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A monoclonal antibody, LAU-A1, which selectively reacts with all cells of the T-lineage, was derived from a fusion between spleen cells of a mouse immunized with paediatric thymocytes and mouse myeloma P X 63/Ag8 cells. As shown by an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay and analysis by flow microfluorometry of cells labelled by indirect immunofluorescence, the LAU-A1 antibody reacted with all six T-cell lines but not with any of the B-cell lines or myeloid cell lines tested from a panel of 17 human hematopoietic cell lines. The LAU-A1 antibody was also shown to react with the majority of thymocytes and E-rosette-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes. Among the malignant cell populations tested, the blasts from all 20 patients with acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) were found to react with the LAU-A1 antibody, whereas blasts from 85 patients with common ALL and 63 patients with acute myeloid leukemias were entirely negative. Examination of frozen tissue sections from fetal and adult thymuses stained by an indirect immunoperoxidase method revealed that cells expressing the LAU-A1 antigen were localized in both the cortex and the medulla. From the very broad reactivity spectrum of LAU-A1 antibody, we conclude that this antibody is directed against a T-cell antigen expressed throughout the T-cell differentiation lineage. SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates formed by LAU-A1 antibody with detergent lysates of radiolabeled T-cells showed that the LAU-A1 antigen had an apparent mol. wt of 76,000 under non-reducing conditions. Under reducing conditions a single band with an apparent mol. wt of 40,000 was observed. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis confirmed that the 76,000 mol. wt component consisted of an S-S-linked dimeric complex. The surface membrane expression of LAU-A1 antigen on HSB-2 T-cells was modulated when these cells were cultured in the presence of LAU-A1 antibody. Re-expression of LAU-A1 antigen occurred within 24 hr after transfer of the modulated cells into antibody-free medium.  相似文献   

Three peptides selected from the amino acid sequence of the alpha- and beta-chains of DR2 histocompatibility antigens were chemically synthesized and coupled to carrier proteins to be used as immunogens in rabbits. This immunization resulted in the production of specific antibodies that readily recognized the antigen. However, only one of the four antibody preparations, antibody 6148, elicited by a short peptide from the beta-chain (residues 61-73), reacts with native membrane glycoproteins as well as intact human lymphoblastoid cells in enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays. This antibody was found to react also with membrane glycoproteins solubilized by nonionic detergents from cells bearing a different HLA-DR specificity: therefore it is likely that the peptide responsible for eliciting antibody 6148 represents a common framework determinant of DR alloantigens that is accessible on the surface of lymphoblastoid cells. The ability of antibody 6148 to bind to intact cells was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence and by fluorescein-activated cell sorter analysis. This antibody is also capable of mediating antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity as determined by a 51Cr-release assay.  相似文献   

A new brain cell surface glycoprotein identified by monoclonal antibody   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Of 207 monoclonal antibodies produced against cultured mouse cerebellar cells, 16 reacted with cerebellar cell surfaces and 4 reacted with glycoproteins. One of them, called anti-BSP-3 (Brain cellSurfaceProtein-3) defines a 48,000 molecular weight protein which can be iodinated at the surface of cultured cerebellar cells. Lectin-binding and sugar incorporation studies established the glycoprotein nature of the antigen. Astroglia (glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive cells) in primary cerebellar cultures were labelled intensely for this antigen by the indirect immunofluorescence method while neuronal cells and their processes were more weakly labelled. Fibronectin-positive cells were negative for BSP-3. In cerebellar sections using the immunoperoxidase method at both the optical and electron microscope levels, the difference in staining intensity between astrocytes and neuronal cells was not significant: in Purkinje cells and in the large neurones present in the deep cerebellar nuclei the immunoperoxidase percipitate was confined to the plasma membrane while in both astrocytes and granule cells cytoplasmic labelling was also observed. Oligodendrocytes do not appear to react with the anti-BSP-3 monoclonal antibody; neither do endothelial or leptomeningeal cells.The availability of a monoclonal antibody produced by a stable hybridoma line will be a powerful tool in attempts to purify the BSP-3 antigen and to elucidate its function.  相似文献   

Spontaneously arising class switch variants of the Genox 3.53 hybridoma cell line were isolated. They secrete IgG2a or IgG2b monoclonal antibodies of anti-DC1 specificity identical to that of the IgG1 secreting parental cell. In contrast to the parental monoclonal antibody, those secreted by the variants are cytotoxic to peripheral blood B lymphocytes of DC1 positive individuals and are thus compatible with existing HLA typing techniques. This provides a general method for converting noncytotoxic anti-HLA antibodies into cytotoxic typing reagents.  相似文献   

Three different monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against human immunoglobulin E have been obtained which specifically bind to human myeloma and polyclonal IgE. The antibodies showed high avidities for soluble IgE (0.7 X 10(9) to 3.3 X 10(9) M-1). These MAb defined three distinct epitopes on IgE. A mixture of these antibodies in combination with an 125I-labelled anti-mouse Kappa chain MAb has been used to measure allergen-specific IgE. This determination was performed by a solid-phase radioimmunoassay using allergen extracts coated to either chemically activated paper discs or to polyvinyl chloride wells. This method is 4-10 times more sensitive than other previously reported procedures. A similar technique has also been applied to detect individual allergens in immunoblots of allergen extracts.  相似文献   

A monoclonal IgM antibody (HB-2), produced against a membrane antigen on the Raji, B cell line, reacted by indirect immunofluorescence with 2 to 40% of lymphoblasts from the B cell lines, Raji, Daudi, SN-1036, and SB but not with other types of cell lines, including pre-B, myeloid, melanoma, or T cells. HB-2 antibody reacted with 10 ± 3% of normal blood mononuclear cells, and was unreactive with monocytes, granulocytes, platelets, or erythrocytes. Two-color immunofluorescence revealed that HB-2 antigen expression was confined to cells bearing surface Ig. An interesting finding was the fact that 25% of plasmablasts induced by pokeweed mitogen also expressed the HB-2 antigen. However, pre-B and plasma cells from normal bone marrow did not express the HB-2 antigen either on their membrane surface or in their cytoplasm. Analysis of 85 leukemias revealed that the HB-2 antigen was expressed on acute and chronic B cell leukemias and Burkitt's lymphomas, but not on malignacies of pre-B, T, myelocytic, or plasma cells. The results suggest that expression of the HB-2 antigen is confined to mature B cells.  相似文献   

The ability of cyclosporin A (CS-A) to inhibit induced lymphocyte activation and to modify expression of membrane receptors was assessed on human T helper cells. Flow cytometric cell cycle analyses of acridine orange-stained cells showed that CS-A (0.5 micrograms/ml) inhibits the G0-G1 activation process of a substantial proportion of PHA- and Con A-stimulated lymphocytes. The expression of Tac, OKT9 and 4F2 antigens (previously shown to be expressed or increased on activated cells) was investigated by immunofluorescence. Fewer cells expressed the Tac and OKT9 antigens after activation in presence of CS-A, but the percentage of 4F2-positive cells remained unchanged. Analyses of receptor densities measured by fluorescence intensity revealed for all three investigated antigens a decreased receptor density on positive cells in presence of CS-A. Thus, CS-A not only inhibited cell activation (G0-G1 transition) and the expression of Tac, OKT9 and 4F2 antigens, but it also diminished the number of Tac, OKT9 and 4F2 antigens per cell. Assessing specifically the activation of OKT4 (helper) and OKT8 (cytotoxic) cells after 24 h, either by double-fluorescence or by cell fractionation with anti-OKT4 or anti-OKT8 antibodies plus complement, showed that preferentially OKT4 cell activation as well as expression of Tac and OKT9 antigens on those cells was inhibited in the presence of CS-A.  相似文献   

To demonstrate antigens in cultured human tumor cells recognized by antibodies in human sera, extracts of cultured malignant melanoma cells were separated by SDS-PAGE, and electrophoretically transferred to nitrocellulose paper (NCP). The resulting electroblots were incubated with human serum, and bound immunoglobulin (Ig) was visualized with rabbit antibodies specific for human IgG, IgA or IgM, followed by peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. Antigen-antibody reactions in the nitrocellulose paper were also detected using 125I-labeled anti-rabbit IgG. As little as 125 pg of bound antibody per band were detectable. The numbers of proteins recognized by antibodies in human sera depended both on the quantity of protein transferred and the concentration of Ig applied to the NCP. Whole serum could not be used at dilutions less than or equal to 1:20 without an unacceptable increase in background staining. Binding of Ig to tumor cell proteins transferred to NCP depended on interactions with the Fab', not the Fc region of the Ig molecule. To determine the efficiency of transfer as a function of both time and molecular weight, tumor cell proteins were intrinsically labeled with 75Se-labeled methionine and transferred for up to 4 h after fractionation in gels containing acrylamide concentrations of 5%, 7.5%, 10% or 12%. Proteins less than 150 kDa were transferred with particularly high efficiency in greater than or equal to 2 h. Different antigens were recognized by the IgA, the IgG and the IgM molecules from the same sera. The methods outlined herein are proving to be useful in monitoring the purification of specific antigens from whole tumor cell extracts.  相似文献   

Characterization and expression of the HLA-DC antigens defined by anti-Leu 10   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The expression of HLA-DC antigens on peripheral blood mononuclear cells, in tonsil and lymph node tissue sections, on tumor cell lines, and on activated T cells was studied using monoclonal antibody, anti-Leu 10. Anti-Leu 10 reacts with HLA-DC molecules on homozygous B cell lines expressing HLA-DR 1,2,4,5,6,8, and 9. It reacts with heterozygous B lymphocytes expressing DR7 and DRw10, suggesting it also recognizes HLA-DC molecules linked to DRw10. The HLA-DC molecules detected by anti-Leu 10 are expressed on all Ig-positive and DR-positive peripheral B lymphocytes and an apparent subpopulation of DR-positive periperal blood monocytes. Two-color immunofluorescence experiments using phycoerythrin-anti-HLA-DR (L243) and FITC-anti-Leu 10 demonstrated a correlation of the amounts of HLA-DR and DC antigens expressed on B lymphocytes. Cells expressing relatively low or high amounts of one Class II molecule express respectively low or high amounts of the other Class II molecule. Anti-Leu 10 reacted with all B lymphocyte derived tumor cell lines not with lines of myeloid or erythroid origin, and with only one T cell derived line, HUT-78 which has an activated T cell phenotype. Consistent with this result, anti-Leu 10 binding suggested the presence of HLA-DC on activated T cells in lymphoid tissue, in addition to staining B cells. HLA-DC was also detected on mitogen and MLC activated T cells by anti-Leu 10 binding. Anti-Leu 10 is, therefore, a useful reagent for further studies of the role of HLA-DC in T cell activation and in normal B cell and monocyte functions.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MCA) were obtained by immunizing BALB/c mice with 99% pure granulocytes from normal donors or with a whole leukocyte suspension obtained from a chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patient, and then fusing the mouse spleen cells with a 315–43 myeloma cell clone. Four MCA were selected and studied using ELISA, immunofluorescence, cytotoxicity assays, and FACS analysis. Antibodies 80H.1. 80H.3. and 80H.5 (from normals) and 81H.1 (from CML) detected antigens expressed on neutrophils. Antibodies 80H.1 and 80H.3 (lgG) also reacted with monocytes but not with other blood cell subsets. Antibodies 80H.5 and 81H.1 (lgM) were cytotoxic and reacted strongly with most of the cells of the neutrophil maturation sequence. i.e., myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, and mature granulocytes. Antibodies 80H.5 and 81H.1 also inhibited BFU-GM and CFU-E. Antigens recognized by 80H.3. 80H.5, and 81H.1 were expressed both on a proportion of cells from HL.60, KG.1, ML.1, and K562 myeloid cell lines, and on a proportion of blast cells isolated from patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. They were not found on lymphoid cell lines or lymphoid leukemia cells. These MCA recognize either late differentiation antigens expressed on mature neutrophils and monocytes (80H.1 and 80H.3) or early differentiation antigens (80H.5 and 81H.1) specific to the granulocytic lineage. They may be useful for a better definition of those antigens specific to hematopoietic stem cells and their relationship with normal or neoplastic hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that although human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) generated against a lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) mutant that had lost DR and DQ (formerly known as MB) expression were directed primarily at class I antigens, the lytic activity of such CTL could be inhibited by monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) against monomorphic determinants on DR molecules. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect was found to occur by binding of the MoAb to the target cell, not the effector cell, because lysis of LCL target cells not expressing DR was not inhibited. In this paper we extend this phenomenon to show (i) that MoAbs directed against DQ and DP class II gene products also inhibit the lysis of LCL target cells by CTLs recognizing class I antigens; and (ii) that not all DR-specific MoAbs blocked target cell lysis by non-DR specific CTLs. In addition, when PBLs were used to stimulate the generation of CTLs in mixed leukocyte culture (MLC), inhibition using anti-class II (DR, DQ, and DP) MoAb occurred only when LCLs but not PHA blasts were used as targets. This might be explained by elevated expression of class II molecules on LCLs compared to PHA blasts.  相似文献   

A reproducible, serological method to quantify radiolabeled immunoglobulin (Ig) synthesized and secreted by human peripheral blood lymphocytes is described. In contrast to indirect precipitation (rabbit antihuman Ig and goat antirabbit Ig), the direct coprecipitation method using human IgG and rabbit antihuman IgG F(ab)2 showed much smaller, non-specifically precipitable radioactivity (i.e., 2~14%) without affecting Ig radioactivity.  相似文献   

A cytotoxic murine monoclonal antibody recognizing a specific HLA alloantigen was produced from the spleen cells of a BALB/c immunized with partially purified class I glycoproteins from an HLA-A1,B8 homozygous b-lymphoblastoid cell line. The antibody, designated P8.1, was tested against cells from 521 unrelated donors. It reacted with each of the 83 donors known to be HLA-B8 positive and with no HLA-B8 negative donors (sensitivity, 100%; specificity, 100%). Immunoprecipitation with antibody P8.1 and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis confirmed that the antigen recognized was a class I structure. Although most murine monoclonal anti-HLA antibodies previously described have recognized “public” or supertypic specificities, the identification of a monoclonal antibody specific for a “private” HLA alloantigen indicates first that the BALB/c mouse has the appropriate immune response repertoire for recognizing certain HLA allospecificities and second that HLA-B8 can be defined by a single unique epitope.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies with specificity for HLA class I and class II antigens were generated against a cloned line of human natural killer cells (NK 3.3). These antibodies were selected for their ability to either inhibit or enhance the lytic activity of NK 3.3. Antibody pretreatment and binding studies have established that the antibodies act at the level of the killer cell; we show in this paper that the nature of the target cell also plays a role in whether the antibody causes enhancement or inhibition of lysis. We provide evidence that these antibodies act at an early stage of lysis prior to the Ca++ dependent programming for lysis step, and describe the effects of these antibodies on the proliferation of cloned and uncloned lines of natural killer cells.  相似文献   

Following secondary stimulation of mixed leucocyte culture (MLC) populations with a class I plus II HLA difference, antigen-specific suppressor-effector cells of the OKT8+4- phenotype are generated. On the other hand, stimulation with a class II HLA genetic difference only gave rise to OKT4+ suppressor T cells. These effector cell populations which were maintained as "lines" by the addition of exogenous T cell growth factor (TCGF) and feeder cells, mediated antigen-specific suppression over a 6-8 week period during which they were assayed. The data reported here demonstrate that the phenotype of suppressor cells, generated in allogenic MLC, depends on the nature of the class of HLA antigen recognized as disparities in the suppressor-generating MLC. Moreover, both OKT8+4- and OKT4+ suppressors, obtained following stimulation with class I plus II or class II genetic disparities, respectively, appear to be specific for DR (or related class II product) antigens.  相似文献   

Cloning by limit dilution of an isolate of Leishmania tropica (LRC-L137) that is infective for mice resulted in 7 stable clones, only one of which was infective in BALB/c mice. Three of the non-infective clones that were examined for survival in BALB/c macrophages in vitro seemed to be killed more readily, suggesting failure to establish in macrophages as the basis for non-infectivity in vivo. Promastigotes from three non-infective clones and one infective clone were biosynthetically labelled or surface radioiodinated, and the detergent lysates were analyzed by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The pattern of the radiolabelled cytoplasmic and membrane proteins of promastigotes from all L. tropica clones was similar, with minor differences. All clones as well as the uncloned population bound to the same extent to a series of lectins with galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine as specificities. They also bound in a solid-phase radioimmunossay to 9 monoclonal antibodies raised against the uncloned L. tropica (LRC-L137). The genetic characterization of four L. tropica clones was attempted by analysis of their isolated kinetoplast DNA. The clones form two schizodemes since they possess kinetoplast DNAs which exhibit similar restriction endonuclease fingerprints and show extensive DNA sequence homology, suggesting that the four clones are closely related and that the noninfective variants may be derived from the infective presumptive parental clone L137-7-121. Further characterization of the clones of L. tropica should allow a better understanding of the genetic basis of parasite virulence in cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Technical aspects of generation of antibody-secreting human-human hybridomas are evaluated as based on 100 human-human fusions with a human B-lymphoma cell line (RH-L4) or the SKO-007 myeloma cell line as malignant fusion partners, and compared with similar fusion conditions in the mouse hybridoma system. The yield of hybrids was significantly lower when normal peripheral blood lymphocytes were used as fusion partners as compared with spleen lymphocytes, but could be substantially improved by increasing the amount of mitotic active B-lymphocytes by mitogen stimulation of the lymphocytes, preferably in HAT medium, prior to fusion. Furthermore, human hybrids grew slower and had a higher degree of chromosomal instability than usually observed in the mouse hybridoma system. Thus, out of 72 fusions, only 3 stable hybrids with antibody production against a predefined antigen were established. The importance of improved sources of human B-lymphocytes for human-human hybridoma production is discussed and methods of obtaining such improvement suggested.  相似文献   

We have developed in culture for the first time one of the actual target cells in kidney rejection by establishing long-term cultures of human kidney capillary endothelium and have begun to explore their response to immunologic stimuli. Microvascular endothelial cells were obtained from the human kidney cortex by mechanical separation, enzyme digestion, and density gradient centrifugation. The cells were exposed to 1% PHA, a PHA-stimulated PBL supernatant, human and mouse IL-1 and human gamma-interferon. They were stained with FITC-conjugated monoclonal antibodies specific for beta 2-microglobulin, HLA-DR, and DQ and analyzed by flow cytometry (FACS-II). HKCE cells express HLA-ABC antigens during growth and confluent phases but do not express DR or DQ antigens. Only the PHA-stimulated PBL supernatant and gamma-interferon induced class II antigen expression. A change in cellular morphology was noted after 72 hr of incubation in the presence of the lectin-stimulated PBL supernatant. Our findings show that microvascular endothelial cells express selected Ia antigens only after immunologic induction. This is in agreement with studies using umbilical and aortic endothelial cells. These data suggest that a dynamic interaction takes place between activated lymphocytes whose products induce expression of class II antigens and human kidney endothelial cells.  相似文献   

A method is described for the simultaneous detection of radiolabelled bone marrow cells bearing surface immunoglobulins by combined autoradiography and immunoperoxidase. Bone marrow cells from normal CBA mice prelabelled in vivo with 125IUDR or exposed in vitro to [3H]thymidine were incubated with rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulins under capping conditions, washed, cytocentrifuged and treated with methanol and hydrogen peroxide to destroy endogenous peroxidase. Cells were then covered with peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulins, washed, treated with diaminobenzidine a and hydrogen peroxide and finally covered with autoradiographic stripping film and exposed for different times. Peroxidase-positive cells were typically capped and those radiolabelled had autoradiographic silver grains overlying the nucleus.  相似文献   

A sequential separation protocol is described which reproducibly yields biologically active populations of B cells, T cells and monocytes from human peripheral and umbilical cord blood. The purification protocol employed T lymphocyte rosetting with unmodified sheep red blood cells, monocyte adherence to microexudate-coated flasks and anti-immunoglobulin panning of B cells. Population purity was determined by cytofluorographic light scatter analysis, expression of cell surface markers, esterase activity and mitogen responsiveness. The sequential protocol reproducibly yielded viable and functionally active cell populations of greater than 95% purity from a single starting population of mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

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