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Restricted injections either of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin, or of unconjugated horseradish peroxidase were made into hooded rats in order to distinguish subcortical sources of afferents to dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus from those to the adjacent visually responsive thalamic reticular nucleus, which modulates geniculate activity. Five “nonvisual” brainstem regions project to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus: mesencephalic reticular formation, dorsal raphe nucleus, periaqueductal gray matter, dorsal tegmental nucleus, and locus coeruleus. Projections are generally bilateral, but ipsilateral projections dominate. Of these regions, three also project ipsilaterally to the thalamic reticular nucleus: mesencephalic reticular formation, periaqueductal gray matter, and dorsal tegmental nucleus. Similar discrete injections of horseradish peroxidase into ventral lateral geniculate nucleus allowed a comparison of afferents to dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei. In addition to the five nonvisual brainstem regions which project to the dorsal division, the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus receives afferents from the perirubral reticular formation and the central gray matter at the thalamic level. The dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei receive substantially different afferents from subcortical visual centres. The dorsal division receives projections from superior colliculus, pretectum, and parabigeminal nucleus whereas the ventral division receives afferents from superior colliculus, additional pretectal nuclei, lateral terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system, and the contralateral ventral lateral geniculate nucleus.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the nucleus ventromedialis thalami (VM) of Schnitzlein (J. Comp. Neurol. 118:225-267, '62) in a teleost (Sebastiscus marmoratus) were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. This nucleus receives fibers from the ipsilateral telencephalon (area dorsalis pars centralis), contralateral retina, contralateral VM, ipsilateral optic tectum, ipsilateral torus semicircularis, contralateral corpus cerebelli, contralateral sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, bilateral bulbospinal reticular formation, contralateral obex region, and contralateral dorsal portion of upper spinal segments. In turn, axons arising from VM terminate in the dorsal telencephalic areas (pars centralis, pars dorsalis, and pars medialis) ipsilaterally, ventral telencephalic area (pars supracommissuralis) bilaterally, nucleus prethalamicus of Meader (J. Comp. Neurol. 60:361-407, '34) bilaterally, nucleus dorsomedialis thalami bilaterally, VM contralaterally, optic tectum bilaterally, torus semicircularis bilaterally, and nucleus lateralis valvulae ipsilaterally. Based on the cytoarchitecture and fiber connections, VM is subdivided into rostral and caudal components. The caudal part of VM in Sebastiscus is considered to be a multimodal thalamic complex that contains some cells that constitute the dorsal thalamus in other vertebrate groups.  相似文献   

Tectal afferents were studied in adult lampreys of three species (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, Lampetra fluviatilis, and Petromyzon marinus) following unilateral BDA injections into the optic tectum (OT). In the secondary prosencephalon, neurons projecting to the OT were observed in the pallium, the subhipoccampal lobe, the striatum, the preoptic area and the hypothalamus. Following tectal injections, backfilled diencephalic cells were found bilaterally in: prethalamic eminence, ventral geniculate nucleus, periventricular prethalamic nucleus, periventricular pretectal nucleus, precommissural nucleus, magnocellular and parvocellular nuclei of the posterior commissure and pretectal nucleus; and ipsilaterally in: nucleus of Bellonci, periventricular thalamic nucleus, nucleus of the tuberculum posterior, and the subpretectal tegmentum, as well as in the pineal organ. At midbrain levels, retrogradely labeled cells were seen in the ipsilateral torus semicircularis, the contralateral OT, and bilaterally in the mesencephalic reticular formation and inside the limits of the retinopetal nuclei. In the hindbrain, tectal projecting cells were also bilaterally labeled in the dorsal and lateral isthmic nuclei, the octavolateral area, the sensory nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract, the dorsal column nucleus and the reticular formation. The rostral spinal cord also exhibited a few labeled cells. These results demonstrate a complex pattern of connections in the lamprey OT, most of which have been reported in other vertebrates. Hence, the lamprey OT receives a large number of nonvisual afferents from all major brain areas, and so is involved in information processing from different somatic sensory modalities.  相似文献   

Tectal connections were studied in two urodele species following horseradish peroxidase injections into the tectum opticum. In both species retrogradely labelled cells were observed: ipsilaterally in the corpus striatum, lateral amygdala, ventral and dorsal thalamus and nucleus of DARKSCHEWITSCH--bilaterally in the pretectal nucleus, dorsal tegmentum and nucleus reticularis medius--contralaterally in the tectum opticum and area octavo lateralis. Besides these nuclei the nucleus isthmi was bilaterally labelled. Rostral efferent projections of the tectum opticum terminated in the ipsilateral pretectal area and the ipsilateral dorsal and ventral thalamus ipsilaterally coursing to the contralateral tectum via the commissura postoptica. Caudal efferents formed the bilaterally organized tecto-bulbar tracts innervating the rhombencephalon. Comparison of the results of a series of tectal horseradish peroxidase injections differing in depth, tangential extension and location, indicated that tectal afferents from the telencephalon, the contralateral tectum opticum and the medulla were sparse and widely branching. Projections of the telencephalon and all diencephalic nuclei terminated deep in the rostral tectum opticum. Projections of the medulla terminated preferentially deep in the caudal tectum opticum. The tecto-isthmic projection was highly topographic forming a layered terminal field lateral to the nucleus isthmi. The isthmo-tectal projection innervated the whole tectum opticum on the ipsilateral side and was highly topographic. On the contralateral side the caudal part of the tectum opticum was not innervated. The isthmo-tectal fibers terminated superficially in the tectum opticum on both sides of the brain. The nucleus isthmi identified here is proposed to be homologe to that of other vertebrates.  相似文献   

HRP was injected into various thalamic nuclei in order to investigate the brainstem projections to the thalamus in the lizard Varanus exanthematicus. Nucleus dorsomedialis receives afferents from the septal area, nucleus entopeduncularis anterior, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, area triangularis, nucleus raphes superior, nucleus reticularis inferior, and locus coeruleus. Nucleus dorsolateralis receives afferents from septal area, nucleus dorsomedialis, nucleus entopeduncularis anterior, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, and the torus semicircularis. Nucleus rotundus receives an input from the tectum mesencephali, the pretectal area, and from the mesencephalic reticular fromation. Nucleus intermedius dorsalis receives afferents from the dorsal column nuclei and nucleus periventricularis hypothalami. Nucleus ventrolateralis receives afferents from the dorsal column nuclei, the trigeminal complex, locus coeruleus, and the reticular formation. Nucleus ventromedialis also receives afferents from the trigeminal complex and the reticular formation. Afferents to the habenula have been demonstrated from the septal area, nucleus entopeduncularies anterior triangular area, nucleus periventricularis hypothalami, nucleus interpeduncularis, nucleus raphes superior, locus coeruleus, nucleus isthmi, nucleus dorsalis motorius nervi vagi, and the mesenscephalic tegmentum. The laminar part of the torus semicircularis projects to nucleus medialis.  相似文献   

The sources of the descending spinal tracts were identified in the teleost fish Gnathonemus petersii by retrograde HRP transport. HRP injections were made at two spinal levels, either at level of the caudal end of the dorsal fin, anterior to the electric organ, or at the pectoral fin. In both cases all labeled cells were found in the rhombencephalon and the mesencephalic tegmentum. No labeled cells were observed either in the cerebellum and lateral line lobes or in the dorsal mesencephalon i.e. torus semicircularis and mesencephalic tectum or in the telencephalon. Following caudal spinal injections, the majority of the labeled cells were grouped in a median and a ventrolateral column of the rhombencephalic reticular formation. The latter is composed of three parts corresponding to the nucleus reticularis inferior, medius and superior. Both Mauthner cells, all the cells in the medullary relay nucleus controlling the electric organ discharge and a few cells in the posterior part of the magnocellular octaval nucleus were labeled. In the mesencephalon, four nuclei were identified by HRP labeling: the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, the nucleus reticularis mesencephali and the anterior and posterior tegmental mesodiencephalic nuclei. The rostral injections revealed several additional spinal projections from the descending vestibular and tangential nuclei, from the medial part of the magnocellular nucleus and, finally, from the rostral periventricular gray of the mesencephalon. Also, after such injections, a greater number of cells were labeled in the reticular formation, especially in the median column and in the inferior reticular nucleus. The results suggest that the rostral spinal cord has a larger connection with the acoustico-vestibular area and the medullary reticular formation than the caudal spinal cord. In contrast, the mesencephalic nuclei, probably linked to the mesencephalic tectum and the pretectal area, appears to be a coordinating apparatus between the visual system and the trunk/tail musculature. Thus, it appears that teleost fish possess the same basic equipment of descending spinal pathways as higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

The projections of the rostal medulla were studied using retrograde and orthograde transport techniques in the rat. The present horseradish peroxidase (HRP) studies indicate that the ventral portion of nucleus reticularis (NGC) and nucleus reticularis magnocellularis (NMC) project to both rostral and caudal levels of the spinal cord, while dorsal NGC projects only to the rostral cord. A differential density distribution of labeled cells was observed, with the greatest density of NGC-spinal neurons located rostral to the level of the inferior olive; and the greatest density of NMC-spinal neurons located caudally.This differential density distribution, when coupled with microiontophoretic application of [3H]amino acids allowed relatively independent labeling of the adjacent NGC- and NMC-spinal systems. On the basis of the HRP and autoradiographic studies 3 separate regions were delineated: dorsal NGC, ventral NGC and NMC. Descending projections from NGC were observed to the lateral vestibular nucleus, facial nucleus, hypoglossal nucleus and cuneatus. At cervical levels NGC fibers projected through the ventral and ventrolateral columns. Terminal fields were observed in laminae VII, VIII and to a lesser extent in IX. Labeled NGC fibers became difficult to follow by thoracic levels, which is consistent with the present HRP results. A continuum of descending NGC projections was observed with dorsally located NGC neurons projecting bilaterally through the ventral columns, and ventrally located NGC cells projecting through the ipsilateral ventrolateral columns. Ascending projections from NGC to the motor nucleus of V, trochlear nucleus, oculomotor nucleus, Edinger-Westphal nucleus, the ventral aspect of the periaqueductal gray, the deep and intermediate layers of the superior colliculus, nucleus parafasicularis and centromedianus, the Fields of Forel and the dorsal and lateral hypothalamic nuclei were observed. Descending projections from NMC to the dorsal nucleus of the vagus, hypoglossal nucleus, nucleus commissuralis and intercalatus were observed. At cervical levels, fibers project through the ipsilateral lateral columns, particularly its dorsal aspect. Terminal fields are located ipsilaterally in lamonae IV, V and VI, and bilaterally in VII, VIII and X. NMC projections continue through cadual levels of the spinal cord including a projection to the ipsilateral intermediolateral columns. Ascending NMC projections are limited to the ventral pontine reticular formation.The differing projections and cytoarchitecture of the rostral medulla of the rat observed in the present study are compared to that of the cat and opossum, with implications for the subdivision of this region discussed. The possible involvement of NMC and NGC projections in the modulation of pain is reviewed.  相似文献   

Afferent pathways to the optic tectum in the longnose gar were determined by unilateral tectal injections of HRP. Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the ipsilateral caudal portion of the rostral entopeduncular nucleus and bilaterally in the rostral half of the lateral zone of area dorsalis of the telencephalon. The following diencephalic cell groups were also labeled following tectal injections: the ipsilateral anterior, ventrolateral, and ventromedial thalamic nuclei, the periventricular pretectal nucleus, and the central pretectal nucleus (bilaterally); the ventromedial thalamic and central pretectal nuclei revealed the largest number of labeled cells. At midbrain levels, retrogradely labeled cells were seen in the ipsilateral torus longitudinalis, nucleus isthmi, and accessory optic nucleus; cells were labeled bilaterally in the torus semicircularis and a rostral tegmental nucleus. Only a few cells were labeled in the contralateral optic tectum, suggesting that few of the fibers of the intertectal commissure are actually commissural to the tectum. At hindbrain levels, retrogradely labeled cells were seen bilaterally in the locus coeruleus, the superior, medial, and inferior reticular formations, the eurydendroid cells of the cerebellum, and the nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract; the contralateral dorsal funicular nucleus also exhibited labeling. Clearly, the tectum in gars receives a substantial number of nonvisual afferents from all major brain areas, most of which have been reported in other vertebrates. The functional significance of these afferent sources and their probable homologues in other vertebrate groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Albert S. Feng   《Brain research》1986,364(1):167-171
An HRP study of the frog's superior olivary nucleus (SON) revealed that it (1) receives reciprocal tonotopic projections from dorsal medullary nuclei and principal nuclei of the torus semicircularis (TS) bilaterally; (2) receives bilateral projections from caudalis nuclei and brainstem reticular nuclei, and unilateral projections from the ipsilateral ventral tegmental nuclei and the contralateral SON; (3) is reciprocally connected with the ipsilateral laminar and magnocellular nuclei of the TS, dorsal tegmental nuclei and the posterior thalamic nucleus; (4) projects directly to the ipsilateral central thalamic nucleus.  相似文献   

Acousticolateral systems were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase tracing method in a teleost (Sebastiscus marmoratus). The torus semicircularis projected bilaterally to the optic tectum, nucleus ventromedialis thalami of Schnitzlein ('62), and reticular formation; contralaterally to the torus semicircularis; and ipsilaterally to the nucleus preglomerulosus of Schnitzlein ('62) and the inferior olive. No topographic organization was detected between the torus semicircularis and the nucleus preglomerulosus. Ipsilateral inputs to the torus were from dorsal telencephalic areas (pars centralis, Dc; pars dorsalis, Dd; and the dorsal part of pars medialis, dDm) and the optic tectum. Contralateral inputs to the torus were from the torus semicircularis, a caudal part of the cerebellum, and a portion of the trigeminal complex. The torus also received bilateral input from the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus of lemniscus lateralis, nucleus medialis, anterior octaval nucleus, descending octaval nucleus, and the reticular formation. Retrogradely labeled cells in the octaval nuclei were seen predominantly subsequent to HRP injections in the medial torus, while cells in the nucleus medialis were retrogradely labeled following injections into the lateral torus. HRP injections into the nucleus preglomerulosus labeled cells in the superficial region of the torus, while injections into the nucleus ventromedialis thalami labeled cells in the deep region. The nucleus preglomerulosus received inputs bilaterally from the nucleus of the lemniscus lateralis and reticular formation and ipsilaterally from the dorsal telencephalic areas (Dc, Dd, and dDm) and the torus semicircularis. In turn the nucleus preglomerulosus projected to Dd and Dm. Fibers arising in the nucleus ventromedialis thalami ended in Dc, Dd, Dm, and area ventralis pars supracommissuralis (Vs). Homology between the nucleus preglomerulosus and the central thalamic nucleus in amphibians, the nucleus reuniens in reptiles, the nucleus ovoidalis in birds, and the medial geniculate body in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

A H3 proline-leucine mixture was injected into the dorsal ventricular ridge (DVR) and striatum of the Tegu lizard in order to determine their efferent projections. The brains were processed according to standard radioautographic technique, and counterstained with cresyl violet. DVR projections were generally restricted to the telencephalon, while striatal projections were limited to diencephalic and mesencephalic structures. Thus the anterior DVR projects ipsilaterally to nuclei sphericus and lateralis amygdalae, striatum (ipsilateral and contralateral) ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, anterior olfactory nucleus, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and lateral pallium. Posterior DVR projections enter ipsilateral anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral and interstitial amygdalar nuclei, olfactory tubercle and bulb, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and a zone surrounding the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. Labeled axons from striatal injections pass caudally in the lateral forebrain bundle to enter (via dorsal peduncle) nuclei dorsomedialis, medialis posterior, entopeduncularis anterior, and a zone surrounding nucleus rotundus. Others join the ventral peduncle of LFB and enter ventromedial nucleus (thalami), while the remaining fibers continue caudally in the ventral peduncle to the mesencephalic prerubral field, central gray, substantia nigra, nucleus intercollicularis, reticular formation and pretectal nucleus posterodorsalis. These results are discussed in relation to the changing notions regarding terminology, classification and functions of dorsl ventricular ridge and striatum.  相似文献   

Frontal eye field (FEF) projections to the midbrain and pons were studied in nine macaque monkeys that were used to study FEF projections to the striatum and thalamus (Stanton et al.: J. Comp. Neurol. 271:473-492, '88). Injections of tritiated amino acids or WGA-HRP were made into FEF cortical locations where low-level microstimulation (less than or equal to 50 microA) elicited saccadic eye movements, and anterograde axonal labeling was mapped. The injections were made into the anterior bank of the arcuate sulcus from dorsomedial sites where large saccades were evoked (lFEF) to ventrolateral sites where small saccades were evoked (sFEF). The largest terminal fields of FEF fibers were located in the ipsilateral superior colliculus (SC). Projections to SC were topographically organized: lFEF sites projected to intermediate and deep layers of caudal SC, sFEF sites projected to intermediate and superficial layers of rostral SC, and FEF sites between these extremes projected to intermediate locations in SC. Patches of terminal labeling were located ipsilaterally in the lateral mesencephalic reticular formation near the parabigeminal nucleus and the ventrolateral pontine reticular formation. These patches were larger from lFEF injections. Small, dense terminal patches were seen in the ipsilateral pontine gray, mostly along the medial and dorsal borders of these nuclei but occasionally in central and dorsolateral regions. Patches of label like those in the pontine nuclei were located ipsilaterally in the reticularis tegmenti pontis nucleus in lFEF cases and bilaterally in sFEF cases. Small terminal patches were found in the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and dorsal and medial parts of the parvicellular red nucleus in most FEF cases. In the pretectal region, labeled terminal patches were consistently found in the nucleus limitans of the posterior thalamus, but we could not determine if label in the nucleus of the pretectal area and dorsal parts of the nucleus of the posterior commissure marked axon terminals or fibers of passage. We found small, lightly labeled terminal patches in the pontine raphe between the rootlets of the abducens nerve (three cases) or in the adjacent paramedian pontine reticular formation (one case). Omnipauser cells in this region are important in initiating saccades. In one sFEF case, very small patches of label were located in the supragenual nuclei anterior to the abducens nuclei and in the ipsilateral nucleus prepositus hypoglossi posterior to the abducens nucleus. Presaccadic burster neurons in the periabducens region are known to fire immediately before horizontal saccades.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the present study an attempt has been made to analyze the ascending reticular projections in the lizard Varanus exanthematicus by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Reticular projections ascending to the telencephalon were found to arise in the mesencephalon, but not caudal to the mesorhombencephalic border. HRP injections into the dorsal thalamus have demonstrated retrogradely labeled cells in the mesencephalic reticular formation, particularly at the level of the oculomotor nerve and in the medial magnocellular zone of the rhombencephalic reticular formation, predominantly rostrally. HRP infiltrations at the mesodiencephalic border damaged most of the fibers passing beyond this junction, resulting in the uptake of HRP by the damaged axons and subsequent labeling of the cell bodies or origin of ascending reticular projections to the diencephalon and telencephalon. From a comparison of cell-labeling patterns in cases of HRP injections of, respectively, the dorsal thalamus and the mesodiencephalic border, it seems likely that the nucleus reticularis medius and more sparsely the nucleus reticularis inferior project to ventral diencephalic structures (ventral thalamus and hypothalamus), whereas the midbrain reticular formation and the rostral parts of the rhombencephalic reticular formation (nuclei reticulares isthmi and superior) project to both the dorsal thalamus and more ventral diencephalic structures. Projections arising throughout the rhombencephalic reticular formation, but predominantly in the nucleus reticularis inferior, were found to ascend to the midbrain reticular formation. The present experimental data in the lizard Varanus exanthematicus are comparable to the findings in mammals, with the exception of the reticulo-oculomotor pathways which have not been analyzed so far in reptiles. In addition to the aforementioned ascending reticular projections, the present study has demonstrated projections ascending from monoamine cell groups, various diencephalics structures, as well as from neuronal groups involved in somatosensory, auditory, and gustatory systems. Projections were found from the locus coeruleus and the nucleus raphes superior to the telencephalon, as well as from the substantia nigra and the presumable reptilian homologue of the mammalian ventral tegmental area to the basal forebrain and the dorsal thalamus. Bilateral projections were demonstrated from the principal trigeminal nucleus to the telencephalon, reminiscent of the quintofrontal tract of birds. Ascending projections to the diencephalon were found to originate bilaterally in the descending trigeminal nucleus and the dorsal funicular nucleus. Auditory projections to the midbrain arise bilaterally in the superior olivary complex and in the cochlear nuclear complex. Finally, the ascending gustatory pathway arising in the nucleus of the solitary tract was found to project to the “parabrachial region”, which in its turn has extensive projections to the forebrain.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to determine brainstem and cerebellar afferent and efferent projections of the superior vestibular nucleus (SVN) and cell group 'y' ('y') in the cat using axoplasmic tracers. Injections of HRP, WGA-HRP and [3H]amino acids were made into SVN and 'y' using two different infratentorial stereotaxic approaches. Controls were provided by unilateral HRP injections involving the oculomotor nuclear complex (OMC), the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) and the deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN). Large injections of SVN almost invariably involved 'y' and dorsal parts of the lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN). Smaller injections involved central and ventral peripheral parts of SVN. Discrete injections of 'y' involved small dorsal parts of LVN. Afferents to SVN are derived mainly from the vestibular nuclei (VN) and parts of the vestibulocerebellum. SVN receives afferents: bilaterally from caudal portions of the medial (MVN) and inferior (IVN) vestibular nuclei and 'y'; contralaterally from ventral and lateral parts of SVN and rostral MVN; and ipsilaterally from the nodulus, uvula and medial parts of the flocculus. Purkinje cells (PC) in medial parts of the flocculus project to central regions of SVN, while PC in the nodulus and uvula appear to project mainly to dorsal peripheral regions of SVN. SVN receives sparse projections from the ipsilateral INC, the contralateral central cervical nucleus (CCN) and virtually no projections from the reticular formation. SVN projects via the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) to the ipsilateral trochlear nucleus (TN), the inferior rectus subdivision of the OMC, the INC, the nucleus of Darkschewitsch (ND) and the rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF (RiMLF). Contralateral projections of SVN cross in the ventral tegmentum caudal to most of the decussating fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle and terminate in the dorsal rim of the TN and the superior rectus and inferior oblique subdivisions of the OMC; sparse crossed projections enter the INC and the ND. Cerebellar projections of SVN end as mossy fibers in the ipsilateral nodulus, uvula and in medial parts of the flocculus bilaterally. Retrograde transport from unilateral injections of the OMC indicate that afferents from SVN arise ipsilaterally from central and dorsal regions and contralaterally from dorsal peripheral regions. Ventral cell group 'y' receives small numbers of afferent fibers from caudal central parts of the ipsilateral flocculus. No fibers from ventral 'y' could be traced to other vestibular nuclei, the OMC or the cerebellum.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Using a double-immunostaining technique with cholera toxin (CT) as a retrograde tracer, the authors examined the cells of origin and the histochemical nature of lower brainstem afferents to the cat posterior hypothalamus. The posterior hypothalamus, in particular the lateral hypothalamic area, receives substantial afferent projections from: substantia nigra, peripeduncular nucleus, ventral tegmental area, periaqueductal grey, mesencephalic reticular formation, peribrachial region including the locus coeruleus complex, rostral raphe nuclei and the rostral part of the nucleus magnus. In addition, a moderate number of retrogradely labeled neurons was found in: Edinger-Westphal nucleus, nucleus reticularis pontis oralis, nucleus reticularis magnocellularis, caudal lateral bulbar reticular formation around the nucleus ambiguus and lateral reticular nucleus and the nucleus of the solitary tract. The posterior hypothalamus receives: 1) dopaminergic inputs from A8, A9 and A10 cell groups; 2) noradrenergic inputs from A6 and A7 pontine, as well as A1 and A2 bulbar cell groups; 3) adrenergic inputs from C1 cell group in the caudal medulla; 4) serotoninergic inputs from the rostral raphe nuclei (B6, B7 and B8 cell groups); 5) cholinergic inputs from the peribrachial region of the dorsal pontine tegmentum as well as from the nucleus reticularis magnocellularis of the medulla; 6) peptidergic inputs such as methionine-enkephalin, substance P, corticotropin-releasing factor and galanin that originate mainly in the mesencephalic periaqueductal grey, the dorsal raphe nucleus and the peribrachial region of the dorsal pontine tegmentum.  相似文献   

Mormyrids are one of two groups of teleost fishes known to have evolved electroreception, and the concomitant neuroanatomical changes have confounded the interpretation of many of their brain areas in a comparative context, e.g., the diencephalon, where different sensory systems are processed and relayed. Recently, cerebellar and retinal connections of the diencephalon in mormyrids were reported. The present study reports on the telencephalic and tectal connections, specifically in Gnathonemus petersii, as these data are critical for an accurate interpretation of diencephalic nuclei in teleosts. Injections of horseradish peroxidase into the telencephalon retrogradely labeled neurons ipsilaterally in various thalamic, preglomerular, and tuberal nuclei, the nucleus of the locus coeruleus (also contralaterally), the superior raphe, and portions of the nucleus lateralis valvulae. Telencephalic injections anterogradely labeled the dorsal preglomerular and the dorsal tegmental nuclei bilaterally. Injections into the optic tectum retrogradely labeled neurons bilaterally in the central zone of area dorsalis telencephali and ipsilaterally in the torus longitudinalis, various thalamic, pretectal, and tegmental nuclei, some nuclei in the torus semicircularis, the nucleus of the locus coeruleus, the nucleus isthmi and the superior reticular formation, basal cells in the ipsilateral valvula cerebelli, and eurydendroid cells in the contralateral lobe C4 of the corpus cerebelli. Weaker contralateral projections were also observed to arise from the ventromedial thalamus and various pretectal and tegmental nuclei, and from the locus coeruleus and superior reticular formation. Tectal injections anterogradely labeled various pretectal nuclei bilaterally, as well as ipsilaterally the dorsal preglomerular and dorsal posterior thalamic nuclei, some nuclei in the torus semicircularis, the dorsal tegmental nucleus, nucleus isthmi, and, again bilaterally, the superior reticular formation. A comparison of retinal, cerebellar, tectal, and telencephalic connections in Gnathonemus with those in nonelectrosensory teleosts reveals several points: (1) the visual area of the diencephalon is highly reduced in Gnathonemus, (2) the interconnections between the preglomerular area and telencephalon in Gnathonemus are unusually well developed compared to those in other teleosts, and (3) two of the three corpopetal diencephalic nuclei are homologues of the central and dorsal periventricular pretectum in other teleosts. The third is a subdivision of the preglomerular area, rather than an accessory optic or pretectal nucleus, and is related to electroreception. The preglomerulo-cerebellar connections in Gnathonemus are therefore interpreted as uniquely derived characters for mormyrids.  相似文献   

Using a retrograde tracer technique with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) attempts were made to determine the origins of reticulospinal tracts and their funicular trajectories. Reticulospinal tracts originating from the mesencephalic reticular formation (RF) were composed of: (1) descending projections arising from the cluster of cells located just lateral to the periaqueductal gray that course in the anterior funiculus (AF) and ventral part of the lateral funiculus (LF) with ipsilateral predominance; and (2) projections from the cluster of cells located dorsal to the brachium conjunctivum that course in the ipsilateral LF. Origins of the pontine reticulospinal tracts arising from the n. reticularis pontis oralis (Poo) have been divided qnto three parts: (1) medial one-third; (2) middle; and (3) ventrolateral. The axons from the medial part descend ipsilaterally via the medial part of the AF, while the axons from the ventrolateral part of the Poo give rise to diffuse descending projections in the AF and LF. The middle part of the Poo has been further subdivided into: (1) dorsal part that gives rise to spinal projections ipsilaterally in the ventrolateral funiculus (VLF); and (2) ventral, particularly its upper part, whose axons descend bilaterally via the DLF. Origins of reticulospinal tracts from the n. reticularis pontis caudalis (Poc) could be divided into three parts: (1) medial; (2) dorsolateral; and (3) ventrolateral. The medial part of the Poc is a source of axons via the medial part of the ipsilateral AF, while the ventrolateral part of the nucleus is a source of axons via the contralateral LF. The spinal projections from the dorsolateral part of the Poc appears to course diffusely in the AF and LF, but with DLF predominance. The n. reticularis gigantocellularis (Gc) was found to be a main medullary source of the spinal projections in the ipsilateral AF, while n. reticularis magnocellularis (Mc) is the major source of the fibers coursing ipsilaterally in the VLF. The most medial part of the Mc descends ipsilaterally via the medial part of the AF, while the ventrolateral part of the nucleus together with the n. reticularis lateralis of Meesen and Olszewski descends ipsilaterally via the DLF. It has also been found that the axons from the n. reticularis paramedianus pass via both the AF and LF with ipsilateral predominance, while the n. reticularis dorsalis and ventralis course via the LF with ipsilateral predominance.  相似文献   

The noradrenergic innervation of the trigeminal motor nucleus of the rat can be increased severalfold by neonatal treatment with the neurotoxin, 6-hydroxydopamine. The brainstem projections to the nucleus were studied by injecting HRP into the nucleus of normal and noradrenergically hyperinnervated rats. In order to identify the source of the noradrenergic innervation, the fluorescent dye, True Blue, was used as a retrograde tracer in combination with the glyoxylic acid histofluorescence method for catecholamines. In both control and neonatally treated rats, the noradrenergic innervation of the motor nucleus was shown to arise from an ipsilateral group of cells located among the fibers of the lateral lemniscus just rostral to the motor nucleus. Our results confirmed the high degree of specificity of noradrenergic innervation, which arises exclusively from this lateral tegmental noradrenergic cell group. During the process of sprouting, this specificity is maintained since only those noradrenergic cells normally innervating the nucleus were retrogradely labeled in neonatally treated animals. Other noradrenergic projections which are also increased in these animals, such as the nearby locus ceruleus innervation of the main sensory trigeminal nucleus, do not spread to the motor trigeminal nucleus. HRP-labeled nonadrenergic cells were concentrated dorsally, with scattered cells surrounding the nucleus. A similar distribution was observed contralateral to the injection site. The mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus was labeled only ipsilateral to the injection. The motor nucleus also receives an extensive bilateral input from the pontine and medullary reticular formation. The medial reticular formation nuclei, including nucleus pontis caudalis, nucleus gigantocellularis, and nucleus reticularis ventralis contained large labeled cells, which were especially numerous in the retrotrigeminal area. Smaller, lateral reticular formation neurons were concentrated rostrally and ipsilaterally in the nucleus pontis lateralis. HRP retrograde labeling revealed no obvious change in the overall pattern of cells innervating the trigeminal motor nucleus following noradrenergic hyperinnervation.  相似文献   

Using a sensitive double immunostaining technique with unconjugated cholera-toxin B subunit as a retrograde tracer, the authors determined the nuclei of origin of monoaminergic, peptidergic, and cholinergic afferent projections to the cat facial nucleus (FN). The FN as a whole receives substantial afferent projections, with relative subnuclear differences, from the following areas: 1) the perioculomotor areas, the contralateral paralemniscal region, and the mesencephalic reticular formation dorsal to the red nucleus; 2) the ipsilateral parabrachial region and the nucleus reticularis pontis, pars ventralis; and 3) the nuclei reticularis parvicellularis, magnocellularis, ventralis, and dorsalis of the medulla. In addition, the present study demonstrated that the lateral portion of the FN receives specific projections from the contralateral medial and olivary pretectal nuclei and the ipsilateral reticular formation of the pons. It was also found that the FN receives: 1) serotoninergic inputs mainly from the nuclei raphe obscurus, pallidus, magnus, and the caudal ventrolateral bulbar reticular formation; 2) catecholaminergic afferent projections from the A7 noradrenaline cell group located in the K?lliker-Fuse, parabrachialis lateralis, and locus subcoeruleus nuclei; 3) methionin-enkephalin-like inputs originating in the pretectal complex, the nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis and the caudal raphe nuclei; 4) substance P-like afferent projections mainly from the Edinger-Westphal complex and the caudal raphe nuclei; and 5) cholinergic afferents from an area located ventral to the nucleus of the solitary tract at the level of the obex. In the light of these anatomical data, the present report discusses the physiological significance of FN inputs relevant to tonic and phasic events occurring at the level of the facial musculature during the period of paradoxical sleep in the cat.  相似文献   

The central projections of the ethmoidal, glossopharyngeal, and superior laryngeal nerves were determined in the muskrat by use of the transganglionic transport of a mixture of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-HRP. The ethmoidal nerve projected to discrete areas in all subdivisions of the ipsilateral trigeminal sensory complex. Reaction product was focused in ventromedial portions of the principal nucleus, subnucleus oralis, and subnucleus interpolaris. The subnucleus oralis also contained sparse reaction product in its dorsomedial part. Projections were dense to ventrolateral parts of laminae I and II of the rostral medullary dorsal horn, with sparser projections to lamina V. Label in laminae I and V extended into the cervical dorsal horn. A few labeled fibers were followed to the contralateral dorsal horn. The interstitial neuropil of the ventral paratrigeminal nucleus was densely labeled. Extratrigeminal primary afferent projections in ethmoidal nerve cases involved the K?lliker-Fuse nucleus and ventrolateral part of the parabrachial nucleus, the reticular formation surrounding the rostral ambiguous complex, and the dorsal reticular formation of the closed medulla. Retrograde labeling in the brain was observed in only the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in these cases. The cervical trunk of the glossopharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerves also projected to the trigeminal sensory complex, but almost exclusively to its caudal parts. These nerves terminated in the dorsal and ventral paratrigeminal nuclei as well as lamina I of the medullary and cervical dorsal horns. Lamina V received sparse projections. The glossopharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerves projected to the ipsilateral solitary complex at all levels extending from the caudal facial nucleus to the cervical spinal cord. At the level of the obex, these nerves projected densely to ipsilateral areas ventral and ventromedial to the solitary tract. Additional ipsilateral projections were observed along the dorsolateral border of the solitary complex. Near the obex and caudally, the commissural area was labeled bilaterally. Labeled fibers from the solitary tract projected into the caudal reticular formation bilaterally, especially when the cervical trunk of the glossopharyngeal nerve received tracer. Labeled fibers descending further in the solitary tract gradually shifted toward the base of the cervical dorsal horn. The labeled fibers left the solitary tract and entered the spinal trigeminal tract at these levels. Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the ambiguous complex, especially rostrally, and in the rostral dorsal vagal nucleus after application of HRP and WGA-HRP to either the glossopharyngeal or superior laryngeal nerves. In glossopharyngeal nerve cases, retrogradely labeled neurons also were seen in the inferior salivatory nucleus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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