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A four-year-old boy with forearm instability secondary to defective ulna osteomyelitis underwent one-bone forearm operation in neutral supination-pronation position. A year after the operation, shortening (3 cm) of the forearm was detected. Radiographs showed delayed union; however, a stable and functional forearm was obtained. The patient was able to use his fingers.  相似文献   

One-bone forearm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six patients with complicated forearm injuries with ununited fractures of the ulna and soft-tissue deficits, and one patient with the same deficit from infection, were treated by production of a one-bone forearm positioned in neutral of supination-pronation. A stable, functional extremity resulted in each patient and only mild complications were encountered.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of recurrent malignant fibrous histiocytoma with extensive bone- and soft-tissue involvement, successfully treated with one-bone forearm reconstruction using a vascularized fibular graft and multiple tendon transfer. Twenty-four months after surgery, elbow and hand functions were maintained, and the patient had no disturbance of hand function in daily activity, although rotation of the forearm was sacrificed. No local recurrence or metastasis was noted. The procedure is a useful reconstructive option for complex tissue defects following wide excision of sarcoma of the forearm.  相似文献   

Massive long-bone defects of greater than 6 cm are difficult to treat with conventional bone grafts, and other methods are sometimes recommended, such as vascularized bone grafts or bone transport using the Ilizarov external fixator. The combination of local infection with a massive bone defect exacerbates the problem, and provides an even more negative prognosis. The authors treated a large bone defect of the forearm with local infection, using a one-bone forearm formation with a large vascularized fibula graft. They attached an adequate amount of muscle fascia to the vascularized fibula, which was useful not only for coverage of the skin defect, but also for treatment of the local infection. Twenty months after surgery, elbow and hand functions were maintained, and the patient had no disturbance of hand function in daily activities, although rotation of the forearm was sacrificed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to review the construction of a one-bone forearm performed to change the position of the forearm in children with fixed supination deformity due to upper extremity neurologic deficit. The one-bone forearm arthrodesis has been previously described in treating trauma, tumors, infection, and congenital deformities. It has not been described to improve forearm position in neurologically impaired upper extremities. We retrospectively evaluated 6 pediatric patients with upper extremity weakness and severe supination contracture who underwent forearm arthrodesis in neutral or slight pronation. Five patients achieved fusion, and 1 patient had an atrophic nonunion (17% nonunion rate). Average follow-up was 6 years 6 months (range 1 year 9 months to 11 years 2 months), and all patients were satisfied with their new forearm position.  相似文献   

We successfully cured atrial fibrillation while preserving internodal conduction in a patient with a partial atrioventricular septal defect. Because the anterior and middle internodal tracts are interrupted by the defect, the lower right atrial incision of either the maze or the radial procedure may interrupt the remaining posterior tract, resulting in internodal conduction block. We deleted the posterior septal incision from the radial procedure and replaced it with a right-side left atriotomy. The patient resumed normal sinus rhythm with significant contraction of the right and left atria. The preserved internodal pathway through the posterior interatrial septum was confirmed by electrophysiologic study.  相似文献   

儿童前臂骨折术后尺骨延迟愈合或不愈合原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨弹性髓内钉治疗儿童前臂双骨折术后出现尺骨延迟愈合及不愈合的可能原因。方法:2005年2月至2010年2月,对弹性髓内钉治疗闭合性儿童前臂双骨折术后出现骨延迟愈合或不愈合5例患者进行回顾性分析,均为男性;年龄3-14岁,平均9.4岁;骨折均累及尺桡骨干中1/3,其中2例患者既往曾有相同部位骨折史。高能量损伤3例,摔伤2例。其中4例患者予行切开复位,1例行闭合复位。观察患者术后并发症,并采用Daruwalla及Price评定标准进行疗效评价。结果:5倒患者均获得随访,时间7~19个月,平均11.4个月。4例出现尺骨延迟愈合,1例出现不愈合。其中3例单纯取出内固定继续保守治疗,2例予更换固定方式继续治疗,所有骨折达到骨性愈合,未发生钉道感染或皮肤激惹等并发症。根据Daruwalla及Priee评定标准,优3例,良2例。结论:弹性髓内钉治疗儿童前臂双骨折是一种很好的方法,但是进行该手术时需严格遵循手术操作规范,把握适应证,同时需要根据具体病例情况,有选择地应用,避免术后出现骨折延迟愈合或不愈合。  相似文献   

The one-bone forearm procedure can be a successful salvage option for forearm stability in selected patients and is indicated if instability and bone loss are irreparable by other means. We report a case of a dysfunctional arm secondary to radical débridement of the ulna after osteomyelitis treated successfully with a one-bone forearm procedure and followed up for 8 years.  相似文献   

Stabilization of the ulna stump after Darrach's procedure at the wrist   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the outcome of patients with chronic distal radioulnar joint symptoms who were treated with excision of the distal ulna and reconstruction using the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon. Twelve patients with 14 wrists were assessed. Ten patients were posttraumatic, and two had bilateral surgery for rheumatoid arthritis. Average age was 37 years at time of operation. Follow-up averaged 20 months (9 months to 4 years). All patients except one reported improvement in pain symptoms. Grip strength of the operated hand as measured by dynamometer readings was 67% of the strength of the normal hand with five wrists achieving an excellent result in grip strength. Eleven patients reported a subjective improvement in functional activities. An improved range of motion was obtained in all patients. We discuss the importance and basis for ligamentous reconstruction following excision of the distal ulna and review the literature for other previously described procedures.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the curative effect of the external fixator for complex tissue defect in the forearm. Methods From May, 2005 through December, 2008, the external fixtors were used in 17 patients to treat the complex tissue defect in the forearm caused by trauma. There were 11 male and 6 female, with a mean age of 25.6. All patients were accompanied with the exposure of tendon, muscle or screw. The skin defect ranged from 7 cm × 4 cm to 19 cm × 9 cm. ALl patients underwent pediele flap repair. The flap ranged from 10 cm × 6 cm to 20 cm × 15 cm. The proximal pedicle of the flap was sutured into a tubular. The position of the pediele was fixed by the external fixator. The pin was at the ulnar and the iliac (n = 5), and the radius and the iliac (n = 12). The immobilization lasted 3 to 8 weeks, 5. I weeks in average. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 20 months, 11.3 in average. All pedicle flaps survived with no pressure ulcer, or no erosion in the axilla. No compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis occurred. Four to six week after surgery, the pedicle was cut. Infection occurred at the cutting end in 1 patient. The wound healed after addressing The wound in the other 16 patients healed successfully. The fracture of the ulnar and the radius healed 8. 5 or 15 weeks after surgery, 13.5 weeks in average. Eleven patients underwent second stage reshape and function restoration. The function of the hands and forearms recovered satisfactorily. Eleven patients returned to their work. Six patients can live with basic function for living. Conclusions The external flxator used for complex tissue defect in the forearm can keep the position of the pedicle, replacing plaster fixation. It can reduce the incidence of flap and vessel spasm, and get good outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the curative effect of the external fixator for complex tissue defect in the forearm. Methods From May, 2005 through December, 2008, the external fixtors were used in 17 patients to treat the complex tissue defect in the forearm caused by trauma. There were 11 male and 6 female, with a mean age of 25.6. All patients were accompanied with the exposure of tendon, muscle or screw. The skin defect ranged from 7 cm × 4 cm to 19 cm × 9 cm. ALl patients underwent pediele flap repair. The flap ranged from 10 cm × 6 cm to 20 cm × 15 cm. The proximal pedicle of the flap was sutured into a tubular. The position of the pediele was fixed by the external fixator. The pin was at the ulnar and the iliac (n = 5), and the radius and the iliac (n = 12). The immobilization lasted 3 to 8 weeks, 5. I weeks in average. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 20 months, 11.3 in average. All pedicle flaps survived with no pressure ulcer, or no erosion in the axilla. No compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis occurred. Four to six week after surgery, the pedicle was cut. Infection occurred at the cutting end in 1 patient. The wound healed after addressing The wound in the other 16 patients healed successfully. The fracture of the ulnar and the radius healed 8. 5 or 15 weeks after surgery, 13.5 weeks in average. Eleven patients underwent second stage reshape and function restoration. The function of the hands and forearms recovered satisfactorily. Eleven patients returned to their work. Six patients can live with basic function for living. Conclusions The external flxator used for complex tissue defect in the forearm can keep the position of the pedicle, replacing plaster fixation. It can reduce the incidence of flap and vessel spasm, and get good outcomes.  相似文献   

目的 探讨外固定器在前臂复合组织缺损皮瓣修复重建中的应用价值.方法 2005年5月至2008年12月,共收治创伤所致前臂复合组织缺损,且联合应用外固定器行皮瓣修复治疗的患者17例,其中男性11例,女性6例;年龄19~47岁,平均25.6岁.所有病例均有深部肌腱、骨骼外露.皮肤缺损面积7 cm×4 cm~19 cm ×9 cm,全部采用带蒂皮瓣移植修复,皮瓣面积10 cm×6 cm~20 cm × 15 cm.带蒂皮瓣蒂端缝合成管状,应用外固定器保持蒂部位置.固定针分别位于尺骨和髂骨者5例,位于桡骨和髂骨者12例.固定时间3~8周,平均5.1周.结果 所有患者均获随访,随访时间3~20个月,平均11.3个月.带蒂皮瓣全部成活,无压疮、腋窝糜烂、筋膜间隔综合征及骨髓炎等发生.术后4~6周断蒂,1例断蒂端存在表浅感染,经换药后创面愈合,其余16例断蒂后创面顺利愈合.骨折愈合时间8.5~15周,平均13.5周.二期皮瓣整形与功能重建者11例次.所有患者手及前臂功能恢复满意,感觉恢复至S3~S4级(1954年英国医学研究会感觉恢复分级标准),手外在肌和腕部肌肉肌力约Ⅳ~Ⅴ级.11例返回原工作岗位,6例满足日常生活需要.结论 在前臂复合组织缺损带蒂皮瓣修复中,应用外固定器可稳定地保持蒂部位置,代替石膏贴胸位固定,减少皮瓣血管痉挛的发生,便于皮瓣观察、护理和换药,利于前臂各关节主动及被动活动,最大程度恢复肢体功能.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the curative effect of the external fixator for complex tissue defect in the forearm. Methods From May, 2005 through December, 2008, the external fixtors were used in 17 patients to treat the complex tissue defect in the forearm caused by trauma. There were 11 male and 6 female, with a mean age of 25.6. All patients were accompanied with the exposure of tendon, muscle or screw. The skin defect ranged from 7 cm × 4 cm to 19 cm × 9 cm. ALl patients underwent pediele flap repair. The flap ranged from 10 cm × 6 cm to 20 cm × 15 cm. The proximal pedicle of the flap was sutured into a tubular. The position of the pediele was fixed by the external fixator. The pin was at the ulnar and the iliac (n = 5), and the radius and the iliac (n = 12). The immobilization lasted 3 to 8 weeks, 5. I weeks in average. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 20 months, 11.3 in average. All pedicle flaps survived with no pressure ulcer, or no erosion in the axilla. No compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis occurred. Four to six week after surgery, the pedicle was cut. Infection occurred at the cutting end in 1 patient. The wound healed after addressing The wound in the other 16 patients healed successfully. The fracture of the ulnar and the radius healed 8. 5 or 15 weeks after surgery, 13.5 weeks in average. Eleven patients underwent second stage reshape and function restoration. The function of the hands and forearms recovered satisfactorily. Eleven patients returned to their work. Six patients can live with basic function for living. Conclusions The external flxator used for complex tissue defect in the forearm can keep the position of the pedicle, replacing plaster fixation. It can reduce the incidence of flap and vessel spasm, and get good outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the curative effect of the external fixator for complex tissue defect in the forearm. Methods From May, 2005 through December, 2008, the external fixtors were used in 17 patients to treat the complex tissue defect in the forearm caused by trauma. There were 11 male and 6 female, with a mean age of 25.6. All patients were accompanied with the exposure of tendon, muscle or screw. The skin defect ranged from 7 cm × 4 cm to 19 cm × 9 cm. ALl patients underwent pediele flap repair. The flap ranged from 10 cm × 6 cm to 20 cm × 15 cm. The proximal pedicle of the flap was sutured into a tubular. The position of the pediele was fixed by the external fixator. The pin was at the ulnar and the iliac (n = 5), and the radius and the iliac (n = 12). The immobilization lasted 3 to 8 weeks, 5. I weeks in average. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 20 months, 11.3 in average. All pedicle flaps survived with no pressure ulcer, or no erosion in the axilla. No compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis occurred. Four to six week after surgery, the pedicle was cut. Infection occurred at the cutting end in 1 patient. The wound healed after addressing The wound in the other 16 patients healed successfully. The fracture of the ulnar and the radius healed 8. 5 or 15 weeks after surgery, 13.5 weeks in average. Eleven patients underwent second stage reshape and function restoration. The function of the hands and forearms recovered satisfactorily. Eleven patients returned to their work. Six patients can live with basic function for living. Conclusions The external flxator used for complex tissue defect in the forearm can keep the position of the pedicle, replacing plaster fixation. It can reduce the incidence of flap and vessel spasm, and get good outcomes.  相似文献   

Objective To discuss the curative effect of the external fixator for complex tissue defect in the forearm. Methods From May, 2005 through December, 2008, the external fixtors were used in 17 patients to treat the complex tissue defect in the forearm caused by trauma. There were 11 male and 6 female, with a mean age of 25.6. All patients were accompanied with the exposure of tendon, muscle or screw. The skin defect ranged from 7 cm × 4 cm to 19 cm × 9 cm. ALl patients underwent pediele flap repair. The flap ranged from 10 cm × 6 cm to 20 cm × 15 cm. The proximal pedicle of the flap was sutured into a tubular. The position of the pediele was fixed by the external fixator. The pin was at the ulnar and the iliac (n = 5), and the radius and the iliac (n = 12). The immobilization lasted 3 to 8 weeks, 5. I weeks in average. Results All patients were followed up for 3 to 20 months, 11.3 in average. All pedicle flaps survived with no pressure ulcer, or no erosion in the axilla. No compartment syndrome or osteomyelitis occurred. Four to six week after surgery, the pedicle was cut. Infection occurred at the cutting end in 1 patient. The wound healed after addressing The wound in the other 16 patients healed successfully. The fracture of the ulnar and the radius healed 8. 5 or 15 weeks after surgery, 13.5 weeks in average. Eleven patients underwent second stage reshape and function restoration. The function of the hands and forearms recovered satisfactorily. Eleven patients returned to their work. Six patients can live with basic function for living. Conclusions The external flxator used for complex tissue defect in the forearm can keep the position of the pedicle, replacing plaster fixation. It can reduce the incidence of flap and vessel spasm, and get good outcomes.  相似文献   

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