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了解上海市金山区小学生使用书包行为及主观感觉,为宣传科学规范使用书包提供理论依据.方法 整群随机抽取上海市金山区5所小学999名学生,对学生进行自行设计的问卷调查.学生体重和身高数据由体检机构在2015年4月中旬至5月中旬体检所得.结果 98.8%的学生书包为双肩包且背带长度自由可以调节,88.2%的学生经常使用双肩背负书包,60.2%的学生经常调节书包背带的长度,36.3%的学生书包配有腰带,仅4.9%的学生经常系紧腰带,23.6%的学生身体前倾背负书包.37.0%的学生感觉书包重,一年级学生感觉书包重的报告率明显高于其他4个年级,女生主观感觉发生率高于男生,差异无统计学意义.学生肩部不适感觉报告率最高(33.4%),其次是颈部(23.4%).低年级(一、二、三年级)学生使用书包感觉很累的报告率高于高年级(四、五年级),差异有统计学意义(x2=4.647,P<0.05).结论 金山区小学生规范使用书包率较低,对健康影响较大,应加强学生健康教育,尤其是低年级学生,促使孩子科学规范使用书包.  相似文献   

了解广州哈尔滨两市中小学生对书包的使用情况,提出学生对书包选择及使用的建议.方法 随机抽取广州市和哈尔滨市5所学校的部分中小学生及其家长为研究对象,进行问卷调查,并对部分学生书包的重量和尺寸以及书包内容物的重量进行现场测量.结果 哈尔滨市和广州市学生背负书包平均重量分别为(4.10±1.57) kg和(4.73±1.66)kg,广州市高于哈尔滨市(t=-3.829,P<0.01);随着年级的升高两市学生书包的重量越来越重(F值分别为43.458,44.415,P值均<0.01).哈尔滨市和广州市学生背负书包的重量体重比大于10%的较多,分别占56.6%和76.6%;调查的513位家长学生中有331位家长认为孩子书包过重,150位家长认为书包尺寸不合适.两地学生在使用书包时产生许多不适的感觉,尤其以书包重(哈尔滨市为20.5%,广州市为43.6%)、感觉累(哈尔滨市为30.1%,广州市为54.1%)、肩膀酸痛(哈尔滨市为32.3%,广州市为40.5%)居多.相比无护脊书包,有护脊书包可以分散书包的重量,降低身体前倾几率,有利于学生身体发育.结论 学生对书包的使用存在广泛的不合理性,应引起卫生、教育部门以及老师和家长的高度重视.  相似文献   

书包是学龄儿童往返学校携带书本及相关学习用品最简单易行的方式.目前社会对于书包的使用已形成共识,即若使用不当会对学龄儿童身体健康造成一定的影响和损伤,如颈、肩、背疼痛或不适、脊柱姿势、步态、足结构改变等[1-5].因此,卫生保健工作者、教育界人士、家长越来越关注书包对学生身体产生的影响.国内外有大量关于书包对身体健康产生影响的因素研究,这些因素主要包括书包自身特征(书包设计、压力负荷分配特征)[6]、使用方式[7-8]、携带书包时间[9-10]、重量(包括书包实际重量和学生感知的书包重量)[1,7,11]等,本文就以上因素进行综述.  相似文献   

北京市部分中小学生背负书包情况调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 了解中小学生背负书包的相关卫生问题。方法 选择北京市1208名6-14岁中小学生,进行学生问卷和家长问卷调查,并测量学生日常背负重量(包括书包及其内容物)。结果 学生背负重量平均为4.2kg,占学生体重的百分比平均为11.1%,在背负书包往返党校时,53.1%的小学生和86.0%的中学生有累的感觉,并有出汗,肩膀酸痛,腰部酸痛,后背疼痛,脖子酸痛等现象出现,结论 中小学生背负重量过重,对学生的正常发育会产生不利影响。  相似文献   

了解上海市金山区家长对孩子使用书包相关知识知晓情况及影响因素,为家长正确指导孩子规范使用书包提供理论依据.方法 整群随机抽取金山区5所公办小学,再从抽取的学校每个年级中随机抽取1个班级,对抽中班级的所有学生家长进行自行设计的问卷调查.结果 小学生家长对书包影响孩子身体健康知晓水平报告率最高(85.2%)的为书包重量超重,小学生父母知晓水平差异无统计学意义.家长相关知识平均得分为(11.67±6.62)分,仅为总分的一半.本地父母书包相关知识知晓得分优于外地父母,文化程度越高、收入越高、认为孩子成绩越好、对孩子成绩期待越好、学业越关注的家长相关知识得分越高.家长行为指导率最高是使用双肩背负书包,为80.5%;其他行为报告率均低于50%;最低主要是如何安全拿起、举起直至背上书包的过程及背上后书包稳固于腰部以上的行为,报告率低于20%.结论 金山区家长对学生书包相关知识知晓情况较低,日常指导行为不够.应加强家长健康教育工作,开展多形式的健康教育活动,并对外地、低收入、低学历家长给予重点关注.  相似文献   

了解上海市金山区小学生书包负重现状,为减少学生书包负荷提供理论依据.方法 随机整群抽取金山区5所小学,再从5所小学中的每个年级随机抽取1个班级,抽中班级的所有学生参与调查.测量1周内周一和任一天早晨上学的书包总重、书包内所有书本重量、当日必备书本重量、水杯及饮水的重量.周五放学时测量学生离开教室时的书包总重及书包净重.学生体重数据由体检机构在该时段进行体检并提供.结果 周一、任一天、周五学生书包平均总重为4.229,4.245,4.135 kg;不同上学日书包总重的超重率随年级增加而递减,一年级超重率超过90%,而五年级约为50%,且女生超重率明显大于男生(x2值分别为9.101,15.003,18.457,P值均<0.05);每日书包重量必须组成部分约占书包总重的40%,其他书本资料、水杯及饮水、杂物约占60%;上放学书包直接负重于学生身上的比例约为37.0%,负重时间主要为0~ 10 min.结论 金山区小学生书包负荷问题较严重.学校、家长应联合采取适当措施,切实减少书包不必要的重量对健康的影响.  相似文献   

多数国家青少年学生书包重量远超其国家健康指南推荐的适宜书包重量.书包超重严重影响了青少年肌肉骨骼系统的正常发育,不仅导致出现圆肩、驼背、头前倾等异常姿势,更是颈椎病、腰背痛、脊柱侧弯等青少年肌肉骨骼系统疾病的主要诱因之一.然而,青少年及其家长并未充分认识到超重书包带来的危害,更不了解书包选择与使用方面的健康知识.为引起...  相似文献   

了解北京市某综合大学学生骨骼肌肉疾患情况,探讨其影响因素,为进一步采取干预措施提供依据.方法 采用北欧骨骼肌肉症状自评量表,自制的网络使用情况与骨骼肌肉疾患预防知识知晓情况调查表和中文网络成瘾量表修订版,对整群抽取的北京某综合大学394名学生进行问卷调查.结果 该组大学生中骨骼肌肉疾患症状总报告率为68.8%.初次上网时间集中在初中及以前,每天上网时间集中在1~2.9 h.119入(30.2%)被诊断为网络成瘾.62.9%的大学生注视计算机屏幕身体姿势不正确,90.4%电脑椅不可以转动,84.8%对疾患不了解,92.9%没有接受过相关培训或指导.多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,性别、年级、开始上网时间、电脑椅是否可以转动、有无网络成瘾是影响大学生骨骼肌肉疾患的主要因素(P值均<0.05).结论 大学生骨骼肌肉疾患检出率高,影响因素复杂多样,自我防护意识薄弱,需加强健康指导.  相似文献   

正常人劳累或负重后腰背部会有轻微的酸痛感,经休息后缓解,此不属病态,更不是什么肾虚.如果感觉腰背部明显酸痛不适,则应予以注意,多为脊柱病变或腹部脏器疾患引起.  相似文献   

由于书包过重而引起的学生慢性骨骼肌疼痛 ,已被公认是一个值得关注的问题。尽管痛觉具有个体化和主观性的特征 ,但仍有一些因素可能影响着所有背书包的学生 ,这些因素包括 :书包的实际重量 ,学生的体块指数、体脂含量、肌肉力量、锻炼习惯、吸烟习惯、饮食营养、情绪、所穿鞋的样式、姿势步态 ,以及是否存在脊柱侧凸。早先进行的一项关于背包和背痛关系的研究结果表明 ,特发性脊柱侧凸的儿童可能比无脊柱侧凸的儿童更易发生疼痛。前者由于脊柱的异常弯曲 ,不仅身体及负重的重心发生变化 ,而且作用于肌肉骨骼系统的力也发生变化 ,因此 ,这两…  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of this prospective study was to relate the prevalence of neck, shoulder, and upper back pain to occupational and individual risk factors among a population of technical school students in their transition from school to working life. In addition, we wanted to assess the changes in pain prevalence during follow-up.MethodsA cohort consisting of 173 technical school students was followed up during a 3-year period, from their last year of school through their first years of working life. Data on self-reported neck, shoulder, and upper back pain and factors such as mechanical exposure, perceived stress, and physical activity in leisure time were collected.ResultsA high prevalence of pain in the neck, shoulder, and upper back among the technical school students was found. There were however few students reporting severe pain. Reporting pain at baseline gave over three times higher risk of reporting it at follow-up. A high level of physical activity outside working hours gave a lower risk of reporting neck, shoulder, and upper back pain at follow-up. High and moderate levels of mechanical exposure and high stress level were not found to be risk factors for pain after entering working life.ConclusionNeck, shoulder, and upper back pain are common among adolescents and may persist into working life. These results may give potential for preventive efforts at a young age. There is still much uncertainty about the factors leading to musculoskeletal pain, and more research is needed on this topic.  相似文献   

  目的  了解天津市某高校大学生视屏时间、体力活动与颈肩痛之间的关系, 为促进大学生身体健康提供参考。  方法  于2021年4-6月, 采用中文版肌肉骨骼疾患问卷对随机整群抽取的904名天津理工大学在校大学生进行调查, 通过二元Logistic回归分析了解视屏时间、体力活动与颈肩痛之间的关联。  结果  大学生性别间颈肩痛发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=24.35, P < 0.05)。二元Logistic回归分析显示, 视屏时间>6 h/d与男生颈肩痛的发生呈正相关(OR=4.55), 体力活动>150 min/周与女生颈肩痛的发生呈负相关(OR=0.63)(P值均 < 0.05)。本科生与研究生群体及大学生整体体力活动>150 min/周与颈肩痛发生均呈负相关(OR值分别为0.52, 1.26, 0.61), 视屏时间>6 h/d与颈肩痛发生呈正相关(OR值分别为2.39, 6.18, 2.97)(P值均 < 0.05), 在男生及本科、研究生群体中均发现高视屏时间×高体力活动人群较低视屏时间×高体力活动人群的颈肩痛风险升高(OR值分别为2.96, 2.35, 2.93)(P值均 < 0.05)。  结论  体力活动不足与视屏时间过长会增加大学生颈肩痛的风险, 体力活动不足对颈肩痛的影响弱于视屏活动。建议学校和家庭等多方面配合控制视屏时间, 增加体育锻炼, 进而预防大学生颈肩痛的发生。  相似文献   

The authors interviewed an age- and occupation-stratified sample of 466 women, aged 18-40, from 12 Tijuana neighborhoods, about sociodemographic characteristics, work and reproductive history, and musculoskeletal complaints. A total of 29.8% reported experiencing aches or pain in the low back, 38.3% in the upper back, 26.4% in the neck/shoulders, 18.2% in the hand/wrist, and 28.3% in the legs in the preceding year. Both sociodemographic and occupational factors were associated with these complaints. Very low educational attainment, having substandard housing, being the head of household, and being a migrant were each associated with an increased prevalence of one or more musculoskeletal complaints. In general, working outside the home increased the risk of musculoskeletal complaints. Compared with women who had not worked in the preceding 30-month period, those working in the maquiladora had 40-90% higher risks of upper back, neck/shoulder, and hand/wrist pain. Compared with women working outside the maquiladora, maquiladora women workers had 20% higher risks of low back, upper back, and neck/shoulder complaints. More detailed studies of the incidences of musculoskeletal disorders and of specific etiologic risk factors within the maquiladora industry are warranted. Future studies should concurrently evaluate sociodemographic risk factors.  相似文献   


The authors interviewed an age- and occupation-stratified sample of 466 women, aged 18–40, from 12 Tijuana neighborhoods, about sociodemographic characteristics, work and reproductive history, and musculoskeletal complaints. A total of 29.8% reported experiencing aches or pain in the low back, 38.3% in the upper back, 26.4% in the neck/shoulders, 18.2% in the hand/wrist, and 28.3% in the legs in the preceding year. Both sociodemographic and occupational factors were associated with these complaints. Very low educational attainment, having substandard housing, being the head of household, and being a migrant were each associated with an increased prevalence of one or more musculoskeletal complaints. In general, working outside the home increased the risk of musculoskeletal complaints. Compared with women who had not worked in the preceding 30-month period, those working in the maquiladora had 40–90% higher risks of upper back, neck/shoulder, and hand/wrist pain. Compared with women working outside the maquiladora, maquiladora women workers had 20% higher risks of low back, upper back, and neck/shoulder complaints. More detailed studies of the incidences of musculoskeletal disorders and of specific etiologic risk factors within the maquiladora industry are warranted. Future studies should concurrently evaluate sociodemographic risk factors.  相似文献   

  目的  分析办公室文员职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的患病情况及危险因素,为实施健康干预提供理论依据。
  方法  采用方便抽样法将深圳市10家企业中的514名办公室文员列为调查对象,综合北欧国家肌肉骨骼疾病标准调查表(NMQ)、荷兰肌肉骨骼疾病调查表(DMQ)、国内肌肉骨骼疾患调查问卷,设计制作调查表,调查办公室文员职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的年患病率;通过logistic回归分析法分析患病率较高的3个部位(颈部、肩部、腰部)患职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的危险因素。
  结果  办公室文员职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的年患病率为54.12%,依次为颈部(39.4%)、肩部(36.2%)、腰部(30.9%)、背部(18.6%)、膝部(11.5%)、手腕部(10.1%)、髋臀部(8.1%)、踝足部(7.7%)、肘部(4.4%)。logistic回归分析结果显示:颈部不处于自然位置(OR = 0.893 8,P < 0.05)是颈部职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的保护因素;相比男性,女性是肩部职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的危险因素(OR = 1.162 7,P < 0.05);经常改变坐姿(OR = 0.890 3,P < 0.01)是腰部患病的保护因素。
  结论  办公室文员职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的患病率较高,患病部位最高的是颈部,其次是肩部、腰部;工作中人体保持各种不良姿势均会增加身体各关节肌肉骨骼的负担,造成肌肉骨骼损伤。应该采取相应的干预措施,降低办公室文员职业性肌肉骨骼疾病的患病率。

OBJECTIVES: To analyse factors that determine the occurrence of sickness absence due to musculoskeletal problems and the time it takes to return to work. METHODS: A longitudinal study with two year follow up was conducted among 283 male welders and metal workers. The survey started with a standardised interview on the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints. 61 (22%) workers were lost to follow up. Data on sickness absence among 222 workers during the follow up were collected from absence records and self reports. Regression analysis based on proportional hazards models was applied to identify risk factors for the occurrence and duration of sickness absence due to various musculoskeletal complaints. RESULTS: During the follow up 51% of the workers attributed at least one period of sickness absence to musculoskeletal complaints which accounted for 44% of all work days lost. A history of back pain was not associated with sickness absence for back pain, partly because subjects with back pain were more likely to be lost to follow up. Neck or shoulder pain and pain of the upper extremities contributed significantly to neck or shoulder absence (relative risk (RR) 3.35; 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.73 to 6.47) and to upper extremities absence (RR 2.29; 95% CI 1.17 to 4.46), respectively. Company and job title were also significant predictors for sickness absence due to these musculoskeletal complaints. Absence with musculoskeletal complaints was not associated with age, height, body mass index, smoking, and duration of employment. Return to work after neck or shoulder absence was worse among metal workers than welders (RR 2.12; 95% CI 1.08 to 4.17). Return to work after lower extremities absence was strongly influenced by visiting a physician (RR 11.31; 95% CI 2.94 to 43.46) and by musculoskeletal comorbidity (RR 2.81; 95% CI 1.18 to 6.73). CONCLUSIONS: Complaints of the neck or shoulder and upper extremities in the 12 months before the study were associated with sickness absence for these complaints during the follow up. Workers with absence due to pain from back, neck or shoulder, upper extremities, or lower extremities were at higher risk of subsequent sickness absence in the next year.



OBJECTIVES: To investigate the relationships between physical, psychosocial, and individual characteristics and different endpoints of musculoskeletal complaints of the lower back, neck and shoulders. METHODS: In this cross-sectional study a questionnaire survey was carried out among 351 nursing personnel (response 84%) in six general hospitals in Athens, Greece. A questionnaire was used on physical and psychosocial workload, need for recovery, perceived general health and (1) the occurrence of musculoskeletal complaints in the past 12 months, (2) chronic complaints during at least 3 months, and (3) complaints which led to sickness absence. In logistic regression analysis odds ratios (ORs) were estimated for all relevant risk factors. RESULTS: Self-reported factors of physical load were associated with the occurrence of back pain (OR=1.85), neck pain (OR=1.88), and shoulder pain (OR=1.87) but these factors were not associated with chronic complaints and musculoskeletal sickness absence. Physical load showed a trend with the number of musculoskeletal complaints with ORs of 2.47 and 4.13 for two and three musculoskeletal complaints, respectively. No consistent influence of psychosocial factors on complaints, chronicity, or sickness absence was observed. A perceived moderate general health was also a risk factor, and strongest associations were observed for sickness absence due to back pain (OR=2.03), neck pain (OR=8.31), and shoulder pain (OR=6.84). CONCLUSIONS: The handling of physical loads among nurses seems to put them at risk for the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders. The development of these complaints into chronic complaints and associated sickness absence is strongly determined by perceived general health and almost not associated with work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors. When the influence of work-related risk factors on musculoskeletal health is being investigated, the general health status of individual workers should be taken into account.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES—To investigate the prevalence of neck, shoulder, and arm pain (NSAP) as well as low back pain (LBP) among hospital nurses, and to examine the association of work tasks and self estimated risk factors with NSAP and LBP.
METHODS—A cross sectional study was carried out in a national university hospital in Japan. Full time registered nurses in the wards (n=314) were selected for analysis. The questionnaire was composed of items on demographic conditions, severity of workloads in actual tasks, self estimated risk factors for fatigue, and musculoskeletal pain in the previous month. Rate ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated by the Cox's proportional hazards model to study the association of pain with variables related to work and demographic conditions.
RESULTS—The prevalences of low back, shoulder, neck, and arm pain in the previous month were 54.7%, 42.8%, 31.3%, and 18.6%, respectively. The prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among hospital nurses was higher than in previous studies. In the Cox's models for LBP and NSAP, there were no significant associations between musculoskeletal pain and the items related to work and demographic conditions. The RRs for LBP tended to be relatively higher for "accepting emergency patients" and some actual tasks. Some items of self estimated risk factors for fatigue tended to have relatively higher RRs for LBP and NSAP.
CONCLUSIONS—It was suggested that musculoskeletal pain among hospital nurses may have associations with some actual tasks and items related to work postures, work control, and work organisation. Further studies, however, are necessary, as clear evidence of this potential association was not shown in the study.

Keywords: workloads; musculoskeletal pain; nurses  相似文献   

Although musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are prevalent among homecare workers, little is known about the MSD risk factors. This study investigated whether physically demanding workloads among homecare workers are related to MSDs, especially in neck, shoulder and back pain. Data were taken from two waves of a random sample (June to December 2003 and December 2003 to February 2004). The sample included 1643 homecare workers at Wave 1 and 1198 homecare workers at Wave 2, respectively. A basic telephone interview and 30 minutes computer‐assisted interview were performed for homecare workers in Wave 1 and Wave 2. The prevalence of neck, shoulder and back MSDs was assessed at Wave 1 and Wave 2 using the Nordic questionnaire of musculoskeletal symptoms. The incidence of MSDs at 6 months was estimated at Wave 2 using only those who were in the asymptomatic reference group at Wave 1 as the denominator. At Wave 1, back MSDs were the most prevalent (10.2%), followed by neck (9.6%) and shoulder (7.1%) MSDs. After 6 months, the incidence of neck MSDs was the highest (7.0%), followed by back (6.4%) and shoulder (4.8%) MSDs. Physical demands of work were assessed using items developed from focus groups of workers. When compared with asymptomatic workers, those with MSDs showed a dose–response effect for physical job demands. After controlling for age, psychosocial demands and social support on‐the‐job, physical demands among homecare workers were significantly associated with an excessive odds of neck, shoulder and back MSDs incident at 6 months (odds ratios of 1.14–1.17 for each unit increase on a physical demand scale). Our study shows that the physical demands of work are a significant risk factor for MSDs among homecare workers. Considering the high physical demands among homecare workers, the finding in this study clearly indicates that practical intervention strategies should be implemented to protect homecare workers from exposure to MSD risk factors.  相似文献   

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