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A study of the needs of parents of hospitalized 2- to 6-year-old children.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study uses a qualitative approach to explore and identify areas of needs among parents of 2- to 6-year-old children who are hospitalized. An extensive literature review and informal in-depth interviews with five parents and six pediatric health care professionals were analyzed by content to develop a representative list of statements about needs. Six groups of needs were recognized: (a) the need to be able to trust doctors and nurses, (b) the need for information, (c) needs related to other family members, (d) a need to feel that they are trusted, (e) needs related to human and physical resources, and (e) the need for support and guidance. A congruency is found between statements about needs of parents of hospitalized 2- to 6-year-olds in the literature on the one hand and the needs of parents expressed by parents themselves and pediatric health care professionals on the other hand.  相似文献   

Palliative care for children. (American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, IL) Pediatrics 2000;106:351–357.
This article presented an integrated model for providing palliative care for children living with a life-threatening or terminal condition. Advice on the development of a palliative care plan and on working with parents and children is also provided. Barriers to the provision of effective pediatric palliative care and potential solutions are identified. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the development and broad availability of pediatric palliative care services based on child-specific guidelines and standards. Such services will require widely distributed and effective palliative care education of pediatric health care professionals. The Academy offers guidance on responding to requests for hastening death, but does not support the practice of physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia of children.  相似文献   

When parents apply religious or cultural beliefs concerning spiritual healing, faith healing, or preference for prayer over traditional health care for children, concerns develop. Medical care is considered one of the most basic of all human needs, and yet parents may elect to apply religious or cultural beliefs in place of traditional Western medical care for their children. Because memberships in religious groups that have beliefs concerning prayer and health care for children are increasing, the topic is of great importance for pediatric health professionals. This article describes parental refusal of medical care, and it discusses the legal, ethical, and clinical implications.  相似文献   

Mommy first     
Bowie H 《Pediatric nursing》2004,30(3):203-206
Parents of children with special health care needs are often required to assume responsibility for the complex care of their children. It is important for pediatric nurses to remember these parents are, first and foremost, the child's parents and primarily responsible for loving their child, providing a safe and secure home, and fostering their child's development as a person. Pediatric nurses should support the parents in the medical/nursing care of their child in whatever way possible so the parents have more time to parent. This account from a mother of a child with developmental delay helps remind us of our need to help support parents in being "parents first."  相似文献   

目的分析儿科重症监护室(intensive care unit,ICU)患儿家长的需求现状,探讨其影响因素。方法便利抽样法选取2015年6-10月在长春市某三级甲等医院儿科ICU住院患儿的家长100名为研究对象,应用一般资料调查表、中文版重危患者家属需求量表对其进行问卷调查。结果儿科ICU患儿家长总体需求得分为(138.34±16.96)分,儿童重症监护室(pediatric intensive care unit,PICU)与新生儿重症监护室(neonatel intensive care unit,NICU)患儿家长一致认为保证患儿的病情是最重要的需求;文化程度、家庭月收入及患儿是否早产是儿科ICU患儿家长需求的影响因素,可解释患儿家长需求得分29.0%的变异量。结论儿科ICU患儿家长的需求总体处于较高水平,护理人员应根据不同影响因素给予针对性的健康指导,尽可能满足患儿家长的需求。  相似文献   

目的:探索以家庭为中心儿科护理模式,提升患儿及家长的满意度和患儿安全。方法:创建以家庭为中心儿科护理模式,包括制定以家庭为中心儿科护理政策,配备数量充足和资历合格的护理人员,明确总责护士和责任护士的具体职责,对临床护理人员进行以家庭为中心儿科护理理论和实践的培训与考核,研制工具以评价护理人员执行以家庭为中心护理措施的情况,评价以家庭为中心儿科护理模式的实施效果。结果:患儿家长对以家庭为中心儿科护理模式的总体满意度为93.5%,患儿安全指标如给药错误发生率、跌倒/坠床发生率明显下降。结论:把以家庭为中心儿科护理理念转化为行动,深入到儿科护理实践的方方面面是一个长期持久的过程。而在患儿危机时刻,让家长和孩子在一起更是一个巨大的挑战,需要医护人员和患儿家长共同努力。  相似文献   

Recent studies highlight the need for an integrated model for palliative and end-of-life pediatric care. About 55,000 children die each year in the United States and, on any given day, about 8,600 children could benefit from care that acknowledges their limited life expectancy and severity of illness. Two case studies of children illustrate different approaches-one that aggressively applies all possible technologies to maximize chances of survival and another that focuses on the patient's overall quality of life and on healing rather than curing. The cases highlight characteristics of an integrated model of palliative care to address clinical, moral, and ethical uncertainties. This model integrates being with doing, provides for developing attunement and presence as capacities for being with children and their parents, and addresses challenges in the healthcare environment. Strategies for integrating palliative care into pediatric practice include listening, fostering respect for the child and parents across the organization, nurturing collaborative connections, managing uncertainty, tolerating ambiguity, making peace with conflict, and committing to self-care. Every pediatric nurse can play a role in making the vision of palliative care a reality integrated into the fabric of pediatric practice.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper reports a study of hospital staff perceptions of parental involvement in children's hospital care. BACKGROUND: Previous research has shown that parents are expected and encouraged by hospital staff to be actively involved in the care of their hospitalized children. At the same time, parents have expressed a need for improved communication with paediatric hospital staff to clarify both parental and staff expectations and preferences about this involvement. Few studies, however, have studied hospital staff perceptions of parental involvement in the care of hospitalized children and their implications for clinical work. METHODS: A cross-sectional questionnaire study was conducted among paediatric hospital staff in October of 2003. Questionnaires were distributed to a total of 338 staff, including all physicians, Registered Nurses and nursing auxiliaries working on oncology, surgery and neurology units in three university children's hospitals in Sweden. RESULTS: A total of 207 questionnaires were returned, yielding a response rate of 61%. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the 26-item questionnaire resulted in the creation of two indices, Work Routines and Work Strain. Oncology staff reported having better work routines for involving parents in their children's care and they experienced less strain from parental demands compared with staff on other paediatric units. Staff perceptions and workplace routines regarding parental involvement did not differ statistically significantly by profession or by length of work experience. CONCLUSION: Staff perceptions of parental involvement may be related to clinical specialty. Oncology units may find it easier to establish routines for parental involvement, thereby experiencing less work strain in their interactions with parents. There is a need to further study staff perceptions of parental involvement and their implications for the staff work situation in both Sweden and other countries.  相似文献   

Family-centered care is emerging as a driving philosophy in all aspects of health care. Active participation of parents in the care of their child in the hospital setting is becoming one of the central concepts of this philosophy. Studies demonstrate the benefits for children, parents, and families. Although research supports the need for increased parent participation during a child's hospital stay, integrating research findings and changing practices of health care professionals may not be easy. Pediatric nurses, especially those working in critical care environments, may have difficulty integrating this philosophy into their care. Realizing the numerous benefits that exist, health care providers would be prudent to embrace the concept of parent participation in care. This article reviews the emergence of parent participation, what it encompasses, its benefits, and the challenges of implementation. Several strategies are examined as a basis to find ways in which the concept of parent participation can become a daily reality in the pediatric intensive care unit. Only after gathering a full understanding of the nature of parent participation in care can we begin to develop individualized strategies and approaches for incorporating these interventions into our practices and thus provide children with true family-centered care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although it has become common practice for parents to stay with their sick child in hospital, most hospitals lack routines and staff guidelines for involving parents in care processes and decisions. AIM: To gain a deeper understanding of factors that influence parental involvement and to clarify the parental role in the hospital care of chronically ill children. METHODS: Semistructured interviews with 14 parents of chronically ill children. RESULTS: Four themes were identified: support, professionalism, work environment, and responsibility. These themes describe the experience and perceptions of parents who regularly spend time in the hospital with their children. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical practices regarding parental involvement need to be established to optimize the hospital care of chronically ill children.  相似文献   

The philosophy of family‐centered care (FCC) promotes partnerships between families and staff to plan, deliver, and evaluate services for children and has been officially adopted by a majority of pediatric hospitals throughout North America. However, studies indicated that many parents have continued to be dissatisfied with their decision‐making roles in their child's care. This is particularly salient for parents of children with chronic ongoing complex health problems. These children are dependent upon medical technology and require frequent hospitalizations during which parents must contribute to difficult decisions regarding their child's care. Given this clinical issue, an alternative theoretical perspective was explored to redress this problem. Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical concepts of field, capital, and habitus were used to analyze the hierarchical relationships in pediatric acute care hospitals and to design a briefing intervention aimed at improving parents' satisfaction with decision making in that health care setting.  相似文献   

Health care providers, including nurses, physicians, and other personnel, are key figures who design and implement plans of care to help families manage childhood asthma, yet families' perceptions of relationships with these professionals has received limited study. Child and parent perspectives about relationships with their health care providers emerged as themes in a study that explored responsibility sharing between school-age children with asthma and their parents (Buford, 2004). Fourteen school-age children with asthma and 14 of their parents from 11 families participated in the study. Parents and, to a lesser extent, children, described aspects of their relationships with their health care providers that were supports or barriers to asthma management. Implications for nurses and other health care providers stem from these data and include the importance for health care providers to educate themselves and their patients about state-of-the-art asthma care. Education should be directed to both parents and their children. In addition, parents need to receive education about how to coach their children because the children depend on them for information and direction. Finally, nurses and other health care providers need to listen to parents and value their input about their children's conditions.  相似文献   

Lack of clarity regarding when or how to use restraint in pediatric nursing is in direct contrast to international legislation and children's rights activists, who continuously support increased safeguards to protect children and improved health-care services for children. The aim of this article is to present a review of available literature with the purpose of stimulating discussion on the topic of this extraordinarily stressful event in the lives of hospitalized children and their parents. Studies for this literature review were identified using library catalogues and computerized searches of the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Mbase, psychLIT, and Medline. Keywords used included restraint, immobilisation, acute restraint, child restraint, p(a)ediatric restraint, and elderly restraint. The majority of the articles reviewed were secondary sources that advocated awareness and encouraged the use of restraint alternatives when managing the care of a child during a procedure. The results of the review accentuates the dearth of research in relation to the use of restraints in pediatric nursing, and highlights the need for pediatric nurses and allied health-care professionals to explore this sensitive topic further. By failing to address these issues, it could be argued that researchers in child health are ignoring an extraordinarily stressful event in pediatric health care.  相似文献   

Obesity is becoming the leading negative health outcome for the current generation of children to a greater degree than for any previous generation. Pediatric orthopaedic nurses encounter many patients and families with concerns about obesity and need the ability to promote parenting capacity in order to detect, prevent, or treat childhood obesity. Parenting is a complex process with numerous two-way interactions between the parent and child. Pediatric orthopaedic nurses affect parenting capacity daily as they care for families in all care settings. Many family researchers use Baumrind's parenting typologies (styles) and their correlations to child health outcomes in research. Understanding Baumrind's theories can help pediatric orthopaedic nurses understand the mechanisms parents use to affect the health outcomes related to the obesity of their children. Baumrind's is one parenting theory that can help demonstrate how parental behaviors and practices affect a child's self-concept and self-care development and ultimately a child's health promotion beliefs and practices related to obesity prevention and care that continue into adulthood. Nurses can use reviews of literature and application to practice of parenting styles to expand their repertoire of parent guidance and anticipatory teaching directed to the prevention and care of childhood obesity.  相似文献   

Given that injuries to children during periods of hospitalization can lead to more serious health conditions in vulnerable children, preventing pediatric inpatient injuries should be a priority for the pediatric health care profession. This study was conducted to develop a conceptual model of factors affecting pediatric inpatient safety, including all injuries, not just fall injuries, in pediatric units. An explorative sequential mixed methods design was used. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 13 nurses working in pediatrics units and 17 parents of hospitalized children, and then 200 nurses in pediatrics units and parents of hospitalized children completed a self‐report questionnaire. Based on the integration of both qualitative and quantitative data using building and weaving narrative integration, the Pediatric Inpatient Safety Accidents (PISA) model was proposed. The PISA model contains two main domains, the immediate and mediating domain and encompasses the six factors explain of the elements affecting the occurrence and prevention of pediatric inpatient safety accidents. The PISA model can serve as a model to understand child accidents in hospitals as well as to plan customized nursing interventions to prevent child accidents.  相似文献   

There is increasing recognition of the critical need for pediatric primary care providers to attend to the developmental, behavioral, and mental health needs of children and adolescents in their practices. Children and families have difficulty accessing psychiatric care because of scarce psychiatric specialists, stigma associated with referrals, and service fragmentation. The use of pediatric and family nurse practitioners with expertise in developmental, behavioral, and mental health care to provide this care within the pediatric health care home is a solution to address the growing need for integration of accessible, quality mental health services in primary care.  相似文献   

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