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建立符合上海市儿童青少年生长发育特点的肺活量参考值及曲线,为监测本地区儿童青少年功能水平变化提供参照.方法 以2014年上海市学生体质与健康调研6区15 421名7~18岁学生为样本,用偏度中位数—变异系数(LMS)法建立年龄别肺活量百分位数值及曲线.结果 随着年龄增长,男、女生肺活量呈上升趋势,在12岁之前差异不大,12岁之后差异逐渐增大,各年龄组均为男生高于女生(P值均<0.01).2014年上海市中小学生肺活量百分位数曲线随年龄增加呈增长趋势,各年龄组均高于全国同期水平,上海市儿童青少年肺活量百分位数存在性别差异.结论 儿童青少年肺活量百分位数曲线图为上海市儿童青少年功能水平测量提供了一种直观评价方式. 相似文献
建立符合上海市儿童青少年生长发育特点的速度素质参考值及曲线,为完善该地区儿童青少年身体素质评价体系提供参考.方法 以2014年上海市学生体质与健康调研黄浦、徐汇、闸北、闵行、奉贤和浦东6区15 422名7~18岁学生为研究样本,用偏度-中位数-变异系数(LMS)法建立年龄别50 m跑百分位数值.结果 2014年上海市中小学生50 m跑成绩随年龄增长不断提高,各年龄组均为男生高于女生,且均高于全国学生同期水平.获得上海市中小学生50 m跑百分位数值P3,P5,P10,P15,P2.5,P50,P75,P85,P90,P95,P97及曲线.男生随着年龄的增长,50 m跑成绩出现了7~8岁、11~13岁2个显著提高时期,17岁以后曲线趋于平稳;女生随着年龄的增长,50 m跑成绩提高最快的是7~9岁,之后幅度逐渐减小,14岁以后曲线趋于平稳.结论 本研究获得的百分位数及曲线图为儿童青少年速度素质测量提供了直观评价手段,完善了本地区儿童青少年身体素质常模参照评价体系. 相似文献
<正>20 m往返跑测试(20 meter shuttle run test,20 m SRT)由Léger等于1984年首次提出~([1]),目前世界50多个国家均采用该项目测评儿童青少年的心肺耐力(cardiorespiratory fitness,CRF)~([2-6])。心肺耐力以最大摄氧量(VO_(2max))作为重要评价指标,可靠性等已得到国内外研究的证实~([7-9])。VO_(2max)的测量方法包括直接测量法和间接测量法~([10])。直接测量法以跑台实验等为代表,但该类测试因对测试仪器、测试者等要求较 相似文献
目的建立符合上海市儿童青少年生长发育特点的立定跳远百分位数参考值,为监测该地区儿童青少年下肢肌肉力量水平提供参照。方法截取2014、2016年的上海市学生体质与健康调研资料进行分析,7~18岁学生分别为15 421、10 789名。应用国际通用LMS法分性别建立年龄别立定跳远百分位数值。结果 2014年上海市中小学生立定跳远随年龄增加呈增长趋势,总体男生高于女生(t=54.35,P0.01),男生立定跳远发展敏感期年龄为11、12岁(156.7~189.97cm),女生敏感期年龄为7、8、9岁(118.65~145.66 cm);与2014年相比,2016年男女生立定跳远变化特征基本一致,男生总体差异无统计学意义,而女生总体有所增长(t=-2.66,P0.01),分年龄段来看13岁男生组有所下降(t=1.97,P0.05),7岁女生组有所增长(t=-2.64,P0.01),而16岁女生组有所下降(t=2.09,P0.05);获得了2014年上海市中小学生立定跳远的百分位数参考值P3,P5,P10,P15,P25,P50,P75,P85,P90,P95,P97,高年龄组(高中生)百分位数参考值低于全国同期水平。结论 2014年上海市儿童青少年立定跳远发展敏感期年龄存在性别差异,女生较男生提前1~2年,2016年与2014年相比女生总体有所增长,个别中学生年龄组有所下降,上海市儿童青少年立定跳远百分位数参考值存在性别差异,研究获得的立定跳远百分位数参考值为本地区儿童青少年力量水平测量提供了一种直观评价方式。 相似文献
<正>心肺耐力水平(cardiorespiratory fitness,CRF)作为人群体力活动水平的一个客观生理指标,与全死因死亡率及心血管疾病死亡率高度相关~([1-2])。同时低心肺耐力水平和肥胖是空腹血糖受损和2型糖尿病的高风险因素~([3])。美国有氧中心纵向研究(Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study,ACLS)机构发现,CRF提高至中等水平,人群全因死亡率降低17%~([1])。《2010年国民体质监测公报》显示,中国19~22周岁大学生的身体 相似文献
<正>心肺耐力(cardiorespiratory fitness,CRF)综合反映人体摄取、转运和利用氧的能力,牵涉到心脏泵血功能、肺部摄氧及交换气体能力、血液循环系统携带氧气至全身各部位的效率,以及肌肉等组织利用这些氧气的功能,是体质健康各组成部分的核心要素~([1])。从20世纪70年代中期到21世纪初期,欧美一些发达国家的儿童青少年心肺耐力水平下降约15%,韩国、新加坡等新兴的发达国家下降幅度接近30百分 相似文献
了解中国汉族7~18岁儿童青少年20 m往返跑(20 m SRT)成绩的年龄、性别和地区差异,为增强儿童青少年心肺耐力水平提供科学借鉴.方法 按照中国传统行政区域划分(华东、华北、中南、西北、西南和东北),在各区域抽取共计17 280名儿童青少年作为研究对象.利用LMS法构建7~18岁汉族儿童青少年20 m SRT成绩的主要百分位曲线.结果 7~18岁男女生20 m SRT的P50值分别介于13.87~43.23和13.30~28.76次之间,最大摄氧量(V02max)P50值分别介于43.12~46.57和38.42~44.94 mL/(kg·min)之间.男、女生不同年龄组间20 m SRT(F值分别为416.992,210.266)和VO2max(F值分别为36.528,240.763)差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01).相同年龄组男生20 m SRT和VO2max均大于女生(P值均<0.05).各地区男女生20 m SRT成绩均值分别介于25.70~36.80和20.56~28.36次之间.华东、西北、华北、中南和东北地区男女生的20 m SRT成绩随年龄增长而增加,西南地区男、女生7~12岁成绩较好,13~ 18岁呈下降趋势.结论 学生20 m SRT成绩随年龄增长而增加,VO2max则随年龄增长而下降,男生在各个年龄段均高于女生.学生20 m SRT成绩和VO2max均从11~12岁开始差距逐渐增大. 相似文献
了解我国五大少数民族2014年7~18岁学生耐力素质现状,为制定干预措施和提高少数民族学生耐力素质提供科学依据.方法 选取2014年全国学生体质与健康调研中蒙古族、回族、维吾尔族、壮族和朝鲜族7~18岁学生作为研究对象,以同年龄、同性别全国汉族学生的耐力跑测试时间的均值和标准差计算Z评分;将耐力跑测试时间≤同年龄、同性别全国汉族学生的耐力跑测试时间第25百分位(P25)时间值确定为耐力素质好.结果 2014年五大少数民族7~12岁学生耐力跑时间男生在120.7~ 132.4 s之间,女生在126.4~ 143.7 s之间,男、女生均以蒙古族学生时间最短,维吾尔族学生时间最长(P值均<0.05);13~15岁学生耐力跑时间男生在272.3~ 309.1 s之间,女生在257.3~286.4 s之间,男、女生均以蒙古族学生时间最短,男生以壮族时间最长,女生以维吾尔族时间最长(P值均<0.05);16~18岁学生耐力跑时间男生在251.1 ~ 282.7 s之间,女生在251.5~271.7 s之间,男生以蒙古族时间最短,女生以回族时间最短,男、女生均以朝鲜族时间最长(P值均<0.05).五大少数民族男生Z评分在-0.29~0.30之间,蒙古族<回族<壮族<维吾尔族<朝鲜族(F--141.236,P<0.05);女生Z评分在-0.10~0.75之间,蒙古族<回族<壮族<朝鲜族<维吾尔族(F=270.137,P<0.05).五大少数民族男生耐力素质好检出率在16.2%~37.0%之间,壮族<维吾尔族<朝鲜族<回族<蒙古族(x2=430.060,P<0.05);女生检出率在10.3% ~ 26.5%之间,维吾尔族<壮族<朝鲜族<回族<蒙古族(x2=272.290,P<0.05).结论 五大少数民族中蒙古族学生耐力素质最高,且高于全国汉族学生;回族学生耐力素质接近全国汉族学生;维吾尔族女生耐力素质低于其他民族学生. 相似文献
分析中国汉族7~18岁儿童青少年体质量指数(BMI)和20m往返跑(20 m SRT)的相关性,为促进不同营养状况儿童青少年的体质健康提供科学依据.方法 在中国各行政区(华东、华北、中南、西北、西南和东北)采用随机个案法抽取17 280名7-18岁汉族儿童青少年作为研究对象,运用20 m SRT进行心肺耐力水平测试,并采用单因素方差分析、线性回归等方法探讨BMI和20 m SRT之间的相关性.结果 中国汉族男性儿童青少年20 m SRT总体成绩消瘦、正常、超重和肥胖组分别为32.20,35.23,28.84和22.29次,女生分别为25.22,26.13,23.36和18.39次,男女生成绩均为正常组>消瘦组>超重组>肥胖组(P值均<0.05).BMI-Z分范围是-3.0~8.0,无论男女,不同BMI-Z分组青少年的20 m SRT-Z分差异均具有统计学意义(P值均<0.01).无论男女,BMI-Z分在接近正常范围区间,20 m SRT-Z较高;而在较高和较低区间时,20 m SRT-Z较低.结论 体重正常组汉族儿童青少年心肺耐力水平高于消瘦、超重和肥胖组,BMI-Z分和20m SRT-Z分之间大体呈“抛物线”变化趋势. 相似文献
目的 了解上海市中小学生超重肥胖状况及其影响因素,为制订学生超重肥胖防制策略提供参考.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法,抽取上海市6个区的7 ~18岁中小学生14 301名.测试指标为身高、体重,问卷调查采用“全国学生体质健康调研学生调查问卷”.结果 上海市学生的超重率为13.9%,肥胖率为7.0%.男生高于女生,小学生高于中学生.男生、睡眠时间过短或过长、每周吃鸡蛋≥7次、上体育课感到累、不喜欢长跑是学生超重肥胖的危险因素,OR值(OR值95% CI)分别为2.544(2.307 ~2.805),1.242(1.148~1.345),1.129(1.004 ~1.270),1.252 (1.173 ~1.337),1.185(1.112 ~ 1.262).学校组织体育活动足学生超重肥胖的保护因素(OR=0.813,95%CI=0.700~0.945).结论 儿童青少年超重肥胖与饮食习惯、体力活动以及生活方式等因素有关. 相似文献
目的 对上海市儿童青少年健康体能变化情况进行分析。方法 采用分层整群抽样法,抽取上海市城区徐汇区和郊区奉贤区共10所中小学,按性别1[DK]∶1、各年龄段人数相等的原则随机选取共1200人连续四年的测试数据,并进行独立样本t检验和单因素方差分析。结果 (1)市区儿童青少年的健康体能状态与郊区儿童青少年相比处于较差状态,差异具有统计学意义(F值介于0.134~2.246,P<0.05);(2)儿童青少年BMI和腰围值增长速度较快,身体成分超标较为严重,差异具有统计学意义(t值介于3.290~5.598,P<0.001)。结论 经济因素、环境因素、国际大环境都会对上海市儿童青少年超重肥胖率、体能质量产生不良影响,造成超重肥胖率逐年递增,体能整体下降。基于此,我国应借鉴发达国家经验并尽快构建政府、社会、家庭、学校共同参与的协同机制,从而推进儿童青少年健康的稳步发展。 相似文献
目的 分析中国儿童青少年代表性人群的腰围分布,为建立标准腰围界值点提供依据.方法 收集内地15省(区、市)和香港地区7~18岁人群横断面调查资料,样本对象共178 865人,划分沿海城市、其他城市、北方乡村、南方乡村和香港地区5个群体,分析各人群腰围分布状况.结果 5个群体人群体格发育水平的差异有统计学意义."沿海城市"群体在7~18岁时腰围第85百分位数(P85)始终高于其他群体.相反,"南方乡村"群体腰围P85不仅低于城市且低于"北方乡村"群体."香港地区"群体在学龄初期腰围水平高,但进入青春期后增长缓慢,腰围P85最终落后于"北方乡村"群体.南、北方乡村群体自青春期开始腰围水平表现为追赶趋势.该差异不仅源自地区社会经济发展水平和城乡差异,也源于南、北方地区差异,预示在使用腰围进行筛查时,超重、肥胖检出率在上述群体中将呈梯层分布趋势.相关分析显示腰围与身高、体重、BMI等体格指标间高度相关.将中国人群腰围分布与美国、荷兰比较,提示有必要建立适合本国人群的腰围筛查界值点,应用LMS法为中国儿童建立性别年龄别腰围百分位数曲线.结论 研究结果将为建立中国儿童人群腰围筛查界值点提供依据. 相似文献
Prista A Maia JA Damasceno A Beunen G 《The American journal of clinical nutrition》2003,77(4):952-959
BACKGROUND: Studies are needed to test the relevance of the anthropometric criteria for health and well-being, particularly in developing countries. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to identify the relevance of anthropometric indexes as indicators of nutritional status. DESIGN: The sample consisted of 2316 subjects (n = 1094 males, 1222 females) aged 6-18 y from Mozambique. Anthropometric variables, maturity stage, physical fitness, physical activity, and metabolic fitness were measured. Samples of blood, urine, and feces were obtained. Subjects were classified in 5 nutritional groups labeled normal, low height-for-age (stunted), low weight-for-height (wasted), low height-for-age and low weight-for-height (stunted and wasted), and overweight, according to cutoffs set by a World Health Organization expert committee. Socioeconomic status was classified according to region of residence. RESULTS: Prevalence rates for males and females, respectively, in the nutritional groups were 3.0% and 2.3% (stunted group), 21.9% and 10.0% (wasted group), 3.0% and 0.8% (stunted and wasted group), and 4.8% and 7.7% (overweight group). With control for age, socioeconomic status, and maturity stage, the overweight group performed significantly worse than did the other groups on most of the fitness tests. Compared with the normal group, the 3 undernourished groups performed significantly worse in absolute strength tasks, better in endurance tasks, and equally in flexibility and agility. Very few differences were found in physical activity scores. The 3 undernourished groups had scores for the biochemical indicators that were similar to those of the normal group and had more favorable profiles for blood pressure and cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS: In this population, the cutoffs used to classify overweight status appear to appropriately identify potential health problems. No relevance to health was found for the lower cutoffs identifying undernourished children. 相似文献
《Annals of epidemiology》2017,27(7):442-447
PurposeThe preventive role of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in cancer is not well established. The present study sought to evaluate the association between CRF and cancer incidence in men.MethodsMaximal exercise testing was performed in 4920 men (59.2 ± 11.4 years) free from malignancy at baseline who were followed for 12.7 ± 7.5 years. Relative risks and population attributable risks were determined.ResultsDuring the follow-up, 25.8% were diagnosed with any type of cancer. CRF was inversely associated with total cancer incidence; for each one metabolic equivalent increase in CRF, there was a 4% reduction in cancer incidence (P < .001). Compared with low CRF, moderate and high CRF levels were associated with 14% (95% CI [0.74-0.99]) and 26% (95% CI [0.62–0.89]) reduced risks for all cancers, respectively (P for trend = .004). Low CRF had a population attributable risk of 3.0% for cancer incidence. The associations between CRF, prostate, skin and colorectal cancers were not significant.ConclusionsHigher CRF is associated with lower total cancer incidence in men. A novel finding suggests that eliminating low CRF as a risk factor would potentially prevent considerable cancer morbidity and reduce the societal and economic burden associated with cancer. These findings underscore the importance of CRF for primary cancer prevention. 相似文献
Cardiorespiratory fitness and abdominal adiposity in youth 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The purpose of this study was to determine whether cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is associated with lower abdominal adiposity in youth. Subjects included healthy 61 African-American and 52 white children and adolescents (age: 8-17 years). Body composition was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and computed tomography. CRF (VO(2max)) was assessed using a graded maximal treadmill test. CRF was inversely related (P<0.05) to total adiposity, waist circumference, and visceral and abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue (AT) independent of race. These findings remained significant (P<0.05) after adjusting for age, gender and pubertal status. Multiple regression analyses revealed that CRF is an independent contributor (P<0.05) of waist circumference, and visceral and abdominal subcutaneous AT after accounting for age, pubertal status, gender and body mass index percentile. Our observation suggest that in youth, CRF is associated with lower visceral and abdominal subcutaneous AT, and reinforces the notion that youth should engage in regular physical activity to improve aerobic fitness and reduce abdominal adiposity. 相似文献
Determinants of ambulatory mental health services use for school-age children and adolescents. 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To analyze a comprehensive multivariate model of the use of mental health-related ambulatory care services by children ages 6-17. STUDY SETTING: The 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey, a national probability sample of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey of a national probability sample of the U.S. population. Key independent variables include person-level mental health status, health care coverage, family income, and use of mental health services by other family members. DATA COLLECTION: Four in-person interviews were conducted during 1987 using structured questionnaires. A designated family respondent was used to answer questions for other family members, including children. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Children with poor mental health in high-income families were more than three times as likely to have a mental health-related visit than children with poor mental health in low-income families. The number of mental health-related visits and the likelihood of seeing a mental health specialist also increased along with family income. Mental health use by other family members was strongly associated with use. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study provide strong evidence that the socioeconomic status of children is an important factor in explaining unmet need for mental health services. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To examine the prevalence of childhood and adolescent obesity in Taiwan and investigate the association between excess weight and physical fitness and blood pressure. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SUBJECTS: A total of 13 935 children and adolescents aged 6-18 years (boys: 7031, girls: 6904) were involved in the 1999 survey and 24 586 (boys: 12 367, girls: 12 219) were available in the 2001 survey. MEASUREMENTS: Weight, height, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and health-related fitness tests (bent-leg curl-ups, sit-and-reach test and step test) were measured. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of obesity (including overweight) in boys was 19.8% in 1999 and 26.8% in 2001. It was lower in girls with 15.2% in 1999 and 16.5% in 2001. The normal weight group performed better (P<0.05) than the overweight/obese group in all fitness tests except in the 2001 sit-and-reach test where there were no differences between the two groups. The risk of hypertension increased nearly two times for the overweight/obese-fit group and nearly three times for the overweight/obese-unfit group compared to the normal weight-fit group (adjusted odds ratio (AOR)=1.93, 95%CI=1.514-2.451 and AOR=2.93, 95%CI=2.493-3.454, respectively). CONCLUSION: Overall, the findings demonstrated that there is an increasing trend in overweight/obesity prevalence for Taiwanese youth even in a 2-year period. The overweight/obese youngsters tend to have poorer muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance than the normal weight group. The overweight/obese and unfit group had a greater risk of hypertension than other groups. However, this risk was significantly lower if obese/overweight children had a higher than average level of cardiovascular fitness. 相似文献