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The objective of this paper is to investigate mortality among 1247 male asbestos-cement workers employed in an asbestos-cement plant located in Naples. The cohort included 1247 men hired between 1950 and 1986. The follow-up began on January 1st 1965. The vital status and causes of death were ascertained up to December 31 2005. Cause-specific mortality rates of the Campania Region population were used as reference. Relative risks were estimated using Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs), and the confidence intervals were calculated at a 95% level (95% CI). A significant increase in mortality was observed for respiratory disease (81 deaths; SMR = 187; 95% CI = 149- 233), particularly for pneumoconiosis (42 deaths; SMR = 13 313; 95% CI = 9595-17 996) of which 41 deaths for asbestosis (SMR = 43 385; 95% CI = 31 134-58 857), for pleural cancer (24 deaths; SMR = 2617; 95% CI = 1677-3893), for lung cancer (84 deaths; SMR=153; 95% CI = 122-189) and for peritoneal cancer (9 deaths; SMR = 1985; 95% CI = 908-3769). Non-significant increases were also observed for rectum cancer (6 deaths; SMR = 157; 95% CI = 58-342). In conclusion, consistently with other mortality studies on asbestos-cement workers performed in different countries, an increased mortality from asbestosis, lung cancer, pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma was detected in the present cohort.  相似文献   

Mortality from lung cancer in asbestos workers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Mortality of workers employed in two asbestos cement manufacturing plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a study of the mortality experience of 6931 employees of two New Orleans asbestos cement products manufacturing plants over 95% were traced. Chrysotile was the primary fibre used in both plants. Plant 1 also used small amounts of amosite and, later, crocidolite irregularly whereas plant 2 used crocidolite steadily in pipe production. Previously reported exposure concentration estimates were revised, based on additional air sampling data and re-evaluation of these data. Workers in the two plants had similar duration of employment (overall, a mean of 3.8 years) and estimated exposure concentration (a mean of 7.6 million particles per cubic foot (mppcf)). Mortality was similar for these plants and comparable with Louisiana rates for all causes combined, nonmalignant causes, and primary cancers of specified sites other than lung. Short term workers from both plants showed raised and similar risk of lung cancer, but risk among longer term workers differed--for example, for workers employed over one year there was no excess in plant 1 (16 observed, 17.2 expected) but a significant excess in plant 2 (52 observed, 28.9 expected, p less than 0.001). After excluding short term workers, risk of lung cancer in plant 2 showed a significant trend with estimated cumulative asbestos exposure; using a conversion of 1.4 fibres/ml = 1 mppcf, the slope of the line was 0.0076. The slope for plant 1 was 0.0003. Among all workers (the 6931, plus 167 early employees) ten mesotheliomas had occurred up to 1984: two from plant 1, eight from plant 2. In plant 2 a case-control analysis found a relation between risk of mesothelioma and duration of employment (p less than 0.01) and proportion of time spent in the pipe area (p less than 0.01), thus adding to the evidence of a greater risk of mesothelioma from crocidolite than chrysotile asbestos. A review of the mortality findings of eight cohorts of asbestos cement workers is presented.  相似文献   

In a study of the mortality experience of 6931 employees of two New Orleans asbestos cement products manufacturing plants over 95% were traced. Chrysotile was the primary fibre used in both plants. Plant 1 also used small amounts of amosite and, later, crocidolite irregularly whereas plant 2 used crocidolite steadily in pipe production. Previously reported exposure concentration estimates were revised, based on additional air sampling data and re-evaluation of these data. Workers in the two plants had similar duration of employment (overall, a mean of 3.8 years) and estimated exposure concentration (a mean of 7.6 million particles per cubic foot (mppcf)). Mortality was similar for these plants and comparable with Louisiana rates for all causes combined, nonmalignant causes, and primary cancers of specified sites other than lung. Short term workers from both plants showed raised and similar risk of lung cancer, but risk among longer term workers differed--for example, for workers employed over one year there was no excess in plant 1 (16 observed, 17.2 expected) but a significant excess in plant 2 (52 observed, 28.9 expected, p less than 0.001). After excluding short term workers, risk of lung cancer in plant 2 showed a significant trend with estimated cumulative asbestos exposure; using a conversion of 1.4 fibres/ml = 1 mppcf, the slope of the line was 0.0076. The slope for plant 1 was 0.0003. Among all workers (the 6931, plus 167 early employees) ten mesotheliomas had occurred up to 1984: two from plant 1, eight from plant 2. In plant 2 a case-control analysis found a relation between risk of mesothelioma and duration of employment (p less than 0.01) and proportion of time spent in the pipe area (p less than 0.01), thus adding to the evidence of a greater risk of mesothelioma from crocidolite than chrysotile asbestos. A review of the mortality findings of eight cohorts of asbestos cement workers is presented.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the mortality of 262 workers (200 men and 62 women) employed in an asbestos cement plant located in Carrara, Italy, exposed to a mixture of chrysotile and crocidolite asbestos in a ratio of 2:5. METHODS: Follow-up started on 1 January, 1963. The vital status and causes of death were ascertained on 31 December, 2003. The Tuscany population mortality was used as reference. The relative risk was estimated by Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) and the confidence intervals were calculated at 95% level [95%CI]. RESULTS: Among men, a significant increase in mortality was observed for respiratory disease (14 deaths; SMR = 244.1; IC95% = 133.4-409.5), particularly for pneumoconiosis (10 deaths; SMR= 1,800; IC95% = 856.9-3,300.0; of which 5 deaths due to asbestosis; SMR = 120,000; IC95% = 37,000-270,000), and for pleural cancer (4 deaths; SMR = 2,500; IC95% = 676.8-6,400.0). Non-significant increases were also observed for lung cancer (10 deaths; SMR = 114.2; IC95% = 54.8-209.9), and gastric cancer (7 deaths; SMR= 167.1; IC95% = 67.2-344.3). Among women, significant increases were observed for pneumoconiosis (1 death; SMR = 17,000; 95%CI = 425-93,000), and for liver cancer (3 deaths; SMR = 765.0; IC95% = 157.8-2,200.0). CONCLUSIONS: For males our results were consistent with other mortality studies on asbestos-cement workers. No other cohort studies on asbestos cement workers have dealt with mortality of female workers.  相似文献   

Population studies estimating the proportion of cancer attributable to occupation (PAR) in different geographical areas in Italy are reviewed. Studies using lists of industrial activities and occupations which are known or suspected to entail exposure to lung carcinogens gave lung cancer PARs between 5% and 36%. Those using job-exposure matrices estimated PARs of 3%-53%, with most of the values ranging between 17 and 33%. For bladder cancer, PARs ranged between 4% and 24%. The uses and limitations of calculating population attribultable risk are discussed.  相似文献   

Total and cause specific mortality and cancer morbidity were studied among 1929 asbestos cement workers with an estimated median cumulative exposure of 2.3 fibre (f)-years/ml (median intensity 1.2 f/ml, predominantly chrysotile). A local reference cohort of 1233 industrial workers and non-case referents from the exposed cohort were used for comparisons. The risk for pleural mesothelioma was significantly increased (13 cases out of 592 deaths in workers with at least 20 years latency). No case of peritoneal mesothelioma was found. A significant dose response relation was found for cumulative exposure 40 years or more before the diagnosis, with a multiplicative relative risk (RR) of 1.9 for each f-year/ml. No relation was found with duration of exposure when latency was accounted for. There was a significant overrisk in non-malignant respiratory disease (RR = 2.6). The overall risks for respiratory cancer, excluding mesothelioma, and for gastrointestinal cancer were not significantly increased. Surprisingly, colorectal cancer displayed a clear relation with cumulative dose, with an estimated increase of 1.6% in the incidence density ratio for each f-year/ml (but not with duration of exposure).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Asbestos exposure has been definitively found to be associated with both mesothelioma and lung cancer. Nevertheless, in the overall population of oil refinery workers potentially exposed to asbestos, many studies clearly show a definitely increased risk of mesothelioma, but no proven excess of lung cancer after comparison to the general population. Through the presentation of new data and the re-appraisal of two recent and independent epidemiological studies conducted in Liguria, Italy, and Ontario, Canada, we attempt to shed light on this apparently paradoxical finding. METHODS: Lung cancer mortality was studied among maintenance workers exposed to asbestos, and among two other subgroups of refinery employees: blue collar and white collar workers. The comparison with blue collar workers was performed in order to take into account the role of healthy worker effect, smoking habit, and the socioeconomic level. The comparison with white collar workers was performed to control for other occupational lung carcinogens. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Results reveal a consistency between the two studies and show that 96-100% of the mesotheliomas and 42-49% of the lung tumors arising among maintenance workers were attributable to asbestos exposure. Our new analysis, estimating two cases of asbestos-related lung cancer for each case of mesothelioma, confirms published findings on the magnitude of asbestos-related tumors in oil refineries.  相似文献   

The mortality of workers from an Ontario factory manufacturing amosite asbestos insulation materials under poorly controlled environmental conditions is reported here. Seven (58%) of 12 deaths among exposed workers 10 or more years after first exposure were due to malignancies; four (25%) were from lung cancer, and there were two deaths from peritoneal mesothelioma. Those dying from mesothelioma were 47 and 49 years of age. Three (25%) of 12 deaths were from respiratory disease, two were attributed to asbestosis (in men 42 and 53 years of ages), and one to pneumonia in a 54-year-old male.  相似文献   

Total and cause specific mortality and cancer morbidity were studied among 1929 asbestos cement workers with an estimated median cumulative exposure of 2.3 fibre (f)-years/ml (median intensity 1.2 f/ml, predominantly chrysotile). A local reference cohort of 1233 industrial workers and non-case referents from the exposed cohort were used for comparisons. The risk for pleural mesothelioma was significantly increased (13 cases out of 592 deaths in workers with at least 20 years latency). No case of peritoneal mesothelioma was found. A significant dose response relation was found for cumulative exposure 40 years or more before the diagnosis, with a multiplicative relative risk (RR) of 1.9 for each f-year/ml. No relation was found with duration of exposure when latency was accounted for. There was a significant overrisk in non-malignant respiratory disease (RR = 2.6). The overall risks for respiratory cancer, excluding mesothelioma, and for gastrointestinal cancer were not significantly increased. Surprisingly, colorectal cancer displayed a clear relation with cumulative dose, with an estimated increase of 1.6% in the incidence density ratio for each f-year/ml (but not with duration of exposure).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The largest Italian asbestos cement factory had been active in Casale Monferrato until 1986: in previous studies a substantial increase in the incidence of pleural mesothelioma was found among residents without occupational exposure to asbestos. To estimate exposure to asbestos in the population, this study evaluated the presence of histological asbestosis and the lung burden of asbestos fibres (AFs) and asbestos bodies (ABs). METHODS: The study comprises the consecutive series of necropsies performed at the Hospital of Casale Monferrato between 1985 and 1988. A sample of lung parenchima was collected and stored for 48 out of 55 necropsies. The AF concentration was measured with a TEM electron microscope with x ray mineralogical analysis. The ABs were counted and fibrosis evaluated by optical microscopy. The nearest relative of each subject was interviewed on occupational and residential history. Mineralogical and histological analyses and interviews were conducted in 1993-4. RESULTS: Statistical analyses included 41 subjects with AF, AB count, and interview. Subjects without occupational exposure who ever lived in Casale Monferrato had an average concentration of 1500 AB/g dried weight (gdw); Seven of 18 presented with asbestosis or small airway lung disease (SAL). G2 asbestosis was diagnosed in two women with no occupational asbestos exposure. One of them had been teaching at a school close to the factory for 12 years. Ten subjects had experienced occupational asbestos exposure, seven in asbestos cement production: mean concentrations were 1.032 x 10(6) AF/gdw and 96,280 AB/gdw. Eight of the 10 had asbestosis or SAL. CONCLUSION: The high concentration of ABs and the new finding of environmental asbestosis confirm that high asbestos concentration was common in the proximity of the factory. Subjects not occupationally exposed and ever living in Casale Monferrato tended to have higher AB concentration than subjects never living in the town (difference not significant). The concentrations of ABs and AFs were higher than those found in other studies on nonoccupationally exposed subjects.



OBJECTIVES--To study the mortality of fishermen. This was suggested by a cluster of cases of lung cancer in Chioggia, a large fishing harbour in the Veneto. The aim was to weight occupation against smoking with respect to risk of lung cancer. METHODS--7530 fishermen registered in the 1971-86 port authority registers of Chioggia and Venice were followed up for mortality from 1971 to 1989. Of 475 causes of death, 460 were traced. Standardised mortality ratio (SMR) was calculated with the regional population as a reference. A nested case-control study was carried out in Chioggia decedents only by interviewing next of kin. Complete data were obtained in 172 (70% response). Cases (lung cancer deaths) and controls (other causes of death) were compared for smoking and occupation, as a group of non-fishermen was available in the cohort. Logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for confounding factors. RESULTS--SMRs were high for lung cancer but low for other diseases related to smoking: circulatory and respiratory disease, tumours of the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, and bladder. Likewise, SMRs were high for liver cancer but low for other diseases related to alcohol: digestive and circulatory disease, buccal, pharyngeal, and oesophageal tumours. In the case-control study, the risk of lung cancer was found to be related to smoking, and there was no interaction between occupation and smoking. When adjusted for age and smoking, the occupational indicators had no influence on the risk of mortality from lung cancer. CONCLUSIONS--Among fishermen in north east Italy the greatest health hazard is lung cancer, and the factor involved in this risk is smoking, not occupation. Smoking, however, was linked with long hours at sea in another study.  相似文献   

Case-control study of thyroid cancer in Northern Italy: attributable risk.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The percentage of thyroid cancer cases attributable to specific risk factors can be calculated to focus preventive strategies. The per cent population attributable risks (PAR) for thyroid cancer were estimated in relation to history of benign thyroid diseases, history of radiotherapy, residence in endemic goitre areas and selected indicators of a poor diet, using data from a case-control study conducted between 1986 and 1992 in Northern Italy. METHODS: Cases were 399 histologically confirmed incident thyroid cancers and controls were 617 patients, admitted to hospital for a wide range of acute, non-neoplastic, non-hormone-related diseases. The PAR were computed on the basis of multivariate odds ratios (OR) and on the distribution of risk exposure among cases, assuming they are representative of the general population of cases. RESULTS: A history of benign thyroid disease accounted for 18.9% of cases, radiotherapy for 1.2%, residence for > or =20 years in endemic goitre areas for 2.4% of cases, and their combination for 21.7% of thyroid cancer cases; selected indicators of a poor diet accounted for 40.9% of thyroid cancer cases in this population. The combination of all factors considered explained over 57% of thyroid cancer cases in both sexes. The estimates for thyroid-related conditions were higher in women than men, whereas the opposite was true for dietary indicators. The overall PAR were somewhat higher in people aged > or =45 years (63.8%) than in younger subjects, and for follicular (69.1%) rather than papillary (53.7%) cancers. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to a few simply identified and potentially modifiable risk factors or indicators (benign thyroid disease, residence in endemic goitre area and a poor diet) explained about 60% of thyroid cancer cases in this Italian population, indicating the theoretical scope for prevention.  相似文献   

Lung tissue from 76 deceased asbestos cement workers (seven with mesothelioma) exposed to chrysotile asbestos and small amounts of amphiboles, has been studied by transmission electron microscopy, together with lung tissue from 96 controls. The exposed workers with mesothelioma had a significantly higher total content of asbestos fibre in the lungs than those without mesothelioma, who in turn, had higher concentrations than the controls (medians 189, 50, and 29 x 10(6) fibres/g (f/g]. Chrysotile was the major type of fibre. The differences were most pronounced for the amphibole fibres (62, 4.7, and 0.15 f/g), especially crocidolite (54, 1.8 and less than 0.001 f/g), but were evident also for tremolite (2.9, less than 0.001, and less than 0.001 f/g) and anthophyllite (1.7, less than 0.001, and less than 0.001 f/g). For amosite, there was no statistically significant difference between lungs from workers with and without mesothelioma; the lungs of workers had, however, higher concentrations than the controls. Strong correlations were found between duration of exposure and content of amphibole fibres in the lungs. Asbestos bodies, counted by light microscopy, were significantly correlated with the amphibole but not with the chrysotile contents. Fibrosis was correlated with the tremolite but not the chrysotile content in lungs from both exposed workers and controls. Overall, similar results were obtained using fibre counts and estimates of mass.  相似文献   

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