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目的探讨国际功能、残疾和健康分类(International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health,ICF)引导的案例教学法在康复治疗学专业实习教学中的应用效果。方法将2019年2月至2019年12月在重庆医科大学附属第一医院康复医学科实习的58名康复治疗学专业本科生随机分为观察组及对照组;观察组采用ICF引导的案例分析教学法进行实习教学,对照组采用传统教学方法。实习结束后对所有学生进行理论知识、病例分析及临床实践能力考核,同时采用问卷调查法分别对教学方法进行满意度调查。采用SPSS 25.0进行t检验和秩和检验。结果观察组学生三项成绩均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在满意度调查中,观察组在自主思维能力、学习主动性方面满意度优于传统教学法,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论以ICF为引导的案例教学法能加强学生自主思维能力及学习主动性,提高了康复治疗实习生临床综合能力。  相似文献   

中外合作办学一方面引进外方的师资和课程,与国际接轨,另一方面也会带来新的教学理念、教学方法和对师资的培养。本研究以南京中医药大学国家一流本科专业建设点康复治疗学(中外合作办学)专业为例,从专业体系、学科特色、课程体系、教学方法、评价方法5个方面对合作办学人才培养模式进行探讨。该合作办学模式为现代康复高等教育发展的路径与方法提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

王岚  郑金萍  沈悦好  禹玺 《中国全科医学》2021,24(10):1289-1293
背景 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的健康管理需要基于患者全面的评估后再给予综合性与个体化治疗方案,从而改善患者的生理和心理状态,提高健康行为的长期依从性。目的 构建基于《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)的COPD(ICF-COPD)综合评估指标体系,为患者制定完整的涵盖生理、心理、功能和社会参与状态的干预方案提供依据。方法 于2019年4-8月,以国际阻塞性肺疾病ICF核心要素(综合版)为参考内容,采用德尔菲专家函询法,对从事COPD临床诊疗、临床护理、护理管理、护理教育、肺康复与心理治疗工作的专家进行两轮专家函询,结合专家建议最终确立ICF-COPD综合评估指标体系。结果 两轮专家函询应答率分别为100.0%(21/21)、95.2%(20/21),专家权威系数(Cr)分别为0.836和0.845,一、二级指标的肯德尔协调系数分别为0.209和0.271,各级指标的重要性赋值均数为3.55~4.90分,变异系数为0.061~0.297,满分率为15%~90%。最终确定的ICF-COPD综合评估指标体系包括4项一级指标(身心功能、身体结构、活动与参与、环境因素)、53项二级指标。结论 ICF-COPD综合评估指标体系的构建过程科学合理,能保证患者制定康复干预方案前评估内容的全面性。  相似文献   

目的 探究反思教学结合国际功能、残疾和健康分类(儿童和青少年版)[International Classification of Functioning: Disability and Health(Children and Youth Version,ICF-CY)]框架下的SOAP(subjective objective assessment plan)病例记录法在康复治疗学实习中的应用效果。方法 将康复治疗学实习学生随机分为ICF-CY记录组和传统记录组,分别采用反思教学结合ICF-CY框架的SOAP病例记录法和传统SOAP病例记录法对脑瘫患儿进行病例分析。实习结束对两组学生进行病例考核及问卷调查。采用SPSS 20.0对数据进行t检验和卡方检验。结果 病例考核成绩显示ICF-CY组在客观资料、评估、计划、总结及总成绩方面均高于传统记录组;调查问卷显示学生对反思教学结合ICF-CY框架下的SOAP病例记录法评价优于传统SOAP记录法(P<0.001)。结论 反思教学结合ICF-CY框架的SOAP病例记录法能提高学生的临床病例分析能力,激发学生的自主学习能力,有利于培养临床诊疗思维。  相似文献   



Visual impairment (VI) and hearing impairment (HI) are the two most common types of sensory disability encountered clinically. However, VI and HI result in different limitations in daily life. We assessed the level of functioning in patients with VI or HI based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.


This nationwide, cross-sectional study included 312 people with VI and 540 people with HI. Each participant's degree of functioning and disability was evaluated using the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0). The standardized WHODAS 2.0 scores ranged from 0 (least difficulty) to 100 (most difficulty).


Patients with VI and those with HI had a mean (±standard error) 32-item WHODAS 2.0 score of 42.4 ± 2.9 and 27.1 ± 1.6, respectively. The degree of restriction was positively related to the level of VI. Specifically, the patients with VI and a WHODAS 2.0 score of 33.7–35.3 or higher were likely to experience barriers to accessing mobility products, communication products, and education products. Furthermore, patients with a score of 42.9 or higher might experience barriers to accessing ingestion products and living products.


WHODAS 2.0 scores are strongly correlated with the severity of VI. Mild VI should be targeted for treatment and referral as early as possible. Compared with the patients with HI, the patients with VI more frequently experience barriers to accessing environmental factors.  相似文献   

目的 利用国际疾病分类(ICD-10)编码对5岁以下儿童进行死因诊断质控.方法 利用国际疾病分类ICD-10编码对死因诊断进行质控工作,质控后记录错报情况,并及时通知相关人员纠正针对质控中出现的问题.结果 发008~2012年茂名市5岁以下儿童死因诊断错误率为13.9%(11/79),编码错误率为5.1%(4/79).结论 编码人员提高自身素质,加强与临床联系,可减少ICD-10编码中的问题.  相似文献   

中国城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作回顾   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
鲍勇  何园  张静  莫志兵  李新华 《中国全科医学》2004,7(3):139-141,145
为促进中国城市社区进行有特色的健康教育与健康促进工作,本文对中国城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作历程进行了回顾,对其成功经验进行总结,探讨了其中存在的主要问题,并就中国城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作的发展提出了政策性的建议。  相似文献   

采用整群抽样调查的方法,利用自行设计调查问卷,针对在华医学留学生开展对跨文化适应与健康状况的评估与分析。148名来华医学留学生来自24个国家;宗教信仰依次为伊斯兰教、天主教、印度教、佛教和锡克教。医学留学生文化适应遭遇的障碍和烦恼主要是语言带来的,其次是食宿的不适应。经济和人际交往上的压力也是影响着留学生身心健康的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的规范病案首页中疾病诊断的书写,使疾病诊断的书写更加科学化、标准化和规范化,促进医院信息化的建设。方法将ICD码字典库嵌入医院HIS系统中医生工作站的电子病历模块中,采用ICD-10疾病诊断规范病案疾病诊断书写,不断补充完善ICD码字典库。结果我院病案的疾病诊断名称更加规范、统一,为病案首页提供更加完善、可靠的基本数据内容,实现网络信息数据共享。结论病案疾病诊断的书写使用国际疾病分类的疾病诊断能够提高医院的信息化程度,加速数字化医院建设的步伐。  相似文献   

在明确社会资本和卫生信息化建设内涵的基础上,提出了社会资本参与卫生信息化建设的分类,探讨了当前社会资本参与卫生信息化建设具有的参与资源全面、参与领域广泛、合作方式多样、技术应用创新、发展态势良好等特征。  相似文献   

分析医学院校建立健康智库的优势,指出医学院校健康智库建设存在的主要问题,如选题机制不灵活、成果转化率较低、政策引导机制缺失,提出选题导向和成果考核相结合、人才培养与淘汰机制相结合、健康智库服务与社会功能相结合的医学院校健康智库的发展方向。  相似文献   

中国城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作规划的构思   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为进一步促进中国城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作,使该工作具有可持续发展的能力,在卫生部牵头和有关单位的配合下,形成中国城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作规划。该工作规划分为工作背景、总目标、总任务、具体目标、工作运行机制、工作具体方法、工作具体内容、工作评价和支撑政策9个部分。该工作的完成,将对中国城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作起到指导性作用,对各地的城市社区健康教育与健康促进工作也有较强的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Mental health, social functioning, and disability in postwar Afghanistan   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Context  More than 2 decades of conflict have led to widespread human suffering and population displacement in Afghanistan. In 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other collaborating partners performed a national population-based mental health survey in Afghanistan. Objective  To provide national estimates of mental health status of the disabled (any restriction or lack of ability to perform an activity in the manner considered normal for a human being) and nondisabled Afghan population aged at least 15 years. Design, Setting, and Participants  A national multistage, cluster, population-based mental health survey of 799 adult household members (699 nondisabled and 100 disabled respondents) aged 15 years or older conducted from July to September 2002. Fifty district-level clusters were selected based on probability proportional to size sampling. One village was randomly selected in each cluster and 15 households were randomly selected in each village, yielding 750 households. Main Outcome Measures  Demographics, social functioning as measured by selected questions from the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey, depressive symptoms measured by the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25, trauma events and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) measured by the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, and culture-specific symptoms of mental illness and coping mechanisms. Results  A total of 407 respondents (62.0%) reported experiencing at least 4 trauma events during the previous 10 years. The most common trauma events experienced by the respondents were lack of food and water (56.1%) for nondisabled persons and lack of shelter (69.7%) for disabled persons. The prevalence of respondents with symptoms of depression was 67.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 54.6%-80.7%) and 71.7% (95% CI, 65.0%-78.4%), and symptoms of anxiety 72.2% (95% CI, 63.8%-80.7%) and 84.6% (95% CI, 74.1%-95.0%) for nondisabled and disabled respondents, respectively. The prevalence of symptoms of PTSD was similar for both groups (nondisabled, 42.1%; 95% CI, 34.2%-50.1%; and disabled, 42.2%; 95% CI, 29.2%-55.2%). Women had significantly poorer mental health status than men did. Respondents who were disabled had significantly lower social functioning and poorer mental health status than those who were nondisabled. Feelings of hatred were high (84% of nondisabled and 81% of disabled respondents). Coping mechanisms included religious and spiritual practices; focusing on basic needs, such as higher income, better housing, and more food; and seeking medical assistance. Conclusions  In this nationally representative survey of Afghans, prevalence rates of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD were high. These data underscore the need for donors and health care planners to address the current lack of mental health care resources, facilities, and trained mental health care professionals in Afghanistan.   相似文献   

卫生部或卫生署是民国中央卫生行政组织,是国家行政机构的重要组成部分。由于民国政治动荡,中央卫生行政组织随政权、人事变更而不断调适,名称不断更换。与该组织的建制相协调,加之对外交流、社会发展的需要以及中医药界维权斗争的影响,其内部机构也做了多次调整。在人员任用上,民国中央卫生职能部门对专业、素质、体格、工作经历均有较高的要求;其工作职责也与组织规范的程度与社会发展的需要保持同步。民国中央卫生行政组织的历史变迁是民国这一社会转型期政府职能部门逐步完善的一个缩影,在一定程度上反映了民国政治体制现代化的进程。  相似文献   

通过对国际疾病分类ICD-10和手术操作分类(ICD-9-CM-3)的基础知识培训,有利于临床医师掌握疾病诊断与手术名称书写的规范化,以提高病案首页疾病诊断与手术的编码准确性。在一定程度上提高了病案首页的书写质量,使临床医师掌握正确书写疾病诊断和手术操作名称,为今后科研资料的准确查询奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

电子健康档案的发展是全球数字化的必然趋势,介绍电子健康档案的建立与国家相关政策,阐述电子健康档案在德阳、上海、北京、广州、南昌等地的建设实践,对未来发展进行展望,为其他省市电子健康档案的建设提供有益参考。  相似文献   



To evaluate the validity of, characterize the usage of, and propose potential research applications for International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) tobacco codes in clinical populations.

Materials and methods

Using data on cancer cases and cancer-free controls from Vanderbilt''s biorepository, BioVU, we evaluated the utility of ICD-9 tobacco use codes to identify ever-smokers in general and high smoking prevalence (lung cancer) clinic populations. We assessed potential biases in documentation, and performed temporal analysis relating transitions between smoking codes to smoking cessation attempts. We also examined the suitability of these codes for use in genetic association analyses.


ICD-9 tobacco use codes can identify smokers in a general clinic population (specificity of 1, sensitivity of  0.32), and there is little evidence of documentation bias. Frequency of code transitions between ‘current’ and ‘former’ tobacco use was significantly correlated with initial success at smoking cessation (p<0.0001). Finally, code-based smoking status assignment is a comparable covariate to text-based smoking status for genetic association studies.


Our results support the use of ICD-9 tobacco use codes for identifying smokers in a clinical population. Furthermore, with some limitations, these codes are suitable for adjustment of smoking status in genetic studies utilizing electronic health records.


Researchers should not be deterred by the unavailability of full-text records to determine smoking status if they have ICD-9 code histories.  相似文献   

随着越来越多的外国留学生来到我国高校学习,各类来华留学生突发事件的预防、控制和妥善处理日渐成为高校留学生管理工作中一个非常重要的方面,研究应对各类突发事件的预防与干预处理的机制显得尤为重要.本文详细阐述了来华留学生工作中各类突发事件的类型与诱因,提出了应对的预防应急机制、管理措施和处理模式,以期对高校的来华留学生管理工作起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

民国时期,不论北洋政府还是南京国民政府,在传染病防治中都不同程度地开展过国际交流与合作。首先是与国联卫生组织在疫情情报、筹设新卫生机构、开展卫生调查与疫病防治等方面进行了交流与合作;其次与世界卫生组织在疫情情报、实地传染病防治以及人员训练等方面进行过交流与合作;另外还通过选送留学生、派遣人员出国考察学习和参加国际学术会议等主动走出去的方式,与国际医药卫生学术界进行交流与合作。这些交流与合作,为民国时期传染病防治工作创造了较好的国际社会环境,也为中国与世界相互了解开辟了一个特殊的窗口,同时也推动和加强了我国传染病防治技术的自主研发力量,但民国社会固有的弊端使得这些交流与合作的成效大打折扣。  相似文献   

采用内容分析法,运用ICF建立有关功能和残疾的本体、术语列表和术语分层结构分析方法,对国内相关残疾标准的架构、分类结构和内容等进行分析和比较。通过结构分析发现国内典型的残疾标准的结构多数局限于身体功能和身体结构,较少涉及活动和参与内容,没有涉及环境因素。从内容上看相关标准的术语、覆盖范围以及具体的分类体系均有差异性。  相似文献   

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