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Ovariectomized adult C57BL/6J mice were exposed to androgens, estrogens, or combined androgen-estrogen treatments and tested for the display of male-typical aggressive behavior toward olfactory bulbectomized stimulus males. Among the androgenic treatments (testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or methyltrienolone) only testosterone, which, in contrast to the other androgens, can be aromatized, activated fighting behavior. In the second experiment, estradiol benzoate (EB) was totally ineffective as an aggression-promoting compound. Lastly, combined EB+dihydrotestosterone also did not induce male-like aggression. These data suggest that T itself may be capable of promoting aggression without undergoing aromatization or 5 alpha-reduction.  相似文献   

Using a range of tests we have studied alterations in behavior with advancing age in female C57BL/6 (of Jackson origin), the golden standard on which most genetically engineered mice are back-crossed. In parallel, growth and survival data were collected. In a protected environment the 90% and 75% cohort survival age was 20 and 25 months, respectively, and the 50% cohort survival was 32 months. In mice, body weight increases continuously until 15-20 months of age, while in advanced age whole body weight drops. The body mass loss in senescence is associated with emergence of other aged phenotype features such as kyphosis, balding and loss of fur-color.Our behavioral data show that aging modulates certain aspects of basic behavior in a continuous manner, like explorative and locomotor activities. Advanced age associates with an acceleration of behavioral impairments evident in most of the tests used, including motor skill acquisition and memory consolidation. However, certain domains of mouse behavior were well preserved also in advanced age such as thermal noxious threshold and working memory as assessed by an object recognition task. The decreased drive to explore is suggested to be a key factor underlying many aspects of reduced performance including cognitive capacity during aging. Behavioral aging affects genetically closely related individuals housed under strictly standardized conditions differentially (Collier, T.J., Coleman, P.D., 1991. Divergence of biological and chronological aging: evidence from rodent studies. Neurobiol. Aging, 12, 685-693; Ingram, D.K., 1988. Motor performance variability during aging in rodents. Assessment of reliability and validity of individual differences. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 515, 70-96). Consistent with this a subpopulation of the 28-month-old mice showed an explorative activity similar to young-adult mice and a significantly stronger preference for a novel object than aged mice with a less explorative behavior. Thus, subtle environmental factors and epigenetic modifications may be important modulators of aging.  相似文献   

The level of resistance to infection in inbred mice with the murine malaria species Plasmodium chabaudi AS is genetically determined. Resistant C57BL/6, which are able to eliminate the parasite by 4 weeks, develop marked splenomegaly and survive the infection. Susceptible A/J mice, which succumb to infection (mean survival time = 10 days), develop only minimal splenomegaly. In order to determine if gross differences in the organization, number, and type of spleen cells are related to the outcome of infection with P. chabaudi AS, the development of splenomegaly was examined by enzyme and immunohistochemical methods during the first week after infection. Cryostat sections of spleens removed from normal animals of both strains and at 4 and 7 days after intraperitoneal infection with 10(6) parasitized erythrocytes were stained for enzyme (acid phosphatase and nonspecific esterase) and immunohistochemistry with conventional monoclonal antibodies against T cells, B cells, and macrophages as well as with novel rat anti-mouse monoclonal antibodies which define discrete subpopulations of macrophages in the mouse spleen. The livers of normal and infected animals of each strain were also examined. The results of this study demonstrate (1) differences between normal, uninfected B6 and A/J mice in the organization and number of one subpopulation of macrophages in the spleen, the marginal metallophilic macrophages, and (2) marked histological changes in the spleen and liver during the course of infection in both resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible A/J mice. These changes include depletion of cells from the marginal zone of the spleen which, in the case of the marginal metallophilic macrophages, appears to be more severe in susceptible A/J mice.  相似文献   

The Y chromosome of the BXSB mouse has been shown to be responsible for the acceleration of lupus-like autoimmune syndrome in inbred BXSB mice and in their F1 hybrids with NZB or NZW mice. To further define the role of this as yet unidentified gene linked to the BXSB Y chromosome, designated Yaa (Y chromosome-linked autoimmune acceleration), the Y chromosome was transferred from the BXSB strain to nonautoimmune C57BL/6 (B6) mice. The effect of the Yaa gene on the autoantibody formation and the development of glomerulonephritis was investigated in B6 mice and in their F1 hybrids with NZW mice. The presence of the BXSB Y chromosome was not able to induce significant autoimmune responses in B6 mice. However, (NZW x B6)F1 males bearing the BXSB Y chromosome developed a severe lupus-like autoimmune syndrome, as documented by the production of anti-DNA antibodies and gp70-anti-gp70 immune complexes and the development of lethal lupus nephritis. Both sexes of (NZW x B6)F1 hybrids without the BXSB Y chromosome were essentially normal. Our results suggest that (a) the BXSB Y chromosome by itself is not sufficient to initiate autoimmune responses in nonautoimmune B6 mice, and (b) it is able to induce autoimmune responses in mice potentially capable of developing the disease, but whose autosomal abnormality by itself is not sufficient to develop autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

为研究约氏疟原虫感染小鼠脾脏不同免疫细胞及其细胞因子的水平变化,将C57BL/6小鼠分为感染组和正常组,分别经小鼠尾静脉注射约氏疟原虫和生理盐水,8d后处死感染组和正常组小鼠并分离脾脏,制备单细胞悬液,然后利用流式细胞术检测小鼠脾脏B细胞和NK细胞及其表达的细胞因子IFN-y、IL-12、IL-10的水平变化情况.结果...  相似文献   


Exposure to amphibole asbestos has been associated with production of autoantibodies in mice and humans, and increases the risk of systemic autoimmune disease. However, epidemiological studies of chrysotile exposure have not indicated a similar induction of autoimmune responses. To demonstrate this difference in controlled exposures in mice, and to explore possible mechanistic explanations for the difference, C57BL/6 mice were exposed intratracheally to amphibole or chrysotile asbestos, or to saline only. Serum antinuclear antibodies (ANA), antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens (ENA), serum cytokines, and immunoglobulin isotypes were evaluated 8 months after the final treatment. The percentages of lymphocyte sub-sets were determined in the spleen and lungs. The results show that amphibole, but not chrysotile, asbestos increases the frequency of ANA/ENA in mice. Amphibole and chrysotile both increased multiple serum cytokines, but only amphibole increased IL-17. Both fibers decreased IgG1, without significant changes in other immunoglobulin isotypes. Although there were no gross changes in overall percentages of T- and B-cells in the spleen or lung, there was a significant increase in the normally rare populations of suppressor B-cells (CD19+, CD5+, CD1d+) in both the spleen and lungs of chrysotile-exposed mice. Overall, the results suggest that, while there may be an inflammatory response to both forms of asbestos, there is an autoimmune response in only the amphibole-exposed, but not the chrysotile-exposed mice. These data have critical implications in terms of screening and health outcomes of asbestos-exposed populations.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction (DR) is suggested to induce mitochondrial biogenesis, although recently this has been challenged. Here we determined the impact of 1, 9 and 18 months of 30% DR in male C57BL/6 mice on key mitochondrial factors and on mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle, relative to age-matched ad libitum (AL) controls. We examined proteins and mRNAs associated with mitochondrial biogenesis and measured mitochondrial respiration in permeabilised myofibres using high resolution respirometry. 30% DR, irrespective of duration, had no effect on citrate synthase activity. In contrast, total and nuclear protein levels of PGC-1α, mRNA levels of several mitochondrial associated proteins (Pgc-1α, Nrf1, Core 1, Cox IV, Atps) and cytochrome c oxidase content were increased in skeletal muscle of DR mice. Furthermore, a range of mitochondrial respiration rates were increased significantly by DR, with DR partially attenuating the age-related decline in respiration observed in AL controls. Therefore, DR did not increase mitochondrial content, as determined by citrate synthase, in mouse skeletal muscle. However, it did induce a PGC-1α adaptive response and increased mitochondrial respiration. Thus, we suggest that a functionally ‘efficient’ mitochondrial electron transport chain may be a critical mechanism underlying DR, rather than any net increase in mitochondrial content per se.  相似文献   

The effects of periodic, restricted feeding (RF) for two hours at a fixed time of day on the circadian rhythms of locomotor activity were examined in CS and C57BL/6J mice, kept under continuous dim, red lights (LLdim). In C57BL/6J mice, free-running rhythms were not affected by an RF schedule, although anticipatory behavior prior to the food access period was observed. On the other hand, the free-running rhythms of CS mice did entrain to an RF schedule, exhibiting anticipatory behavior. The free-running rhythms of none of the control animals in either strain exhibited any effects resulting from the periodic disturbances occurring concurrently with the performance of RF. These results indicate that the circadian pacemaker couples with the food entrainable oscillator (FEO) in CS mice, but that such coupling may not exist, or may be very weak, in C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

The present study determined if mice, like rats, differ in their flavor conditioning responses to intragastric (IG) infusions of three common monosaccharide sugars. In Experiment 1, C57BL/6J mice were trained to drink a flavored saccharin solution (the CS+) paired with intragastric (IG) self-infusions of 16% glucose, fructose or galactose and a different flavored solution (the CS-) paired with IG water infusions during 22 h/day training sessions. The glucose infusions increased CS+ intakes during training and produced a strong CS+ preference (~87%) in two-bottle choice tests. In contrast, the fructose and galactose infusions reduced CS training intakes and did not condition a CS+ preference. Experiment 2 determined if reducing fructose and galactose concentration would enhance conditioning. However, IG infusions of 8% sugar also failed to condition CS+ preferences. The robust conditioning response to IG glucose confirms results obtained with rats, but the indifference of mice to IG fructose and galactose contrasts with preference and avoidance responses observed in rats. The effectiveness of glucose to condition preferences suggests an important role for glucose-specific sensors rather than gut "sweet" taste receptors in the postoral modulation of carbohydrate appetite.  相似文献   

Weitemier AZ  Ryabinin AE 《Neuroscience》2006,137(4):1439-1445
The midbrain-localized Edinger-Westphal nucleus is a major site of production of urocortin 1. Urocortin 1 is a neuropeptide related to corticotropin-releasing factor that has high affinity for corticotropin-releasing factor type-1 and corticotropin-releasing factor type-2 receptors. In several mouse models, the amount of urocortin 1 neurons within the Edinger-Westphal nucleus is positively associated with ethanol preference. Central administration of urocortin 1 exerts potent anorectic actions, and implicates endogenous urocortin 1 in the regulation of food intake. It is possible that brain areas such as the dorsal raphe, which receives urocortin 1 from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus and highly expresses corticotropin-releasing factor type-2 receptors, mediate the actions of urocortin 1 on feeding and ethanol preference. In this study the amount of food, water and ethanol consumed over the dark cycle by ethanol-preferring C57BL/6J mice was measured after injection of artificial cerebrospinal fluid vehicle, urocortin 1, corticotropin-releasing factor and the corticotropin-releasing factor type-2 receptor-selective antagonist antisauvagine-30 onto the dorsal raphe. Compared with vehicle, corticotropin-releasing factor and antisauvagine-30, urocortin 1 induced a significant reduction in the amount of food consumed overnight. Also, compared with antisauvagine-30 treatment, urocortin 1 significantly reduced the amount of weight gained during this time. Urocortin 1 also significantly reduced the total amount of fluid consumed, but did not alter ethanol preference, which was high during all treatments. These results suggest that the dorsal raphe is a neuroanatomical substrate of urocortin 1-induced reductions in feeding, possibly through modulation of serotonergic activity from this nucleus. In addition, it is suggested that endogenous urocortin 1 in this area, such as from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, does not regulate ethanol preference in C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

To elucidate the contribution of host and parasite factors in induction of small-intestinal disaccharidase deficiency in giardiasis, we determined the activity of four enzymes in male and female C57BL/6 mice infected withGiardia muris. Both male and female mice exhibited significant disaccharidase deficiency as shown by decreases in the activities of lactase, sucrase, trehalase and maltase on day 10 after infection. However, by 20 days after infection the females had normal enzyme activities, whereas those in males remained significantly reduced. Prolonged disaccharidase deficiency in the males was related to the course of the primary infection where males had higher parasite loads in the small intestine than did females on day 20 after infection. By day 40 after the primary infection the enzyme activities had returned to normal levels and were similar in male and female mice. Secondary exposure of mice to either the infective cysts or a crude extract of the trophozoites caused disaccharidase deficiency. The females had lower activities of sucrase and trehalase as compared with males after the challenge. Thus, during the primary infection, disaccharidase deficiency was strongly associated with parasite number, whereas after challenge infections the more resistant females had lower enzyme activities in the small intestine than did males.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C gamma (PKC gamma) is highly expressed in the rodent hippocampus and has been implicated in long-term alterations in synaptic efficacy. Acute stress has been shown to negatively affect hippocampal synaptic plasticity, and the present study examined the effect of acute stress on PKC gamma expression/subcellular distribution by quantitative western blotting in two inbred mouse strains (C57BL/6J versus DBA/2J) with established differences in hippocampal plasticity. It was found that both DBA/2J and C57BL/6J strains exhibited similar basal, stress-induced elevations, and recovery of serum corticosterone levels. Acute stress produced a significant reduction in both membrane and cytosolic PKC gamma expression in the hippocampus of C57BL/6J mice compared to no-stress controls, but did not alter either membrane or cytosolic PKC gamma expression in the hippocampus of DBA/2J mice compared to no-stress controls. These data provide direct evidence that PKC gamma is differentially regulated in the hippocampus of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice by acute stress. The role of stress-induced regulation of hippocampal PKC gamma expression in hippocampal synaptic plasticity is discussed.  相似文献   

Pregnant C57BL/6 mice were exposed to 5 microg/kg 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) or vehicle by oral gavage between gestation days (GDs) 11 and 13. The thymus, spleen, and liver of the pups were examined histologically, and cell surface antigen expression was assessed on postnatal days (PNDs) 1, 14, 25, and 46. In addition to the expected decrease in thymic weight on PND 1, TCDD caused an increase in splenic weight on PND 14 and in hepatic weight on PNDs 14 and 25. The apoptotic index was increased and the corticomedullary border poorly defined in thymuses of TCDD-exposed mice on PND 1, but not at later endpoints. T lymphocytes were increased and B lymphocytes decreased in spleens of the TCDD-exposed mice on PND 46. TCDD-exposed mice had a nearly significant (p =.051) decrease in the number of splenic germinal centers on PND 46. Foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) were increased in number in the livers of TCDD-exposed mice on PND 14, suggesting possible increased production of immune cells of unknown phenotype and function in this organ. These results suggest that late-gestation thymic architectural changes caused by TCDD resolve shortly after birth: however, abnormalities in other immunologically important areas may appear later in postnatal life.  相似文献   

Balb/c mice, which are T-helper lymphocyte 2 (Th2) responders, are highly susceptible to infectious and non-infectious heart diseases, whereas C57BL/6 mice (Th1 responders) are not. Angiotensin II (Ang II) is not only a vasopressor but also a pro-inflammatory factor that leads to cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and dysfunction. We hypothesized that Ang II exacerbates cardiac damage in Balb/c but not in C57BL/6 mice even though both strains have a similar level of hypertension. Twelve-week-old male C57BL/6J and Balb/c mice received either vehicle or Ang II (1.4 mg kg(-1) day(-1), s.c. via osmotic minipump) for 8 weeks. At baseline, Balb/c mice exhibited the following: (1) a lower heart rate; (2) an enlarged left ventricular chamber; (3) a lower ejection fraction and shortening fraction; and (4) twice the left ventricular collagen deposition of age-matched C57BL/6J mice. Angiotensin II raised systolic blood pressure (to ~150 mmHg) and induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in a similar manner in both strains. While C57BL/6J mice developed compensatory concentric hypertrophy and fibrosis in response to Ang II, Balb/c mice demonstrated severe left ventricular chamber dilatation, wall thinning and fibrosis, leading to congestive heart failure as evidenced by dramatically decreased ejection fraction and lung congestion (significant increase in lung weight), which are both characteristic of dilated cardiomyopathy. Our study suggests that the Th phenotype plays an active role in cardiac remodelling and function both in basal conditions and in hypertension. Angiotensin II-induced dilated cardiomyopathy in Balb/c mice is an ideal animal model for studying the impact of the adaptive immune system on cardiac remodelling and function and for testing strategies to prevent or treat hypertension-associated heart failure.  相似文献   

The effects of age and estradiol on hypothalamic content and distribution of tubulin and calmodulin were examined by radioimmunoassay in ovariectomized C57BL/6J female mice. A small (14%) increase in particulate tubulin, but not soluble tubulin, was found in the hypothalamus of reproductively senescent mice (20 months) compared to young (8 months) controls. This alteration was limited to tubulin; calmodulin content was unaffected by age. Post-castration serum LH levels were lower in old, ovariectomized controls relative to young controls, but physiologic levels of estradiol, achieved by subcutaneous implants, suppressed LH levels in both age groups. In contrast to LH and uterine weight, hypothalamic tubulin and calmodulin were unaffected by estradiol treatment. These results suggest that the negative feedback effect of estradiol on LH secretion is exerted by a mechanism other than redistribution of hypothalamic tubulin or calmodulin, or that changes are restricted to a discrete sub-population of neurons.  相似文献   

The effects of age and estradiol on hypothalamic content and distribution of tubulin and calmodulin were examined by radioimmunoassay in ovariectomized C57BL/6J female mice. A small (14%) increase in particulate tubulin, but not soluble tubulin, was found in the hypothalamus of reproductively senescent mice (20 months) compared to young (8 months) controls. This alteration was limited to tubulin; calmodulin content was unaffected by age. Post-castration serum LH levels were lower in old, ovariectomized controls relative to young controls, but physiologic levels of estradiol, achieved by subcutaneous implants, suppressed LH levels in both age groups. In contrast to LH and uterine weight, hypothalamic tubulin and calmodulin were unaffected by estradiol treatment. These results suggest that the negative feedback effect of estradiol on LH secretion is exerted by a mechanism other than redistribution of hypothalamic tubulin or calmodulin, or that changes are restricted to a discrete sub-population of neurons.  相似文献   

L-selectin has been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Here we demonstrate that L-selectin(-/-) SJL mice are susceptible to proteolipid protein (PLP)-induced EAE because the compromised antigen-specific T cell proliferation in peripheral lymph nodes is fully compensated by the T cell response raised in their spleen. Transfer of PLP-specific T cells into syngeneic recipients induced EAE independent of the presence or absence of L-selectin on PLP-specific T cells or in the recipient. Leukocyte infiltration into the central nervous system parenchyma was detectable independent of the mode of disease induction and the presence or absence of L-selectin. In addition, we found L-selectin(-/-) C57BL/6 mice to be susceptible to myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced EAE. Taken together, we demonstrate that in SJL and C57BL/6 mice L-selectin is not required for EAE pathogenesis. The apparent discrepancy of our present observation to previous findings, demonstrating a role of L-selectin in EAE pathogenesis in C57BL/6 mice or myelin-basic protein (MBP)-specific TCR-transgenic B10.PL mice, may be attributed to background genes rather than L-selectin and to a unique role of L-selectin in EAE pathogenesis in MBP-TCR-transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Inbred strains of mice exhibit different patterns of maternal behavior, providing material for studies of genetic influences on the expression of maternal behavior. Beginning 1 day after birth, maternal behavior was recorded daily for 14 days in the first and second litters of C57BL/6J (B6) and DBA/2J (D2) mothers. D2 mice had higher pup survival than B6 mice, and pup survival was higher in both strains in second litters than in first litters. D2 mothers spent more time engaged in maternal behavior, especially resting with, crouching over, and nursing pups than B6 mothers with first litters, but not with second litters. Not all measures of maternal behavior were correlated with pup survival; with both litters, B6 mothers retrieved pups faster than D2 mothers.  相似文献   

We recently found that erythroblast-like cells derived from human leukaemia K562 cells express C5a receptor (C5aR) and produce its antagonistic and agonistic ligand ribosomal protein S19 (RP S19) polymer, which is cross-linked between K122 and Q137 by tissue transglutaminases. RP S19 polymer binds to the reciprocal C5aRs on erythroblast-like cells and macrophage-like cells derived from human monocytic THP-1 cells and promotes differentiation into reticulocyte-like cells through enucleation in vitro. To examine the roles of RP S19 polymer in mouse erythropoiesis, we prepared Q137E mutant RP S19 gene knock-in C57BL/6J mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, erythroblast numbers at the preliminary stage (CD71high/TER119low) in spleen based on transferrin receptor (CD71) and glycophorin A (TER119) values and erythrocyte numbers in orbital artery bloods were not largely changed in knock-in mice. Conversely, erythroblast numbers at the early stage (CD71high/TER119high) were significantly decreased in spleen by knock-in mice. The reduction of early erythroblast numbers in spleen was enhanced by the phenylhydrazine-induced pernicious anemia model knock-in mice and was rescued by a functional analogue of RP S19 dimer S-tagged C5a/RP S19. These data indicated that RP S19 polymer plays the roles in the early erythroblast differentiation of C57BL/6J mouse spleen.  相似文献   

A malignant tumor that arose spontaneously in the subcutaneous tissue of the back of a C57BL/6 female mouse was found to metastasize spontaneously to the liver. The primary and metastatic tumors, SML (spontaneous metastasis to the liver) 1 and SML 2, were establishedin vitro in long-term cell suspension culture and were passaged 10 timesin vivo for 18 months. When 100 000 cells were injected subcutaneously in the orthotopic position, tumor growth appeared in 60% of the SML 1 mice and 100% of the SML 2 mice. SML 1 did not grow when injected in the footpad, while SML 2 did. The median survival was 47 days for SML 1 and 48.5 days for SML 2 (P = 0.013). The pattern of metastasis was similar for both tumor cell lines, irrespective of intravenous or subcutaneous injection routes. Spontaneous metastasis of the SML 2 line occurred from both the orthotopic and heterotopic sites, while the SML 1 metastasized spontaneously from the orthotopic site only. Liver metastasis appeared in >90% of the mice for both SML 1 and SML 2. Metastasis to the spleen occurred in about half the mice. Other sites of metastasis were the ovaries (36% and 52%, respectively, for SML 1 and SML 2), the kidneys ( 15%) and the small bowel (very rarely). Metastasis to the lungs did not occur except very rarely in the later passages of the SML 2 line. Histologic, immunohistochemical and electron microscopic studies showed a histiocytic tumor with macrophage characteristics. The cells exhibited chemotaxis toward liver extracellular matrix and reduced motility toward collagen IV, laminin and fibronectin compared to the B16-F10 melanoma line. This spontaneously occurring tumor should prove useful for the study of organ-specific metastasis to the liver.  相似文献   

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