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Effects of plasmin on human factor VIII (AHF)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Pasquini  E J Hershgold 《Blood》1973,41(1):105-111
Highly purified, fibrinogen-free humanfactor VIII was incubated with plasmin,and the liberated split products of thefactor VIII were analyzed by gel filtration, acrylamide gel electrophoresis,bioassay, and for immunologic reactivity. At least three fragments retainingdifferent antigenic determinants arereleased from the factor VIII afterprolonged digestion and at least threenew fragments are seen in acrylamidegel electrophoresis. The split productswere not anticoagulant in the factorVIII activity assay. In fact, the breakdown products in the hydrolysate increased the factor VIII activity ofnormal plasma mixed with it. Therefore, it is not likely that the factor VIIIsplit products formed in fibrinolyticstates contribute actively to the hemorrhagic diathesis.

Submitted on June 22, 1972 Revised on August 7, 1972 Accepted on August 31, 1972  相似文献   

The interaction of factor VIII with von Willebrand factor (vWF) was investigated on a quantitative and qualitative level. Binding characteristics were determined using a solid phase binding assay and protection of factor VIII by vWF from inactivation by activated protein C (aPC) was studied using three different assays. Deletion mutants of vWF, a 31-kD N-terminal monomeric tryptic fragment of vWF that contained the factor VIII binding site (T31) and multimers of vWF of different size were compared with vWF purified from plasma. We found that deletion of the A1, A2, or A3 domain of vWF had neither an effect on the binding characteristics nor on the protective effect of vWF on factor VIII. Furthermore, no differences in binding of factor VIII were found between multimers of vWF with different size. Also, the protective effect on factor VIII of vWF was not related to the size of the multimers of vWF. A 20-fold lower binding affinity was observed for the interaction of T31 with factor VIII, and T31 did not protect factor VIII from inactivation by aPC in a fluid-phase assay. Comparable results were found for a mutant of vWF that is monomeric at the N- terminus (vWF-dPRO). The lack of multimerization at the N-terminus may explain the decreased affinity of T31 and vWF-dPRO for factor VIII. Because of this decreased affinity, only a small fraction of factor VIII was bound to T31 and to vWF-dPRO. We hypothesized that this fraction was protected from inactivation by aPC but that this protection was not observed due to the presence of an excess of unbound factor VIII in the fluid phase. Therefore, vWF, T31, and vWF-dPRO were immobilized to separate bound factor VIII from unbound factor VIII in the fluid phase. Subsequently, the protective effect of these forms of vWF on bound factor VIII was studied. In this approach, all forms of vWF were able to protect factor VIII against inactivation by aPC completely. We conclude, in contrast with earlier work, that there is no discrepancy between binding of factor VIII to vWF and protection of factor VIII by vWF from inactivation by aPC. The protective effect of T31 was not recognized in previous studies due to its low affinity for factor VIII. The absence of multimerization observed for T31 and vWF- dPRO may explain the low affinity for factor VIII. No other domains than the binding site located at the D' domain were found to be involved in the protection of factor VIII from inactivation by aPC.  相似文献   

Lollar  P; Knutson  GJ; Fass  DN 《Blood》1984,63(6):1303-1308
The activation of porcine factor X by an enzymatic complex consisting of activated factor IX (factor IXa), thrombin-activated factor VIII:C (factor VIII:Ca), phospholipid vesicles, and calcium was studied in the presence of an irreversible inhibitor of factor Xa, 5-dimethylamino- naphthalene-1-sulfonyl-glutamyl-glycyl-arginyl- chloro met hyl ketone ( DEGR -CK). The formation of factor Xa was measured continuously by monitoring the increase in solution fluorescence intensity that occurs upon formation of DEGR -factor Xa. Omission of any component from the enzymatic complex reduced the reaction rate to a negligible level. In the presence of fixed excess factor IXa, the velocity of factor X activation was linearly dependent on the concentration of factor VIII:C, and thus, provided a plasma-free assay of factor VIII:C. Activation of factor VIII:C by 0.1 NIH U/ml thrombin in the presence of factor IXa, phospholipid vesicles, and calcium, followed at variable time intervals by the addition of factor X and DEGR -CK, was complete within 5 min, as judged by the fluorometric assay, and resulted in little or no loss of factor VIII:C activity over a period of 20 min; whereas, activation in the absence of either IXa or phospholipid vesicles decreased the half-life of factor VIII:C to approximately 5 min. Analysis of 125I-factor VIII:C-derived activation peptides by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel radioelectrophoresis revealed identical results, regardless of whether factor IXa and/or phospholipid vesicles were included in the activation, suggesting that the lability of factor VIII:Ca is not due to a major alteration of its primary structure. We conclude that the activated porcine factor VIII:C molecule is stabilized markedly because of its interaction with factor IXa and phospholipid.  相似文献   

Purified human factor VIII procoagulant protein (VIII:C) was treated with purified human activated protein C (APC) and the loss of VIII:C activity correlated with proteolysis of the VIII:C polypeptides. APC proteolyzed all VIII:C polypeptides with mol wt = 92,000 or greater, but not the doublet at mol wt = 79-80,000. These results and our previous thrombin activation studies of purified VIII:C, are analogous with similar studies of factor V and form the basis for the following hypothesis: activated VIII:C consists of heavy and light chain polypeptides [mol wt = 92,000 and mol wt = 79-80,000 (or 71-72,000), respectively] which are similar in Mr to the heavy and light chains of activated factor V. Thrombin activates VIII:C and V by generating these polypeptide chains from larger precursors and APC inactivates both molecules by cleavage at a site located in the heavy chain region of activated VIII:C and V.  相似文献   

Lu  D; Kalafatis  M; Mann  KG; Long  GL 《Blood》1996,87(11):4708-4717
The proteolytic cleavage and subsequent inactivation of recombinant human factor VIII (rhFVIII) and human factor VIIIa (rhFVIIIa) by recombinant human activated protein C (rAPC) was analyzed in the presence and absence of human protein S and human factor V (FV). Membrane-bound rhFVIIIa spontaneously looses most of its initial cofactor activity after 15 minutes of incubation at pH 7.4. The remaining activity can be eliminated after incubation with rAPC. Complete inactivation of the membrane-bound rhFVIII and rhFVIIIa by APC correlates with cleavage at Arg336. The inactivation of rhFVIII and human plasma FV by rAPC were also compared. Under similar experimental conditions, complete inactivation of membrane-bound FVIII (60 nmol/L) by rAPC (10 nmol/L) requires 4 hours of incubation, in contrast to 5 minutes for FV (60 nmol/L). The presence of protein S (100 nmol/L) enhances rhFVIII inactivation by rAPC by 6.4-fold and FVa inactivation by twofold, whereas membrane-bound FV showed no protein S dependence during inactivation. The addition of human FV to the APC/protein S inactivation mixture increases by approximately twofold the rate of inactivation of rhFVIII. The effect of FV on the rhFVIII inactivation by APC is protein S-dependent, because FV alone has no effect on the inactivation rate of rhFVIII by APC. Western blotting using a monoclonal antibody that recognizes an epitope between amino acid residues 307 and 506 of human FV showed that FV was completely cleaved by APC at the beginning of the rhFVIII inactivation process. These data suggest that FV fragments derived from the B region of the procofactor after incubation of the membrane-bound procofactor with APC, but not intact single-chain FV, stimulate APC activity in the presence of protein S. rhFVIII, FV, and rhFVIIIa were not inactivated by Glu20-- >Ala-substituted rAPC (rAPCgamma20A), and membrane-bound factor Va was only partially inactivated. Our data suggest that (1) FV and FVa are the physiologically significant substrates for APC inactivation and (2) membranes-bound APC-treated FV is a cofactor for the APC inactivation of rhFVIII only in the presence of the intact form of protein S.  相似文献   

Classic hemophilia A (factor VIII:C deficiency) was diagnosed in a miniature Schnauzer dog and a breeding program established. Inbreeding and crossbreeding produced 16 hemophilic animals. All were initially treated with canine cryoprecipitate, as required, for sporadic hemorrhagic events. Five animals developed potent antibodies to canine factor VIII:C. All were the offspring of obligate carriers, resulting from the mating of a hemophilic purebred miniature Schnauzer male to a normal female Brittany spaniel. The mean age at first treatment and factor VIII exposure at the time of inhibitor development was 10.3 wk and 286.3 U, respectively. The remaining hemophilic animals have not developed antibodies, despite receiving a mean factor VIII dosage of 1.5 X 10(3) U. This group includes animals derived from a mating between the same purebred miniature Schnauzer hemophilic male and a purebred miniature Schnauzer carrier female. In each case, the antibodies recognize both canine and human but not porcine VIII:C. They are non-precipitating IgG immunoglobulins. Following inhibitor development, infusion of canine cryoprecipitate was hemostatically ineffective and factor VIII:C recovery at 30 min was negligible. Infusion of a concentrate of porcine factor VIII resulted in a correction of the hemostatic defect and optimal factor VIII:C recovery. All animals receiving porcine factor VIII:C subsequently developed antibodies to this protein. The chance occurrence of this complication should facilitate further studies directed at elucidating the pathogenesis and management of hemophilia complicated by the development of antibodies to factor VIII:C.  相似文献   

Combined deficiency of factor V and factor VIII, a rare bleeding disorder, is reported in a Syrian family. 2 siblings, 10 and 6 yr old are affected. They had mild bleeding manifestations. Their prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time were prolonged, but thrombin time was normal. Both had low levels of factor V, (6% and 7%), factor VIII, (both 10%) factor VCAg (both 6%) and factor VIII CAg, (6% and 4%). All members of this family had normal levels of factor VIIIR:Ag, protein C, antigen and protein C inhibitor. The normal levels of protein C and protein C inhibitor in the 2 affected family members indicate that the combined deficiency of factors V and VIII has nothing to do with protein C. This contrasts with previous reports that deficiency of protein C inhibitor is the cause of combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency. The probable mode of inheritance of this defect is discussed.  相似文献   

The amyloid hypothesis states that a variety of neurotoxic beta-amyloid (Abeta) species contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Accordingly, a key determinant of disease onset and progression is the appropriate balance between Abeta production and clearance. Enzymes responsible for the degradation of Abeta are not well understood, and, thus far, it has not been possible to enhance Abeta catabolism by pharmacological manipulation. We provide evidence that Abeta catabolism is increased after inhibition of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and may constitute a viable therapeutic approach for lowering brain Abeta levels. PAI-1 inhibits the activity of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), an enzyme that cleaves plasminogen to generate plasmin, a protease that degrades Abeta oligomers and monomers. Because tPA, plasminogen and PAI-1 are expressed in the brain, we tested the hypothesis that inhibitors of PAI-1 will enhance the proteolytic clearance of brain Abeta. Our data demonstrate that PAI-1 inhibitors augment the activity of tPA and plasmin in hippocampus, significantly lower plasma and brain Abeta levels, restore long-term potentiation deficits in hippocampal slices from transgenic Abeta-producing mice, and reverse cognitive deficits in these mice.  相似文献   

Bleeding and delayed healing of ulcers are well recognized clinical problems associated with the use of aspirin and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, which have been attributed to their antiaggregatory effects on platelets. We hypothesized that antiplatelet drugs might interfere with gastric ulcer healing by suppressing the release of growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), from platelets. Gastric ulcers were induced in rats by serosal application of acetic acid. Daily oral treatment with vehicle, aspirin, or ticlopidine (an ADP receptor antagonist) was started 3 days later and continued for 1 week. Ulcer induction resulted in a significant increase in serum levels of VEGF and a significant decrease in serum levels of endostatin (an antiangiogenic factor). Although both aspirin and ticlopidine markedly suppressed platelet aggregation, only ticlopidine impaired gastric ulcer healing and angiogenesis as well as reversing the ulcer-associated changes in serum levels of VEGF and endostatin. The effects of ticlopidine on ulcer healing and angiogenesis were mimicked by immunodepletion of circulating platelets, and ticlopidine did not influence ulcer healing when given to thrombocytopenic rats. Incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells with serum from ticlopidine-treated rats significantly reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis, effects reversed by an antibody directed against endostatin. Ticlopidine treatment resulted in increased platelet endostatin content and release. These results demonstrate a previously unrecognized contribution of platelets to the regulation of gastric ulcer healing. Such effects likely are mediated through the release from platelets of endostatin and possibly VEGF. As shown with ticlopidine, drugs that influence gastric ulcer healing may do so in part through altering the ability of platelets to release growth factors.  相似文献   

Labelled Fab' fragments, derived from the plasma of a severe haemophiliac with antibody directed against factor VIII clotting antigen (VIII C:Ag), were fractionated by immunoabsorption with, first, a complex of phospholipid (PL) vesicles and factor VIII and, second, with factor VIII alone. Two pools of labelled anti-VIII C:Ag were obtained and were used in immunoradiometric assays (IRMAs) for VIII C:Ag. With one pool (non-PL-site antibody) VIII C:Ag assays were unaffected by pre-incubation of factor VIII with PL vesicles; however, binding of the second pool of antibody to VIII C:Ag was prevented by PL preincubation, indicating that these antibody molecules bind at or near a phospholipid binding site on VIII C:Ag (PL-site antibody). Assays of VIII C:Ag in an intermediate purity factor VIII concentrate with these two antibody pools indicate that more than one third of the VIII C:Ag may be bound to PL.  相似文献   

Human factor VIII: a calcium-linked protein complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possible role of Ca2+ as an essential constituent part of the human factor VIII complex has been investigated by stability studies, metal determinations, and gel filtration experiments. In citrated plasma, the factor VIII coagulant activity (VIII:C) deteriorated during storage in a biphasic manner. Collection of blood in heparin, instead of chelating anticoagulants, or neutralization of citrate by addition of CaCl2 to heparinized citrate phosphate dextrose (CPD) plasma rendered VIII:C noticeably stable. At physiologic levels of ionized calcium, VIII:C was almost completely stable during incubation of plasma for 6 hr at 37 degrees C. The influence of other divalent ions was also studied. Highly purified factor VIII complex was subjected to atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis and found to contain about 1.0 mole calcium per 220,000 daltons. This intrinsic calcium could be readily removed by EDTA. When heparin plasma and CPD plasma were chromatographed on Sepharose CL-6B at 37 degrees C, all the factor-VIII-related activities eluted together as large protein complexes. In contrast, factor VIII coagulant antigen (VIII:CAg) and factor-VIII-related antigen (VIIIR:Ag) were completely dissociated upon exposure to EDTA. From these observations it is concluded that human factor VIII circulates in normal plasma as a calcium-linked protein complex.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of porcine factor VIII (P-FVIII; Hyate:C) and other coagulation products employed in the management of patients with hemophilia A, on platelet activation in vitro. Exposure of normal resting platelets to P-FVIII resulted in platelet activation, as manifested by increased expression of the platelet surface activation markers CD62, CD63, and activated-GPIIbIIIa, and by activation-induced modulation of expression of normal platelet membrane glycoproteins CD41, CD42, and CD36. In contrast, platelet activation was not observed after exposure of the platelets to human FVIII, FEIBA, recombinant FVIIa, or cryosupernatant plasma. As with thrombin, exposure of platelets to P-FVIII resulted in the generation of platelet microparticles, an effect not seen not with the other products. In contrast to the characteristic reduction in expression in the number of CD42 molecules detected on thrombin-activated platelets, P-FVIII-stimulated platelets showed a small increase in CD42 expression. In contrast to thrombin, P-FVIII did not cause platelet dense granule release. The results indicate that therapeutic P-FVIII activates platelets, likely in ways that are different from the platelet activation seen with thrombin. The observed platelet activation and microparticle generation may provide a “hypercoagulable” mechanism for hemostasis with P-FVIII therapy separate from, and additional to, that due to increased circulating FVIII levels. Am. J. Hematol. 57:200–205, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Comprehensive coagulation studies were performed on members of a family with combined factor V/VIII deficiency. The purpose of these studies was to investigate the hypothesis that combined factor V/VIII deficiency is due to a lack of the inhibitor to activated protein C. The analyses performed included routine APTT and PT, factor V and VIII coagulant activity and antigen levels, von Willebrand factor levels, protein C antigen assay, and both protein C inhibitor activity and antigen levels. Three of the 19 family members studied were found to have a deficiency of both factors V and VIII. These three individuals showed prolonged APTTs and PTs and decreased levels of factor V and factor VIII coagulant activity and antigen. Factor VIII related antigen and ristocetin cofactor (von Willebrand factor) levels were normal. Protein C and both protein C inhibitor activity and antigen levels were also found to be normal. These findings confirm the results of other recent investigators and indicate that the autosomal, inherited combined factor V/VIII deficiency is not due to a protein C inhibitor deficiency. The real defect in this combined deficiency remains to be determined.  相似文献   

S ummary . The stability of factor VIII coagulant antigens (VIII:CAg) at 56°C was investigated using an immunoradiometric assay for VIII: CAg. In normal or CRM+ haemophilic plasmas VIII: CAg was rapidly inactivated at 56°C. VIII: CAg in spontaneous VIII: C inhibitor plasmas and in post-treatment samples from haemophiliacs with VIII: C inhibitor was resistant to inactivation at 56°C, indicating the presence of heat stable VIII: CAg-anti VIII: CAg complexes.
In vitro VIII: CAg-anti VIII: CAg complexes were formed by incubation of diluted VIII: C antibodies and normal plasma and the stability of these complexes at 56°C was studied. Haemophilic VIII: CAg antibodies formed heat stable immune complexes over a narrow range of inhibitor dilutions whilst some spontaneous VIII: CAg antibodies formed these stable complexes over a much wider range of dilutions emphasizing the difference in the properties of these antibodies.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor binding protein proteolysis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
High-affinity interactions between insulin-like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II) and insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBP-1, -2, -3, -4, -5 and -6) antagonize the binding of IGF to the type 1 IGF receptor. Proteases found in a variety of biological fluids can degrade IGFBP 1-6 into fragments that have a greatly reduced affinity for IGF-I and IGF-II, increasing the concentration of free IGFs at the cell surface and allowing IGFs to bind to and activate the IGF receptor. Therefore, IGFBP proteolysis directly modulates the first step in IGF receptor signaling and thereby indirectly modulates cell survival, mitogenesis and differentiation. Our understanding of IGFBP proteolysis has grown exponentially over the past five years, with the identification of several new IGFBP proteases, a growing appreciation of the potential for IGF-independent actions of IGFBP fragments and the realization that perturbations of IGFBP proteolysis are seen in, and might contribute to, several pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Therapeutic options for treatment of recurrence of leukaemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) are limited. A beneficial effect of donor lymphocyte infusions (DLI) has not previously been described in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) relapse. We report a case of AML with t(8;21), relapsing 3 months after BMT, who received DLI without adjuvant chemotherapy or growth factors. The patient developed acute GVHD and achieved a rapid complete remission of his AML by both cytologic and molecular criteria of at least 14 months duration, thereby showing that DLI for AML in relapse after BMT is an alternative therapeutic option.  相似文献   

Hereditary deficiency of factor VIII (FVIII), haemophilia A, is treated by plasma-derived FVIII (pd-FVIII) or recombinant FVIII (rFVIII) infusions. B-domain-deleted FVIII (BDD-rFVIII), although generally safe and effective, was less effective than pd-FVIII in prophylaxis -- evidenced by a 2.5-fold higher bleeding incidence. Assessment of BDD-rFVIII activity in chromogenic and one-stage clotting assays gives up to 50% difference in activity values.As earlier studies demonstrated identical activation and cofactor activity of BDD-rFVIII and pd-FVIII, we decided to study susceptibility of thrombin-activated pd-FVIII, full-length rFVIII and BDD-rFVIII to proteolytic inactivation by activated protein C (APC) and activated factor X (FXa) in a purified system. Proteolysis was monitored by Western blot using monoclonal antibodies C5 and R8B12 specific for the A1 and A2 domains, respectively. Inactivation was monitored by measuring the residual cofactor activity of FVIII forms in a one-stage clotting assay.Proteolysis of A1 and A2 domains of activated BDD-rFVIII proceeded 11 or 13 times faster than that of pd-FVIII or full-length rFVIII. Inactivation of activated BDD-rFVIII was two to three times faster by APC and five to six times faster by FXa. We suggest that differences in proteolytic inactivation may contribute to differences between BDD-rFVIII and pd-FVIII in assaying and in clinical use.  相似文献   

The effective activation of factor X by factor IXa requires the co-factor activity of activated factor VIII (FVIII). Factor Xa formation is also dependent on the presence of negatively charged phospholipid. A phospholipid binding domain of FVIII has been reported to be present on the FVIII light chain. Recent observations on a subset of human FVIII inhibitors have implicated the carboxyl-terminal C2 domain of FVIII as containing a possible phospholipid binding site. The purpose of this study was to investigate directly the role of the C2 domain in phospholipid binding. Twenty-six overlapping peptides, which span the entire C2 domain of FVIII, were synthesized. The ability of these peptides to inhibit the binding of purified human FVIII to immobilized phosphatidylserine was evaluated in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Three overlapping synthetic FVIII peptides, 2303-2317, 2305-2332, and 2308-2322, inhibited FVIII binding to phosphatidylserine by greater than 90% when tested at a concentration of 100 mumols/L. A fourth partially overlapping peptide, 2318-2332, inhibited FVIII binding by 65%. These results suggest that the area described by these peptides, residues 2303 to 2332, may play an important role in the mediation of FVIII binding to phospholipid.  相似文献   

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