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Characterization of a K562 multidrug-resistant cell line   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A daunorubicin-resistant variant of the K562 human leukemia cell line (K562-R), which demonstrates cross-resistance to other anthracycline antibiotics and Vinca alkaloids, has been developed in vitro by continuous exposure to daunorubicin. Cross-resistance to anthracyclines and Vinca alkaloids is reversed when cells are exposed to drugs in the presence of verapamil, a calcium channel blocker. The K562-R cell line overexpresses a 4.5-kilobase mRNA, which is thought to code for the Mr 170,000 membrane glycoprotein associated with multidrug resistance. Transport studies indicate reduced intracellular accumulation and retention of daunorubicin in the K562-R cells as compared to the parent cell line. These studies further suggest the presence of distinct cellular pools composed of both rapidly and slowly exchanging drug, with the rapidly exchanging pool being more pronounced in the resistant line. The development of multidrug resistance in the K562-R cell line is also associated with the overexpression of five different cell surface membrane proteins ranging in molecular weight between 50,000 and 210,000, whose function remains to be defined.  相似文献   

A subline of the human breast tumor cell line (MCF-7), selected for resistance to Adriamycin and having the multidrug resistance phenotype, also developed significant cross-resistance to mitomycin C and its two analogues, BMY 25282 and BMY 25067. Because mitomycin C and the analogues contain both quinone and aziridine moieties, the mechanism of tumor cell kill is thought to involve alkylation and cross-linking of DNA molecules, hence they are not expected to show cross-resistance to cells selected for resistance to a DNA intercalator. Studies to understand this novel observation show that the resistant MCF-7 cells form significantly less hydroxyl radical and DNA cross-linking in the presence of mitomycin C and BMY 25282 than the sensitive cells. Although BMY 25067 formed less free radicals in the resistant cells, similar to the other two drugs, the formation of DNA cross-links was identical in both cell lines, indicating a somewhat different mechanism of tumor cell kill by this analogue. DNA cross-link formation increased slightly with time in the sensitive cells while there was a small decrease in the resistant cells. This difference in the formation of toxic intermediates appeared to result from enhanced detoxification of reactive species (hydrogen peroxide and alkylating intermediates) as a result of significantly higher glutathione peroxidase (14-fold) and glutathione S-transferase (44-fold) activities in the resistant cell line. These events, i.e., free radical formation and DNA alkylation, showed a good correlation with the cytotoxicity in drug-sensitive cells, indicating that both mechanisms contribute to cell killing of human breast tumor cells.  相似文献   

Although collateral sensitivity to gamma radiation has previously been described in multidrug-resistant tumor cell lines, we describe here a multidrug-resistant human T-cell acute lymphatic leukemia cell line, L100, which displayed increased sensitivity to both gamma radiation and cis-platinum.Cis-platinum cytotoxicity of parental L0 cells and L100 cells was enhanced, whereas radiation sensitivity of L0 and L100 cells was unaltered by glutathione depletion. These results indicate that disparate mechanisms are operative in the collateral sensitivity of L100 cells to gamma radiation and cis-platinum.Financially supported by The Jacob Wallerstein Foundation, The Children's Leukemia Research Foundation, The Margaret and Walter Schmid Leukemia Research Endowment and The Marcia Slater Society for Research in Leukemia  相似文献   

Summary H69AR is a multidrug-resistant human small-cell lung carcinoma cell line that was selected in doxorubicin and has previously been shown to be cross-resistant to a variety of natural-product-type anticancer drugs. H69AR is unlike many other multidrug-resistant cell lines in that it does not overexpress P-glycoprotein. In the present study, the drug sensitivity and cross-resistance patterns of H69AR cells were further characterized. A total of 15 drugs belonging to a number of chemical classes were screened. These compounds included anthracyclines, DNA binders (anthrapyrazoles, benzothiopyranoindazoles, and pyrazoloacridines), and lipophilic antifolates. The alkylating agent melphalan and the antimetabolite cytosine arabinofuranoside (Ara-C) were also tested. In general, the drug sensitivity and cross-resistance profiles of H69AR cells were consistent with those reported by others using other drug-resistant cell lines. However, there were several unexpected instances of cross-resistance. Thus, the H69AR cell line was more resistant than its parent cell line to the potent 3’-deamino-3’-(3-cyano-4-morpholinyl) doxorubicin, bisantrene, the pyrazoloacridine PD 114541, Ara-C, and melphalan. In addition, no cross-resistance to the four lipophilic antifolates tested, including trimetrexate, was found. The absence of a consistent pattern among the various drug-resistant cell lines indicates that assumptions about the efficacy of anticancer drugs in multidrug resistance should be made with caution. Supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute of Canada Correspondence and proofs: S. P. C. Cole, Ph. D., Cancer Research Laboratories, Botterell Hall Rm 331. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Canada, TEL 613-545-6358. FAX 613-544-9708  相似文献   

Clinical usefulness of doxorubicin (DOX) is limited by the occurrence of multidrug resistance (MDR) associated with the presence of membrane transporters (e.g. P-glycoprotein, MRP1) responsible for the active efflux of drugs out of resistant cells. Doxorubicin is a well-known bioreductive antitumour drug. Its ability to undergo a one-electron reduction by cellular oxidoreductases is related to the formation of an unstable semiquionone radical and followed by the production of reactive oxygen species. There is an increasing body of evidence that the activation of bioreductive drugs could result in the alkylation or crosslinking binding of DNA and lead to the significant increase in the cytotoxic activity against tumour cells. The aim of this study was to examine the role of reductive activation of DOX by the human liver NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) in increasing its cytotoxic activity especially in regard to MDR tumour cells. It has been evidenced that, upon CPR catalysis, DOX underwent only the redox cycling (at low NADPH concentration) or a multistage chemical transformation (at high NADPH concentration). It was also found, using superoxide dismutase (SOD), that the first stage undergoing reductive activation according to the mechanism of the redox cycling had the key importance for the metabolic conversion of DOX. In the second part of this work, the ability of DOX to inhibit the growth of human promyelocytic-sensitive leukaemia HL60 cell line as well as its MDR sublines exhibiting two different phenotypes of MDR related to the overexpression of P-glycoprotein (HL60/VINC) or MRP1 (HL60/DOX) was studied in the presence of exogenously added CPR. Our assays showed that the presence of CPR catalysing only the redox cycling of DOX had no effect in increasing its cytotoxicity against sensitive and MDR tumour cells. In contrast, an important increase in cytotoxic activity of DOX after its reductive conversion by CPR was observed against HL60 as well as HL60/VINC and HL60/DOX cells.  相似文献   

We have studied the metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene (BP) by intact mouse hepatoma cells, at nM concentrations of the carcinogen, using an assay in which we directly measure the rate of BP fluorescence disappearance. The rate of BP metabolism is half-maximal, at limiting cell dilution, when the concentration of BP is about 4 nM. This apparent Km for BP metabolism is much lower than those reported previously for several reasons. (a) Partitioning of BP into cells markedly influences kinetic measurements, and we account for these effects. (b) Enzyme inducers can competitively inhibit BP metabolism and thus may introduce artifacts into kinetic measurements. (c) Under the conditions of this assay, phenolic BP metabolites are produced but do not accumulate, due to their further metabolism; therefore, assays of BP metabolism which measure the production of phenols, such as the commonly used aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase assay, may markedly underestimate the rate of BP metabolism when intact cells and low substrate concentrations are used. Our results show that cells can efficiently metabolize BP when exposed to BP concentrations similar to those present in the environment.  相似文献   

Puromycin-resistant (PurR) mutants/variants of a human carcinoma cell line (HeLa), which show greatly reduced cellular uptake of 3H-puromycin and 3H-daunomycin have been isolated after one- and two-step selections in presence of the drug. The cross-resistance pattern of these mutant cell lines towards numerous anticancer drugs and other inhibitors has been examined. Both the first- and the second-step mutants exhibited increased resistance to a number of antimitotic drugs (viz. vinblastine, vincristine, colchicine, taxol and maytansine), several protein synthesis inhibitors (viz. chalcomycin, bruceantin, harringtonine, homoharringtonine), a large number of DNA interactive compounds (viz. aclacinomycin A, actinomycin D, adriamycin, m-AMSA, chromomycin A3, coralyne sulphoacetate, daunomycin, ellipticine, mithramycin, mitoxantrone, 5-methoxysterigmatocystin, rubidazone, variamycin, VM26 and VP16-213) and a number of other drugs acting via other mechanisms (viz. Baker's antifol, nitidine chloride and rhodamine 123). Whereas the first-step mutants showed stable resistance to these drugs, the second-step lines partially reverted upon growth in non-selective medium. Further, treatment of these mutant lines with non-cytotoxic doses of the calcium channel blocker verapamil reverted or abolished their resistance to the above drugs in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast to the above compounds, the PurR mutants showed no significant cross-resistance to a large number of other drugs which included asaley, AT-125, 5-azacytidine, azaserine, cyclocytidine, cis-platin, cytosine arabinoside, chlorambucil, chlorpromazine, alpha-difluoromethyl ornithine, 5-fluorouracil, ftorafur, gallium nitrate, hydroxyurea, ICRF-159, ICRF-187, imipramine, methotraxate, 6-methylmercaptopurine riboside, mycophenolic acid, melphalan, mitomycin C, methyl GAG, nafoxidine, reumycin, 6-selenoguanosine, 6-thioguanine, tiazofurin, tamoxifen, thalicarpine, tiapamil and verapamil). These cross-resistance data should prove useful in developing suitable drug combinations to which cellular resistance would not develop readily.  相似文献   

Natural-killer (NK) cell-derived malignant tumors, such as angiocentric lymphoma, is often resistant to various chemotherapeutic agents and follows an aggressive clinical course. We report the effects of physiological oxidants (hydrogen peroxide, H2O2; sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl and monochloramine, NH2Cl) on the cell growth and cell death in a multidrug-resistant NK tumor cell line, NK-YS. Among the oxidants tested, NH2Cl was most cytotoxic, in which more than 90% of the cells died at 150 nmol/1 x 10(6) cells. H2O2 was less cytotoxic, whereas NaOCl showed no significant cell death at this dose. The cell death induced by NH2Cl was accompanied by DNA cleavage and caspase activation, which suggested apoptosis. In addition, lower dose of NH2Cl (70 nmol/1 x 10(6) cells) retarded cell growth and inhibited the cell cycle transition from G1 to S. This cell cycle arrest accompanied a decrease in the phosphorylation of retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein at serine 795. These observations suggest that NH2Cl may induce apoptotic cell death and growth arrest in multidrug-resistant NK cell tumors.  相似文献   

Overcoming multidrug resistance (MDR) is an urgent issue to improve the prognosis of osteosarcoma patients. In this study, we undertook to clarify the effect of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with acridine orange (AO) on the MDR mouse osteosarcoma (MOS / ADR1) cell line, by comparing the outcome with the effect on a chemosensitive osteosarcoma (MOS) cell line. Cultured cells of MOS and MOS / ADR1 cell lines were exposed to AO at various concentrations for various times, followed by long- or short-term (10 or 1 min) illumination with blue light (466.5 nm) for excitation. Living cells were counted by means of the trypan blue exclusion test. The results showed that AO rapidly bound to DNA, RNA and lysosomes of living MOS and MOS / ADR1 cells and also that most tumor cells in both cell lines died rapidly (viability ratio to untreated cells: 1/1000) within 48 h under conditions of continuous or 15-min flash exposure to AO at concentrations above 1.0 microg/ml plus 10-min illumination with blue light. Even after flash exposure to AO at concentrations above 1.0 microg/ml plus 1-min illumination, the viability of MOS/ADR1 cells decreased to a viability ratio of less than 1/ 1000 within 72 h. Based on these results, we concluded that AO with photo-excitation has a strong cytocidal effect, not only on chemosensitive mouse osteosarcoma cells, but also on MDR mouse osteosarcoma cells. These results suggested that photodynamic therapy with AO may be a new approach to treating MDR human osteosarcomas.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out in a variant human multidrug-resistant (MDR) cell line CEM/A7R, which expresses very low levels of mdr1 mRNA and P-glycoprotein (P-gp). The induction of mdr1 RNA expression by three anthracyclines, (doxorubicin, daunorubicin, epirubicin), VP-16 and two vinca alkaloids (vincristine, vinblastine) was semiquantitatively assessed by scanning Northern blots on a phosphorimager. The relative level of mdr1 expression was expressed as ratio of mdr1 to the internal RNA (actin). A significant increase (P < 0.02) in expression of mdr1 was noted within 4 hrs of exposure to 1.5 micrograms ml-1 daunorubicin or epirubicin. Neither vinblastine nor vincristine had any effect on mdr1 levels after an 8 h exposure. With increasing concentrations of daunorubicin or epirubicin in a fixed 24 h time period, mdr1 expression increased, although a biphasic response was seen. Based on MRK 16 binding, an increase in P-gp levels was seen in the CEM/A7R line after a 24 h exposure to 1 microgram ml-1 daunorubicin or epirubicin. The rapid increase in mdr1 expression after a short period of exposure to doxorubicin, daunorubicin or epirubicin suggests that induction of mdr1 expression may have an important role in the development of drug-resistant tumours.  相似文献   

Membrane transport characteristics of the folate analogue methotrexate (MTX) were studied in a human squamous carcinoma cell line of the head and neck (HNSCC) adapted to grow in tissue culture media with nanomolar reduced folate concentrations (SCC-11B-LF), as compared to SCC-11B cells grown in standard medium containing high folate concentrations. We observed that SCC-11B-LF cells exhibited a 10.5-fold increased uptake of [3H]-MTX via the reduced folate/MTX carrier system compared to SCC-11B cells. Affinity labelling of the reduced folate/MTX carrier system suggests that the up-regulation of [3H]-MTX transport mainly results from an increased rate of carrier translocation, and only to a minor extent (15-20%) from an increased amount of carrier protein. The upregulation of MTX transport resulted in a 2.4-fold increased growth inhibitory effect by MTX. These results suggest that membrane transport may play a more important role in MTX-cytotoxicity when SCC-11B cells in vitro are grown in more physiological folate concentrations.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Epidemiological and animal studies indicate that regular acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) intake is associated with a reduction in the incidence of colorectal cancer. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) has also been shown to inhibit colorectal cancer cell proliferation in?vitro. The molecular basis for this specific cytotoxicity is an area of considerable debate. To investigate the toxicity of salicylates, the sensitivity of the DNA mismatch repair proficient SW480 human colorectal cancer cell line to four categories of compounds with varying degrees of structural similarity to acetylsalicylic acid was tested. These compounds were: i) salicylic acid analogues with substituents at the 5-position; ii) ASA analogues with extended chain lengths in the acyl group; iii) vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde; and iv) bis(2-carboxyphenyl) succinate (BCS) and structurally similar derivatives thereof. It was found that compounds with amino and acetamido substituents at the salicylate 5-position were less toxic than ASA itself. Modifications to the length of the hydrocarbon chain in the acyl groups of ASA analogues also marginally reduced toxicity. Vanillin exhibited relatively limited toxicity against the SW480 colorectal cancer cell line. Commercially available and in-house synthesised BCS (diaspirin) were notably more inhibitory to cell growth than ASA itself, yet retained substantial specificity against colorectal cancer cell lines vs. non-colorectal cancer cell lines. BCS and ASA were toxic to SW480 cells through initiation of necrotic and apoptotic pathways. Fumaroyldiaspirin and benzoylaspirin exhibited greater toxicity than ASA against the SW480 cell line. A novel method for synthesis of BCS, a compound that has erratic commercial availability, is described. We propose that the anti-inflammatory and anticancer capacity of BCS and the other analogues described herein is worthy of investigation.  相似文献   

Cellular resistance to the antifolate methotrexate (MTX) is often caused by target amplification, uptake defects, or alterations in polyglutamylation. Here we have examined MTX cross-resistance in a human breast carcinoma cell line (MCF7/MX) selected in the presence of mitoxantrone, an anticancer agent associated with the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype. Examination of protein expression and enzyme activities showed that MCF7/MX cells displayed none of the classical mechanisms of MTX resistance. They did, however, exhibit an ATP-sensitive accumulation defect accompanied by reduced polyglutamylation. Although the kinetics of drug uptake was similar between parental and resistant cells, the resistant cells exhibited increased energy-dependent drug efflux. This suggested the involvement of an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter. However, cells transfected with the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP)-the ABC transporter known to be highly overexpressed in MCF7/MX cells and to confer mitoxantrone resistance (D. D. Ross et al., J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 91: 429-433, 1999)-were not MTX resistant, which suggested that this transporter is not involved in MTX cross-resistance. Moreover, members of the MRP protein family of transport proteins, which had previously been implicated in MTX resistance, were not found to be overexpressed in the MCF7/MX cells. Thus, our data suggest that a novel MTX-specific efflux pump may be involved in this unusual cross-resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Resistance to tamoxifen (TAM) represents a significant challenge to the management of breast cancer. We previously reported that the estrogen receptor (ER)-negative hormone-independent T47D:C42 cell line has both elevated protein kinase Calpha (PKCalpha) protein expression and basal activator protein-1 activity compared with the parental ER+ (hormone-dependent) T47D:A18 cell line. Stable transfection of PKCalpha to the T47D:A18 breast cancer cell line results in increased basal activator protein-1 activity, reduced ER function, increased proliferation rate, and hormone-independent growth (Tonetti et al., Br. J. Cancer, 83: 782-791, 2000). In this report, we further characterize the role of PKCalpha overexpression in vivo to elucidate a possible molecular mechanism of tamoxifen resistance. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: To determine whether the T47D:A18/PKCalpha cell line would produce hormone-independent tumors in athymic mice, we injected T47D:A18, T47D:A18/neo, or the T47D:A18/PKCalpha20 cell clones bilaterally into the mammary fat pads of athymic mice. Tumor growth was evaluated following treatment with estradiol (E2), TAM, and the pure antiestrogen, ICI 182,780. RESULTS: Mice receiving either T47D:A18 or T47D:A18/neo cells produced tumors that grew in response to E2 treatment, whereas the untreated control and TAM-treated groups showed no tumor growth. Interestingly, mice receiving the T47D:A18/PKCalpha20 clone produced tumors in both the control and TAM groups, whereas tumor growth was inhibited in mice treated with E2. PKCalpha was also overexpressed in an MCF-7 tumor model that also exhibited TAM-stimulated and E2-induced regression. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that overexpression of PKCalpha in breast tumors results in hormone-independent tumor growth that cannot be inhibited by TAM treatment. Furthermore, the finding that E2 has an antitumor effect on breast tumors overexpressing PKCalpha is a novel observation that may have important therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

The production of a cytotoxic factor synthesized by human haemic killer cells growing in vitro is described. The factor can be found extra- and intra-cellularly. It is released from the cells by an apocrine form of secretion, illustrated by light and electron micrographs. The culture fluid from 14C-labelled killer cells reveals numerous radioactive bands following SDS-gel electrophoresis. The killing factor is precipitated by 30 to 60% saturation of ammonium sulphate. Cultures of human rhabdomyosarcoma and osteosarcoma cells are more susceptible to the killer cells than normal human dermal or lung fibroblasts. During contact or killer with target cells a higher level of cytotoxic activity can be detected in the culture fluid. The cell-killing activity is completely inactivated by 30 min at 60 degrees C, but it is not absorbed by target cells during 1 h of incubation. The cytotoxic factor is unlikely to be an interferon since it did not prevent the replication of a wide range of viruses and only a low level of interferon could be detected in the culture medium. The introduction of Strep. faecalis into cultures of killer cells caused their transformation into immunoblast-like cells, indicating their lymphoid origin. The cells did not phagocytose the microorganism. When the humoral factor was injected into fibro-sarcoma-bearing mice approximately 50% survived, whereas all control animals died.  相似文献   

Gong Y  Wang Y  Chen F  Han J  Miao J  Shao N  Fang Z  Ou Yang R 《Leukemia research》2000,24(9):769-774
We examined the subcellular distribution of daunorubicin (DNR) in resistant K562 cell line which overexpress the P-glycoprotein by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Three fluorescent probes - Rhodamine123, neutral red, NBD-ceramide, which stain the mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus respectively, were used to identify the nature of the subcellular compartment sequestering daunorubicin. In sensitive k562 cell line, nuclear and cytoplasmic DNR fluorescence was intense and diffuse. In contrast, resistant K562 cell line showed a different DNR distribution. A bright fluorescence signal was located in the perinuclear region and peripheral plasma, the nucleus and other cytoplasmic region appear as empty, as suggested by the distribution of fluorescent probe Rhodamine123 specifically for mitochondria. Verapamil, an effective resistance modulator in P-glycoprotein MDR cells, restored the DNR distribution closer to that in the parent cells. Golgic inhibitor brefeldin A and lysosomotropic agent chloroquine had little effect on drug sequestration. Our studies demonstrate that daunorubicin may be sequestered in mitochondrial compartment in the resistant cells and P-glycoprotein plays an important role on mediating DNR transport.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate how caffeine modifies the cytotoxic effects of paclitaxel on a human lung carcinoma cell line. Caffeine doses up to 5mM had less effect on clonogenic survival. The cell killing effect, due to paclitaxel, increased in a dose-dependent manner up to 50 nM. For combined treatment with caffeine and paclitaxel, added caffeine reduced the cytotoxic effect of paclitaxel not only in dose-response but also in time-response curves. Caffeine combined with paclitaxel clearly suppressed cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. In the cell cycle analysis, caffeine alone caused early G1 accumulation, whereas paclitaxel alone caused an early increase in G2-M and a decrease in G1. As for the effect of caffeine on paclitaxel, caffeine suppressed the effect of paclitaxel on cell cycle distribution, where a dose-dependent early increase in G2-M and a decrease in G1 were not clear. We suggest that cell cycle modifying agents, such as caffeine, potentially diminish the cytotoxic activity of paclitaxel, and one should be careful when combining such agents.  相似文献   

We have evaluated whether selection of a human tumor leukemic line for resistance to vinblastine (Velban; VLB) alters its tumorigenicity. To address this question, CEM and CEM/VLB100 cells [which express the multiple drug-resistant (MDR) phenotype via amplification of the P-glycoprotein gene] were characterized by several techniques including chromosome banding, in situ hybridization, Southern blotting, RNA dot blotting, in vitro drug sensitivity, and tumorigenicity in nude mice. Analysis of the chromosome banding patterns of both drug-sensitive CEM cells and the MDR CEM/VLB100 cells revealed that the two lines differed primarily by the presence of a large metacentric marker chromosome associated with the acquisition of VLB resistance. In situ hybridization of a P-glycoprotein complementary DNA to metaphase chromosomes showed that the amplified P-glycoprotein genes in the CEM/VLB100 cell line were localized to this large marker. Tumorigenicity of both the CEM and CEM/VLB100 cell lines was measured after injection of 10(7) cells/nude mouse. The results showed that 4 of 4 drug-sensitive and 4 of 5 drug-resistant cell lines formed tumors in 5-10 wk. By comparison with the parental line, three of the four tumors arising from the CEM/VLB100 line retained their drug-resistance properties as measured by vinblastine resistance in vitro and elevated P-glycoprotein mRNA expression associated with P-glycoprotein gene amplification. In addition, tumors retaining the MDR phenotype also retained the large metacentric marker chromosome. One tumor arising from CEM/VLB100 reverted to the drug-sensitive phenotype, with a resultant decrease in P-glycoprotein mRNA expression and loss of P-glycoprotein gene amplification. This revertant was also missing the large metacentric marker present in all cells from the CEM/VLB100 parent. Our experiments show that the acquisition of the MDR phenotype resulting from overexpression of P-glycoprotein in the plasma membrane does not effect the tumorigenicity of human CEM cells.  相似文献   

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