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进修生的培养是教学医院教学的重要组成部分,是我国医学人才培养的重要方式,所以注重进修生的培养事关我国医学事业持续发展。在笔者担任进修生培养的10余年里。有几点体会浅谈如下。  相似文献   

提高神经内科见习教学质量的几点体会   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
临床见习是衔接理论学习与实践操作及培养学生临床思维的一个重要阶段,对未来医学人才的培养起着承前启后的作用。由于临床医学集中见习时间仅2~3月,神经内科又是内科系统最抽象和复杂的学科,如何能在有限的时间内让学生简明、透彻的理解神经内科疾病,现就此谈谈体会。  相似文献   

泌尿外科是研究泌尿与生殖系统疾病的发生、诊断、治疗和预防的二级临床学科,专业性强,而且泌尿外科是外科学重要组成部分,  相似文献   

<正>呼吸机治疗是胸心外科危重症患者的重要救治方法,也是临床带教的重点内容。开胸术后使用呼吸机的患者,多为呼吸衰竭、行抢救性治疗的危重患者,病情变化大,还可能发生呼吸机的机械故障等各种异常情况,如果医生基础功不扎实,不能根据报警做出及时正确的处理,甚至可能危及患者生命[1]。一个优秀的胸外科医生,不仅外科手术熟练,而且能够处理危重症患者。那么,呼吸机的熟练掌握也就是必不可少的技术。对于来我科进修学习的胸心外科医生,为了更好地进行呼吸机治  相似文献   

提高病理切片质量的几点体会   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一张制作完美的病理组织切片 ,不仅能使病理医师准确地进行诊断 ,还能给病理医师提供一种赏心悦目的感觉。在实际的病理工作中 ,常会遇到各种原因导致病理切片质量不能令人满意 ,或者切片质量低劣。造成了病理医师镜下诊断困难。为此 ,我们结合实际工作中遇到的一些问题及解决对策 ,谈谈提高病理切片质量的几点体会。1 标本固定要充分标本无论大小 ,离体后均应立即固定 ,这是切片成功的关键。小标本取活检后如不及时固定 ,组织会发生干缩变硬 ;大标本如固定不及时 ,在夏天超过 4h或冬天超过 2 4h ,标本体积就要收缩变形 ,或者发生自溶 ,…  相似文献   

提高护生实习质量的几点体会   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
临床实习是护生学习的重要阶段,其实习质量的高低直接影响她们以后的工作能力和工作态度,也影响着护理队伍的整体素质。作为实习医院和带教老师,应本着认真负责的态度,积极为护生创造有利的实习条件,培养优秀的护理人才。我院是一所综合性教学医院,我们在多年的实习带教工作过程中,不断探索有利于提高护生实习质量的管理经验,收到了较好的效果,现将其中几点介绍如下。  相似文献   

大力扶持和实施专科医师培训,严把专科医师培训质量,实施标准化培训,严格考核,可以为基层和社会更好地培养合格的临床医学人才,快速推动我国卫生事业的发展.  相似文献   

随着血液学的高速发展,近年来骨髓活检也越来越多地应用于临床.骨髓活检组织制片也是科研和临床病理经常遇到的重要技术问题.现在大多数单位都采用石蜡切片技术制作骨髓活检组织,但因骨髓组织富含钙盐及含有一定量的脂肪,按常规技术制作,常出现组织切片不完整、结构破坏、染色模糊不清,不利于诊断.另外石蜡制片的程序繁多,任何一个环节出现问题,均可影响切片的质量,而直接影响病理报道的准确性.  相似文献   

进修医师单人操作结肠镜方法培训体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在结肠镜检查中掌握一种对患者和操作者负担都比较小的结肠镜检查法,是使大肠疾病的诊疗及研究工作能取得更大的发展的前提。在结肠镜的插入方法上分为双人操作法和单人操作法。单人操作法目前在国际上已成为结肠镜插入法的主流趋势。我院是国内较早开展单人操作结肠镜的医院之一,并在西南地区乃至全国进行该技术的推广。本文就我科对进修医师单人操作结肠镜方法培训的体会报告如下。  相似文献   

姜连玉 《医学信息》2009,22(10):2193-2194
加强护士队伍建设,提高护理质量和服务能力,是护理事业发展的重心。培养专科领域护理人才促进护理专业化.可为病人,临床和社会提供更加贴近需求的高水平的护理服务。2008年我院通过专科护士培训培养了100多名专业护士不仅提高了护理质量,也受到了医生和患者的一致好评。  相似文献   

One hundred seventy-one students from the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology completed the Psychology Student Stress Questionnaire (Cahir & Morris, 1991) and a data sheet that requested gender, year in school, income level, relationship status, age, number of children, and number of hours spent working per week. No significant differences were found between these life situation variables and the amount of stress that the student was reporting. Significant differences in student stress levels were found across the following variables: (1) number of children a student has and relationship status; (2) number of hours a student spends on the job; (3) student's relationship status with a significant other; and (4) student's gender. Implications for training programs and future research were discussed.  相似文献   

As clinical training has become a compulsory element of the training of physicians, all doctors are now required to undergo training in basic abilities of diagnosis and treatment. Clinical training has become possible in local medical organizations as well as university hospitals and large hospitals. There are full-time clinical pathologists in the laboratory staff of large hospitals, but they have little time for clinical trainees in the present educational system in the field of clinical laboratory. In mid-size and small hospitals, there is no clinical pathologist at the central diagnostic and treatment division, and clinical laboratory technicians are expected to play roles of trainers. It is important for the training administrator to prepare an environment in which clinical trainees can learn the selection of examinations, execution of examinations, interpretation of results, and actual handling of patients and, particularly in the execution of examinations, to cooperate with the director of the examination division and see that trainees can learn the necessary skills that they must acquire. The training administrator must also formulate a program to help clinical trainees to develop the abilities necessary for them to function as a member of team care. Such a program must not only be effective for the training of physicians but also contribute to the development of laboratory technicians and to improvements in the quality of medical care that is provided.  相似文献   

Leadership development is vital to the future of medicine. Some leadership development may take place through the formal curriculum of the medical school, yet extracurricular activities, such as student government and affiliated student organizations, can provide additional, highly valuable leadership development opportunities. These organizations and their missions can serve as catalysts for students to work with one another, with the faculty and administration of the medical school, with the community, and with local, regional, and national organizations. The authors have organized this discussion of the leadership development potential of student organizations around six important principles of leadership: ownership, experience, efficacy, sense of community, service learning, and peer-to-peer mentoring. They provide practical examples of these leadership principles from one institution. They do not presume that the school is unique, but they do believe their practical examples help to illuminate the potential of extracurricular programs for enhancing the leadership capabilities of future physicians. In addition, the authors use their examples to demonstrate how the medical school, its surrounding community, and the profession of medicine can benefit from promoting leadership through student organizations.  相似文献   



Educators in allied health and medical education programs utilize instructional multimedia to facilitate psychomotor skill acquisition in students. This study examines the effects of instructional multimedia on student and instructor attitudes and student study behavior.


Subjects consisted of 45 student physical therapists from two universities. Two skill sets were taught during the course of the study. Skill set one consisted of knee examination techniques and skill set two consisted of ankle/foot examination techniques. For each skill set, subjects were randomly assigned to either a control group or an experimental group. The control group was taught with live demonstration of the examination skills, while the experimental group was taught using multimedia. A cross-over design was utilized so that subjects in the control group for skill set one served as the experimental group for skill set two, and vice versa. During the last week of the study, students and instructors completed written questionnaires to assess attitude toward teaching methods, and students answered questions regarding study behavior.


There were no differences between the two instructional groups in attitudes, but students in the experimental group for skill set two reported greater study time alone compared to other groups.


Multimedia provides an efficient method to teach psychomotor skills to students entering the health professions. Both students and instructors identified advantages and disadvantages for both instructional techniques. Reponses relative to instructional multimedia emphasized efficiency, processing level, autonomy, and detail of instruction compared to live presentation. Students and instructors identified conflicting views of instructional detail and control of the content.  相似文献   

目的考察条件性情绪干预对失眠来访者治疗的有效性。方法采用单被试多基线实验设计对1名患有失眠的研究生来访者进行个案实验研究。结果来访者在基线观察期具有明显的失眠症状,SCL-90睡眠分量表为4分,经过对其正式干预后SCL-90睡眠分量表为1分,失眠症状基本消失。预后效果良好。结论条件性情绪干预是治疗失眠有希望的方法。  相似文献   

The article focuses on specific elements of a master's level program which represent practical applications of open-humanistic and dialectic theory to professional training. Emphasis is placed on innovations which demonstrate how the concept of praxis can be applied to education. Specific innovations discussed include: (a) The traditional core curriculum, oriented toward an academic discipline, was replaced by a focus on a specific social problem (development of young children); (b) The program operates as a community service agency linking the campus to the service-delivery system. This change fosters an interdependent relationship with community agencies which allows trainees to become involved in genuine professional activity; and (c) The program has moved away from a hierarchical student/teacher relationship to a reciprocal model.  相似文献   

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