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The cell bodies of the lumbar sensory and sympathetic pre- and postganglionic neurons that project in the caudal lumbar sympathetic trunk of the cat have been labeled retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase applied to the central end of their cut axons. The application was made just proximal to the segmental ganglion that sends its gray rami to the L7 spinal nerve, and so identified the sympathetic outflow concerned primarily with the vasculature of the hindlimb and tail. The numbers, segmental distribution, location, and size of the labeled somata have been determined quantitatively. Labeled cell bodies were found ipsilaterally, but the segmental distributions of the different cell types were not matched. Afferent cell bodies lay in dorsal root ganglia L1-L5 (maximum L4), preganglionic cell bodies in spinal segments T10-L5 (maximum L2/3), and postganglionic cell bodies in ganglia L2-L5 (maximum L5). Both numbers and dimensions of labeled dorsal root ganglion cells were variable between experiments (maximum about 1,000); the majority were small relative to the entire population of sensory neurons. Labeled preganglionic cell bodies were located right across the intermediate region of the spinal cord, extending from the lateral part of the dorsolateral funiculus to the central canal. The highest density of labeled neurons lay at the border between the white and gray matter (corresponding to the intermediolateral cell column) with smaller proportions medially in L1-L2, and laterally in caudal L4-L5. Medial preganglionic neurons were generally larger than those lying in lateral positions. From the data, it is estimated that about 650 afferent, about 4,500 preganglionic, and some 2,500 postganglionic neurons project in each lumbar sympathetic trunk distal to the ganglion L5 in the cat.  相似文献   

Postnatal loss of axons in normal rat sciatic nerve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Myelinated and unmyelinated axons were counted in sciatic nerves of newborn, 5-day-old, 14-day-old, and adult rats. Myelinated axons increase from essentially none at birth to approximately 8,000 in adulthood, but total axon numbers decrease steadily from 33,954 at birth to 22,872 in adulthood. Thus there is a significant postnatal loss of axons from rat sciatic nerve. This loss is, in our opinion, not associated with the death of the cells that give rise to these axons. This is thus an example of a regressive event that probably is of importance in normal neural development, namely the postnatal elimination of axons unaccompanied by death of the neurons that give rise to axons. These findings presumably imply a considerable amount of proximal peripheral axon branching, and the postnatal elimination of axons in the sciatic nerve presumably results from a reduction of this branching. Thus postnatal elimination of processes on, for example, somatic muscle cells may be at least partially the result of long axon elimination rather than local withdrawal of presynaptic processes, as is usually thought to be the case. In addition, an increased number of axons resulting from early postnatal manipulations may indicate cessation of axon loss rather than formation of new axons.  相似文献   

The anatomy of the sympathetic pathways from the spinal cord to the lumbar sympathetic trunk and the inferior mesenteric ganglion was studied systematically in the rat. Details of the arrangements of white and gray rami communicantes, sympathetic trunk ganglia, the intermesenteric nerve, and the lumbar splanchnic nerves are summarized. A modified nomenclature for the segmental ganglia of the paravertebral sympathetic chain is proposed. Cell bodies of sensory and sympathetic axons projecting to the skin and skeletal muscle of the rat hindlimb were labeled retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in order to study numbers, segmental distribution, and location of the somata of these neurons quantitatively. HRP was applied to the nerves supplying skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius-soleus, GS), hairy skin (sural, SU; saphenous, SA) and to a mixed nerve (tibial, TI). All sensory somata and 96.4% of the sympathetic cell bodies were located ipsilaterally. Sensory somata were commonly restricted to two adjacent dorsal root ganglia (usually L3-4 for SA; L4-5 for GS, TI; L5-6 for SU). Although the sympathetic somata were more widely distributed rostrocaudally (four to six segments), their maximum was always located one or two segments more cranially than the sensory outflow, i.e., corresponding to the rami communicantes grisei. From the data, it is estimated that 420 sympathetic and 530 afferent neurons project into GS, 590 and 3,610 into SU, 920 and 3,750 into SA, and 1,070 and 5,760 into TI. These absolute neuron numbers are compared with electron microscopic fiber counts from the literature.  相似文献   

The cell bodies of the lumbar sensory and sympathetic pre- and postganglionic neurons that project to the inferior mesenteric ganglion in the lumbar splanchnic nerves of the cat have been labeled retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase applied to the central end of their cut axons near the inferior mesenteric ganglion. The numbers, segmental distribution, location, and size of these labeled somata have been determined quantitatively. After all the lumbar splanchnic nerves on one side of an animal were labeled, most labeled cell bodies were situated ipsilaterally in dorsal root ganglia, ganglia of the lumbar sympathetic trunk, and spinal cord segments L2-L5, with the maximum numbers in L3 and L4. A few labeled somata lay contralaterally or rostral to L2. After labeling of only one lumbar splanchnic nerve, the majority of cell bodies were found in the labeled segment, but a few were also present up to three segments rostral or caudal. These variations could always be attributed to extraspinal connections usually via the lumbar sympathetic trunk. Cross-sectional areas of labeled afferent somata were small relative to those of the entire population of dorsal root ganglion cells. Preganglionic cell bodies were labeled in the intermediate gray matter extending from its lateral border ventrolaterally across to the central canal. Two regions of high density were observed: one laterally just medial to the edge of the white matter and the other lateral to the central canal. The dorsolateral group lay somewhat medial and caudal to the usual limits of the intermediolateral column. Labeled preganglionic neurons were on the average larger than the unlabeled cells in the inferior mesenteric ganglion, with the group lying medially being larger than those that were laterally positioned. From the data, it is estimated that about 4,600 afferent axons, about 4,600 preganglionic axons, and about 2,800 postganglionic axons travel in the lumbar splanchnic nerves to the inferior mesenteric ganglion of the cat.  相似文献   

The composition of the cervical sympathetic trunk (CST) in the cat is still not completely understood. The present study investigates, by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method of tracing neuronal connections, the presence of postganglionic and sensory neurons projecting via the CST. Following sympathectomy at the midcervical level and the application of HRP crystals to the cut ends of the CST which had been isolated from the surrounding by a 1.5% solution of agar-agar, labelled neurons were seen in the superior cervical (SCG), stellate (SG), inferior vagal ganglia (IVG), and spinal ganglia C8–T8. The maximum number of labelled nuerons was 536 in the SCG, 460 in the SG, 180 in the IVG, and 104 in spinal ganglia C8–T8.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural preparations revealed the presence of unmyelinated axons in the pyramidal tract (PT) of the adult cat. At the level of the medulla oblongata, unmyelinated axons constituted 8–15% of the total PT population. Axon diameters ranged from 0.05 to 0.60 μm, with a mean of 0.18 μm. Although axons were distributed throughout the PT, their density was highest in the medial part.  相似文献   

Measurements of cell body and peripheral and central axon sizes were made for primary sensory neurons outlined by the intracellular injection of HRP. Conduction velocities were also measured on the outlined processes. The sensory neurons were then subdivided into A and C cells on the basis of the conduction velocity of the impulses carried by the processes of these cells. Central processes of both A and C cells are smaller than the peripheral processes, but the size differential is greater for the C cells. For A cells there is a linear relation between the size of the peripheral axon and the conduction velocity of the impulses carried by these axons, but the confidence limits are wide. For C cells there is a linear relation between the size of the central process and conduction velocity of the impulses carried by the processes, but for the peripheral processes two aberrant processes resulted in no correlation between process size and conduction velocity. For A cells, the size of the central and peripheral processes and the conduction velocity of the impulses carried by the peripheral processes are linearly correlated with cell body size. By contrast no such correlations can be demonstrated for C cells. This presumably implies an important difference in that the size of the cell body is correlated with axon size and impulse conduction velocity for A cells but not for C cells. A widely accepted generalization is that large sensory cells give rise to myelinated axons and small sensory cells to unmyelinated axons. In this study, myelinated and unmyelinated are defined on the basis of impulse conduction velocity. For those cells that are clearly large (greater than 50 microns in diameter), the conduction velocity of the impulses carried by their processes is always greater than 2.5 m/s, and for those cells that are clearly small (less than 35 microns in diameter), the conduction velocity is always less than 2.5 m/s. Thus for these cells the above generalization holds. For the intermediate-sized cells (35-50 microns), however, the size of the cell body bears no predictable relation to the conduction velocity of the impulses carried by those processes, and thus to whether the axons are myelinated or unmyelinated. Thus the above generalization does not hold for this intermediate group of cells, and since there are many cells in this size range, we feel that the generalization that large cells give rise to myelinated axons and small cells to unmyelinated axons is an oversimplification.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological experiments have been carried out to see if the proportions of sympathetic postganglionic and unmyelinated afferent axons in a cutaneous nerve were changed after injury and regeneration. It seemed possible that an alteration in the relative numbers of the two groups of axons could contribute to the aetiology of reflex sympathetic dystrophy, but the experiments provided no evidence for such a change. There were, however, signs of a decrease in axon numbers in the regenerated nerves.  相似文献   

The cell bodies of thoracolumbar sensory and sympathetic pre- and postganglionic neurons that project to the colon and pelvic organs of the male rat were labeled retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in order to study numbers, segmental distribution, and location of the somata of these neurons quantitatively. HRP was applied to one hypogastric nerve (HGN), to the lumbar colonic nerves (LCN) and to the intermesenteric nerve (IMN). In order to estimate the significance of the branching of one axon into both hypogastric nerves a double-labeling technique with fluorogold and HRP was used. About 2640 neurons project into the two HGN added together (800 afferent, 1320 pre-, and 520 postganglionic), 4650 neurons into the LCN (360 afferent, 0 pre- and 4290 postganglionic), and 5990 into the IMN (1500 afferent, 1250 pre-, and 3240 postganglionic). About 4190 sympathetic postganglionic prevertebral neurons innervate the colon and pelvic organs, 1900 are located in the inferior mesenteric ganglion and 2290 in ganglia of the IMN. Considering the efferent component, the HGN mainly are preganglionic and the LCN exclusively postganglionic nerves. Branching of one axon into both HGN is a rare event and quantitatively negligible (less than 3%). Afferent neurons of all three nerves were found in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) T12-L2 with the maximum in L1 and L2. The distribution of afferent neurons projecting into the LCN is shifted slightly more rostrally compared to neurons projecting into the HGN. The IMN distribution is located in a position in between. Preganglionic neurons projecting into the IMN are located in the spinal cord segments T12-L3 with the maximum in L1 and L2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The microtubular content and caliber of sensory axons were studied in the L7 dorsal root, at the distal pole of the L7 spinal ganglion, and in the sural nerve of cats. Calibers of myelinated axons were symmetrical about the ganglion. In contrast, nonmedullated axons were strikingly different; 80% of the population at the root were smaller than 0.4 micron2, whilst just across the ganglion the same group was less than 20%. The microtubule densities of myelinated axons of the root were 11.8 and 6.1 microtubules/micron2 for 3- and 10 microns diameter axons, respectively. Across the ganglion the densities of myelinated axons of equal sizes were 24.2 and 14.4 microtubules/micron2, respectively. These values represent an approximate ratio of 1:2 between central and peripheral microtubule densities. Microtubule densities for nonmedullated axons also decreased with the increase in the cross-sectional area. The densities of root nonmedullated axons ranged between 90 and 10 microtubules/micron2; these were smaller, usually by a factor of three, than the densities of peripheral axons of a similar size (range: 367-44). Contrasting with the differences observed across the ganglion, the microtubular content and caliber of sensory axons seems to be quite uniform along their peripheral course. This is supported by the similar values found in the juxtaganglionic and sural nerves. It is estimated that an axon that contains 90 microtubules/micron2 has 26.7 mg of tubulin per ml of axoplasm in its assembled form, and 3.0 mg/ml if it contains 10 microtubules/micron2; these values are the practical limits of assembled tubulin in axoplasms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cell bodies of the lumbar sensory and sympathetic pre- and postganglionic neurons that project to the pelvic organs in the hypogastric nerve of the cat have been labeled retrogradely with horseradish peroxidase applied to the central end of their cut axons. The numbers, segmental distribution, location, and size of these labeled somata have been determined quantitatively. Afferent and preganglionic cell bodies were located bilaterally in dorsal root ganglia and spinal cord segments L3-L5, with the maximum numbers in L4. Very few cells lay rostral to L3. Afferent cell bodies were generally very small in cross-sectional area relative to the entire population in the dorsal root ganglia. Most of the preganglionic cell bodies lay clustered just medial to the region of the intermediolateral column and extended caudally well beyond its usual limit in the upper part of L4. These neurons were, on the average, larger than the cells of the intermediolateral column itself, with the largest cells lying in the most medial positions. Most of the post-ganglionic somata were in the ipsilateral distal lobe of the inferior mesenteric ganglion, while some (usually less than 10%) lay in accessory ganglia along the lumbar splanchnic nerves and in paravertebral ganglia L3-L5. Postganglionic somata in the inferior mesenteric ganglion were larger than both labeled and unlabeled ganglion cells in the paravertebral ganglia. From the data, it is estimated that about 1,300 afferent neurons, about 1,700 preganglionic neurons, and about 17,000 postganglionic neurons project in each hypogastric nerve in the cat.  相似文献   

A double fluorescence labeling technique was developed to study the specificity of dye-coupling among frog spinal neurons. A pool of motoneurons known to be electrically coupled was prelabeled with a large molecule (rhodamine conjugated to horseradish peroxidase) that was not expected to pass through gap junctions. Then a single sensory or motor neuron within or outside this pool was injected with lucifer yellow to see if the dye spread specifically among neurons that are electrically coupled. We observed almost no examples of specific dye-coupling.  相似文献   

Newborn rats were given subcutaneous injections of antibodies to mouse beta -NGF (ANTI-NGF) daily for 1 month. The number of neurons in T4-T6 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and the numbers of myelinated and unmyelinated axons in the dorsal roots of the same segments were counted in the ANTI-NGF animals and in normal littermates. The ANTI-NGF rats had 38% fewer neurons in thoracic ganglia but 17% more myelinated and 40% more unmyelinated fibers than their untreated littermates. Dorsal root ganglion cells also have a larger average size in the ANTI-NGF animals, which we interpret as a disproportionate loss of small cells. These data are interpreted as showing that some dorsal root ganglion cells, principally small ones, die when endogenous NGF is inactivated, and that the remaining cells emit more processes than normal. Thus, removal of NGF has what appears to be a paradoxical effect, a reduction in dorsal root ganglion cell numbers but an increase in dorsal root axon numbers. The relation of myelin thickness to fiber diameter is also altered, with small fibers being more thinly myelinated in the ANTI-NGF group. Thus, Schwann cell-neuronal interactions are also affected by inactivation of NGF.  相似文献   

Kennedy WR 《Muscle & nerve》2004,29(6):756-767
Neurological practice is mainly focused on signs and symptoms of disorders that involve functions governed by myelinated nerves. Functions controlled by unmyelinated nerve fibers have necessarily remained in the background because of the inability to consistently stain, image, or construct clinically applicable neurophysiological tests of these nerves. The situation has changed with the introduction of immunohistochemical methods and confocal microscopy into clinical medicine, as these provide clear images of thin unmyelinated nerves in most organs. One obvious sign of change is the increasing number of reports from several laboratories of the pathological alterations of cutaneous nerves in skin biopsies from patients with a variety of clinical conditions. This study reviews recent methods to stain and image unmyelinated nerves as well as the use of these methods for diagnosing peripheral neuropathy, for experimental studies of denervation and reinnervation in human subjects, and for demonstrating the vast array of unmyelinated nerves in internal organs. The new ability to examine the great variety of nerves in different organs opens opportunities and creates challenges and responsibilities for neurologists and neuroscientists.  相似文献   

The spinal distribution of sympathetic preganglionic neurons (PGN) and visceral primary afferent neurons sending axons into the hypogastric nerve of the cat has been studied with HRP tracing techniques. After application of HRP to the cat hypogastric nerve, labeled PGN were identified in segments L2-L5. Most of these neurons were oriented transversely and were divided approximately equally between two nuclei: the principal nucleus and the intercalated nucleus. Cells were distributed in clusters at 160-361-microns intervals along the length of the cord. Sensory neurons were labeled in dorsal root ganglia from T12 to L5. Central axons of these visceral afferents were observed in the medial half of Lissauer's tract from T13 to L7. Afferent axon collaterals extended through lamina I on both sides of the dorsal horn but were most prominent on the lateral side, where they continued into lateral lamina V and VII, often overlapping the dorsal dendrites of PGN in this region. Labeled afferent projections exhibited a periodic distribution in lamina I with clusters of axons occurring at 235-343-microns intervals in the rostrocaudal axis. The central projection of hypogastric nerve primary afferents was qualitatively similar to the distribution of visceral afferent projections at other levels of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

S. Orimo, T. Uchihara, T. Kanazawa, Y. Itoh, K. Wakabayashi, A. Kakita and H. Takahashi (2011) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 37, 791–802 Unmyelinated axons are more vulnerable to degeneration than myelinated axons of the cardiac nerve in Parkinson's disease Aims: We recently demonstrated accumulation of α‐synuclein aggregates of the cardiac sympathetic nerve in Parkinson's disease (PD) and a possible relationship between degeneration of the cardiac sympathetic nerve and α‐synuclein aggregates. The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a difference in the degenerative process between unmyelinated and myelinated axons of the cardiac nerve. Methods: We immunohistochemically examined cardiac tissues from four pathologically verified PD patients, nine patients with incidental Lewy body disease (ILBD) and five control subjects, using antibodies against neurofilament, myelin basic protein (MBP) and α‐synuclein. First, we counted the number of neurofilament‐immunoreactive axons not surrounded by MBP (unmyelinated axons) and those surrounded by MBP (myelinated axons). Next, we counted the number of unmyelinated and myelinated axons with α‐synuclein aggregates. Results: (i) The percentage of unmyelinated axons in PD (77.5 ± 9.14%) was significantly lower compared to that in control subjects (92.2 ± 2.40%). (ii) The ratio of unmyelinated axons with α‐synuclein aggregates to total axons with α‐synuclein aggregates in ILBD ranged from 94.4 to 100 (98.2 ± 2.18%). Among axons with α‐synuclein aggregates, unmyelinated axons were the overwhelming majority, comprising 98.2%. Conclusion: These findings suggest that in PD unmyelinated axons are more vulnerable to degeneration than myelinated axons of the cardiac nerve, because α‐synuclein aggregates accumulate much more abundantly in unmyelinated axons.  相似文献   

P. McConnel  M. Berry 《Brain research》1982,241(2):362-365
The hypothesis that regenerative failure of axons in the adult mammalian CNS is due to release of a growth inhibitor from injured oligodendrocytes and/or myelin2, predicts that regeneration of injured fibers would proceed unchecked in unmyelinated CNS regions. This prediction was borne out by observations on the stratum opticarum of the mouse retina. Axonal sprouts, first seen 14–16 h post-lesion (pl), continued growing until at least 100 days pl, well beyond the time at which regeneration fails in myelinated CNS regions.  相似文献   

J.J.A. Scott   《Brain research》1987,401(1):152-154
Tests were made to ascertain the numbers of skeletofusimotor axons reinnervating muscle spindles following crush or section of the nerve to peroneus tertius in adult cats. After short periods of recovery there was no change in the proportion of skeletofusimotor axons compared with normal animals.  相似文献   

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