the polyanion, heparin, are not.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF-acether), a known platelet stimulant and bronchoconstrictor (in vivo), is a potential mediator of inflammation and trombosis. However, all smooth muscle effects of PAF-acether described to date are indirect, relying upon intravascular platelet activation. Novel actions of PAF-acether and serotonin (5-HT) are presented here; these actions may lead to the development of a practical bioassay for PAF-acether and contribute to the understanding of the mechanism of action for both substances. PAF-acether, when added to a spiral cut guinea-pig trachea suspended in a tissue bath containing Krebs-Henseleit buffer, produced a dose-dependent loss of active tissue tension. The ED50 for this effect of PAF-acether was 75 ng/ml. PAF-acether produced a maximal relaxation which was 68% of that produced by PGE1 and the effect could not be modified by aspirin or propranolol pretreatment. 5-HT, alone, contracted the guinea-pig trachea strip in a dose-dependent manner, but caused relaxation instead when methysergide was present. Aspirin, phenoxybenzamine and propranolol did not alter this loss of active tissue tension. A similar observation was made in vivo using the guinea-pig bronchoconstriction model, in which PAF-acether as well as 5-HT given to methysergide-treated animals caused a decrease in intratracheal pressure. This action of PAF-acether may yield a suitable bioassay method which could facilitate routine measurements of the substance. Furthermore, the similarity in action of PAF-acether and of 5-HT on methysergide-treated animals leads one to speculate about the relationship between the two substances and their mechanism of action in smooth muscle.  相似文献   

1. The influence of epithelium on the effects of H3-histamine receptor agonist (R)alpha-methylhistamine [(R)alpha-MeHist] on airways was investigated on the guinea-pig perfused bronchioles. 2. In preparations under resting tone, removal of the bronchiolar epithelium or treatment with the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (10(-5) M) increased the constriction induced by histamine and acetylcholine in a concentration-dependent manner without an alteration of the K(+)-induced contraction. 3. In this preparation (R)alpha-MeHist induced a concentration-dependent bronchodilatation which was antagonized in a competitive manner by thioperamide (an H3-antagonist) with a pA2 value of 8.6. 4. This bronchodilatation was reversed to a low concentration-dependent constriction after either removal of the epithelium or treatment with indomethacin (10(-5) M) but was unaffected by both 10(-5) M tranylcypromine (an inhibitor of PGI2 synthesis) and 5 x 10(-5) M NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (an inhibitor of NO synthesis). 5. It is suggested that, in guinea-pig perfused bronchioles (R)alpha-MeHist induces an epithelium-dependent relaxation via the release of metabolite(s) of arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

Assuming that responses of the guinea-pig trachea to isoprenaline in the presence of atenolol (10 mumol L-1) are exclusively, or at least predominantly, beta 2-adrenoceptor mediated and that responses to isoprenaline in the presence of ICI 118,551 (erythro-DL-1(7-methylindan-4-yloxyl)-3-isopropylaminobut an-2-ol) (1 nmol L-1) are exclusively, or at least predominantly beta 1-adrenoceptor mediated, the influence of inhibition of COMT by U-0521 (dehydroxy-2-methyl propiophenone) (50 mumol L-1) has been compared in both conditions. U-0521 enhanced beta 2-adrenoceptor mediated responses to isoprenaline 3.3-fold, while those mediated by beta 1-adrenoceptors were enhanced only 2.2-fold. It is concluded that in guinea-pig trachea COMT activity is functionally more effective in modulating responses which are mediated by beta 2-adrenoceptors than responses mediated by beta 1-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

We have monitored the release of prostanoids and leukotrienes from isolated lungs taken from previously sensitized guinea-pigs perfused either via the pulmonary artery or via the trachea. The eicosanoids were monitored by direct radioimmunoassay and further identified by bioassay and radioimmunoassay following separation by RP-HPLC. When ovalbumin is delivered via the trachea it releases more cyclo-oxygenase products (3-fold) and lipoxygenase products (10-fold) than when delivered via the pulmonary circulation. Indomethacin enhanced leukotriene release whereas BW755C did not affect the release of leukotrienes induced by ovalbumin. These results suggest that perfusing the lungs via the trachea might be relevant for the study of anaphylaxis and other conditions in which the pathophysiological development is determined by cells closer to the alveolar surface in the lung.  相似文献   

1. In order to examine the role of airway epithelium in the responsiveness of smooth muscle in man, we measured the contractile responses to acetylcholine (ACh), histamine, and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) and the relaxation response to isoprenaline (Isop), in 48 bronchi obtained from 10 patients who received surgery. Responses were measured in the presence and absence of the epithelium. 2. Removal of epithelium (by rubbing the mucosa gently with forceps) significantly increased the contractile responses evoked by ACh, histamine and PGF2 alpha. 3. In contrast, removal of epithelium did not alter the relaxation response to Isop. 4. To clarify the mechanism underlying this epithelial inhibitory effect on smooth muscle contraction, we measured the contractile responses of dog trachea with the epithelium removed to increasing concentrations of ACh. After measuring the control response, we added about 0.1 g of the chopped epithelium in the organ chamber, and measured the response again. 5. After adding airway epithelium and incubating with tracheal strips, the contractile response of tracheal strips decreased significantly as compared to the control response. 6. These results show that airway epithelium possesses the ability to decrease the smooth muscle contraction to ACh, histamine and PGF2 alpha in man and dogs. 7. The mechanism of this inhibitory effect of the airway epithelium is not explained by a change in mechanical property of the airway nor the change in diffusion of these drugs to the smooth muscle across the epithelium. Thus, these results suggest that airway epithelium may have an important role in modulating smooth muscle tone, possibly by inactivation of these mediators, or by releasing an epithelium-derived relaxing factor.  相似文献   

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