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孢子丝菌病36例临床分析韩淑清①刘月霞①刘媛芝①包宝荣①孢子丝菌病系由申克氏孢子丝菌所致的慢性深部真菌病。以往本地区少见发病,自1994年7月遭受水灾后,本地区该病患者增多,现就36例孢子丝菌病的临床资料总结分析如下。一般资料:36例中(29例为水灾...  相似文献   

<正> 患儿女,5岁。2个月前无明确诱因鼻尖下部出现一丘疹,渐增大为黄豆大疣状结节,于2009年3月16日来我科就诊。病程中患儿无明显外伤史及接触宠物史。患儿无明显自觉症状,近2周来在初发结节周围出现多个呈卫星状分布、互不融合、大小不等的丘疹。既往体健。体格检查:一般情况良好,系统检查未见异常。皮肤科检查:鼻尖部可见一黄豆大疣状结节,表面被覆一厚血痂,结节呈  相似文献   

鼻部孢子丝菌病1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皮肤孢子丝菌病多发生在四肢,我们发现1例鼻尖部的孢子丝菌病,现报道如下. 临床资料 患者男,72岁,农民.1年前患者无明显诱因鼻尖部出现红色小结节,在外院一直按酒渣鼻治疗,皮损逐渐破溃、结痂.全身各系统检查无异常.淋巴结未及肿大.  相似文献   

患者女,37岁。鼻部暗红天鹅绒样斑块4个月。皮损组织病理示真皮内炎细胞浸润;真菌培养7d后可见黑褐色菌落。小培养示:梅花样的分生孢子。诊断为孢子丝菌病。  相似文献   

26例孢子丝菌病临床分析唐国芬(江苏常州第一人民医院皮肤科,213003)孢子丝菌病是由申克孢子丝菌所致的慢性皮肤病。本文26例均属于原发皮肤接种性孢子丝菌病,均经服用10%碘化钾溶液而获临床治愈,随访一年无一例复发。临床资料:26例患者中男性12例...  相似文献   

分析2006年11月至2010年4月我院门诊疑诊抱子丝菌感染病例,利用真菌培养检查和/或皮肤组织病理检查对64例疑诊孢子丝菌病进行统计分析.64例真菌培养阳性(可见孢子丝菌生长),10例皮肤组织病理切片、PAS染色找到真菌孢子或星状体.发病部位主要在裸露部位58例(90.63%),如手部、前臂、面部和小腿等.有明确外伤史11例,皮损类型主要为固定型、皮肤淋巴管型、化脓性肉芽肿卫星型.各种因素(建筑、环境污染、自然灾害等)和腐生菌大量繁殖生长是导致孢子丝菌感染的重要原因,外伤和昆虫叮咬是重要致病条件.  相似文献   

孢子丝菌病7例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一般资料全部病例来自江西省境内,男4例,女3例,年龄11~65岁,青壮年(18~50岁)5例。职业:农民5例,养路工1例,学生1例。发病季节无明显倾向性。临床表现固定型1例(右小腿),淋巴管型6例。皮疹位于面部1例,上肢4例,下肢2例。除固定型及面部...  相似文献   

孢子丝菌病18例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孢子丝菌病18例临床分析施秀明,罗正平福建医学院附属一院皮肤科(邮政编码350005)孢子丝菌病于1916年国内首例报道以来[’1,全国已有近560例报道[’-‘]。我科在50年代有过5例报道,又于1981年至今,发现18例,散发在全省各地,多经各处...  相似文献   

孢子丝菌病38例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
经真菌培养,涂片和病理检查而确诊38例孢子丝菌病,其中皮肤淋巴管型21例,皮肤限局型17例。采用10%碘化钾2-3个月治疗,达到临床治愈。  相似文献   

目的探讨面部孢子丝菌病的临床特征。方法对2010-2011年确诊的面部孢子丝菌病进行回顾性分析。结果186例患者男女之比为1:1.16,平均年龄41.30岁,平均病程8.20个月,农民占68.82%,有明确外伤史的占34.41%,临床表现以固定型最多见,占70.97%。治疗分别采用10%碘化钾溶液、伊曲康唑或特比萘芬口服,用药3个月,治愈率达100%。41例留有瘢痕,占22.04%。结论孢子丝菌病是吉林省多发病,临床上与以往报道相似,但不典型皮损者要防止误诊误治。  相似文献   

Sporotrichosis is a chronic fungal infection with a global distribution; both sporadically occurring infections and outbreaks of cases are not uncommon. Sporothrix schenckii, as the causative agent, can be isolated from soil, wood, land, and even marine animals. We present the clinical and histopathological presentations of sporotrichosis collected in our department for about 40 years. A series of interesting pictures illustrating asteroid bodies and organism materials, which are rarely seen, are also showed. Asteroid body is characterized by the presence of radiating star-like asteroid or club-shaped eosinophilic material around spores, and 5 types of asteroid body collected in our department are presented.  相似文献   

Two cases of lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis are reported from Imphal. Sporothrix schenekii was isolated from pus from the lesion and identity was confirmed by mycelial to yeast conversion at 37 degrees C and mice pathogenicity test. One patient gave history of injury with bone of fermented fish (Ngari). Both the patients were treated successfully with oral administration of potassium iodide. These two cases are the first authentic cases of sporotrichosis from Manipur.  相似文献   

对我院2010-2019年收治的36例HIV阴性的神经梅毒患者资料进行回顾性分析。36例患者中男29例,女7例;平均年龄49岁;无症状神经梅毒9例,平均年龄(36.07±8.05)岁,症状性神经梅毒27例,平均年龄(58.12±13.33)岁,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001);脑脊液检查示:TPPA阳性36例,RPR阳性21例;白细胞升高13例;蛋白阳性24例。症状性神经梅毒组脑脊液白细胞计数、蛋白质阳性率、RPR阳性率和蛋白质定量水平高于无症状神经梅毒组,差异均有统计学意义(P=0.005;P=0.036;P=0.019;P=0.002)。  相似文献   

Background Sporotrichosis is a chronic granulomatous infection caused by Sporothrichum schenckii. The disease has worldwide distribution. Majority of cases from India are reported from North‐eastern states. Methods The demographic, clinico‐investigative profile and therapeutic results of nine patients with cutaneous sporotrichosis attending the Dermatology Outdoor Department between January 2005 and June 2006 have been compiled. Results Out of nine (male‐4, female‐5) patients, five had lymphocutaneous‐type sporotrichosis while four had fixed cutaneous sporotrichosis. The average age of these patients was 40.8 years. The duration of complaints ranged from 1 month to 15 months (average 8.6 months). Two patients were able to recall traumatic injury. Six patients had lesions over lower extremities, two over face and one over upper extremity. Histopathologically, all cases showed granulomatous process with mixed inflammatory infiltrate comprising of lymphocytes, plasma cells, histiocytes and small neutrophil abscesses. Two cases were positive for fungal cells on PAS staining. Fungal culture on skin tissue was positive in all cases. Eight patients were treated with saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI) and they responded very well to SSKI in 12–16 weeks. One patient was pregnant and therefore was advised thermotherapy. Conclusion Sporotrichosis is also present in north‐western region of India as it is reported from north‐eastern part. This is the first series of cutaneous sporotrichosis being reported from Uttarakhand, a state situated in the north‐western region of India.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Sporotrichosis in an uncommon mycoses in childhood and is generally associated with injuries received as a consequence of farm work. We undertook a retrospective study of sporotrichosis in children and adolescents seen over a 10-year period, focusing on their clinical, epidemiologic, and mycologic features as well as treatment. We included 25 children with a mean age of 9.3 years. Most of those affected were schoolchildren (84%) from rural areas. The main clinical variety of sporotrichosis seen was the lymphocutaneous form (64%), followed by the fixed cutaneous form (36%), and one instance of the disseminated cutaneous form. Most lesions were located on the upper limbs (40%) and the face (36%). Sporothrix schenckii was isolated in all patients and 24 of 25 had a positive sporotrichin skin test. Nineteen patients were treated and cured clinically and mycologically with potassium iodide, three were cured with itraconazole and one with heat therapy.  相似文献   

 目的:对乳房外Paget病进行回顾性研究,为临床诊治提供帮助。方法:对2013年1月至2018年12月我院确诊的36例乳房外Paget病患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:36例患者男女比例为3 ∶1;平均发病年龄(65.72±10.41)岁;病程6个月至10年,中位病程4年;皮损多为单发,阴囊常见;主要表现为红斑、糜烂;既往误诊率60.61%;免疫组化以CK7、CEA、EMA阳性表达为主;不伴有转移者30例,伴有转移者6例;30例行局部扩大切除术+术中冰冻治疗,其中27例扩切范围明确,扩大切除范围以1.0 cm、2.0 cm为主,扩切2.0 cm的一次切净率为90.91%。术后有2例复发。结论:该病男性好发,老年多见,皮损多为单发,误诊率高,免疫组化有提示原发或继发意义,病情进展缓慢但仍可发生转移,治疗以局部扩大切除术+术中冰冻为主,建议扩切范围在2.0 cm及以上。该病术后仍有较高复发率。  相似文献   

Thirty-seven cases of sporotrichosis, seen at the Royal Brisbane Hospital from 1965 to 1977, were reviewed. Twenty-eight of the patients were male. The Youngest was 11 and the oldest 80 years. Only four patients has the cutaneous lymphatic variety of sporotrichosis—the others had the localised cutaneous type. There were not cases of systemic sporotrichosis. The lesions in most patients were on the upper limb—mainly the forearm and hand. There was a variety of clinical appearances of the lesions. The most common being ulcerated lesions and verrucous plaques. Confirmation of diagnosis was by positive culture from scrapings or biopsy specimen and/or typical histology. Twenty-four patients were treated with potassium iodide mixture and 11 had the lesions removed surgically. Of the 18 patients followed up, 17 were considered cured.  相似文献   

SAPHO综合征22例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨SAPHO综合征的临床特点.方法 对22例SAPHO综合征患者的临床资料进行登记并分析.结果 22例中男7例,女15例,皮损出现的平均年龄为45岁,骨关节受累平均年龄为44岁.皮损表现为掌跖脓疱病者21例,暴发性痤疮者1例.骨关节受累中前胸壁受累19例,外周关节受累4例,骶髂关节受累2例.10例患者关节受累早于皮损发生,9例患者皮损早于关节受累,3例患者皮损与关节受累同时出现.关节受累与皮损出现平均间隔2.7年,最长达20年.结论 皮肤科就诊的SAPHO综合征患者以中年女性多见.掌跖脓疱病和前胸壁骨关节受累是最常见的临床表现.  相似文献   

目的探讨别嘌醇致药疹的临床特征。方法回顾性分析36例别嘌醇药疹患者的临床表现、实验室检查、治疗情况、病程、并发症及预后。结果别嘌醇所致药疹潜伏期长、病程长、疹型多样、皮损严重、易反复,糖皮质激素治疗有效。结论别嘌醇所致药疹通常是一种重症药疹,及时停药和早期使用足量糖皮质激素有助于预后的改善。  相似文献   

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