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Background: Little is known about the transition from substance abuse to substance dependence. Objectives: This study aims to estimate the cumulative probability of developing dependence and to identify predictors of transition to dependence among individuals with lifetime alcohol, cannabis, or cocaine abuse. Methods: Analyses were done for the subsample of individuals with lifetime alcohol abuse (n = 7802), cannabis abuse (n = 2832), or cocaine abuse (n = 815) of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC). Estimated projections of the cumulative probability of transitioning from abuse to dependence were obtained by the standard actuarial method. Discrete-time survival analyses with time-varying covariates were implemented to identify predictors of transition to dependence. Results: Lifetime cumulative probability estimates indicated that 26.6% of individuals with alcohol abuse, 9.4% of individuals with cannabis abuse, and 15.6% of individuals with cocaine abuse transition from abuse to dependence at some point in their lives. Half of the transitions of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine dependence occurred approximately 3.16, 1.83, and 1.42 years after abuse onset, respectively. Several sociodemographic, psychopathological, and substance use-related variables predicted transition from abuse to dependence for all of the substances assessed. Conclusion: The majority of individuals with abuse do not transition to dependence. Lifetime cumulative probability of transition from abuse to dependence was highest for alcohol, followed by cocaine and lastly cannabis. Time from onset of abuse to dependence was shorter for cocaine, followed by cannabis and alcohol. Although some predictors of transition were common across substances, other predictors were specific for certain substances.  相似文献   

AIMS: To compute the common and specific genetic and environmental contributions to nicotine dependence (ND) alcohol dependence (AD) and cannabis dependence (CD). DESIGN: Twin model. PARTICIPANTS: Data from 1874 monozygotic and 1498 dizygotic twin pair members of the Vietnam Era Twin Registry were obtained via telephone administration of a structured psychiatric interview in 1992. MEASUREMENTS: Data to derive life-time diagnoses of DSM-III-R ND, AD and CD were obtained via telephone administration of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. FINDINGS: The best-fitting model allowed for additive genetic contributions and unique environmental influences that were common to all three phenotypes. Risks for ND and AD were also due to genetic and unique environmental influences specific to each drug. A specific shared environmental factor contributed to CD. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the life-time co-occurrence of ND, AD and CD is due to common and specific genetic factors as well as unique environmental influences, and vulnerability for CD is also due to shared environmental factors that do not contribute to ND and AD. The majority of genetic variance is shared across drugs and the majority of unique environmental influences are drug-specific in these middle-aged men. Because differences between models allowing for specific genetic versus shared environment were small, we are most confident in concluding that there are specific familial contributions-either additive genetic or shared environment-to CD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), syndromal adult antisocial behavior (AABS) without conduct disorder (CD) before age 15, and CD without progression to ASPD ("CD only") are highly prevalent among adults with alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Among patients in AUD treatment, antisocial behavioral syndromes are associated with more severe AUDs and poorer treatment outcomes. Comparative data concerning associations of antisocial syndromes with clinical characteristics of AUDs and the sociodemographic and clinical correlates of these syndromes among general population adults with AUDs have not previously been available. This study examines prevalences and correlates of antisocial syndromes among adults with lifetime Diagnostic and Statistical Manual--Version IV (DSM-IV) AUDs, and describes associations of these syndromes with clinical characteristics of AUDs, in the general U.S. population. METHODS: This report is based on the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (n=43,093, response rate=81%). Respondents (n=11,843) with lifetime AUDs were classified according to whether they met criteria for ASPD, AABS, "CD only," or no antisocial syndrome. Correlates of antisocial syndromes were examined using contingency table approaches and normal theory analyses of variance. Associations of antisocial syndromes with clinical characteristics of AUDs, including number of lifetime episodes, duration of longest or only episode, and alcohol consumption during period of heaviest drinking were examined using normal theory and logistic regression. RESULTS: Sociodemographic and clinical correlates of antisocial syndromes among respondents with AUDs were consistent with results from prior studies. Antisocial syndromes were significantly associated with phenomenology of AUDs, particularly ASPD with the most severe clinical presentations. Associations with AABS were similar to but more modest than those with ASPD; those with "CD only" were weaker and less consistent. Patterns of associations between antisocial syndromes and clinical characteristics of AUDs were generally similar between men and women. CONCLUSIONS: Antisocial syndromes, particularly ASPD, appear to identify a more pernicious clinical profile of AUDs among adults in the general U.S. population.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: Nicotine dependence (ND) is a pervasive public health concern and a leading cause of preventable mortality. Stressful life events (SLEs), which severely disrupt the lives of individuals experiencing such events, have been posited as correlates of persisting ND. While both ND and SLEs have been studied extensively in relation to other variables, there are few instances in which they have been investigated in concert. Methods: In this study, we use data on 18,013 smokers from the 2001–2002 data set of the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC, N = 43,093) to examine whether experiencing a SLE in the past 12 months was associated with meeting criteria for ND in the same past 12 months. Logistic regression analyses were conducted while accounting for a variety of covariates. Results: A majority of the SLEs were associated with past 12 month ND, even after controlling for poverty, psychiatric and substance use disorders, and a prior history of ND (odds-ratios 1.35–2.20). The rates of past 12 month ND were considerably greater in those experiencing more than one SLE. Conclusions: While these data do not allow us to make causal interpretations, our results suggest an association between SLE and ND. Potentially, individuals experiencing SLEs may find it difficult to quit smoking; alternatively, directly or via correlated risks (e.g., living in a high risk neighborhood), smoking may increase the likelihood of exposure to SLEs.  相似文献   

Aims  To estimate probabilities of alcohol high-risk drinking, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence on grounds of smoking-behaviour related variables and single nicotine dependence criteria.
Design  Cross-sectional population-based study.
Setting  Adult population of a region in north Germany.
Participants  Cigarette smokers ( n  = 2437) among a random sample of 4075 females and males aged 18–64, drawn in 1996.
Measurement  Smoking, nicotine dependence according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (DSM-IV) and the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND); increasing alcohol-related harm (ARH): high-risk drinking, DSM-IV alcohol abuse, remitted and current alcohol dependence diagnosed by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI).
Findings  Having smoked 30 cigarettes or more per day, onset of smoking at the age of 17 or younger, nicotine dependence and single nicotine dependence criteria revealed odds ratios higher than 4.0 for alcohol dependence. For alcohol dependence, a logistic regression model showed an increased odds ratios for male gender, smoking for 25 years or more, no attempt to quit or cut down, continuation of smoking despite problems, craving for nicotine, withdrawal experience 1 day or longer, smoking first cigarette in the morning 5 minutes or less after waking. The probability of increasing ARH was more likely in males, smokers for 25 years or more, no attempt to quit or cut down, continuation of smoking despite problems and smoking first cigarette in the morning 5 minutes or less after waking.
Conclusions  Gender and single nicotine dependence criteria show particularly high probabilities of alcohol dependence and increasing ARH. Interventions need to take these connections into account.  相似文献   

Background: Given today’s telecommunications environment, random digit dial (RDD) telephone surveys face declining response rates and coverage, and increasing costs. As an alternative to RDD, we surveyed participants in a randomly recruited standing Internet panel supplemented with a randomly sampled telephone survey of nonpanel members for a study of associations between onset of alcohol use and later alcohol‐related problems. The purpose of this paper was to compare results from our survey with results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC), a face‐to‐face probability sample survey of 43,093 adults, with a focus on associations between demographics, age of drinking onset, and alcohol dependence. Methods: Demographic and drinking characteristics from our survey of 4,021 ever‐drinkers between the ages of 18 and 39 years were compared with the characteristics of 11,549 similarly aged ever‐drinkers from the NESARC. Weighted analyses accounting for sampling design compared these 2 samples on drinking characteristics over the past year and during a respondent’s heaviest period of drinking, and in multivariate models examining associations between demographics, age of drinking onset, and lifetime alcohol dependence. Results: Participants in the supplemented Internet panel were similar to the national population of 18‐ to 39‐year‐old ever drinkers on gender, education, and race/ethnicity, while adults who were aged 18 to 25 years were under‐represented in the Internet panel. The supplemented Internet panel reported higher rates of moderate risk drinking over the past 12 months, lifetime high‐risk drinking, and lifetime (ever) alcohol dependence. Estimates of the associations between alcohol dependence and age of drinking onset, risky drinking, and family history of alcohol problems did not significantly differ between the supplemented Internet sample and the NESARC survey. Conclusions: Randomly recruited Internet‐based panels may provide an alternative to random digit dial telephone surveys and in‐person surveys for some studies of factors associated with alcohol‐related problems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Questions persist about the diagnoses of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence as defined by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). These questions center around the performance of individual alcohol use disorder (AUD) criteria and the nature of items used to assess them. In this study, we conduct in-depth analyses of interview items used to assess alcohol abuse and dependence. METHOD: We conducted Rasch model analyses of responses to 33 items assessing alcohol abuse and dependence criteria in the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions, a nationally representative sample of 34,550 participants. We also examined whether items performed differentially by gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, and time frame of assessment (i.e., past year vs lifetime). RESULTS: A single latent dimension explained the vast majority of shared variance among the items. Abuse symptoms were not of consistently lower severity than dependence symptoms, and some were consistently prone to differential functioning across subgroups. Items related to tolerance also functioned differentially across subgroups especially in the comparison of past-year symptoms between young adults (ages 18-24) and older adults. Items differed widely in their empirically estimated severity, even when they were intended to assess the same DSM-IV criterion. CONCLUSIONS: The use of Rasch model analyses demonstrated the essential unidimensionality of AUD criteria and the lack of hierarchical ordering between abuse and dependence criteria, as well as potential sources of bias in the abuse diagnosis and the tolerance criterion. Results highlight that the prevalence and even the meaning of AUD criteria can differ substantially depending on the wording of items used to assess them. Implications for assessment of specific DSM criteria and for development of DSM-V are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between seven personality disorders listed in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and coronary heart disease (CHD) in a nationally representative sample of U.S. older adults. We analyzed data on 10,573 adults aged 60 or older from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. In our results, we found that 13.30% of older adults reported a diagnosis of CHD confirmed by a health professional. Age (odds ratio or OR = 1.04), morbid obesity (OR = 1.59), hypertension (OR = 2.30), nicotine dependence (OR = 1.39), any drug use disorder (OR = 2.13), and any mood disorder (OR = 1.87) increased the odds of having CHD. Female gender (OR = 0.72) and social drinking (OR = 0.71) decreased the odds of having CHD. Controlling for these variables, we found that avoidant (OR = 1.80), schizoid (OR = 1.63), and obsessive-compulsive (OR = 1.37) personality disorders increased the odds of having CHD. Personality disorders may increase the risk of CHD in older adults. Putative mechanisms and directions for future research are proposed.  相似文献   

Aims The study investigates severity of alcohol dependence among drug misusers. Specifically, it investigates the inter‐relationship of alcohol and drug dependence and associations with alcohol consumption, drug consumption and substance‐related problems. Design, setting, participants The sample comprised 735 people seeking treatment for drug misuse problems, who were current (last 90 days) drinkers. Measurements Data were collected by structured face‐to‐face interviews. Dependence upon illicit drugs and upon alcohol was measured by the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS). Findings Three groups of drinkers were identified: non‐alcohol‐dependent drug misusers (63%); low‐dependence (19%); and high‐dependence (18%). Many drug misusers were drinking excessively and alcohol dependence was related to patterns of alcohol and drug consumption. High‐dependence drinkers were more likely to drink extra‐strength beer; they were less frequent users of heroin and crack cocaine but more frequent users of benzodiazepines, amphetamines and cocaine powder; they reported more psychological and physical health problems. The SDS was found to have good reliability and validity as a measure of alcohol dependence. SDS scores for alcohol and drug dependence were unrelated. Conclusions Alcohol use is an important and under‐rated problem in the treatment of drug misusers. A comprehensive assessment of alcohol use among drug misusers should include separate assessments of alcohol consumption, alcohol‐related problems and severity of alcohol dependence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study reports lifetime estimates of the extent of unmet need for alcohol services across the 3 largest ethnic groups in America, and examines factors that may contribute to ethnic differences in service use. Prior studies report mixed findings as to the existence of ethnic disparities in alcohol services, with some suggesting that minorities are over-represented in treatment settings. METHODS: Drawing on the most recent National Alcohol Surveys, we compare rates and factors associated with the lifetime service use for alcohol problems among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics who meet lifetime criteria for alcohol abuse or dependence. RESULTS: While bivariate analyses revealed few ethnic differences in service use, there were significant differences by ethnicity in multivariate models that included alcohol problem severity and its interactions with ethnicity. At higher levels of problem severity, both Hispanics and Blacks were less likely to have utilized services than comparable Whites. Hispanics, on the whole, reported higher-severity alcohol problems than Whites. Yet, they were less likely to have received specialty treatment and multiple types of alcohol services, and were more likely to cite economic and logistical barriers as reasons for not obtaining care. CONCLUSIONS: Future efforts to study ethnic disparities in alcohol services should utilize analytic approaches that address potential confounding between ethnicity and other factors in service use, such as alcohol problem severity. Our findings suggest that Hispanics and Blacks with higher-severity alcohol problems may utilize services at lower rates than comparable Whites, and that, particularly for Hispanics, this may in part be attributable to financial and logistical barriers to care.  相似文献   

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