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Work related stress,burnout, job satisfaction and general health of nurses: A follow‐up study 下载免费PDF全文
Natasha Khamisa Karl Peltzer Dragan Ilic Brian Oldenburg 《International journal of nursing practice》2016,22(6):538-545
Nurses experience high levels of work related stress and burnout as well as low job satisfaction and poor general health owing to the nature of their work. This paper seeks to provide a better understanding of the nature of relationships between work related stress, burnout, job satisfaction and general health of nurses over one year. This study involved a longitudinal design. Two hundred and seventy seven nurses from four hospitals completed a follow up survey consisting of five questionnaires. Data were collected between 2013 and 2014. The data were analysed using generalized estimation equation analysis. Lack of support was associated with burnout, patient care was associated with job satisfaction and staff issues were associated with general health of nurses. Burnout is more strongly related to job satisfaction than general health. The findings of this study could inform evidence based policy and practice through interventions aimed at improving job satisfaction and reducing the impact of burnout on general health of nurses. 相似文献
A model of burnout and life satisfaction amongst nurses 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
This study, among 109 German nurses, tested a theoretically derived model of burnout and overall life satisfaction. The model discriminates between two conceptually different categories of working conditions, namely job demands and job resources. It was hypothesized that: (1) job demands, such as demanding contacts with patients and time pressure, are most predictive of exhaustion; (2) job resources, such as (poor) rewards and (lack of) participation in decision making, are most predictive of disengagement from work; and (3) job demands and job resources have an indirect impact on nurses' life satisfaction, through the experience of burnout (i.e., exhaustion and disengagement). A model including each of these relationships was tested simultaneously with structural equations modelling. Results confirm the strong effects of job demands and job resources on exhaustion and disengagement respectively, and the mediating role of burnout between the working conditions and life satisfaction. These findings contribute to existing knowledge about antecedents and consequences of occupational burnout, and provide guidelines for interventions aimed at preventing or reducing burnout among nurses. 相似文献
目的:调查北京市养老院护士工作满意度及工作倦怠状况,并分析二者关系。方法:采用工作满意度量表和工作倦怠问卷,对106名养老院护士进行调查。结果 :养老院护士工作满意度得分为(3.08±0.55)分,对福利待遇和专业发展机会的满意度低;护士在情绪衰竭(55.6%)、工作冷漠感(33.9%)、个人成就感(63.2%)方面处于中高度倦怠;对福利待遇满意度是情绪衰竭的影响因素,被称赞和认可的满意度是工作冷漠感和个人成就感的影响因素,对排班满意度是工作冷漠感的影响因素。结论:养老院护士对福利待遇和专业发展机会的满意度低,普遍存在工作倦怠,应提高其福利待遇,并帮助其做好职业规划。 相似文献
Zohreh Vanaki rn msc phd Seyyed Abolfazl Vagharseyyedin rn msc 《Nursing & health sciences》2009,11(4):404-409
Employee commitment to the organization is a crucial issue in today's health-care market. In Iran, few studies have sought to evaluate the factors that contribute to forms of commitment. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between nurses' organizational commitment, work environment conditions, and life satisfaction. A cross-sectional design was utilized. Questionnaires were distributed to all the staff nurses who had permanent employment (with at least 2 years of experience in nursing) in the five hospitals affiliated to Birjand Medical Sciences University. Two hundred and fifty participants returned completed questionnaires. Most were female and married. The correlation of the total scores of nurses' affective organizational commitment and work environment conditions indicated a significant and positive relationship. Also, a statistically significant relationship was found between affective organizational commitment and life satisfaction. The implementation of a comprehensive program to improve the work conditions and life satisfaction of nurses could enhance their organizational commitment. 相似文献
目的了解不同性别护士生活质量并分析其影响因素。方法采用生活质量调查表(the world health organization quality of Life,WHOQOL)和工作生活质量量表(quality of nursing work life,QNWL)对70名男护士与120名女护士进行问卷测评。结果男护士生活质量得分(77.89±13.84)分高于女护士(67.99±9.20)分;男护士工作生活质量得分(164.47±23.21)分高于女护士(146.75±24.76)分;护士工作生活质量是影响其生活质量的重要因素(r=0.66)。结论扩大男护士队伍是科学合理调配人力资源的方法;通过人性化的弹性排班、补充护理人力资源、降低职业风险是提高护士工作生活质量,改善其生活质量的保证。 相似文献
目的 了解聘用制护士工作满意度与正式护士的差异.方法 采用护士工作满意度量表和自行设计的护士一般情况调查表对随机抽取的3所省级三级甲等医院在职临床一线护士(包括内、外、妇、儿、急诊、ICU护士)350名进行调查.结果 聘用制护士在总体工作满意度及个人与专业的发展机会、成就与责任、工资与补贴、管理与医院政策、人际关系5个维度上的评分明显低于正式护士.而排班与工作条件、职业本身特点2个维度,聘用制护士的满意度评分显著高于正式护士.结论 建议根据聘用制护士与正式护士的差异,采取不同的管理措施和激励手段,提高聘用制护士工作满意度,确保护理队伍的稳定. 相似文献
目的 了解聘用制护士工作满意度与正式护士的差异。方法 采用护士工作满意度量表和自行谢十的护士一般情况调查表对随机抽取的3所省级三级甲等医院在职临床一线护士(包括内、外、妇、儿、急诊、ICU护士)350名进行调查。结果 聘用制护士在总体工作满意度及个人与专业的发展机会、成就与责任、工资与补贴、管理与医院政策、人际关系5个维度上的评分明显低于正式护士。而排班与工作条件、职业本身特点2个维度,聘用制护士的满意度评分显著高于正式护士。结论 建议根据聘用制护士与正式护士的差异,采取不同的管理措施和激励手段,提高聘用制护士工作满意度,确保护理队伍的稳定。 相似文献
新护士工作满意度及相关因素的调查分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
高小雁 《中华现代护理杂志》2011,17(13):1497-1500
目的调查新护士对工作的满意度现状,并对相关因素进行分析,旨在给管理者提供第一手资料及管理依据。方法采用护士工作满意度量表,对北京市某三级甲等综合性医院工作年限1年以内的新护士进行问卷调查,对所得数据进行分析。结果新护士工作满意度总分为(104.20±13.09)分,呈中等偏低水平;新护士的生活地点(F=7.948,P〈0.01)、是否为独生子女(t=5.951,P〈0.05)、其他从业经历(t分别为9.514、4.423,P〈0.01或P〈0.05)以及所在科室(q分别为2.620、1.472、12.292、-13.866、-14.576,P〈0.01或P〈0.05)等在满意度的不同维度上有统计学差异,其中农村较之乡镇及城市在个人与发展方面差异性显著(q分别为0.000、0.001,P〈0.01);非独生子女在家中排行第一与非第一的工作满意度在与同事关系方面差异有统计学意义(扛19.912,P〈0.01);不同科室的新护士在工作负荷方面差异具有统计学意义(q分别为-2.946、-3.339、-2.295,P〈0.01或P〈0.05)。结论临床护理管理者应采取针对性措施,应用人性化的管理方式,提高新护士工作满意度,提升护理质量。 相似文献
目的 采用结构方程模型探讨护士工作满意度在职业价值观与工作绩效间的中介作用.方法 采用横断面现况研究于2018年9月至12月采用便利抽样的方法在陕西省6所医院抽取548名一线在职护士作为研究对象.采用护士职业价值观量表(NPVS-R)、护士工作满意度量表(NJSS)、护理行为六维度量表(6-D)进行研究,并分析其相关性... 相似文献
I.-CHUAN LI RN PhD HUAI-TING KUO MSN RN HUI-CHUAN HUANG MSN RN HSUEH-LI LO RN HUI-CHUN WANG MSN RN 《Journal of nursing management》2013,21(3):440-448
Aims The purpose of this study was to explore the mediating effects of work empowerment on job satisfaction for nurses in long-term care facilities in Taiwan. Background Previous research has noted that job satisfaction is an important factor that reflects upon the work environment and the characteristics of the job itself. It is important to link work empowerment to job satisfaction among nurses. Methods This research study used a cross-sectional design. A total of 65 nurses participated in the study. Regression models and Sobel tests were fitted to evaluate the relationship between work empowerment and job satisfaction. Results Structural empowerment mediated the effects of psychological empowerment on job satisfaction (standardized β = 0.46, Sobel test: z = 2.69, P = 0.007). Conclusions Both psychological and structural empowerment positively correlated with job satisfaction among nurses in long-term care facilities. The structural empowerment had a mediating effect on job satisfaction. Implications for nursing management The managers of long-term care facilities should create an empowering work environment for nurses by providing them with available resources and by involving them in the developmental goals of the facilities. The critical structural components of an empowered workplace can contribute to the psychological empowerment of nurses and increase their job satisfaction. 相似文献
The impact of ward design on the behaviour,occupational satisfaction and well-being of psychiatric nurses 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Studies have shown that modifications to the physical environment of psychiatric institutions are associated with positive changes in patients' behaviour, attitudes and perceptions. However, little attention has been paid to the impact such modifications to the physical environment have on the nursing staff. The building of two completely new wards at a rural psychiatric hospital provided an opportunity to examine this issue. Measures of the nursing staffs' observed behaviour and self-ratings of burnout and job satisfaction were obtained in both the old and the new wards. The results showed that the new wards were associated with largely positive changes in behaviour and increased burnout, but there was no change in job satisfaction. However, it was clear that a vital component in the success of any environmental manipulation is an appropriate, corresponding change in the organizational climate . 相似文献
[目的]了解城市社区护士工作满意度情况及其相关影响因素。[方法]采用工作满意度调查表对杭州市主城区在职社区护士开展问卷调查并对结果进行分析。[结果]杭州市社区护士年轻化、高学历现象明显;整体职称水平偏低;单位聘用者比例较高;工作满意程度中等,最满意的为与同事关系和工作被认可情况,最不满意的为福利待遇和个人成长发展情况;其中工作年限和任职岗位对满意度的影响具有统计学意义(P0.05)。[结论]本次研究结果与既往各地研究结果相仿,说明影响社区护士满意度的问题是全国共性的问题,应引起管理者的充分重视,要共同努力建立合理的薪酬体系和继续教育体系,以进一步提高社区护士工作满意度。 相似文献
Objective:Job satisfaction is a positive emotional feeling in the working environment,and it is an essential tool with which to improve patient safety,nurses’efficiency and performance,quality of care,retention and turnover of nurses,and commitment to the organization and the profession.There are few studies on job satisfaction of nurses in the country.Therefore,this review aims to estimate the pooled prevalence of job satisfaction among Ethiopian nurses using the available studies.Methods:This systematic review used the Preferred Repor ting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses(PRISMA)guideline to synthesize the evidence on the prevalence and associated factors of nurses’job satisfaction.Databases used for searching the included ar ticles from Pub Med,Embase,CINHAL,Google Scholar,HINARI,and Science Direct.All papers selected for inclusion were subjected to a rigorous appraisal using a standardized critical appraisal checklist(JBI checklist).STATA software(version 11)was used for the analysis,and 95%confidence intervals were calculated.The Cochrane Q test statistics and I2 tests were used to assess the heterogeneity prevailing between the studies.Finally,a random effect model was computed to estimate the pooled prevalence of nurses’job satisfaction in the country.Results:In this review,the data of 1,151 nurses were obtained from six studies.The pooled prevalence of nurses’job satisfaction was found to be 39.53%(24.52,54.53).The prevalence of job satisfaction in the Central part of Ethiopia was low:31.12%(95%CI 5.25,56.99)compared to the South-Eastern part of Ethiopia’s 48.01%(95%CI 36.51,59.52).The most common predictors identified were salary(P<0.05),the leadership of the organization(P<0.05),and training opportunities(P<0.05).Conclusions:The pooled prevalence of job satisfaction among nurses was found to be low in comparison with global data.The significant predictors for nurses’job satisfaction are based on the review findings,salary,leadership of organization,and training opportunities. 相似文献