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北京市高中生饮酒行为及其影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨高中生的饮酒行为及父母、同伴对其饮酒的影响,为健康教育提供依据.方法采用整群抽样方法,对北京市5所高中高一~高三学生969名进行匿名问卷调查.调查内容包括饮酒行为,学生父母、同伴的饮酒行为,以及学生对高中生饮酒的态度.结果年级高的学生、男生、零花钱比较多的学生更容易成为饮酒者,重点中学学生报告的饮酒比例少于普通中学和职业中学,父母和同伴的饮酒行为及其对高中生饮酒的态度均与高中生的饮酒行为存在明显的相关.结论在开展减少过量饮酒危害的健康教育项目时,应该考虑父母方面的因素,并教给学生一些抵制同伴不良压力的方法.  相似文献   

高中生饮酒行为的相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年饮酒问题正日益引起社会的关注。相关研究显示,影响青少年饮酒行为的主要因素有以下几类:父母饮酒行为及其对子女饮酒的态度、朋友饮酒行为及其对同伴饮酒的态度、学习成绩以及性别和经济状况。尽管这些研究在饮酒行为影响因素方面进行了探讨,但大多局限于讨论单一因素或少数几个因素的影响,对于各因素在预测饮酒行为中的相对重要性很少涉及。另一方面,美国和欧洲的许多研究表明文化变迁对人们的饮酒行为有着重要影响。我国自改革开放以来,文化变迁非常显著,  相似文献   

饮酒与过量饮酒是青少年大学生的健康危险行为之一,酒精易使脑细胞破坏,导致智力减退,学习成绩下降,且伴生许多致伤害行为,如暴力、车祸、危险性行为等,也与成年后形成的酒精依赖密切相关[1-3].目前,青少年饮酒及过量饮酒在许多国家已成为严重的社会问题.美国每年约有1400名18 ~24岁的大学生因过量饮酒而死亡,有超过7万件性骚扰、强奸案与大学生饮酒有关[4].饮酒与过量饮酒现象在我国青少年人群中也迅速蔓延,2005年15 ~ 29岁人均酒消费量比1972年增加5倍[5].该文通过了解南京市大学生饮酒及过量饮酒行为的流行现状及其影响因素,尤其是易于观察到的社会人口学因素,为在大学生中开展针对相应人群的饮酒行为干预提供依据.  相似文献   

国内外青少年饮酒行为影响因素的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
青少年饮酒已成为全球公共卫生和政策关注的一个重点。目前在我国青少年中已存在一定数量的饮酒人群。青少年饮酒不仅直接影响其身体健康,而且还存在诸多潜在危险。本文从中西方文化、父母和家庭环境、同伴、学校氛围、自我效能、性别、年龄、大众传媒、政策法规等9个方面综述国内外青少年饮酒行为影响因素的研究进展。  相似文献   

中学生饮酒行为及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解中学生饮酒一般概况及其影响因素 ,我们对上杭县部分中学生进行了问卷调查。结果如下 :1 对象与方法1.1 对象 上杭县重点中学与普通中学各一所 ,每校初一到高三各年级随机抽取两个班为调查对象。共调查 2 4个班 1191人 ,男生 732人 ,女生 45 9人。其中重点中学 6 2 8人 ,普通中学 5 6 3人 ,年龄 12~ 2 0岁。1.2 方法 制定统一调查问卷 ,采取无记名法 ,由经培训的调查员讲解调查目的、意义和内容后要求学生如实填写。共发放问卷 12 30份 ,收回有效问卷 1191份 ,有效率为 96 .83%。调查内容为学生一般情况、父母情况、学生饮酒状…  相似文献   

目的了解淮安市≥18岁居民饮酒行为及影响因素,为制定防控策略提供依据。方法用多阶段分层整群抽样法抽取居民,入户面对面问卷调查。结果淮安市2013—2014年有效调查居民16 900人,其中男8 073人(47.8%)、女8 827人(52.2%);居民饮酒率22.6%、现在饮酒率19.2%、过去饮酒率3.4%、重度饮酒率17.9%;饮酒者饮酒量中位数为4.0个标准饮酒单位;现在饮酒者过去1年中单次大量饮酒天数的中位数为24.0 d;男性、脑力劳动者及高中/中专学历的饮酒率、现在饮酒率、过去饮酒率和重度饮酒率均较高;单次大量饮酒与年龄、规律活动呈负相关,与吸烟量呈正相关。结论饮酒行为是淮安居民生活方式中较常见的健康危险因素,需针对其分布特点,研究并制定综合防治策略和干预措施。  相似文献   

刘华  贾艳合 《职业与健康》2010,26(10):1157-1159
目的了解天津市青少年饮酒行为现况,探讨青少年饮酒行为的发生与其他易成瘾习惯和家庭环境因素的相关性,以采取对策减少中学生的饮酒率。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法在4个区分别抽取重点和普通中学各1所,分别选取3个年级的2个班学生进行不记名自填式调查,采用SPSS11.5统计软件数据分析。结果天津市青少年总饮酒率为32.59%,男生饮酒率是女生的2倍,且随着年龄、年级的增长饮酒率逐渐升高,学生的上学期平均成绩、赌博、上网、早恋、吸毒等因素与饮酒行为有关联,父母教育方式严厉和给零用钱多是饮酒行为的危险因素。结论儿少卫生和学校卫生工作者加强对教师和家长的指导,提高他们的教育水平,形成良好的教育环境,有助于帮助青少年形成良好的生活习惯,减少饮酒等易成瘾性行为的产生。  相似文献   


本研究采用分层整群抽样,选取辖区内4所高中(其中1所为职业高中)作为研究现场,采用自主设计调查问卷对高中生饮酒知识及行为进行调查,调查内容包括学生基本信息、饮酒情况以及饮酒相关环境等。应用SPSS 20.0软件进行χ2检验以及多因素logistic回归分析。


811名高中生参与本次调查,曾饮酒率为48.09%(390人),近1年饮酒率为36.13%(293人),近1个月饮酒率为14.80%(120人),酗酒率为8.26%(67人)。高中生酒精依赖率为3.58%(29人),高中生在近1个月内喝白酒占比显著高于近1年内喝白酒的占比(P<0.05),而近 1个月内喝葡萄酒以及米酒占比显著低于近1年内喝葡萄酒及米酒占比(P<0.05)。多因素结果提示,影响上海市长宁区高中生曾饮酒的因素有过去30 d中母亲未喝过酒、家长反对子女喝酒、最好的朋友中有人喝酒、参加朋友聚会的频率高以及曾吸烟。




青少年饮酒行为及其影响因素的Logistic分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]了解成都地区青少年中饮酒行为的流行情况,并分析其影响因素,为日后的健康教育干预提供依据. [方法]采取分层整群抽样方法,对成都市的9所初中、9所高中以及3所职业高中随机抽取42个班的学生进行自填式问卷调查.[结果]在被调查的学生中,总饮酒率为37.2%.男生饮酒率为55.4%,女生饮酒率为30.9%.调查显示青少年学生饮酒后带来的愉快感受和交往便利可能是促使青少年饮酒的影响因素.青少年饮酒与个人因素,家庭环境及学校、社会影响有密切关系.学校的教育质量较高、学习成绩较好以及亲戚朋友的劝告是学生饮酒的保护因素,而周围经常有喝醉酒的同龄人以及饮酒后带来的各种愉快感受成为饮酒的危险因素. [结论]在青少年中,尤其在男生中饮酒的问题不容忽视,在青少年中全面开展相关的健康教育,倡导健康的生活方式以及宣传饮酒危害的工作任重而道远.  相似文献   

了解哈尔滨市中学生饮酒行为现状,探讨家庭、朋友及广告等环境因素对其产生的影响,为制定预防中学生饮酒相关政策提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽取哈尔滨市2个城区和2个县的46所初中、高中和职业中学共计5 799名中学生,进行自填匿名式问卷调查.结果 中学生饮酒率和醉酒率分别为49.6%和18.6%;第一次饮酒、醉酒年龄所占比例最高年龄组分别是14~15岁和16~17岁,分别为10.8%和5.7%;2 650名饮酒中学生中,22.0%喝酒后会脸红,其中7.0%选择喝酒后脸红继续喝.过去30 d内,父母亲喝酒、互联网等媒体中没见过反对喝酒的信息等是中学生饮酒的危险因素,最好朋友不喝酒、广播/海报没见过酒广告和有卖家因为未成年而拒绝向你卖酒则是保护因素(P值均<0.05).结论 哈尔滨市中学生饮酒率和醉酒率较高,初次饮酒年龄较低,家庭、朋友和广告环境均存在影响中学生饮酒的危险因素.建立良好的社会、家庭及朋友关系均有助于预防青少年饮酒行为的发生.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional study examined binge eating and binge drinking behaviours analysing their association with the process of identity formation in adolescence and individual tendency towards conformism. The sample consisted of 1500 Italian students (660 boys and 840 girls) attending high school. The average age of the students was 17.31 years (SD = 1.34; range: 17–19). They completed self-report measures assessing binge behaviours, ego identity status and social conformism. Diffused adolescents were more likely to be engaged in binge eating and binge behaviours than others validating that the achievement of a consolidated ego identity is important for enhancing well-being and preventing problematic outcomes in adolescents. Moreover, adolescents engaging in binge behaviours reported the highest levels of tendency to compare their performances or ideas and opinions with others and to conform with them. The present study suggested that binge behaviours were strongly associated with an adolescent's identity process and have important implications for future empirical investigation and for clinical intervention.  相似文献   

Adolescent alcohol use is a persistent problem in the United States. Despite numerous prevention efforts, alcohol still remains the most commonly used substance among youth. The primary aim of this study was to determine the impact parenting behaviors have on adolescent recent alcohol use and binge drinking among youth aged 12–13 years, 14–15 years, and 16–17 years. For the study purpose, recent alcohol use was defined as drinking alcohol in the past 30 days and binge drinking was defined as consuming five or more alcoholic beverages in a row on the same occasion in the past 30 days of taking the survey. A secondary data analysis of the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health was conducted and included a national sample of 17,399 adolescents. To determine the impact parenting behaviors have on adolescent alcohol use at the varying age ranges, logistic regression analyses were performed. All statistically significant results were retained and subsequent logistic regression analyses were completed to examine the effect parenting behaviors have on past month alcohol use and past month binge drinking for each age group. Results revealed that 13.3% of youth drank alcohol in the past month, and 7.5% of youth binge drank alcohol in the past month. Results indicated a lack of positive parenting behaviors increased the odds of youth reporting recent alcohol use and binge drinking across all ages. Of all age groups, the youngest youth (12–13 years old) had the highest risk of alcohol use and binge drinking after assessing the lack of positive parenting behaviors followed by 14–15-year olds and 16–17-year olds. Three specific parenting practices were found to influence youths’ alcohol use, especially among younger youth. Recommendations for future studies are included.  相似文献   

目的了解江苏省南京市社会经济状况(SES)与中学生抑郁症状的关系。方法采取整群抽样方法,采用父母职业类型、父母受教育程度、家庭收入3个变量衡量父母SES水平,于2009年及2010年采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)对南京地区5个学校53个班级2 202名在校中学生进行2次调查。结果实际调查2 160名中学生,1年后随访调查2 118名中学生;随访前(44.0%)后(46.0%)比较,抑郁症状检出率差异无统计学意义;中、重度抑郁症状比例明显提高,差异有统计学意义(χ2=11.447,P=0.010);经多因素调整,低水平SES的中学生1年后随访存在抑郁症状的风险明显高于高水平SES中学生,即SES与抑郁症状呈负相关关系;调整人群归因危险度百分比(PARc%)为家庭平均月收入最高。结论社会经济状况与中学生抑郁症状存在负相关关系;应引起卫生、教育工作者关注。  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省中学生吸烟、饮酒以及校园暴力情况,探讨吸烟、饮酒与校园暴力的关系。方法 采用三阶段分层整群抽样方法抽取广东省6座城市72所中学的20 718名中学生,使用青少年健康状况问卷进行匿名调查。结果 广东省中学生当前吸烟率为4.5%,当前饮酒率为20.5%,并存行为率为3.0%;暴力行为检出率为12.9%;暴力与当前吸烟(OR=2.320,95%CI=1.758~3.060)、当前饮酒(OR=1.919,95%CI=1.734~2.123)均有关联,吸烟、饮酒行为对中学生暴力行为的影响交互作用效应明显(P<0.05)。结论 广东省中学生中存在一定的吸烟、饮酒行为,且校园暴力与之相关。  相似文献   

Mete C 《Health economics》2005,14(2):135-148
This paper uses longitudinal survey data from Taiwan to investigate the predictors of elderly mortality. The empirical analysis confirms a relationship between socioeconomic characteristics and mortality, but this relationship weakens considerably when estimates are conditional on the health status at the time of the first wave survey. In terms of predictive power, the models with an activities of daily living index fare better (as opposed to models with self-evaluated health or self-reported illnesses). Having said that there is a payoff to the consideration of self-evaluated health jointly with other 'objective' health indicators. Other findings include a strong association between life satisfaction and survival, which prevails even after controlling for other explanatory variables.  相似文献   

Summary.Background: Establishing patterns of alcohol consumption may be useful for investigating the relationship between alcohol and diseases.Methods: We used a hierarchical agglomerative clustering method to describe the intake of eight types of alcoholic beverages and to determine drinking patterns in a cohort of 1797 men enrolled in a French 8-year intervention study involving nutritional doses of vitamins and minerals, the SU.VI.MAX study.Results: Cluster 1, referred to as abstainers, was defined a priori and included 329 men who drank less than 5 g of alcohol per day. Six drinking patterns were defined in alcohol drinkers, with increasing mean alcohol intake: cluster 2, low drinkers, included 670 subjects, who drank little of any type of alcoholic beverage; cluster 3, high quality wines, included 584 men with a high intake of champagne, high quality wines, and high-alcohol aperitifs; cluster 4, beer and cider, included 190 subjects with a high intake of beer and cider; cluster 5, digestives, included 54 men with a specifically high consumption of digestive beverages; cluster 6, local wines, included 238 subjects with a high intake of local wines and low-alcohol aperitifs; cluster 7, table wines, included 61 men with a high intake of table wines and high-alcohol aperitifs. These clusters were significantly associated with socioeconomic and lifestyle variables such as place of residence, occupation, mean caloric intake and distribution of energy intake throughout the day, body mass index, and smoking habits.Conclusions: They will be useful in future studies of the relationship between alcohol intake and medical conditions or risk factors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the prevalence and dynamics of binge drinking among middle school students. METHODS: We analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. The sample was composed of approximately 5300 seventh-and eighth-grade students who were interviewed at 2 points in time. RESULTS: Approximately 8% of seventh graders and 17% of eighth graders reported engaging in binge drinking during the past 12 months. These rates varied as a function of school characteristics. Low scores on the parenting variables-communication quality, use of reasoning, and control and supervision-and binge drinking during middle school also were predictive of binge drinking during high school. CONCLUSIONS: Binge drinking among middle school students is an important phenomenon that for many students forecasts future binge drinking during high school.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to provide data about the prevalence of violent behaviour among high school students living in Istanbul and to determine the correlates of physical fighting. METHOD: This study involved the completion of a modified version of 'Health Behaviour in School Age Children (HBSC) 1997/1998' survey questionnaire by 4153 grade 9-11 students. Chi square tests and forward stepwise multiple logistic regression models were used for statistical analyses. RESULTS: During the last 12 months preceding the survey 42% of students (n=1720) reported that they had been in a physical fight; 7% (n=274) reported that they were involved in a fight which required medical treatment. During the last school term 19% (n=768) bullied others at school; 30% (n=1255) reported having been bullied at school; 7% (n=309) reported that they had been bullied with a weapon on school grounds; 8% (n=346) reported that they carried a weapon on school grounds. In logistic regression analyses being male, poor mental health score, being sexually active, current cigarette use, illicit drug use, not using seat belts, bullying, being bullied with a weapon, carrying a weapon, spending more time with friends, poor school image and physical abuse were found to be associated with fighting. CONCLUSION: Violent behaviour is common in high school students. There is a strong need for violence prevention programmes in schools.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous investigations have shown that low academic achievers are more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and use marijuana and other illicit drugs. This study investigated the relationship between academic performance and substance use among public high school students in Mississippi. METHODS: The sampling frame for the 2003 Mississippi Youth Risk Behavior Survey was obtained from the Mississippi Department of Education. A 2-stage cluster sample design produced a representative sample of Mississippi students in grades 9-12 who attended public schools. During the spring 2003, 34 of the 45 sampled schools (75.6%) participated. RESULTS: A total of 1488 from the 1672 sampled students (89.0%) completed an 87-item questionnaire (overall response rate 67.3%). Low academic performance (students with mostly Cs or below) during the 12 months preceding the survey was more prevalent among males, non-Hispanic blacks, frequent smokers, binge drinkers, and marijuana users. Logistic regression identified gender, race, frequent smoking, and marijuana use as statistically significant factors associated with increased odds for low academic performance. Adjusted odds ratios were 1.2 for binge drinkers versus other students to 2.6 for non-Hispanic black students versus non-Hispanic white students. CONCLUSIONS: The present findings highlight the extensive use of cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana among Mississippi public high school students. Because poor academic achievers are more prevalent among students who participate in these substance-use behaviors, multifaceted approaches that encourage high levels of academic performance, while dissuading student involvement in risky/problem behaviors, may both improve low levels of academic achievement and reduce behaviors that contribute to poor health in adulthood.  相似文献   

Journal of Public Health - The period of adolescence (between ages 10 to 19) is characterized by a critical period of development and establishment of eating behaviors and preferences. Obesity and...  相似文献   

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