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The spatial organization of the mouse cerebellum into transverse zones and parasagittal stripes is reflected during the temporal progression of Purkinje cell death in the Lurcher mutant mouse (+/Lc). Neurodegeneration in the +/Lc mutant is apparent by the second postnatal week and is initially seen in all four transverse zones: the anterior (lobules I–V), central (lobules VI, VII), posterior (lobules VIII, dorsal IX), and nodular (ventral lobule IX and lobule X) zone. However, from postnatal day (P)25–P36, Purkinje cell loss proceeds more rapidly in the anterior zone, followed by the posterior and central zones, and is significantly delayed in the nodular zone. Coronal sections through the +/Lc cerebellum reveal that surviving Purkinje cells are restricted to the paraflocculus/flocculus and the nodular zone and could be detected as late as P146 (∼5 months). Within this region, the pattern of preferentially surviving calbindin‐immunoreactive Purkinje cells reflects the expression of the constitutively expressed small heat shock protein HSP25 in the wild‐type cerebellum. Although the role of constitutively expressed HSP25 in the wild‐type cerebellum is not clear, it appears to play a neuroprotective role in the flocculonodular region of the +/Lc mutant cerebellum as the percentage of surviving Purkinje cells that are HSP25‐immunopositive significantly increases over time. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:1892–1907, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The activity and distribution of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase in the cerebellum of adult lurcher (Lc) mutant mice and of their normal littermates was investigated using biochemical assay and light microscopic histochemistry. The biochemical assay demonstrated an approximate two-fold increase of enzyme activity in the lurcher cerebellum compared to the values obtained for the normal controls. Acetylcholinesterase activity in the cerebellum of the normal adult mouse was predominantly evident in the granular layer, corresponding to the location of the glomeruli. In contrast, the lurcher cerebellum exhibited enzyme activity in both molecular and granular layers. In the molecular layer the staining appeared to be associated with ectopic granule cells. In both normal and lurcher mice, the Golgi cells, subcortical white matter and deep nuclei also showed varying degrees of staining for acetylcholinesterase.  相似文献   

The postnatal development of the cerebellar cortex of normal and lurcher (Lc) mutant mice was studied by neurohistological and autoradiographic techniques at ages ranging from 2 days through 18 days after birth. Lurcher shows severe defects in the granule cells and Purkinje cells soon after birth. A decrease in the generative layers of the external granular layer is soon as early as two days in the lobulus simplex and by six days of age in the uvula. Granule cell death is common before and during granule cell migration, from 2 to 18 days of age. Loss of granule cells is reflected in reduced growth of the molecular and granular layers. Purkinje cell abnormalities appear at three to four days after birth in the form of crowding, failure of nuclear growth, and condensed or lessened cytoplasm. Purkinje cell death is apparent at four to six days of age depending on the region of the cerebellum.  相似文献   

Aldolase C/zebrin II and the regionalization of the cerebellum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The cerebellum is comprised of multiple bands of cells, each with characteristic afferent and efferent projections, and patterns of gene expression. The most studied example of a striped pattern of expression is the antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody antizebrin II. Zebrin II is expressed by subsets of Purkinje cells that form an array of parasagittal bands that extend rostrocaudally throughout the cerebellar cortex, separated by similar bands of Purkinje cells that do not express zebrin II. Recent cloning studies have revealed that the zebrin II antigen is the respiratory isoenzyme aldolase C. This article reviews the cellular and molecular compartmentation of the cerebellum together with the molecular biology of the aldolase C gene, and speculates on possible reasons for a striped pattern of expression.  相似文献   

The adult cerebellum of the heterozygous lurcher mouse (Lc/+) shows severe defects which affect particularly the Purkinje cells and granule cells. The cytoarchitecture of the cerebellar cortex is disturbed, and the granular and molecular layers are poorly defined. The population of Purkinje cells is depleted, except for a few large neurons scattered in the granular layer and white matter. Although a discrete Purkinje cell layer does not exist, pyridine-silver preparations reveal a row of arborizing basket cell axons and climbing fiber terminals which suggests the site previously occupied by Purkinje cell bodies. Granule cells are also affected and are distributed throughout the molecular layer, granular layer, and white matter.  相似文献   

Observations on the cerebellum of normal-reeler mutant mouse chimera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The normal-reeler chimera mouse (+/+ in equilibrium with rl/rl) provides an experimental system in which an analysis of the migration of immature neurons in the cerebellum can be accomplished. In the present study, five chimera mice were produced from embryos of the wild-type control (C57Bl/6N) and the reeler mutant mouse (BALB/c) by the aggregation technique. The isozyme pattern of glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI) revealed that the brain tissue in the chimera contained both isozymes of the BALB/c (reeler) and C57Bl/6N (normal) strains, implying that internal mosaicism of the cerebellum truly existed. We found no abnormality in the cerebellum of the chimera mouse: the neuronal and glial subpopulations revealed no difference from those of the control. Such normalization of the cerebellum in the chimera suggests that the disturbance of neuronal migration in the reeler is attributable to an abnormal cell-to-cell interaction between migrating young neurons and the radial glial cells.  相似文献   

The mouse cerebellar cortex is subdivided by an elaborate array of parasagittal and transverse boundaries. The relationship between these two orthogonal patterns of compartmentation is understood poorly. We have combined the use of adult and perinatal molecular markers of compartmentation—zebrin II, calbindin, and an L7/pcp-2-lacZ transgene—to resolve some of these issues. Our results indicate that the adult cerebellar vermis is divided along the rostrocaudal axis by three transverse boundaries: through the rostral face of lobule VI, in the caudal half of lobule VII, and across the posterolateral fissure between lobules IX and X. These three boundaries subdivide the vermis into four transverse zones: the anterior zone (lobules I–V), the central zone (lobules VI–VII), the posterior zone (lobules VIII–IX), and the nodular zone (lobule X). The same zones and boundaries also can be identified in the newborn cerebellum. The parasagittal organization is different in each zone: a unique combination of Purkinje cell phenotypes is found in each transverse zone both in the neonate and the adult, and different zones have distinct developmental time tables. Furthermore, the parasagittal bands of Purkinje cells revealed in the adult cerebellar cortex by using antizebrin II immunocytochemistry are discontinuous across the transverse boundaries. These data suggest that the transverse zones of the vermis form first during development and that parasagittal compartmentation develops independently in each transverse zone. J. Comp. Neurol. 412:95–111, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Purkinje cells in the cerebellum express the antigen zebrin II (aldolase C) in many vertebrates. In mammals, zebrin is expressed in a parasagittal fashion, with alternating immunopositive and immunonegative stripes. Whether a similar pattern is expressed in birds is unknown. Here we present the first investigation into zebrin II expression in a bird: the adult pigeon (Columba livia). Western blotting of pigeon cerebellar homogenates reveals a single polypeptide with an apparent molecular weight of 36 kDa that is indistinguishable from zebrin II in the mouse. Zebrin II expression in the pigeon cerebellum is prominent in Purkinje cells, including their dendrites, somata, axons, and axon terminals. Parasagittal stripes were apparent with bands of Purkinje cells that strongly expressed zebrin II (+ve) alternating with bands that expressed zebrin II weakly or not at all (-ve). The stripes were most prominent in folium IXcd, where there were seven +ve/-ve stripes, bilaterally. In folia VI-IXab, several thin stripes were observed spanning the mediolateral extent of the folia, including three pairs of +ve/-ve stripes that extended across the lateral surface of the cerebellum. In folium VI the zebrin II expression in Purkinje cells was stronger overall, resulting in less apparent stripes. In folia II-V, four distinct +ve/-ve stripes were apparent. Finally, in folia I (lingula) and X (nodulus) all Purkinje cells strongly expressed zebrin II. These data are compared with studies of zebrin II expression in other species, as well as physiological and neuroanatomical studies that address the parasagittal organization of the pigeon cerebellum.  相似文献   

Although commonly known to represent a T cell receptor (CD3) associated polypeptide, the leu-4 (CD3) antigen occurs in cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs) of many species. The monoclonal pan T lymphocyte marker anti-leu-4 (CD3) recognizes both the lymphocytic and the Purkinje cell type of this antigen [22]. To obtain more information about the merit of anti-leu-4 (CD3) as an investigational tool, we evaluated the expression of leu-4 (CD3) in PCs of the developing rat cerebellum ( in situ ) by light microscopy. Positive anti-leu-4 (CD3) immunoreaction of PCs did not occur prior to post-natal day (D) 4. The analysis of immunostaining during cell differentiation revealed three major phases of post-natal PC maturation including antigenie development of cell somata (phase 1: until D6), dendrites (phase 2: D7-D11), and axons (phase 3: D12-D14). A massive post-weaning expansion of the dendritic arborization led then to the mature PC architecture. Additionally, the leu-4 (CD3) antigen was observed in ectopic PC dendrites (D10) and in ectopic (mature) PCs. Throughout post-natal development as well as in mature PCs, the leu-4 (CD3) antigen was found to be Cytoplasmic. Due to its labile nature, neither an ultrastructural localization nor molecular characterization could be achieved. For the same reason, its application is basically restricted to cryo-fixed cerebellar tissue. However, at the level of light microscopy, the monoclonal human T cell marker anti-leu-4 (CD3) proved to be a useful tool for specific and sensitive labelling of differentiated cerebellar PCs in the rat.  相似文献   

The development of glutamic acid decarboxylase-immunoreactivity (GAD-IR) in cells, fibers, and varicosities of the cerebellar cortex has been examined by light microscopy in normal and lurcher mutant mice between postnatal day 3 and 30 (P3-P30). Purkinje cell morphology was demonstrated in adjacent sections by using an antiserum to the 28Kd vitamin D-dependent calcium binding protein (CaBP). In early postnatal lurcher mice, but not in normal littermates, GAD-IR fibers, presumably Purkinje cell pseudopodia, invade the external granular layer. The plexus of CaBP-IR axons in the internal granular layer is much less complex in lurcher mice than in normal littermates, even before the onset of lurcher Purkinje cell degeneration at P8. In normal mice, GAD-IR fibers encapsulate Purkinje cell somata by P15. Lurcher Purkinje cells, in contrast, receive scattered contacts by GAD-IR puncta and possess a "cap" of such elements surrounding the primary dendrite and apical soma. Pinceau formations, visible as a knot of GAD-IR puncta hanging from the base of Purkinje cells in normal P15 mice, are not present in lurcher littermates. "Empty baskets" or collapsed pinceau formations in regions devoid of Purkinje cells are not revealed by anti-GAD immunohistochemistry in the P17-P30 lurcher cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Purkinje cells were identified in monolayer cultures obtained from trypsin-dissociated cerebella of embryonic and early postnatal mice by the Purkinje cell-specific monoclonal antibodies PC1, PC2, PC3 and UCHT1. These cells also expressed the neuronal marker L1 antigen but not the glial markers, glial fibrillary acidic protein or 04 antigen. They also expressed tetanus toxin receptors, PC4, M1 and Thy-1 antigens. Survival of Purkinje cells was best: (a) when cerebella were taken from mice not older than one day of age: (b) when cells were seeded at higher plating densities; and (c) cultured in chemically defined medium which facilitates the survival of neurons. No Purkinje cells could be detected in cultures from mice older than 6 days. PC1 antigen expression developed in vitro on the same time scale as in vivo, i.e. it was first detectable at the equivalent of postnatal days 3–4. At this stage cell bodies had a size of 13–14 μm in diameter and few processes. Dendrite-like arborizations, with more than one primary dendrite, extension of usually only one thin and long (0.5–1.6 mm) axon-like process and collaterals directed preferentially towards other Purkinje cells, developed with time in culture until the final form was reached by the equivalent of approximately day 16. Cell body size was 18–19 μm in diameter at this stage. Cell shapes were reminiscent of those described in certain cerebellar mouse mutants and in experimentally produced agranular cerebella. Many ultrastructural features of these cells correlated with those described for the in vivo counterpart. However, there was a lack of spiny branchlets and abnormally long persisting somatic spines. Synaptic contacts of the ‘en passant’ type could be seen at the Purkinje cell soma. Gray type I synapses were seen on Purkinje cell dendrites and spines.  相似文献   

A mouse homolog of the Drosophila Disabled (dab) gene, disabled-1 (mdab1), encodes an adaptor molecule that functions in neural development. Targeted disruption of the mdab1 gene (mdab1–1 mice) leads to anomalies in the development of the cerebrum, hippocampus, and cerebellum. Here we describe a number of histologic abnormalities in the cerebellum of the mdab1–1 mouse. There is a complete absence of foliation, and most Purkinje cells are clumped in central clusters. However, lamination appears to develop normally in areas where the Purkinje cells and external granular layer are closely apposed. The granular layer forms a thin rind over most of the cerebellar surface, but is subdivided by both transverse and parasagittal boundaries. The Purkinje cells, identified by anti-zebrin II in the adult or anti-calbindin in the new born mdab1–1 mutant cerebellum, form a parasagittal banding pattern, similar to but distorted compared with the wild-type design. The data suggest that the development of the mdab1–1 cerebellum parallels the development of reeler. The reeler gene encodes an extracellular protein (Reelin) that is secreted by the external granular layer. Because Reelin expression is retained in the mdab1–1 mutant mouse, mDab1 p80 may act in a parallel pathway or downstream of Reelin, leading to the transformation of embryonic Purkinje cell clusters into the adult parasagittal bands. J. Comp. Neurol. 402:238–251, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies-anti-zebrin I and anti-HNK-1-have been used to study the compartmentation of the mouse cerebellar cortex. As in other species, the pattern of localization of the Purkinje cell specific antigen zebrin I is confined to a subset of Purkinje cells that are organized into parasagittal bands. The basic pattern consists of two abutting paramedian bands (P1+) and up to three additional vermal bands on either side (P2+? P4+) This patern is altered in the vermal regions of lobules X and VI-VII where all Purkinje cells are immunoreactive. In the hemisphere there are three additional bands present (P5+? P7+) plus two shorter bands in the paravermal area (P4b+ and P5a+) that extend from the paramedian lobule through the lobulus simplex. This pattern is very similar, but perhaps not identical, to that previously described for the rat. These results suggest a common mammalian plan for the expression and localization of zebrin I. By using a monoclonal antibody to an epitope associated with HNK-1, we have now identified a novel pattern of compartmentation in mouse cerebellum. The HNK-1 epitope is expressed most notably on Purkinje cells and Golgi cells. The molecular layer immunoreactivity associated with the Purkinje cell dendrites varies in intensity in a systematic and reproducible fashion. This reveals a novel cerebellar compartmentation that is sometimes complementary, sometimes overlapping, to that revealed by anti-zebrin. As a result, it is now possible to subdivide the cerebellar cortex into a still finer mosaic of antigenic patches and bands than was possible by using zebrins alone.© 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The mammalian cerebellum consists of parasagittal bands and transverse zones that are laid down early in development. When the adult cerebellum is immunostained for the Purkinje cell-specific antigen zebrin II (i.e., aldolase C), compartmentation is reflected in alternating zebrin II+ (P+) and zebrin II bands (P). The zebrin II phenotype is Purkinje cell autonomous; thus, disruptions in the zebrin pattern may reflect early problems in pattern formation. Zebrin II expression has been examined in the weaver (wv) mouse cerebellum. Both zebrin II+ and zebrin II Purkinje cells are present in the homozygous weaver (wv/wv) mouse, but they are not distributed normally. In the posterior vermis, although the zebrin II+ bands are wider and multilaminate, the standard compartmentation is present. However, a large zebrin II+ cell mass is absent from the central vermis, and analysis of the anterior lobe reveals several missing zebrin II+ bands. The cytoarchitectonic defects in wv mice are not simply related to the Purkinje cell abnormalities. Instead, serial reconstruction reveals two transverse boundaries—one rostrally in lobule VI and the other caudally in lobule IX—that delineate cytoarchitectonic transverse zones important in cerebellar development. The abnormal zebrin expression pattern in wv/wv mice may be secondary to the deletion of a transverse zone. This is the first demonstration that Purkinje cell compartmentation can be altered by mutation; therefore, the wv mutation should prove valuable in understanding cerebellar regionalization. J. Comp. Neurol. 394:431–444, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report an activity-induced green fluorescence signal observed when mouse cerebellar slices were illuminated with blue light and parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses were activated. The optical signal consisted of an initial increase in fluorescence that peaked within 1-2 s after the onset of stimulation, followed by a long lasting (40 s) transient decrease in fluorescence. Single or tetanic electrical stimuli applied to the molecular layer elicited 'beam-shaped' fluorescence changes along the trajectory of parallel fibres. These signals reported activation of Purkinje cells as they were depressed by antagonists of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors at Purkinje cells and correlated with Purkinje cell spiking activity. Optical responses induced by direct pharmacological activation of glutamate receptors were reduced by a calcium-free extracellular medium, consistent with the hypothesis that they reflect metabolic activity due to an increased intracellular calcium load associated with neuronal activation. We used these intrinsic fluorescence signals to address the question of whether granule cells excite Purkinje cells only locally via the ascending branches of their axons, or more widespread along the parallel fibre trajectory. White matter stimulation of the mossy fibres also elicited a beam-like fluorescence change along the trajectory of parallel fibres. Simultaneous imaging and extracellular recording demonstrated the association between the beam-like fluorescence signal and Purkinje cell spiking. This non-invasive imaging technique supports the notion that parallel fibre activity, evoked either locally or through the mossy fibre-granule cell pathway, can activate postsynaptic Purkinje cells along more than 3 mm of the parallel fibre trajectory.  相似文献   

Despite the apparent uniformity in cellular composition of the adult mammalian cerebellar cortex, it is actually highly compartmentalized into transverse zones, and within each zone the cortex is further subdivided into a reproducible array of parasagittal stripes. The most extensively studied compartmentation antigen is zebrin II/aldolase c, which is expressed by a subset of Purkinje cells forming parasagittal stripes. Gamma-aminobutyric acid B receptors (GABABRs) are G-protein-coupled receptors that mediate a slow, prolonged form of inhibition in many brain areas. This study examines the localization of GABABR2 in the mouse cerebellum by using whole mount and section immunohistochemistry. The data reveal that GABABR2 immunoreactivity is expressed strongly in the dendrites of a subset of Purkinje cells that form a reproducible array of transverse zones and parasagittal stripes. By using double immunostaining, the striped pattern of GABABR2 expression was shown to be identical to that revealed by anti-zebrin II and complementary to that of phospholipase Cbeta4. This finding supports previous functional studies showing that inhibitory neurotransmission is highly patterned in the cerebellar cortex.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the cerebellar cortex are organized into distinct parasagittal domains. Each domain expresses a unique subset of various genes. Brain structures that are directly connected to the cerebellar cortex, such as the deep cerebellar nuclei and the inferior olivary nucleus, show a similarly differential pattern of connectivity and gene expression. For example, several members of the cadherin family of adhesion molecules are expressed differentially in the subdivisions of the cerebellar system in chicken and mouse. Little is known, however, about how the molecular maps in the different parts of the cerebellum relate to each other in terms of connectivity. Here, we mapped the expression of three cadherins (cadherin-8, protocadherin-7, and protocadherin-10) in the cerebellar system of the chicken embryo. By simultaneously tracing axonal connections with biotinylated dextran amine, we demonstrate that cortical domains and deep nuclear portions as well as their fiber connections have a matching expression profile for protocadherin-10 in the posterior part of the cerebellum. Based on the tracing results for protocadherin-10 and the comparative expression mapping of all three cadherins, the cortical projection domains of the three deep cerebellar nuclei were determined in the posterior part of the cerebellum. Results were extrapolated to the rest of the cerebellar cortex. Our results provide direct experimental support for the notion that cadherins are markers for neural circuits in the brain. Moreover, we show that the expression pattern of all three cadherins confers unique identities to the Purkinje cell domains.  相似文献   

The cerebellum of the meander tail mutant mouse is characterized by normal cytoarchitecture in the posterior lobe and agranular, abnormal cytoarchitecture in the anterior lobe. The Purkinje cells form a monolayer in the posterior lobe but are dispersed throughout the cortex of the anterior lobe. Examination of these cells with the zebrin antibodies demonstrates that in spite of the morphologic and laminar disorganization of these cells in the anterior lobe, they are organized into the appropriate number of correctly positioned immunopositive zebrin clusters.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have morphologically studied the developmental events underlying the neuronal replacement, 3-21 days after grafting. Despite their abnormal environment, Purkinje cell progenitors proceed with their proliferation in the grafted neuroepithelium, with a time window similar to that characterizing proliferation of this neuronal class in control mouse embryos. Only postmitotic Purkinje cells leave the grafts and migrate to the host molecular layer following stereotyped pathways. These neurons invade the host molecular layer, either through a tangential migration under the pial basal lamina from the graft/host interface or breaking locally the latter, and passing directly from the lateral swellings of the graft lying on the surface of the host folia. Whatever the pathway for host invasion, the migrating Purkinje cells penetrate radially and/or obliquely into the host molecular layer until their inward-oriented processes attain the molecular/granular layer interface, which occurs about 7 days after grafting. At the end of their migration, the grafted Purkinje cells with bipolar shapes and long and smooth processes begin to build up their ultimate dendritic trees. This dendritogenesis proceeds with constructive and regressive processes, passing through the same three developmental phases described by Ramón y Cajal (Trab. Lab. Invest. Biol. Univ. Madrid 24:215-251, 1926) for control Purkinje cells (phase of the fusiform cell, phase of the stellate cell with disoriented dendrons, and phase of orientation and flattening of the dendrites). In the grafted cerebella, the duration of the second and third phases is somewhat shorter than during normal cerebellar ontogenesis. Synaptogenesis between adult host axons and grafted Purkinje cells starts when the latter attain their second phase of dendritic development. Somatic filopodia emerging from grafted Purkinje cells begin, 10-11 days after grafting, to be synaptically contacted by axonal sprouts of the host climbing fibers resulting, 2 days later, in the formation of pericellular nests. Synaptogenesis between slender dendritic spines and host parallel fibers, together with that of axon terminals from host molecular layer interneurons and the smooth surface of the grafted Purkinje cell somata, begin earlier than in control mouse development, being almost simultaneous with climbing fiber/Purkinje cell synaptogenesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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