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目的 总结超声显像对颈部良恶性淋巴结的诊断进展。方法 查阅近年来国内外关于超声诊断颈部良恶性淋巴结的相关文献,进行总结分析。结果 超声显像可以从颈部淋巴结的二维灰阶超声、彩色多普勒、超声弹性成像及超声造影等不同的检查方法对其良恶性进行鉴别,从而为临床治疗提供有价值的信息。结论 超声显像能够早期并较好的对颈部淋巴结良恶性进行鉴别诊断。超声引导下活检准确性将更高。  相似文献   

An ultrasound-based computerized system was developed for monitoring cervix dilatation and fetal head station during labor. The system was designed to provide continuous and accurate assessment of the progression of labor. The computerized labor-monitor (CLM) was tested in the laboratory and was studied in over 95 women during labor. The laboratory test showed that the mean error of measurement is 0.1 mm with standard deviation of 1.14 mm. In the clinical experiments, safety of the various system components was demonstrated and partograms were compared to manual measurements. The systematic error of the fetal head station measurement is estimated as 10-20%, depending on patient's anatomy. In addition, the clinical tests indicated that measurements of the changes of both cervix dilatation and fetal head station are feasible. The CLM is expected to change patient management in the labor room. It will enable timely recognition of abnormal labor patterns such as dysfunctional and precipitous labor. Continuous accurate data will allow earlier diagnosis and intervention that is very likely to improve both mother's and baby's clinical outcome.  相似文献   

The radii of the inner and outer walls of the aorta and the intravascular blood pressure were recorded simultaneously in the descending thoracic aorta of intact, living dogs using 7·5 MHz ultrasound. Blood pressure and the A-mode signals containing wall echoes were also recorded on videotape which was later replayed for processing. Thein vivo data were compared with data obtained on the same vessels post mortem. The change in radius due to a pressure change from 80 to 125 mmHg was calculated from thein vivo andin vitro data. After normalising the radius changes with respect to the radius at 80 mm Hg, the ratio of thein vivo andin vitro values ranged from 0·66 to 1·36 with a mean of 0·94. The changes in radius were comparable with previously reported values obtained using various techniques.  相似文献   

目的颈椎的转动范围较大,传统的数字图像相关(digital image correlation,DIC)算法不能准确测量颈椎的活动度。提出一种改进的DIC算法,可以实现大转角的变形测量。方法采用一种子区窗口旋转的相关匹配法,通过引入子窗口的旋转角作为一个新的迭代量,和传统的位置参数(x,y)一起进行Newton-Rapshon迭代运算。在初始时只需提供位置和角度的迭代初值,即可求出精确的位移和角度值,同时通过平动和转动实验验证该方法的精度和可靠性。结果平动实验证实,本文方法与传统的DIC具有相同的效果,位移测量精度在0.5%以内;转动实验证实,本文方法可以测量任意转角的变形,角度误差与旋转量无关,角度误差在0.5°以内。将该方法用于颈椎的压缩实验,准确地测量了颈椎在压缩过程中的活动度。结论对比传统的DIC,子区窗口旋转的相关匹配法实现了颈椎在各种载荷作用下大范围活动度的测量,为颈椎的生理稳定和生理活动的测量判断提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

随着人们工作和生活压力的增大,颈部疾病已逐渐成为一种常见的、长期困扰人们的疾病。由于大多数颈部疾病均会引起颈椎活动度的改变,颈椎活动度逐渐被用于筛选颈部患病的患者、诊断疾病、判断颈椎功能丧失的程度、评估治疗效果、鉴别颈部疾病以及预后评估等等。目前颈椎活动度测量的研究包括颈椎活动度正常值的测量、颈椎活动度测量方法及测量工具的研究和验证、颈椎活动度的影响因素以及颈椎活动度在临床和研究中的应用等等。由于颈椎解剖结构的复杂性以及由此产生的耦合运动,给颈椎活动度的测量带来了很大的困难。本文将目前检索到的颈椎活动度测量的研究现状及进展作一综述。  相似文献   

本文用套式PCR检测孕妇宫颈粘液中巨细胞病毒,阳性率为78.5%(80/102)此套式PCR灵敏快速,可应用于临床检测孕妇期巨细胞病毒感染。  相似文献   

A technique for continuous measurements of haematocrit and plasma volume in the arterial line of dialysed patients has been tested in vitro and in vivo. This method uses impedance measurements at 5 kHz and requires a single haematocrit measurement. It relies on two assumptions: that plasma resistivity does not change during dialysis and that blood resistivity obeys Hanai’s model. Both assumptions are verified during in vitro tests. Haematocrits measured in vivo by this method are found to be in good agreemnt with direct measurements from blood samples. The haematocrit variation is then used to monitor changes in plasma volume, assuming conservation of erythrocyte volume. In addition, it is possible to obtain the variation in interstitial volume by combining these data with body impedance measurements.  相似文献   

Summary The combined photoelectric-photographic and plethysmographic technique allows for the investigation of the distensibility characteristics and pharmacological influence on the capacitance vessels in an uniform vascular bed (skin veins of the isolated rabbit ear). Diameter changes of a vein segment are recorded continuously by means of a photoresistor and are photographed for calibration. Volume changes of the tissue are measured by a water filled plethysmograph and can be compared with diameter changes of the selected vein segment. The method allows for better interpretation of the results obtained by the plethysmographic technique. In particular, it is possible to distinguish between outward filtration and stress-relaxation.This research was supported by Contract, F 44620-71-C-0117 of the USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, European Office of Aerospace Research (OAR) United States Air Force and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

This study was done to evaluate transvaginal ultrasonographic measurement of cervical length at 20 to 24 weeks and 37 weeks as a predictor of prolonged pregnancy (defined as a pregnancy that extended beyond 41+2 weeks of gestation [289 days]) in nulliparous women. This prospective observational study enrolled 149 consecutive nulliparous women with singleton gestation at 37 weeks. Cervical length was measured by transvaginal ultrasonography at 20 to 24 weeks and 37 weeks. Cervical length at 37 weeks, but not at 20 to 24 weeks, was significantly longer in women delivered at >41+2 weeks than in those delivered at 相似文献   

目的探讨第一产程胎心监护异常的相关因素,提示处理措施。方法2004年1月1日至2004年12月31日对深圳市宝安区妇幼保健院226例第一产程胎心监护异常的相关因素进行回顾性分析。结果第一产程胎心监护异常为综合因素所致,胎儿高危因素为91.59%,母体高危因素为65.49%,产程处理因素为42.92%。结论第一产程胎心监护异常主要与胎儿因素、母体因素有关,提高产前检查质量,加强产程监护,正确选择分娩方式极为重要。  相似文献   

脊髓体感与运动诱发电位术中联合监测的应用价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨脊髓体感诱发电位(SEP)与运动诱发电位(MEP)在脊髓手术中联合监测的临床应用价值。方法:对18例脊柱手术患者进行术中SEP和MEP联合监测,并用日本矫形学会量表(JOA)对患者术后神经功能进行评价。结果:全部患者术中SEP的P1、N1波幅有暂时性波动,潜伏期无明显变化。10例患者MEP的D1波波幅降低,但经改变手术方向后恢复正常,另8例患者MEP无明显变化。术后JOA评分较术前明显改善。结论:SEP及MEP术中联合监测,其波形稳定可靠,有利于避免“假阴性/假阳性”结果及术后神经功能障碍的发生。  相似文献   

Summary Following single breath inhalations of helium 49 simultaneous inlet-outlet pairs of helium dilution curves were recorded in seven dog experiments from the aortic and coronary sinus blood by use of mass spectrometric technique. After numeric deconvolution of the dilution curves the weighting function of tracer transit times was used for calculation of the mean myocardial blood flow per unit of tissue, which closely correlated with directly measured flow. Secondly, the degree of blood flow heterogeneity was estimated from the first moments of the weighting function of transit times and by compartmental analysis based on an inverse Laplace transform. In the intact heart the results suggest a rather constant dispersion of flows relative to the mean flowFF in the order of σ/FF=0.3. The apparent dispersion of flows is increased by α-adrenergic stimulation with pressure and volume load, particularly in a state of β-blockade, a finding, which may be attributed to variations of intercapillary distances and to a heterogeneity of blood flow per unit of tissue. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 89 —Kardiologie G?ttingen  相似文献   

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