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目的 了解广东省广州管圆线虫病自然疫源地分布情况,为制定监测方案提供科学依据.方法 按不同地理位置分层抽样方法,分别抽取粤东、粤西、粤北、珠江三角洲共17个县(市),每县(市)随机抽取1 2个行政村(区)作为调查点.在野外现场采集不同品种的淡水螺和陆生螺,用匀浆法和肺检查法解剖调查广州管圆线虫感染情况;捕捉老鼠,解剖心肺组织检查其成虫;以及采集新鲜鼠粪用清水沉淀法进行病原学检查.结果 17个调查县(市)中,各地均有福寿螺分布,且数量众多;广宁县没有开展褐云玛瑙螺的调查,除河源和平县和韶关曲江区没有采集到褐云玛瑙螺外,其余地方都有褐云玛瑙螺分布.17个点共采集福寿螺、褐云玛瑙螺3 329只,除徐闻县外罗镇未发现有广州管圆线虫感染的螺外,其余16个点采集的螺中均发现有自然感染的广州管圆线虫,平均感染率为6.64%(221/3 329).福寿螺感染率南澳县最高,为17.58%(29/165),褐云玛瑙螺感染率花都区最高,为43.75%(7/16);梅县受检螺平均感染率最高,为17.45%(41/235).各地褐云玛瑙螺的感染率和感染度远高于福寿螺.在5个调查点的农贸市场购买圆田螺89只和石螺252只中,仅有罗定县的1只石螺检测到阳性,阳性率为1.43%(1/70).在6个调查点捕捉到褐家鼠(27只)、鼩鼱(5只)、小家鼠(2只)、黄胸鼠(3只)和田鼠(3只)共40只,其中和平县、雷州市和中山市捕捉到的褐家鼠中各有1只检出广州管圆线虫成虫,阳性率为11.11%(3/27).在7个调查点采集到新鲜鼠粪34份,阳性率为44.12%(15/34). 结论 广东省广州管圆线虫病自然疫源地分布广泛,除粤北部分山区未发现有褐云玛瑙螺分布以外,其余地区均有福寿螺和褐云玛瑙螺分布,广州管圆线虫中间宿主和终末宿主有不同程度感染.  相似文献   

徐闻县人体蠕形螨感染情况调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人体蠕形螨感染 ,在各地人群中普遍存在。引起人体蠕螨感染有两种 :毛囊蠕形螨和皮脂蠕形螨。笔者于 1997年 4月至 1998年 5月对徐闻县不同人群 2 178人进行了人体蠕形螨感染调查。1.材料与方法 :受检查中学生 12 2 1人 ,教师 179人 ,医护人员 175人 ,干部 2 87人 ,工人 316人。对中学生单纯采用透明胶纸粘贴法 ,而其他人员同时采用透明胶纸粘贴法和挤压涂片法。2 .结果和分析 :本次共调查 2 178人 ,蠕形螨感染 711例 ,感染率为 32 .6 4%。(1)感染虫种分布 :毛囊蠕形螨占感染总数 92 .40 %(6 5 7/ 711) ,皮脂蠕形螨占感染总数 6 .47%(4 6 / …  相似文献   

目的研究湖沼地区环境改造工程对血吸虫病传播的影响。方法采取回顾性调查、现场调查等方法,收集湖北省公安县沉螺池建设(工农村)、血防综合治理项目(齐心村)和监利县改水改厕项目(群力村)所在3个行政村2003-2011年的螺情、病情资料,分析比较工程建设前后疫情变化情况。结果环境改造工程实施以来,2011年3个行政村活螺框出现率分别下降了25.53%、81.52%和3.06%,活螺平均密度分别下降了74.26%、95.30%和72.19%,钉螺感染率均下降为0;人群感染率分别下降了73.00%、97.51%和59.54%;家畜感染率分别下降了83.71%、100%和100%。结论在湖沼地区,因地制宜开展环境改造工程对控制血吸虫病传播有重要作用。  相似文献   

[目的]调查福建省三明市三元区并殖吸虫的传播媒介、传染源、传播途径、易感人群以及流行因素。[方法]对采集螺、蟹标本,作并殖吸虫尾蚴及囊蚴的检查与观察。以并殖吸虫成虫抗原作皮内试验作为人群感染的过筛,阳性者以ELISA法检测抗体。[结果]检查第1中间宿主有放逸短沟蜷、洱海螺、拟钉螺两种(待定种)和沼螺,仅在洱海螺中检及1只阳性。第2中间宿主福建华溪蟹和三角肢华南溪蟹感染率为44.3%(62/140),检出斯氏狸殖吸虫等5种并殖吸虫囊蚴。3份野猫粪便2份检出大量并殖吸虫虫卵。人群皮试阳性率8.6%(21/243),血清抗体阳性率23.8%(5/21);男性感染率较女性高;青少年组感染率最高;生吃或半生吃溪蟹的人群感染率比未食者高。三元区为并殖吸虫各阶段宿主的孳生提供了适宜的地理环境。[结论]三元区是一个以斯氏狸殖吸虫为主的并殖吸虫病高度流行疫源地,青少年、男性以及生吃或半生吃溪蟹史的人群易受感染。  相似文献   

目的追踪观察广东省阳山县大莨村防治华支睾吸虫病的远期效果,探讨防治策略,为制订防治华支睾吸虫病的技术措施提供科学依据。方法防治前调查大莨村华支睾吸虫的感染情况,观察指标包括人群、中间宿主及保虫宿主的感染率等,其中人群感染率通过粪检普查确定;防治措施包括药物治疗华支睾吸虫带虫者、环境治理和卫生宣教等;防治后进行30年不定期的追踪观察。结果防治前(1975年)大莨村人群、长角涵螺及淡水鱼虾的华支睾吸虫感染率分别为48.25%(69/143)、27.52%(30/109)2、0.00%~33.33%;受检家犬感染率为91.67%(11/12)。防治措施实施6个月后人群感染率下降至2.90%;1979~1982年间共3次普查人群感染率均为0;1985年再次调查发现2例感染者,感染率为1.26%;2004年抽查1/2人群,感染率为1.09%(1/92),检出的唯一感染者为输入性感染;2005年复查全村村民共183人,未发现感染者。1979年及1982年对中间宿主、保虫宿主复查,仅在麦穗鱼中发现华支睾吸虫,两次感染率分别为50%(10/20)、22.45%(22/98),2005年共检查麦穗鱼、长角涵螺、家犬等样本513份均为阴性。结论大莨村实施的华支睾吸虫病综合防治措施效果显著。彻底查治传染源结合环境治理及卫生宣教的策略,可有效地控制华支睾吸虫病流行,而且远期效果巩固,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 了解宜昌市嫖客人群艾滋病相关知识、高危行为方式、艾滋病(AIDS)及性病(STD)感染状况.方法 采用个人访谈的形式对450名嫖客人群进行了相关调查与HIV/STD感染状况检测.结果 450名嫖客中有关艾滋病传播等知识单题知晓率在40.56%~90.37%之间;嫖客中阴道交、口交和二者并存分别占81.11%、5....  相似文献   

目的 了解福建省食用螺类广州管圆线虫感染状况,为制定防控策略、保障食品安全提供依据。方法 2021年采集福建省5个片区水产批发市场、农产品集市或餐饮场所出售的食用螺以及野外螺,用匀浆法检查广州管圆线虫Ⅲ期幼虫,计算感染率和感染度。结果 共采集4 470只食用螺,41只螺检出广州管圆线虫,感染率0.9%(41/4 470);检获Ⅲ期幼虫434条,感染度10.6条/只(434/41);其中福寿螺278只,感染率9.4%(26/278),获幼虫297条,感染度11.4条/只(297/26);褐云玛瑙螺90只,感染率16.7%(15/90),获幼虫137条,感染度9.1条/只(137/15);铜锈环棱螺3 782只、中国圆田螺320只,均未检出Ⅲ期幼虫。不同螺类感染率差异有统计学意义,褐云玛瑙螺感染率最高(16.7%);市售螺类未见感染Ⅲ期幼虫,野外螺感染率11.1%(41/368);不同片区广州管圆线虫感染率有所差异,其中闽中感染率高达21.5%(14/65,χ2 =14.32,P<0.05)。结论 福建省野外福寿螺和褐云玛瑙螺中检到广州管圆线虫Ⅲ期幼虫,存在人群...  相似文献   

女性不同人群下生殖道感染状况调查及危险因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:了解北京地区部分城市人群、农村人群、流动人群女性下生殖道感染状况及不同生活、卫生行为对下生殖道感染的影响。方法:于2005年3月~2006年9月由北京地区协作医院对当地农村人群、流动人群(批发市场商户)、城市人群女性进行下生殖道感染调查。所有对象填写调研表,并对其进行下生殖道感染的相关检查,比较3组的流行病学资料并进行感染高危因素分析。结果:①在所有研究对象中,HPV检出率最高为15.7%,其他依次是衣原体13.4%、细菌性阴道病11.1%,外阴阴道念珠菌病6.1%和滴虫性阴道炎0.8%。②衣原体感染城市人群最高,为15.8%,其次是农村人群(9.0%)和流动人群(8.8%);HPV感染农村人群(26.0%)高于流动(23.7%)和城市人群(11.0%),差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。滴虫性阴道炎、外阴阴道念珠菌病和细菌性阴道病发生率3组差异无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。本次调查未检出淋病、HIV和生殖道梅毒感染。③3组人群的洗浴方式、性伴侣数、教育程度、阴道冲洗习惯、经期清洗外阴和服用抗生素情况差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论:女性不同人群间下生殖道感染发生率的差异可能与其生活习惯及卫生行为有关,应根据不同人群的不同生活习惯及卫生行为特点采取针对性措施及行为干预以降低下生殖道感染发生率。  相似文献   

目的通过对驻疫区部队及其所属官兵进行流行病学调查,了解军队血吸虫病流行趋势和防治状况,为调整和完善军队血防工作重点与策略提供依据。方法采用统一的调查表和方法对部队营区及训练场疫情、螺情,重点部队人群、病例个案进行调查,应用Excel 2010对部队血吸虫病疫情现况进行描述性统计分析。结果通过对267个单位驻疫区部队调查,尚有7个单位有血吸虫病发生。采用间接红细胞凝集试验(IHA)和酶联免疫吸附实验(ELLISA),筛查驻疫区部队官兵7205人,血清抗体阳性者66例,血清阳性率为0.92%(66/7205)。检测家畜921头,受检率为45.06%(921/2044),未发现血吸虫感染。开展查螺面积为236.72 hm2,有螺面积分布在11个营区共94.2 hm2,未发现感染性钉螺。结论军队血吸虫病疫情稳定,部队官兵近年未发生急性感染病例,营区未发现感染性钉螺和家畜,总体保持低感染状态。部队感染或发病人群,主要集中在野外训练、执行抗洪抢险等任务以及来自疫区入伍人员,下一步要重点做好野外演训活动中的防控工作。  相似文献   

目的了解河南省农村HIV感染者的健康状况和卫生需求利用情况。方法采取分层抽样的方法对河南省上蔡县和睢县HIV感染者健康状况和医疗卫生需求进行调查。结果HIV感染人群自我健康评价低于一般人群,两周患病率(45.2%)高于一般人群(13.5%),影响HIV感染人群健康的主要原因为上呼吸道感染和腹泻,HIV感染人群两周就诊率(95.6%)、平均就诊次数(5.0)、年住院率(15.3%)分别高于一般人群(89.8%,3.2%,3.7%)。HIV感染人群91.3%门诊就医选择在乡卫生院和村卫生所,而一般人群约1/3选择村卫生室、1/3在私人医院、1/3在县级以上医院。结论农村HIV感染人群健康状况总体上较一般农村居民差,对卫生服务需求和利用远远高于一般人群。乡、村级医疗卫生机构承担了农村艾滋病病人医疗救治的主要任务。  相似文献   

目的了解宁波市有毒织纹螺的分布。分析各栖息地有毒织纹螺的毒性变化,为控制织纹螺中毒提供依据。方法采用美国分析化学家学会(AOAC)和中国进出口检验检疫(CIQ)的小鼠生物测试法,以美国食品药物管理局(FDA)的贝类麻痹性毒素(PSP)标准,判定本地织纹螺毒性的强弱,按年观察结果。结果1986~2003年,宁波市127份被检织纹螺中毒素平均含量最高的年份为1991年,达11900MU/100g螺肉,最低年份为1988年,其毒素含量也达403MU/100gN肉,其他年份的毒性波动在一定范围内。不同栖息地毒螺检出率镇海区为31.43%,北仑区为39.29%,宁海县为73.08%,奉化市为25.00%,经统计学处理差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);除宁海外,其余3个县(市、区)毒螺检出率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。从新增织纹螺栖息地象山采集的30份织纹螺样品,毒素测定值均≤400MU/100g肉,未检出毒螺。结论宁波市各栖息地的织纹螺带毒严重,是一种引起织纹螺中毒的原因食物。各栖息地织纹螺毒性存在差异,以宁海县的织纹螺带毒最普遍。毒螺的分布和毒性的强弱与地域相关。织纹螺毒素的毒性可消长,但无规律性。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Controlling outbreaks of nosocomial infections is a priority for public healthcare in France. This study concerned the incidence of multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDRB) in Lorraine and the impact of the national guidelines for the prevention of MDRB. METHODS: A multicenter incidence study was conducted for 5 months, in volunteer hospitals. Samples collected for the clinical diagnostic were included. The bacteria studied were: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Klebsiella sp., Enterobacter sp., and other Enterobacteriaceae producing extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL), and vancomycin resistant Enterococci sp. RESULTS: A total of 30 hospitals were included in the surveillance of MDRB. During the study period (2001-2003), 17874 strains were identified. MRSA reached 29.3% of the 4038 strains of S. aureus, 20.9%, 1.23% and 1.21% of ESBL, respectively, for Enterobacter sp., Klebsiella sp., and other Enterobacteriaceae (for 895, 1061 and 9419 strains). Overall, the incidence of MRSA reached 0.55 per 1000 hospital-days and 0.087 for Enterobacter sp. The incidence increased during the 3 years, from 3.36 to 4.84 per 1000 new patients for MRSA, and from 0.43 to 0.90 for Enterobacter sp. CONCLUSION: Despite guidelines on isolation, MRSA remains poorly controlled and requires more efficient measures. Surveillance of ESBL should be improved.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess muscoid dipterae species who are able to carry helminth eggs and larvae and to evaluate the potential contamination of trapped dipterae. METHODS: The study was conducted in two different sites of the Zoological Garden of Rio de Janeiro from May 1996 to April 1998. Flies were captured weekly using traps containing putrefied fish, left out in the open for an hour at two sites in the zoo: Site 1 was next to the garbage and Site 2 was near the hippopotamus and birds of prey cages. Of the 41,080 flies captured, Chrysomya megacephala was the most representative species (69.34%), followed by Chrysomya albiceps (11.22%), Musca domestica (7.15%), Chrysomya putoria (4.52%), Fannia sp. ( 3.12%), Ophyra sp. ( 2.53%), and Atherigona orientalis (2.08%). Captured flies had their body surface washed out with distilled water and their gut dissected. RESULTS: Among the species studied, C. megacephala and M. domestica presented higher helminth eggs on their body surface and in their intestinal content. Ascaroidea and Trichinelloidea eggs prevailed in the intestinal content of C. megacephala. The helminth eggs found on the body surface and in the intestinal content were identified as Ascaris sp., Toxascaris sp., Toxocara sp., Trichuris sp., Capillaria sp., Oxyuridae, Trichostrongylidae and Acantocephala. Besides eggs it was also found helminth larvae on the body surface of flies. There were significant differences between the two different capture sites related to the number of helminth eggs found on the flies. CONCLUSIONS: Faeces of zoo animals frequently found in their cages and in the zoo garbage contributed to the proliferation of muscoid dipterans who play an important role in spreading helminth eggs, mainly by direct contact of the flies' body with the animals' food.  相似文献   

目的 了解早期新生儿死亡原因及其影响因素,降低新生儿死亡率提供有效干预措施。方法 对重庆市梁平县县级医疗机构2011年10月-2016年9月(10月份以后统计到次年)5年间死亡的48例早期新生儿病历资料及新生儿死亡评审资料进行回顾性分析。结果 5年间该县县级医疗机构早期新生儿死亡率为2.04‰;产科因素主要为胎膜早破占27.08%,羊水异常占18.75%,脐带异常占14.58%;早期新生儿死亡的原因前3位依次为早产和低出生体重占29.17%、新生儿重度窒息占18.75%、出生缺陷占14.58%。结论 加强县级医疗机构产儿科设备设施的配置和人才队伍建设,降低新生儿死亡率。  相似文献   

The effect of exposure duration on the toxicity of a forest insecticide (carbaryl) was assessed under environmentally realistic exposure regimes against two stream invertebrates indigenous to the United States Pacific Northwest, Calineuria californica (Plecoptera: Perlidae) and Cinygma sp. (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae). Laboratory bioassays were conducted to evaluate the relationship between pulsed exposures of 15, 30, and 60 min and toxicity for a range of chemical concentrations (10.2-1,730 microg/L). For Cinygma sp., the 50% lethal concentration (LC50) values were calculated as 848 microg/L (15 min), 220 microg/L (30 min), and 165 microg/L (60 min). The C. californica consistently had lower mortality at a given concentration compared with Cinygma sp. Fifteen- and 30-min exposures did not elicit 50% mortality with C. californica, and it had a 60-min LC50 of 1,139 microg/L. Time to 50% mortality over 96 h after a 15-, 30-, or 60-min exposure, with the rest of the test period in freshwater (PLT50), was a function of exposure duration and concentration. Analysis of symptomology throughout the test period for C. californica gave evidence of recovery from the knockdown and moribund states, but this was not the case for Cinygma sp. The pulse duration resulting in 50% mortality was calculated as 43 min for Cinygma sp. exposed at 204 microg/L and 16 min at 408 microg/L. A three-dimensional probit plane model [Y = -10.86 + 4.83(ln C) + 3.0(ln T)], where Y is probit mortality, C is concentration in microg/L and T is time in hours, was used to explain the interaction between concentration (microg/L) and duration of exposure (hours) for Cinygma sp.  相似文献   

目的 分析楚雄州乙型病毒性肝炎(以下简称乙肝)的流行病学特征,为控制该州乙肝疫情提供科学依据。方法 利用中国疾病预防控制信息系统数据资料,采用描述性流行病学分析方法对楚雄州2004 - 2016年乙肝流行病学特征进行分析。结果 13年间,楚雄州共报告乙肝13 422例,死亡6例,年均发病率38.36/10万,年均死亡率0.02/10万,病死率0.04%。13年来楚雄州乙肝发病率呈下降趋势(χ2趋势 = 93.467,P<0.001)。发病率居前4位的县市为双柏县(45.87/10万)、武定县(45.17/10万)、元谋县(44.59/10万)、姚安县(43.40/10万)。农民(占67.75%)发病数最多。男性发病高于女性,男女比为1.94∶1,年龄主要集中在20~60岁的成年人,共10 278例,占77.00%。发病最少的是15岁以下儿童,共296例,占2.20%。结论 双柏县、武定县、元谋县、姚安县为楚雄州乙肝防控的重点地区。在巩固儿童乙肝疫苗预防接种成效时,应加强成人健康人群和高危重点人群(特别是农民)乙肝疫情的综合防控措施。  相似文献   

Seventy-two strains of Hg-resistant bacteria (Pseudomonas) were isolated on agar plates containing 40 micrograms/ml of HgCl2 from Minamata Bay sediment, which was heavily polluted with mercury (45.8 micrograms/g). The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of mercurial compounds were determined for the Hg-resistant pseudomonads and 65 strains (Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Vibrio sp., and Corynebacterium sp.) isolated from Sendai Bay sediment (1 microgram/g of mercury) as control. The MICs to HgCl2, CH3HgCl, C2H5HgCl, C3H7HgCl, and C6H5HgOCOCH3 for the Hg-resistant pseudomonads from Minamata Bay were significantly higher than those of strains from Sendai Bay. The volatilization from liquid culture containing 20 micrograms/ml of HgCl2 was observed in all of the Hg-resistant pseudomonads from Minamata Bay (70 strains). The mean loss of mercury from liquid culture was 60.4 +/- 17.3%. Further study is warranted to determine what role the Hg-resistant bacteria, particularly the Pseudomonas species, play in the mercury cycle in Minamata Bay.  相似文献   

The authors conducted 150 tests of the acute toxicity of resident fish and invertebrates to Cd, Pb, and Zn, separately and in mixtures, in waters from the South Fork Coeur d'Alene River watershed, Idaho, USA. Field-collected shorthead sculpin (Cottus confusus), westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi), two mayflies (Baetis tricaudatus and Rhithrogena sp.), a stonefly (Sweltsa sp.), a caddisfly (Arctopsyche sp.), a snail (Gyraulus sp.), and hatchery rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), were tested with all three metals. With Pb, the mayflies (Drunella sp., Epeorus sp., and Leptophlebiidae), a Simuliidae black fly, a Chironomidae midge, a Tipula sp. crane fly, a Dytiscidae beetle, and another snail (Physa sp.), were also tested. Adult westslope cutthroat trout were captured to establish a broodstock to provide fry of known ages for testing. With Cd, the range of 96-h median effect concentrations (EC50s) was 0.4 to >5,329 μg/L, and the relative resistances of taxa were westslope cutthroat trout ≈ rainbow trout ≈ sculpin < other taxa; with Pb, EC50s ranged from 47 to 3,323 μg/L, with westslope cutthroat trout < rainbow trout < other taxa; and with Zn, EC50s ranged from 21 to 3,704 μg/L, with rainbow trout < westslope cutthroat trout ≈ sculpin < other taxa. With swim-up trout fry, a pattern of decreasing resistance with increasing fish size was observed. In metal mixtures, the toxicities of the three metals were less than additive on a concentration-addition basis.  相似文献   

甘肃省肃南县1000例农牧民妇女疾病调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:了解甘肃省肃南县农牧民妇女疾病的发病情况,为制定有效的防治措施提供依据。方法:对肃南县1000例农牧民妇女进行妇女疾病的普查,对普查资料进行整理和统计分析。结果:1000例农牧民妇女均患有妇科疾病,患病率100%,患病率顺位依次为滴虫性阴道炎45.0%(450/1000),霉菌性阴道炎20.0%(200/1000),宫颈糜烂20.0%(200/1000),老年性阴道炎10.0%(100/1000)和子宫肌瘤5.0%(50/1000)。200例调查对象患有乳腺疾病,患病率20.0%(200/1000),主要是乳腺增生,其患病率为19.0%(190/1000),占乳腺疾病的95.0%(190/200),其次为乳腺纤维腺瘤,其患病率为1.0%(10/1000),占乳腺疾病的5.0%(10/200)。结论:肃南县农牧民妇女疾病主要为生殖道感染和乳腺增生。  相似文献   

Water of the River Ganga is extensively used for drinking, bathing and cleaning purposes. Bacterial analysis of Ganga water was carried out at three different sites in Bhagalpur town which discharges untreated municipal and industrial effluents in river at various points. Total bacterial density (TBD), total coliform (TC), faecal coliform (FC), faecal streptococci (FS), Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens were substantially high and much beyond the permissible limit of ISI and WHO. There was a marked correlation between physico-chemical quality of water and bacterial density. The presence of Actinomyces sp., Aerobacter aerogenes, A. Cloacae, Micrococcus sp., Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus sp. and Shigella sp. indicated the level of faecal contamination in water. Hence, direct consumption of untreated Ganga water and bathing in this stretch poses a great health risk.  相似文献   

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