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The present [3H]thymidine autoradiographic analysis of neurogenesis demonstrates that the neurons which populate the adult cat hippocampus are born between embryonic day (E)22 and E42. In contrast, although neuronal production in the fascia dentata begins on the same day, granule cells in this area continue to be produced throughout prenatal life and into early postnatal life, and probably continues at an extremely low rate well into adulthood. Three major sets of spatiotemporal gradients characterize the production of neurons in Ammon's horn and the fascia dentata. The first set involves the radial axis. Within the hippocampus there exists an inside-out gradient. The reverse gradient is present in the fascia dentata, i.e. outside-in. The second set of gradients involves the transverse or rhinodentate axis. In general the CA3 neurons are born earlier than the CA1 neurons. Within both neuronal layers of the fascia dentata, the hidden blade cells tend to be born earlier than those of the exposed blade. Again, the pattern in the fascia is the reverse of that in the hippocampus proper. A temporal to septal gradient is also present, but this is the weakest of the gradients.  相似文献   

The birth dates of neurons showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity have been determined in mouse somatosensory cortex. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E10 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). The distributions of thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive and nonimmunoreactive (non-GAD) cells as a function of depth under the pial surface were recorded in adult animals. The maximum rate of generation of GAD-positive neurons occurred at E14, whereas the generation of non-GAD neurons reached its maximum rate at E13. Except for those in layer I, GAD-positive neurons followed an inside-out sequence of positioning. GAD-positive neurons born at E12 and E13 were located in layers VI-IV. GAD-positive neurons born at E14 were found throughout the cortical thickness, with a maximum in layer IV. The GAD-positive neurons labeled after pulses at E15 or E16 or E17 were limited to the superficial strata, forming a band that became narrower as it moved toward the pial surface with increase in age of pulse labeling. GAD-positive neurons in layer I were generated at a constant rate during the whole embryonic period analyzed. Non-GAD neurons also followed an inside-out spatiotemporal gradient. Two partially overlapping phases were distinguished in non-GAD neurogenesis. During the first phase (from E12 to E14) neurons populating adult layers VI and V originated, while neurons located in layers IV through I were generated during the second phase (from E13 to E17). Since GAD-immunoreactive neurons form a heterogeneous population, we envisage further studies in order to test whether differences exist in birth dates among the classes.  相似文献   

The production of ferret visual cortical neurons was studied using 3H-thymidine autoradiography. The genesis of cortical neurons begins on or slightly before embryonic day 20 (E20) of the 41 d gestational period, continues postnatally until 2 weeks after birth (P14), and follows an inside-out radial gradient with neurons for the deeper cortical layers being generated before those for the superficial layers. Layer I neurons are generated both early (E20-E30) and late (P1-P14) in the period of cortical neurogenesis and, thus, provide at least a partial exception to the inside-out gradient of cortical neurogenesis. Tangential gradients of cortical neurogenesis extend across areas 17 and 18 in both the anterior-to-posterior and lateral-to-medial directions. Neither of these gradients bears a meaningful relationship to the cortical representation of the visual field. Most infragranular and granular layer neurons are generated prenatally, while most supragranular layer neurons are produced postnatally. Neurons destined for a given layer are produced over a period of several days, and the neurons generated on any given day contribute to the formation of 2 or more cortical layers. In general, prenatally generated neurons complete their migration in 1 week or less, while most postnatally generated neurons require approximately 2 weeks to complete their migration.  相似文献   

Combined [3H]thymidine autoradiographic and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunocytochemical techniques were used to answer questions concerning the generation of specific classes and subclasses of cholinergic neurons in rat brainstem. First, the generation of rostrally and caudally located neurons of the same class (i.e. somatic efferent oculomotor and hypoglossal nuclei, respectively) were compared. Results indicated that, although embryonic day 11 (E11) was the peak birthday for both nuclei, hypoglossal neurons were generated significantly earlier than oculomotor neurons, indicating a caudorostral generation gradient for brainstem somatic motor nuclei. Second, the generation patterns of 3 different subclasses of motor neurons at the same brainstem level were compared; namely those of the somatic efferent hypoglossal nucleus (XII), the general visceral efferent dorsal nucleus of the vagus (X), and the predominantly special visceral efferent nucleus ambiguus. All 3 subclasses of cholinergic cells had the same peak day (E11) and overall period of generation (E11-12). However, statistical analyses indicated a precocious generation of nucleus ambiguus, but no developmental differences between N, XII and N. X. It is suggested that nucleus ambiguus is formed earlier than N. XII and N. X, due to its more ventral location within a ventrodorsal neurogenetic gradient. Third, the generation patterns of different classes of large cholinergic neurons were examined. Specifically, the birthdays of cholinergic non-motor projection neurons of the pedunculopontine-laterodorsal tegmental nuclei (PPT-LDT) were contrasted to those of the cholinergic brainstem motor neurons. The peak birthdays of both rostrally and caudally located motor neurons were two days earlier than those of the PPT-LDT neurons. Thus, large cholinergic cells projecting to peripheral targets are born significantly earlier than those projecting within the CNS, even though the former are located more rostrally on the caudorostral neurogenetic gradient. This represents an apparent exception to the emerging rule that cholinergic neurons obey the general gradients of neurogenesis manifest in the regions of the central nervous system where they reside.  相似文献   

The Projections o the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices to the hippocampus in the cat have been studied with retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques. Retarogradely transported tracers, which were injected at different levels along the septotemporal longitudinal hippocampal axis, result in labeled neurons in superficial entorhinal cortical layers II and III. Occasionally, labeled cells were also observed in the deepest entorhinal layer as well as in the superficial layers of the perirhinal area 35. It could further be shown that labeled neurons located superficially in the entorhinal cortex corresponds to a septotemporal gradient along the longitudinal axis of the hippocampus. This topographical organization of the entorhinal-hippocampal projection system could be substantiated by the use of anterograde tracing of radioactively labeled amino acids. Injections in the entorhinal cortex produce labeled fibers in the hippocampus. Injections in the perirhinal area 35 result also in labeling over the hippocampus, whereas area 36 does not seem to distribute fibers to the hippocampus. As anticipated from the results of the retrograde tracing experiments, injections located laterally, in or close to the posterior rhinal sulcus, produce prominent labeling over the septal pole of the hippocampus, whereas progressively more medially located injections result in progressively more temporally located labeling. This topographical distribution of perforant path fibers along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus, which is related to a lateromedial axis in the entorhinal cortex, has been observed following injections in the lateral entorhinal area (LEA) as well as in the medial entorhinal area (MEA). The present observations are discussed in regard of other connectional and putative functional differences between the septal and temporal hippocampus.  相似文献   

The origin and the terminations of the projections from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampal formation of the mouse (C57BL/6J strain) have been studied using anterogradely and retrogradely transported tracers. The entorhinal cortex is principally divided into two areas, the lateral entorhinal area (LEA) and the medial entorhinal area (MEA). LEA is the origin of the lateral perforant path that terminates in the outer one-third of the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, and MEA is the origin of the medial perforant path that ends in the middle one-third of the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. This projection is mostly to the ispsilateral dentate gyrus; only a few labeled axons and terminals are found in the contralateral dentate gyrus. The projection to the dentate gyrus originates predominantly from neurons in layer II of the entorhinal cortex. The entorhinal cortex also projects to CA3 and CA1 and to subiculum; in both CA3 and CA1, the terminals are present in stratum lacunosum-moleculare, whereas in the subiculum the terminals are in the outer part of the molecular layer. The projection from the entorhinal cortex to CA3, CA1, and subiculum is bilateral, and it originates predominantly from neurons in layer III, but a small number of neurons in the deeper layers of the entorhinal cortex contributes to this projection. The projection of entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus is topographically organized, neurons in the lateral part of both LEA and MEA project to the dorsal part (i.e., septal pole) of the hippocampus, whereas the projection to the ventral (i.e., temporal pole) hippocampus originates from neurons in medial parts of the entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

The entorhinal cortices are known to give rise to powerful projections that terminate in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Collectively, these link the hippocampal formation to many parts of the cortex and to subcortical structures like the amygdala. Non-hippocampal projections from the entorhinal cortices are understood poorly. Such projections to neighboring temporal areas in the rat and rhesus monkey have been investigated using the autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing procedures. In the rat, HRP-labeled neurons were observed in the intermediate and lateral fields of the entorhinal cortices after injections of temporal cortical areas 20, 35, 36 and 41. They were located predominantly in layers II, III and IV. In the monkey , HRP-labeled neurons were observed in the entorhinal cortices after injections of the rostral superior temporal gyrus (area TA or 22); the temporal polar cortex (area TG or 38); the inferior temporal cortex (area TE or 20); the perirhinal cortex (area 35) and the posterior parahippocampal cortices (areas TF and TH). Unlike the rat, labeled entorhinal neurons in the monkey were located in layer IV. Autoradiographic experiments in the monkey yielded complimentary results. In view of the fact that layer IV of the entorhinal cortex in both the rat and monkey receives a powerful projection from the subicular-CA1 fields of the hippocampal formation, the results imply that this layer mediates an indirect non-fornical connection between the hippocampal formation and the temporal cortex.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis in the rat hippocampal region was examined with 3H-thymidine autoradiography. The rats in the prenatal groups were the offspring of pregnant females given two injections of 3H-thymidine on consecutive days in an overlapping series: embryonic (E) day E13+E14, E14+E15,…, E21+E22. The rats in the postnatal (P) groups were injected in two nonoverlapping series: first, the day of birth (PO) and P1, P2+P3,…, P18+P19; second, P0–P3, P4–P7,…, P16–P19. On 60 days of age, the percentage of labelled cells and the proportion of cells added during each day of formation were determined at several anatomical levels within each structure of the hippocampal region (entorhinal cortex, parasubiculum, presubiculum, subiculum, Ammon's horn, and the dentate gyrus) and the hippocampal rudiment (tenia tecta, indusium griseum). The neurons in each structure arise in overlapping, but still significantly different, waves: the hippocampal rudiment between E16–E17; the entorhinal cortex between E15–E17; the para- and presubiculum between E16–E19; the subiculum between E16–E18; large cells in strata oriens, radiatum, lacunosum-moleculare of Ammon's horn between E15–E17; Ammon's horn pyramidal cells between E17–E19; large cells in the dentate hilus and molecular layer between E15–E19. Dentate granule cells begin to originate on E17, and 10% of the population forms after P18. There are three characteristic gradients of formation within structures. First, deep cells are generated before superficial cells. Second, cells closer to the rhinal fissure are formed before those lying farther away (“rhinal to dentate” gradient). Third, later forming cells are flanked by earlier forming superficial and deep cells (“sandwich gradient”) in the entorhinal cortex (layer III cells originate after layers II and IV), Ammon's horn (pyramidal cells originate after large cells in strata oriens, radiatum, and lacunosum-moleculare), and the dentate gyrus (granule cells originate after large cells in the hilus and molecular layer). There is a “rhinal to dentate” gradient between structures. The entorhinal cortex starts first, next is the subiculum, then field CA3 of Ammon's horn, and finally, the dentate gyrus. Two structures are exceptions to this gradient. The para- and presubiculum form significantly later than the subiculum, and CA1 forms significantly later than adjacent CA3 cells; this late neurogenesis may be related to prominent thalamic input to both structures. Neurogenetic gradients between the cells providing laminated afferent input to the Ammonic pyramidal and dentate granule cells correlate with their order of termination: afferents from progressively later-originating cells terminate progressively closer to the cell body. Topographic hippocampal projections along the dorsoventral axis correlate with formation patterns in target structures: dorsal hippocampal fibers project to zones occupied by earlier-forming cells in the lateral septal nucleus and pars posterior of the mammillary body; ventral hippocampal fibers project to zones occupied by later-forming cells in these structures.  相似文献   

Pioneering work indicates that the final position of neurons in specific layers of the mammalian cerebral cortex is determined primarily by birthdate. Glutamatergic projection neurons are born in the cortical proliferative zones of the dorsal telencephalon, and follow an "inside-out" neurogenesis gradient: later-born cohorts migrate radially past earlier-born neurons to populate more superficial layers. GABAergic interneurons, the major source of cortical inhibition, comprise a heterogeneous population and are produced in proliferative zones of the ventral telencephalon. Mechanisms by which interneuron subclasses find appropriate layer-specific cortical addresses remain largely unexplored. Major cortical interneuron subclasses can be identified based on expression of distinct calcium-binding proteins including parvalbumin, calretinin, or calbindin. We determined whether cortical layer-patterning of interneurons is dependent on phenotype. Parvalbumin-positive interneurons populate cortical layers with an inside-out gradient, and birthdate is isochronous to projection neurons in the same layers. In contrast, another major GABAergic subtype, labeled using calretinin, populates the cerebral cortex using an opposite "outside-in" gradient, heterochronous to neighboring neurons. In addition to birthdate, phenotype is also a determinant of cortical patterning. Discovery of a cortical subpopulation that does not follow the well-established inside-out gradient has important implications for mechanisms of layer formation in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Two sets of experiments were carried out to examine the organization of associational connections within the rat entorhinal cortex. First, a comprehensive analysis of the areal and laminar distribution of intrinsic projections was performed by using the anterograde tracers Phaseolus vulgaris–leuocoagglutinin (PHA-L) and biotinylated dextran amine (BDA). Second, retrograde tracers were injected into the dentate gyrus and PHA-L and BDA were injected into the entorhinal cortex to determine the extent to which entorhinal neurons that project to different septotemporal levels of the dentate gyrus are linked by intrinsic connections. The regional distribution of intrinsic projections within the entorhinal cortex was related to the location of the cells of origin along the mediolateral axis of the entorhinal cortex. Cells located in the lateral regions of the entorhinal cortex gave rise to intrinsic connections that largely remained within the lateral reaches of the entorhinal cortex, i.e., within the rostrocaudally situated entorhinal band of cells that projected to septal levels of the dentate gyrus. Cells located in the medial regions of the entorhinal cortex gave rise to intrinsic projections confined to the medial portion of the entorhinal cortex. Injections made into mid-mediolateral regions of the entorhinal cortex mainly gave rise to projections to mid-mediolateral levels, although some fibers did enter either lateral or medial portions of the entorhinal cortex. These patterns were the same regardless of whether the projections originated from the superficial (II–III) or deep (V–VI) layers of the entorhinal cortex. This organizational scheme indicates, and our combined retrograde/anterograde labeling studies confirmed, that laterally situated entorhinal neurons that project to septal levels of the dentate gyrus are not in direct communication with neurons projecting to the temporal portions of the dentate gyrus. These results suggest that entorhinal intrinsic connections allow for both integration (within a band) and segregation (across bands) of entorhinal cortical information processing. J. Comp. Neurol. 398:49–82, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Laminar origins of visual corticocortical connections in the cat   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The interconnections among visual areas in cat cortex were studied with respect to the specific laminae in which the cortically projecting neurons are located. Single injections of HRP were made through recording micropipettes into nine different visual areas. In 15 cortical areas the laminar distribution of neurons which were retrogradely filled with HRP was plotted. In this way we determined the laminar origins of the cortical projections to the nine separate cortical visual areas which were injected. There are three major observations. First, areas 17 and 18 are the only two visual areas in which layers II and III are the primary site of cortically projecting cells; in the other 13 areas the deeper layers of cortex provide a large percentage of such neurons. Second, within any one cortical area, cortically projecting neurons may be distributed among different layers; the specific layer depends upon the cortical target of those neurons. Third, any one cortical area receives projections from several different cortical layers, the specific layers being dependent upon the area from which the projection originates. An individual cortical area, therefore, contributes to several different cortical visual circuits, with each of these circuits defined by the laminar connections of its neurons.  相似文献   

The origins and terminations of entorhinal cortical projections in the rat were analyzed in detail with retrograde and anterograde tracing techniques. Retrograde fluorescent tracers were injected in different portions of olfactory, medial frontal (infralimbic and prelimbic areas), lateral frontal (motor area), temporal (auditory), parietal (somatosensory), occipital (visual), cingulate, retrosplenial, insular, and perirhinal cortices. Anterograde tracer injections were placed in various parts of the rat entorhinal cortex to demonstrate the laminar and topographical distribution of the cortical projections of the entorhinal cortex. The retrograde experiments showed that each cortical area explored receives projections from a specific set of entorhinal neurons, limited in number and distribution. By far the most extensive entorhinal projection was directed to the perirhinal cortex. This projection, which arises from all layers, originates throughout the entorhinal cortex, although its major origin is from the more lateral and caudal parts of the entorhinal cortex. Projections to the medial frontal cortex and olfactory structures originate largely in layers II and III of much of the intermediate and medial portions of the entorhinal cortex, although a modest component arises from neurons in layer V of the more caudal parts of the entorhinal cortex. Neurons in layer V of an extremely laterally located strip of entorhinal cortex, positioned along the rhinal fissure, give rise to the projections to lateral frontal (motor), parietal (somatosensory), temporal (auditory), occipital (visual), anterior insular, and cingulate cortices. Neurons in layer V of the most caudal part of the entorhinal cortex originate projections to the retrosplenial cortex. The anterograde experiments confirmed these findings and showed that in general, the terminal fields of the entorhinal-cortical projections were densest in layers I, II, and III, although particularly in the more densely innervated areas, labeling in layer V was also present. Comparably distributed, but much weaker projections reach the contralateral hemisphere. Our results show that in the rat, hippocampal output can reach widespread portions of the neocortex through a relay in a very restricted part of the entorhinal cortex. However, most of the hippocampal-cortical connections will be mediated by way of entorhinal-perirhinal-cortical connections. We conclude that, in contrast to previous notions, the overall organization of the hippocampal-cortical connectivity in the rat is largely comparable to that in the monkey. Hippocampus 7:146–183, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The hippocampal formation communicates with the neocortex mainly through the adjacent entorhinal cortex. Neurons projecting to the hippocampal formation are found in the superficial layers of the entorhinal cortex and are largely segregated from the neurons receiving hippocampal output, which are located in deep entorhinal layers. We studied the communication between deep and superficial entorhinal layers in the anaesthetized rat using field potential recordings, current source density analysis and single unit measurements. We found that subiculum stimulation was able to excite entorhinal neurons in deep layers. This response was followed by current sinks in superficial layers. Both responses were subject to frequency dependent facilitation, but not depression. Selective blockade of deep layer responses also abolished subsequent superficial layer responses. This clearly demonstrates a functional deep-to-superficial layer communication in the entorhinal cortex, which can be triggered by hippocampal output. This pathway may provide a means by which processed hippocampal output is integrated or compared with new incoming information in superficial entorhinal layers, and it constitutes an important link in the process of re-entrance of activity in the hippocampal-entorhinal network, which may be important for consolidation of memories or retaining information for short periods.  相似文献   

The cytoarchitectonic features of the parahippocampal region (PHR) in the guinea pig are described, based on coronal, horizontal, and sagittal 50-microm sections stained for Nissl substance, zinc, parvalbumin, or calbindin. We differentiate between perirhinal (PRC), postrhinal (POR), and entorhinal (ERC) cortices. PRC is divided into areas 35 and 36 occupying the fundus and the dorsal bank of the rhinal fissure, respectively. POR is located caudal to the PRC. POR and area 36 show a dense, clustered cellular layer II and a thinner layer III in comparison to the adjacent neocortex, and they differ from each other with respect to the orientation of the somata of layer VI neurons. Area 35 is characterized by a thin layer II that is not very different from layer III. Layer IV is (dys)granular in area 36 and POR, and is absent in area 35 and ERC. ERC, located ventromedial to the PRC and POR, is subdivided in six fields, of which field 5 is adjacent to area 35. In both area 35 and field 5, no clear differentiation between layers II and III is present. Field 5 shows a darker cellular stain and exhibits a cell-free zone or lamina dissecans between layers III and V. Medial to field 5, an area characterized by large cell clusters in layer II is designated field 4. The latter field is replaced by field 3 rostromedially, which also typically shows clustering of layer II neurons. These cell clusters in field 3, however, are much more constant in size in spacing compared to those in field 4. The caudomedial portion of ERC is subdivided into fields 1, 1', and 2. The latter, characterized by a homogeneous distribution of neurons in all layers with large darkly stained neurons in layer V is positioned rostral to field 1 and caudomedial to fields 4 and 5. In field 1, layers V and VI are thinner, and layer II neurons are smaller then in field 1' and field 2. We conclude that the architectonic features of the guinea pig PHR are comparable to those described in other mammals, particularly the rat.  相似文献   

We have examined the ontogeny of parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin D-28k (CB) immunoreactivities in the canine anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) from the day of birth (P0) through P180. At P7, PV immunoreactivity first appeared in layer VI multipolar cells. The PV immunoreactivity in GABAergic nonpyramidal cells appeared to follow an inside-out gradient of radial emergence. Although immunoreaction was limited mainly to the developing nonpyramidal cells, pyramid-like PV immunoreactive cells were transitorily observed in layer V from P14 to P90. The developmental pattern of CB immunoreactivity differed from that of PV immunoreactivity. CB immunoreactivity first developed in layer V pyramidal cells from P0, which continued through P90. CB immunoreactive nonpyramidal cells were located in the infragranular layers and white matter at P0 and maturated in both the supragranular and infragranular layers without clear inside-out gradient.This developmental study revealed the comparable belated expression of PV immunoreactivity and the transient expression of both calcium-binding proteins in layer V pyramidal cells. These results suggest that the transient expression of calcium-binding proteins in layer V pyramidal cells might be related to the critical period of early postnatal development.  相似文献   

The time of origin and the radial gradient of neurogenesis of cortico-collicular neurons have been studied in the rat visual area 17. We used a combined technique for the histochemical detection of the retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase from the superior colliculus and the autoradiographic detection of the [3H]-thymidine administered during the gestational period. The cortico-collicular neurons of visual area 17 are located in layer V and are generated on gestational day (GD) 15 (59.78%), GD 16 (36.21%), and GD 17 (4.01%). This finding reveals that, for the cortico-collicular neuronal population, the birth date is well-correlated with the laminar position in the adult animal. To see whether the cortico-collicular neurons located at various radial levels of layer V are generated concurrently, or whether they follow an "inside-out" pattern of positioning, we divided layer V into three (upper, middle and lower) sublaminae. Most cortico-collicular neurons located in the lower two-thirds of layer V are generated on GD 15 (65%), whereas the neurons located in the upper third of the layer are generated both on GD 15 and GD 16 in almost equal proportions (52.53% and 44.39%, respectively).  相似文献   

The neurogenetic gradients of neurons showing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactivity were determined in the regio superior and in the regio inferior of the mouse hippocampus. Pregnant C57Bl mice received pulse injections of (3H)thymidine from E11 through E17 (E0 being the day of mating). Distributions of (3H)thymidine-labeled, GAD-positive neurons in the different strata of the hippocampus proper were recorded in adult animals. GAD-positive neurons in this region are generated prenatally. Radial gradients of neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells are characterized by two main features: 1) with the exception of the stratum lacunosum-moleculare and its interface with the stratum radiatum, GAD-positive neurons of the plexiform strata are generated before those destined for the pyramidal layer; 2) within the pyramidal layer, GAD-positive cells are positioned according to an inside-out sequence. In the transverse axis, neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells follows a regio inferior to regio superior gradient. This gradient is due to prolonged neurogenesis of GAD-positive cells for the pyramidal layer in the regio superior. Given the selective laminar disposition of the GABAergic interneurons in the hippocampus, the present authors explored whether or not the diverse types of these interneurons could have specific birth dates and concluded that no relationship exists between birth dates and adult phenotypes of GAD-immunoreactive cells in the mouse hippocampus proper.  相似文献   

The ferret has emerged as an important animal model for the study of neocortical development. Although detailed studies of the birthdates of neurons populating the ferret visual cortex are available, the birthdates of neurons that reside in somatosensory cortex have not been determined. The current study used bromodeoxyuridine to establish when neurons inhabiting the somatosensory cortex are generated in the ferret; some animals also received injections of [3H]thymidine. In contrast to reports of neurogenesis in ferret visual cortex, most neurons populating the somatosensory cortex have been generated by birth. Although components of all somatosensory cortical layers have been produced at postnatal day 0, the layers are not distinctly formed but develop over a period of several weeks. A small number of neurons continue to be produced for a few days postnatally. The majority of cells belonging to a given layer are born over a period of approximately 3 days, although the subplate and last (layer 2) generated layer take somewhat longer. Although neurogenesis of the neocortex begins along a similar time line for visual and somatosensory cortex, the neurons populating the visual cortex lag substantially during the generation of layer 4, which takes more than 1 week for ferret visual cortex. Layer formation in ferret somatosensory cortex follows many established principles of cortical neurogenesis, such as the well-known inside-out development of cortical layers and the rostro-to-caudal progression of cell birth. In comparison with the development of ferret visual cortex, however, the generation of the somatosensory cortex occurs remarkably early and may reflect distinct differences in mechanisms of development between the two sensory areas. J. Comp. Neurol. 387:179–193, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We propose an hypothesis on the evolutionary origin of the unique inside-out developmental gradient of the isocortex, in which deep layers originate before superficial layers. This contrasts with the development of the reptilian cortex, which originates in an outside-in gradient. In mice, a mutated protein, reelin, produces the reeler phenotype, whose cortex has an outside-in neurogenetic gradient like in reptiles. Reelin is normally located in the marginal layer of the developing cerebral cortex, and its normal function has been proposed to be a stop signal that prevents radially migrating cells from moving into the marginal zone. Additionally, mutations on the kinase Cdk5, or in its neuronal-specific activator p35, produce a deficit similar to reeler in that the neurogenetic gradient is outside-in. However, contrary to reeler, in which no cell-sparse layer I is observed, in these mice, a well-defined layer I exists, which suggests that migrating cells respond normally to reelin. Apparently, Cdk5/p35 participate in permitting cortical cells to move across pre-existing (earlier produced) cortical layers, in order to be able to contact reelin once they reach the marginal zone. We suggest that the evolutionary advent of the mammalian cortical inside-out gradient became partly possible through the activation of the Cdk5/p35 pathway, which permitted migrating cells to move across layers of older cells. At about the same time, reelin became an important element in cortical development as it prevented neuronal migration into the marginal zone (cortical layer I) and facilitated the migration of neurons past postmigratory elements.  相似文献   

During the course of a larger study of the afferent and efferent connections of the entorhinal cortex in the macaque monkey we have found evidence for a hitherto undescribed projection to the entorhinal cortex from the superior temporal gyrus. The evidence is derived principally from experiments in which small volumes of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) were injected into different parts of the entorhinal cortex, but has been confirmed by 3H-amino acid autoradiography. After WGA-HRP injections into the entorhinal cortex, retrogradely labeled neurons have been seen mainly in layer III, but also to some extent in layer VI, throughout much of the superior temporal gyrus. The projection appears to be topographically organized in the sense that the ventral insular cortex and the adjoining temporal operculum have been found to project to the periamygdaloid cortex and the lateral division of the entorhinal cortex; the convexity of the superior temporal gyrus and the cortex along the dorsal bank of the superior temporal gyrus project further caudally to the medial division of the entorhinal cortex; and the cortex surrounding the fundus of the superior temporal sulcus projects to the perirhinal cortex. Following an injection of 3H-amino acids into the convexity of the superior temporal gyrus, terminal labeling has been seen over layers I and II of the entorhinal cortex and over layer I in the most lateral portion of the presubiculum. While the distribution of retrogradely labeled cells in our WGA-HRP experiments encompasses several cytoarchitectonically distinguishable areas in the superior temporal gyrus, the most heavily labeled field appears to coincide with what Gross and his colleagues have termed the 'superior temporal polysensory area' on the dorsal bank of the superior temporal sulcus.  相似文献   

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