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食用皮蛋引起食物中毒的主要原因是蛋被沙门氏菌污染,采用美蓝氧化-呈色反应检测蛋中是否内毒素,可对皮蛋是否被沙门氏菌污染作出快速判定。经试样含内毒素和不含内毒素对比试验和微生物学应证试验证明,该法灵敏准确30分钟可快速得出结果。  相似文献   

鼠伤寒沙门氏菌在皮蛋中300日的存活观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解鸭蛋经人工注入鼠伤寒沙门氏菌加工成皮蛋后,不同时间该菌在皮蛋中的存活情况。方法:将0.1亿、0.2亿两浓度的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌悬液注入鸭蛋,并加工成皮蛋,从加工之日的20~300日不同时段取样检验。结果:各时段从皮蛋中共分离出细菌198株,与注入的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌标准菌株完全一致,其形态、生化、血清学、毒力等均不发生改变。结论:鼠伤寒沙门氏菌在pH8.2以上皮蛋特殊环境中能长期存活。  相似文献   

近十年来,由禽蛋及其制品引起的肠炎沙门氏菌感染已成为全美国的主要公共卫生问題之一。肠炎沙门氏菌病与过去的沙门氏菌病不同,后者是通过破坏和不清洁的鸡蛋传播的,而最近的几起肠炎沙门氏菌病则是由外壳完好但内容物已被污染的A级蛋传播  相似文献   

皮蛋中毒及其预防对策林玲1朱力1谢绍洲1综述皮蛋,又称松花蛋,是我国具有独特风味的蛋制品,南北方民间都有用鸭蛋或鸡蛋加工制作皮蛋的习惯。由蛋制品引起食物中毒,国内外都有过报道,而由食皮蛋引起中毒的报道亦不少。本文就其危害性、病原菌、污染来源及其预防对...  相似文献   

正随着养殖业的加速发展,在市售的新鲜鸡蛋中,七成以上属"笼养鸡蛋"。但是,欧洲食品安全局在2007年的研究表明,笼养母鸡比放养母鸡感染沙门氏菌的概率高出25倍,所产的鸡蛋感染沙门氏菌等危害人体健康细菌的机率也大大提升。由于鸡蛋可能受沙门氏菌污染,所以建议煮熟后食用。可实际生活中,早餐的太阳蛋、午餐的滑蛋虾仁、日式拉面的  相似文献   

肠炎沙门氏菌是一种可引起人畜共患病的常见致病菌,在鸡和鸡蛋等食品中广泛存在,可引起全球的食品安全问题。全球各地区蛋鸡和鸡蛋中肠炎沙门氏菌的检出率存在一定的地区差异,可能与不同地区的经济水平、环境因素、监管措施等有关。目前防控肠炎沙门氏菌污染蛋鸡的主要方式是通过对育种、养殖、加工、流通4个环节进行监管,但目前的相关措施存在一定局限性,需进一步结合各地区的实际情况制定针对性措施。为了解蛋鸡及鸡蛋中肠炎沙门氏菌的流行状况,有效防控肠炎沙门氏菌对鸡和蛋及蛋制品等食品的污染,本研究对国内外有关肠炎沙门氏菌污染蛋鸡及鸡蛋的相关研究进行综合分析,为有效保障食品安全和提高公众健康水平提供科学依据。  相似文献   

皮蛋是人们日常所喜爱的食品,近几年来,市售皮蛋鱼目混珠,都打着“无铅皮蛋”的牌子,市民不易鉴别是否为“无铅”皮蛋。为了减少铅对食品的污染,确保人群的身体健康,也为了摸清广州市售皮蛋含铅量的情况,以便对皮蛋产销实行科学卫生管理提供依据。我们于1996年对广州市场皮蛋铅含量进行了卫生学调查,结果报道如下:  相似文献   

酶免疫方法快速检测沙门氏菌的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,沙门氏菌引起的食物中毒病例在全世界范围内不断增加,造成了严重的经济损失和对人类健康的危害。在美国,约有40%的鸡肉被沙门氏菌污染,由沙门氏菌引起的食物中毒每年约有200万例,经济损失达10亿美元。为了有效控制沙门氏菌病的传播,就必须有快速和可靠的方法来检测食物及环境中的沙门氏菌。目前出  相似文献   

鼠伤寒沙门氏菌常引起食物中物,但食皮蛋引起的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌食物中毒少见,现将我们发现的一起因食皮蛋引起的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌食物中毒报告如下。一、食物中毒情况:曾某一家1984年9月18日晚餐生吃皮蛋,所吃的四个皮蛋中,有一个质地稍疏松,有少量液体渗出,但外壳完整,颜色和味道与一般皮蛋相似。4口人中有3人吃皮蛋,当天晚上这3人全部发病(另一人未吃皮蛋没有发病),两例成人患者,男、女各1例,均为32岁,另3岁女孩1例。3例均有发热,体温38.5~39.5℃。腹痛。腹泻水样便或稀烂便,无血便及粘液便,两成人每日腹泻4~5次,持续5天,无呕吐。患儿仅腹泻一次,呕吐胃内容物2次。患者均有全身乏力,食欲减退等症状,腹痛持续8天才消失。  相似文献   

沙门氏菌属为寄生于人、动物和鸟类肠道内的致病菌,由进食被污染的食物和饮料而感染。家禽是最大的一个沙门氏菌的传染源。家禽饲养和屠宰深冷冻的不合理处理可  相似文献   

890株伤寒、甲型副伤寒沙门菌耐药性分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 了解本省伤寒、甲型剐伤寒沙门菌的耐药性,指导合理用药。方法 对各市(地)疾控中心提供的890株伤寒、甲型副伤寒沙门菌株进行生化鉴定和血清学试验;药敏实验方法参照K-B琼脂扩散法。结果 我省近几年来流行优势菌株甲型副伤寒沙门菌的耐药性明显高于伤寒沙门菌,不同地区及不同年份其耐药性均有一定差异,爆发型菌株的耐药性明显高于非爆发型菌株。结论 应根据不同菌型、地区及不同流行强度的伤寒、副伤寒做出相府防治措施。  相似文献   

At a pig-fattening farm in the south-western Veluwe which was infected with salmonellas it was sought to achieve salmonella-free fattening in a specially adapted piggery. The test piggery was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and measures were taken to exclude birds, insects and rodents. An attempt was also made to obtain salmonella-free piglets. Clean clothing, special footwear and disinfectants were used when entering the piggery. During the experiment an infection was detected in the test piggery caused by the same salmonella serotypes as had only been found immediately before the test at the breeding farm. Other salmonella serotypes occurring at the fattening farm did not find their way into the test piggery, and therefore it can be concluded that after the pigs had been brought in all the hygienic barriers functioned adequately. The test showed that the hygienic measures taken had a beneficial effect on growth performance, even though salmonellas were not entirely excluded. After fattening the pigs were slaughtered in two groups. The first group was slaughtered in the usual way, but with the second group extra care was taken with the individual singeing of the carcasses and the careful removal of the intestines. Tests on the carcasses showed that 46% of the pigs in the first group were contaminated with salmonellas as against only 7% in the second. From this it can be concluded that slaughter need not lead to further contamination by salmonellas present in the intestines; indeed, carefully carrying out the slaughter process can even reduce the contamination of the surface of pig carcasses by salmonellas.  相似文献   

The study has been carried out on 898 food samples of animal origin: bovin meat, ovin, porcin, rabbit, turkey and chicken in 1998 from auto-control food service of Chahed laboratory. II consisted in studying and identifying salmonella serovars and to determine the nature of the most contaminated meat products. The results of the study are as follows: 3.7% of meat product samples are contaminated by salmonella. On the 480 samples of bovin meat, 4.2% are contaminated by salmonella. 3.8% ovin meat is contaminated by salmonella, 1.7% turkey meat and 3.6% chicken meat. Rabbit meat are not contaminated by salmonella. As far as the products of a bovin origin are concerned the results are as follows: -2.7% of meat is contaminated by salmonella, 5.3% of mechanically separated meat and 7.7% of giblets are also contaminated. Therefore salmonella contaminates 4.3% of red meat and 2.6% of fowl. S. anatum, Corvallis, typhimurium, Braenderup, Zanzibar, Enteritidis, Livingstone are different detected serovars. S. anatum represents 40% of contamination whereas. S. typhimurium represents 12% Of contaminations.  相似文献   

微生物鉴定现状的观察与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解目前微生物鉴定状况,发现存在问题,为采取有效的措施提供依据。方法对考核的肠道致病菌和非致病菌经目前基层常用的形态学、培养特性、生化学、血清学等常规微生物学鉴定,确定未知菌的菌群、菌型。结果通过对未知菌全面的微生物学鉴定,确定为B群沙门菌(O4:Hb:—)、阴沟肠杆菌和产硷普罗威登斯菌。结论应该对市场上用于疾病诊断、检测用的常规培养基、微量生化培养基,血清学诊断用品等进行规范化管理和整顿。生产厂家在资质认定基础上统一生产模式、生产程序、生产标准,提高质量,提高效价,最大限度减少由于试剂存在的问题造成微生物检验(测)工作中出现误差,以进一步提高微生物学检验(测)工作水平。  相似文献   

We have shown recently that dietary calcium phosphate (CaPi) has a trophic effect on the intestinal microflora and strongly protects against salmonella infection. It was speculated that precipitation by CaPi of intestinal surfactants, such as bile acids and fatty acids, reduced the cytotoxicity of intestinal contents and favored growth of the microflora. Because lactobacilli may have antagonistic activity against pathogens, the main purpose of the present study was to examine whether this CaPi-induced protection coincides with a reinforcement of the endogenous lactobacilli. In vitro, Salmonella enteritidis appeared to be insensitive to bile acids and fatty acids, whereas Lactobacillus acidophilus was killed by physiologically relevant concentrations of these surfactants. Additionally, after adaptation to a purified diet differing only in CaPi concentration (20 and 180 mmol CaHPO4. 2H2O/kg), rats (n = 8) were orally infected with S. enteritidis. Besides reducing the cytotoxicity and the concentration of bile acids and fatty acids of ileal contents and fecal water, CaPi notably changed the composition of ileal bile acids in a less cell-damaging direction. Significantly greater numbers of ileal and fecal lactobacilli were detected in noninfected, CaPi-supplemented rats. As judged by the lower urinary NOx excretion, which is a biomarker of intestinal bacterial translocation, dietary CaPi reduced the invasion of salmonella. Additionally, the colonization resistance was improved considering the reduction of excreted fecal salmonella. In accordance, fewer viable salmonella were detected in ileal contents and on the ileal mucosa in the CaPi group. In conclusion, reducing the intestinal surfactant concentration by dietary CaPi strengthens the endogenous lactobacilli and increases the resistance to salmonella.  相似文献   

蝎形引物PCR快速检测环境水样中沙门菌方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]以蝎形引物PCR技术为基础建立一套环境水样沙门菌的快速检测方法。[方法]选择沙门菌himA基因设计出以荧光素(FAM)和淬灭物(DABCYL)双标记探针的茎环尾状结构构成蝎形引物,对8种沙门菌和8种非沙门菌经增菌、DNA提取后,以蝎形引物PCR方法进行检测,探讨该检测方法的可行性、特异性和灵敏度,并与普通引物PCR法检测50份环境水样进行比较。[结果]蝎形引物PCR方法检测沙门菌,细菌密度与荧光相对强度存在着量比关系,与普通引物PCR法比较,具有快速、特异、灵敏度高的特点,在50μl PCR及反应体系中最低可检出2cfu沙门菌。[结论]沙门菌蝎形引物在PCR扩增中,探针可特异地与目的DNA片段杂交,使DABCYL不能有效地淬灭FAM产生的荧光,荧光可经仪器直读检出。所建立的快速检测方法可定性或定量的用于环境水样中沙门菌检测。  相似文献   

目的:对一株从冻贻贝中分离的沙门菌进行鉴定与探讨。方法:结合传统生化反应、荧光定量PCR检测、16S rDNA检测以及血清学分型鉴定方法。结果:该菌生化反应及PCR反应符合沙门菌属,经16S rD-NA鉴定为肠道沙门菌,血清学抗原式为9,46:e,h:1,2。结论:该菌是一株罕见的发酵蔗糖的贝坎道夫沙门菌(S.Bergedorf)。该菌为国内首次报道检出。  相似文献   

浙江省1997~2006年伤寒副伤寒流行特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析1997~2006年浙江省伤寒副伤寒流行特征,为伤寒副伤寒防治提供依据。方法将浙江省历年疫情资料录入EXCEL2003中整理数据后用SPSS12.0进行统计分析。结果浙江省1997~2006年伤寒副伤寒发病率呈现以2004年为高峰的单型变化趋势,地区上仍以沿海地区为高发,发病以春季和夏秋季为主,呈明显的季节性,发病人群构成以农民、学生、工人为主,集中在20~40岁年龄组。爆发疫情以水型为主。病例多为甲型副伤寒。伤寒副伤寒沙门菌主要对磺胺(SD)产生耐药,不同型别沙门菌株对抗菌药物的耐药性有所不同。结论伤寒副伤寒发病率虽呈现逐年下降的趋势,但局部仍有爆发,疫情形势仍不容乐观,甲型副伤寒的发病呈上升趋势,应继续加强疫情监测、健康教育、落实改水改厕等综合措施。  相似文献   

Between February 1988 and March 1989 chicken carcases delivered to the kitchen of a long stay psycho-geriatric hospital were screened every week for salmonella contamination. While 214 of 477 (45%) individual carcases carried one or more salmonella types, every single consignment examined contained affected carcases. Simultaneously, sewers draining the residential accommodation and excluding kitchen effluent, were also monitored. Thirty out of 79 (38%) of Moore's swabs were positive for salmonella. There was a statistically significant association between the salmonella types isolated from chicken and those isolated from sewers the following week. Following a change in kitchen policy to order only cooked chicken there was a significant reduction in the isolation of salmonella from the sewers.  相似文献   

刘渠  甘莉萍  陈应坚  杨慧 《现代预防医学》2007,34(24):4654-4656
[目的]了解深圳龙岗地区沙门菌的流行特点和耐药情况。[方法]对从本地区2003~2007年食物中毒和伤寒,副伤寒疫情中分离的67株沙门菌进行纸片扩散法(K-B法)药敏实验。[结果]沙门菌主要流行菌群为D群,以引起食物中毒最常见,食物中毒占总暴发疫情的40.30%,51.85%食物中毒由肠炎沙门菌引起;沙门菌对氟哌酸,氯霉素,氨基糖苷类及第3代头孢类抗生素完全敏感,对青霉素,苯唑西林完全耐药,头孢氨苄的耐药率高达41.79%,对氨苄西林,羧苄西林,哌拉西林,四环素和复方新诺明的耐药率达到了37.31%,37.31%,25.37%,25.37%和2.99%;非伤寒沙门菌对羧苄西林,氨苄西林,强力霉素,四环素,哌拉西林,美满霉素的耐药率显著性的高于伤寒和副伤寒沙门菌;沙门菌多重耐药率为13.00%。[结论]沙门菌引起的暴发疫情在逐年增加,其对除四环素,氨苄西林,羧苄西林,哌拉西林和复方新诺明外其他常用抗生素都敏感,非伤寒沙门菌的耐药性在显著增加。  相似文献   

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