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An investigation aimed at assessing the microbiological quality of meals consumed at a university canteen after implementation of the HACCP system and personnel training was carried out. Cooked and warm-served products (74 samples), cooked and cold-served products (92 samples) and cold gastronomy products (63 samples) sampled from 2000 to 2007 underwent microbiological analyses. All the samples were tested for: Samonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, total mesophilic aerobes, coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and sulphite-reducing clostridia. The microbiological contamination of work surfaces (tables, tablewares, cutters, ladles, slicing machines, wash-basins, etc.), hands and white coats of members of the canteen staff was also assessed. The microbiological results clearly demonstrated the success of the HACCP plan implementation, through a general improvement of the hygiene conditions of both meals and work surfaces.  相似文献   

危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系是被国际权威机构认可的科学、简便、实用的预防性食品安全体系。应用HACCP理论进行医院营养餐质量管理,制定科学合理的加工工艺流程,分析影响营养餐安全性的显著危害,提出预防措施,建立关键控制点,并指出对关键控制点如何建立域值,如何监控、纠正、验证和记录,是提高管理效率和营养质量、增加病人满意度的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市某区餐饮服务单位餐饮具卫生状况及消毒效果,探讨其影响因素,提出相应管理对策。方法对2015—2017年某区餐饮行业、单位食堂、集体用餐配送单位的餐饮具进行采样检测。结果3年内共采样送检4 149件,合格3 845件,合格率92.7%。不同年度的餐饮具检测合格率差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.02,P>0.05),不同季度的差异具有统计学意义(χ2=11.12,P<0.05),不同类型饮食服务机构的差异有统计学意义(χ2=52.25,P<0.01),不同消毒方式的差异有统计学意义(χ2=41.36,P<0.01),不同等级企业的差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.10,P<0.01)。结论2015—2017年某区餐饮具消毒合格率较高,但仍存在食品安全风险。建议今后要加强对合格率较低的企业的甄别、指导与监管,加大餐饮从业人员培训,加深对监督抽检成果的汇总、分析与利用。  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to measure the quality of a restaurant service of a geriatric rehabilitation and long-term setting as it is perceived from patients compared with an objective measure of the quality. We have also verified the weight of the restaurant service on the whole quality of the hospital. Our data showed some problems in the organisation of the service, a substantially negative judgment from patients, the necessity to integrate subjective judgments with objective evaluations. The data confirmed also the importance that patients give to taste and variability of food and to the way in which it is presented. The results we obtained suggested an audit of the organisation of the restaurant service. The outcome of the proposed changes will be followed up and bring, eventually, to further arrangements.  相似文献   

Restaurant steak meals were analyzed for proximate and mineral composition by standard methodology. Nutritional adequacy of the meals was determined by comparing analyzed values with Recommended Dietary Allowances for adults. The meals were considered to be adequate in a nutrient if they provided at least one-third the RDA for that nutrient. Analyzed values were also compared with values obtained from food composition tables. The results of this study indicate that: 1. Restaurant steak meals differ significantly in weight of meal components, proximate components, and mineral components. 2. Although the meals were adequate in kilocalories and protein, they could be considered to be excessive since they provided more than 50% of the RDA for energy and more than 100% of the RDA for protein. 3. The meals can be considered inadequate in calcium for both men and women (only 16% of the RDA) and in iron for women (only 25% of the RDA). 4. Tables of food composition are useful in predicting the proximate and mineral composition of restaurant steak meals.  相似文献   

Describes research undertaken to assess the quality of service provided by a public university health clinic. The SERVQUAL instrument was administered to patients of the University of Houston Health Center in order to evaluate customer perceptions of service quality. The results of this study are currently being incorporated into the clinic's strategic planning process, specifically with respect to future resource allocation towards quality improvement projects.  相似文献   

This qualitative study aims to understand the meanings nurses at a university hospital attribute to the implementation process of the Nursing Diagnosis Classification System (DEn) as a phase in the Nursing Care System (NCS). Data were collected through interviews with eight nurses from the Medical Clinical Unit, who participated in the creation of an instrument to implement the DEn in the NCS. In their reports, the respondents expressed a positive change in their feelings, from initial discomfort and adverse perception of the change proposal. The stepwise appropriation of the process stages allowed them, besides the sharing of feelings, decisions and responsibilities for the results, to develop the belief that they would able to overcome the difficulties.  相似文献   

为在长春市中小学营养餐中逐步建立和实施HACCP体系,保障学生的饮食安全,长春市卫生监督所在示范企业实施了HACCP体系管理的研究,为进一步开展工作提供基础和依据.  相似文献   

The A.A. carried out a survey on the functioning of a catering service in Rome. The risk analysis assessment was performed by means of a checklist that collected systematically all data about the environment, the operators, the food and the catering process. The results of the microbiological analysis carried out in the CCP's showed that the general conditions of the catering service were not satisfactory, but also indicated the validity of the checklist used. This method showed a high predictive value and can be useful to improve the application of the HACCP system.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine total Cr and Fe content and the corresponding mineral dialysable fraction in a total of sixty-three duplicate meals. Samples of breakfast, lunch and dinner were taken over twenty-one consecutive days at a female university residence in Granada (Spain). Cr content in the duplicate daily meals ranged from 98·50 to 120·80 μg, with a mean of 110·00 μg, and Fe levels ranged from 9·50 to 40·00 mg, with a mean content of 18·50 mg. The mean Cr and Fe dialysable fractions ranged from 0·50 to 1·50 % and from 7·75 to 11·80 %, respectively. Possible correlations with energy and other nutrient intakes were also evaluated. Adherence of the meals to the Mediterranean dietary patterns was tested, and these findings reveal that a balanced and varied diet based on a Mediterranean-style diet plan provides adequate levels and bioaccessibility of Cr and Fe for young women, which is especially important to avoid mineral deficiencies.  相似文献   

The microbiological quality of the air indoor is influenced from various factors and one of the most important is represented from the maintenance of the conditioning systems. In this study it has been estimated the effectiveness of an intervention of cleaning and maintenance on the systems of conditioning of an university building executing sampling before and after such intervention. The two results were confronted and it is observed as the maintenance of the air conditioners has influenced on the quality of the air indoor.  相似文献   

The results of immunologic studies of different groups of workers engaged in the microbiologic synthesis production are presented. The study reveals a very important role of the immune system in the development of various forms of diseases. Differentiated shifts in various chains of cellular and humoral immunity have been identified in practically healthy people and in patients with occupational diseases both in acute condition and at the remittance stage. These shifts are specified by the form and stage of the disease, length of service at the given enterprise and individual immunity characteristics. By means of using immunograms it is possible to select patients with stable, adequate immune type enabling one to go on working at the industrial enterprise without any significant pathologic changes in the body.  相似文献   

《Preventive medicine》2007,44(6):458-459
Objective.Given the link between eating out, poor diets, and obesity, we assessed the availability of point-of-purchase nutrition information at the largest fast-food restaurant in the U.S., McDonald's.Method.In August 2004, we visited 29 of 33 (88%) of the McDonald's outlets in Washington, DC and visually inspected the premises, as well as asked cashiers or restaurant managers whether they had nutrition information available in the restaurant.Results.In Washington, DC, 59% of McDonald's outlets provided in-store nutrition information for the majority of their standard menu items. In 62% of the restaurants, it was necessary to ask two or more employees in order to obtain a copy of that information.Conclusion.We found that even at the largest chain restaurant in the country, nutrition information at the point of decision-making is often difficult to find or completely absent.  相似文献   

The efficacy of environmental protection in the areas of location of protein synthesis microbiologic plants was analyzed. It was established that under the conditions of observance of a technological regime and the stability of the gas cleaning systems for industrial affluents the operation of the plants caused no air pollution of residential districts by fungi producers and protein dust of the finished product. The study revealed the absence of detrimental health effect of microbiologic products. The proposed set of biomedical indicators can be recommended for monitoring air quality in the area of location of microbiologic plants.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the adequacy of meals provided for elderly residents and non-residents of nursing homes in Croatia. Menus of 44 all-day meals provided for residents from 4 nursing homes and 34 meals on wheels provided for non-residents of low socioeconomic status were selected by random sampling. A questionnaire was used to determine socioeconomic status and attitude of residents (n = 89) and non-residents (n = 80) regarding meals offered. An average energy value of all-day meals and meals on wheels was 96.7 and 39.8% RDA respectively. All-day meals provide adequate amounts of the micronutrients examined (phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C) with exception of calcium. Fat provided 35% and 36% of energy for all-day meals and meals on wheels respectively. The body mass index (BMI) under 18.5 kg/m2 had 1.7% residents and 4.0% non-residents. BMI higher than 24.9 kg/m2 were observed in 50% and 47% of residents and non-residents respectively. Gender differences were observed for meal preferences offered to both residents and non-residents. The meals provided adequate amounts of energy and the micronutrients examined. However, a decrease in the energy fraction of fat and decrease in protein content would be advisable.  相似文献   

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