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目的观察息肉状脉络膜血管病变(PCV)息肉病灶和脉络膜分支血管网(BVN)的光相干断层扫描血管成像(OCTA)特征。方法采用系列病例观察研究设计,收集2016年5月至2017年4月在北京协和医院就诊的未经治疗的PCV患者42例45眼,其中男26例27眼,女16例18眼;平均年龄为(68.59±8.52)岁。所有患眼均行荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)、吲哚菁绿血管造影(ICGA)和OCTA检查,观察息肉和BVN的OCTA影像特征,并计算其OCTA的检出率。结果所有PCV患者ICGA图像上均可观察到明确的高荧光息肉病灶,其中38眼的ICGA图像上可观察到BVN结构。OCTA图像显示息肉为点状、环状、团簇状或结节状高反射信号,共检测出45眼中35眼的息肉病灶信号,检出率为77.8%。OCTA能清晰显示38眼的BVN血管结构,检出率为100.0%。结论OCTA能无创地显示PCV的息肉病灶和BVN结构,结合en face图像和B扫描图像能实现对病灶的定位。  相似文献   

目的观察息肉状脉络膜血管病变(PCV)的眼底表现及荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA)、吲哚青绿血管造影(ICGA)与相干光断层扫描(OCT)特征。方法分析经眼底检查、FFA、ICGA及OCT确诊的PCV患者16例(16只眼)的眼底图像资料。其中OCT检查资料为8例(8只眼)。结果 16例(16只眼)全部为单眼发病,其中男性10例,占62.5%,女性6例,占37.5%。年龄36~75岁,平均年龄63.4岁。眼底检查14只眼病变部位位于黄斑区,占87.5%,2只眼病变位于视盘颞侧,占12.5%。在黄斑区4只眼见橘红色结节样隆起病灶,13只眼视网膜下有出血,11只眼见脂质沉着。FFA检查16只眼早期均呈强荧光,后期进行性渗漏。其中6只眼表现血液性视网膜色素上皮脱离(PED),1只眼为浆液性PED,2只眼为血液性合并浆液性PED,1只眼呈脉络膜血管网及息肉样结构。ICGA检查16只眼均可见强度不等、簇状或孤立的息肉状扩张灶,其中12只眼可见伞样或树枝样异常扩张的脉络膜血管网。OCT检查8只眼显示7只眼视网膜色素上皮(RPE)和脉络膜毛细血管高反射层呈穹隆状隆起,其下可见结节状改变。1只眼无脉络膜毛细血管高反射层改变。6只眼表现血液性PED,2只眼为浆液性PED合并神经上皮脱离。结论 PCV单眼发病为主,好发部位为黄斑区,最常见表现为视网膜下出血及脂性渗出,部分患眼存在PED。大部分患眼ICGA可见特征性的脉络膜血管网及其末梢的息肉状扩张灶。  相似文献   

息肉样脉络膜血管病变(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)表现为眼底后极部脉络膜异常分支血管网末端局限性膨隆,呈息肉状改变,伴复发性出血,并有浆液性或出血性色素上皮脱离.自发现以来,吲哚青绿血管造影(indocyanine green angiography,ICGA)被认为是诊断PCV的金标准.随着相干光断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)成像技术的不断发展,从时域-OCT中特征性的“双层征”到在谱域-OCT中可清晰呈现的异常血管网和息肉状改变,再到穿透性更强的OCT血管造影技术中扩张的脉络膜血管和息肉状结构反射信号的改变,逐步为PCV的非侵入性诊断提供更多可靠依据.  相似文献   

目的 利用光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)及频域光学相干断层扫描(optical cohorence tomography,OCT)评估息肉状脉络膜血管病变(polypoid choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)联合抗血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)治疗后疗效。方法 回顾性分析PCV患者46例48眼的临床资料,患眼均行荧光素眼底血管造影(fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)、吲哚菁绿血管造影(indocyanine green angiography,ICGA)、OCT及OCTA检查,所有患者按照常规剂量先行PDT治疗,3~5 d内再联合抗VEGF治疗,随访3~24个月。分析并比较PCV治疗前后视力、中央视网膜厚度(central retinal thickness,CRT)的变化,以及治疗前后OCTA上息肉病灶、异常分支血管网(branching vascular network,BVN)的变化。结果 治疗后3个月、6个月、12个月、24个月患眼视力均提高,CRT均下降。治疗前最佳矫正视力为(0.50±0.40)logMAR,治疗后24个月为(0.44±0.37)logMAR,差异有统计学意义(t=4.452,P<0.05)。治疗前CRT为(601.89±183.88)μm,治疗后24个月CRT厚度为(457.54±207.80)μm,差异有统计学意义(t=5.968,P<0.05)。治疗前48眼中OCTA上息肉病灶检出率70.8%,ICGA上息肉病灶检出率100.0%;34眼联合OCTA检查治疗后3个月、6个月、12个月、24个月息肉病灶完全消退率分别为79.4%、78.8%、75.8%和83.3%。治疗前14眼在OCTA检查中未发现息肉病灶,在联合治疗后复查OCT,治疗后3个月、6个月、12个月、24个月指状突起消退率分别为71.4%、76.9%、75.0%、87.5%。患者联合治疗OCTA上BVN的面积治疗前为(0.916±0.215)mm2,治疗后3个月、6个月、12个月及24个月分别为(0.823±0.286)mm2、(0.909±0.312)mm2、(1.121±0.389)mm2和(1.672±0.230)mm2。结论 典型的PCV病变在PDT联合抗VEGF治疗后能安全有效地显著改善和稳定患者的视力、降低CRT、促进息肉病灶消退。无创、快速和可重复的OCTA联合OCT可作为联合治疗后评价PCV病情有用的随诊技术。  相似文献   

目的:报道1例特发性息肉样脉络膜血管病变的眼底荧光血管造影与吲哚青绿血管造影的临床特点。方法:常规眼科检查、眼底照相、荧光血管造影、吲哚青绿血管造影分析以及文献复习。结果:特发性息肉样脉络膜血管病变患者缺乏典型的玻璃疣,但可在视乳头与黄斑间出现大量泥沙样黄色渗出,眼底荧光血管造影中没有老年性黄斑变性样的新生血管,吲哚青绿血管造影中可见典型的息肉样脉络膜血管扩张,可单眼发病。结论:特发性息肉样脉络膜血管病变在临床表现以及眼底血管造影方面均有特征性改变。区分特发性息肉样脉络膜血管病变与老年性黄斑变性在疾病的视力预后、转归以及治疗处理上都有实际的临床意义。  相似文献   

廖燕红  龚雁  陈利双  叶婷  刘栋 《国际眼科杂志》2019,19(10):1805-1807



结果:本研究纳入患者25眼,频域OCT检查表现为浆液性和出血性色素上皮脱离(PED)14眼,OCTA检查示相应病变部位为低信号暗区,其旁有强信号点9眼; 频域OCT检查表现为“双层征”11眼,OCTA检查显示为网状结构的脉络膜异常分支血管网(BVN); 频域OCT检查表现为息肉样病变(polyps)12眼,OCTA检查表现为强或低信号区。

结论:PCV患眼OCTA检查对BVN的表现更直观明显,息肉样病变表现为强或弱的信号,浆液性、出血性PED的OCT和OCTA图像均表现为低反射或低信号暗区,不具有特征性。二者显示的病变位置和形态具有相似性,但也有不同。  相似文献   

目的 观察玻璃体内注射康柏西普治疗息肉样脉络膜血管病变(polypoid choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)前后光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)的图像特征,并分析黄斑结构与视力的相关性。方法 遵循3+PRN方案对确诊为PCV的患者31例31眼进行玻璃体内注射康柏西普治疗,随访时间≥12个月。记录治疗前后最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)、黄斑中心凹视网膜厚度(center macular thickness,CMT)、总黄斑体积(total macular volume,TMV)、视网膜下液高度(subretinal fluid height,SRFH)、视网膜色素上皮层脱离高度(pigment epithelial detachment height,PEDH)、视网膜色素上皮层脱离面积(pigment epithelial detachment area,PEDA)及视网膜色素上皮层脱离体积(pigment epithelial detachment volume,PEDV)的变化;并以3个月为单元,对BCVA存在统计学差异的时间段进行logMAR BCVA变化量与OCT各项检测指标变化量的相关性分析。结果 治疗后1个月、3个月、6个月、9个月、12个月的CMT、TMV、SRFH、PEDH、PEDA、PEDV 6项指标均较治疗前下降,差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。CMT、TMV、SRFH在治疗后3个月基本达到治疗的峰值,而PEDH、PEDA、PEDV在治疗后6个月才逐渐稳定。BCVA在治疗后3个月明显提高,治疗前与治疗后3个月BCVA相比差异有统计学意义,该时间段的△logMAR BCVA与△CMT、△SRFH、△PEDV呈正相关(r=0.456、0.381、0.475,均为P<0.05),与△TMV、△PEDH、△PEDA无相关性(均为P>0.05)。结论 3+PRN玻璃体内注射康柏西普可以在治疗后3个月有效地降低PCV患者CMT、TMV、SRFH,提高BCVA,但视网膜色素上皮脱离的恢复比视网膜内液或视网膜下液吸收慢;OCT可对PCV治疗前后各项指标的变化进行定量测量,CMT、SRFH、PEDV的下降程度反映了前3个月BCVA的提高程度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨光学相干断层扫描血管成像(optical coherence tomography angiography,OCTA)作为一种新方法引导光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)治疗慢性中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变(central serous chorioretinopathy,CSC)的疗效。方法 非随机病例对照研究。慢性CSC患者60例(60眼),按引导PDT光斑设计方法分为三组,每组各20例,A组由荧光素眼底血管造影设计、B组由吲哚菁绿血管造影设计、C组由OCTA设计,同时选入正常眼36例(36眼)作为对照;患者均采用半剂量维替泊芬PDT进行治疗。比较治疗前后不同时期最佳矫正视力(best corrected visual acuity,BCVA)、视网膜下液(subretinal fluid,SRF)吸收时间、光感受器内外节至Bruch膜厚度(photoreceptor inner/outer segment to bruch member thickness,IOBT)、中央视网膜厚度(central retinal thickness,CRT)、黄斑中心凹下脉络膜厚度(subretinal fovea choridial thickness,SFCT)、后极部6 mm×6 mm区域脉络膜毛细血管血流密度(choriocapillary layer angio-flow density,CFD)以及治疗后并发症情况。结果 PDT光斑大小A组(1500.00±79.47)μm、B组(2800.00±629.95)μm、C组(2700.00±553.46)μm差异有统计学意义(P=0.000),A组明显小于B、C组(均为P=0.000),B、C两组差异无统计学意义(P=0.358)。三组SRF吸收时间差异有统计学意义(P=0.000),其中A组比B、C组时间延长(均为P=0.000),B、C组差异无统计学意义(P=0.151)。SRF吸收后三组BCVA 显著提高、IOBT显著增厚,差异均有统计学意义(均为P=0.000),三组间BCVA差异无统计学意义(P=0.176)、IOBT差异有统计学意义(P=0.041)。SRF吸收后三组CRT、SFCT与CFD明显降低,差异均有统计学意义(均为P=0.000),三组间CRT、CFD差异均有统计学意义(均为P=0.000),但SFCT差异无统计学意义(P=0.245)。CSC患者治疗前后BCVA、CRT、SFCT、IOBT以及治疗前CFD与正常眼差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。治疗后未见与视力相关的眼部及全身并发症。结论 适当大小PDT光斑有利于缩短CSC病程,但对最终视力影响不大;OCTA引导与FFA、ICGA引导PDT治疗CSC有相似的效果;因为无创及经济,OCTA引导更优于FFA及ICGA引导。  相似文献   

息肉样脉络膜血管病变(polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy,PCV)特征是后极部视网膜下桔红色息肉样病变,伴有出血性和浆液性视网膜色素上皮及神经上皮脱离.荧光素眼底血管造影无特征性表现,吲哚青绿血管造影能显示分支血管组成的脉络膜血管网和血管末端息肉样或动脉瘤样扩张.OCT表现为视网膜色素上皮及脉络膜毛细血管高反射层呈陡峭的穹窿状隆起,其下见中等反射或结节状改变.本病应与湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性和某些长期不愈的中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变进行鉴别.尽管PCV的治疗仍缺乏通用的方案,光动力疗法结合玻璃体内注射血管内皮生长因子抑制剂可改善或稳定患者视力.  相似文献   

 Purpose: This study was designed to measure the changes in the subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) and choroidal maximal vessel diameter (MVD) of the affected and unaffected fellow eyes in patients with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) and compare them to healthy controls. Methods: In this cross-sectional observational clinical study, SFCT and MVD were measured in both eyes of 53 patients with unilateral PCV. PCV eyes were subgrouped into group A and unaffected fellow eyes into group B. All patients were diagnosed with PCV by fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA). Sixty age- and gender-matched healthy subjects were enrolled in the control group (group C). Results: No statistical difference was observed among groups in age and gender. Overall, SFCT was correlated with MVD in all subjects (P< 0.001; correlation coefficient: 0.759). P values were < 0.001 with a correlation coefficient of 0.686, 0.801, and 0.808 in groups A, B, and C, respectively. No statistical significance was noted in SFCT among groups A (266.45 ± 99.51μm), B (269.57 ± 105.10 μm), and C (243.83± 99.68 μm) (P=0.335). However, the MVD in group A was (202.55 ± 72.45 μm), significantly larger than that in group C (166.45 ± 56.18 μm, P=0.008), while the MVD in group B (194.75 ± 85.27 μm) was equally significantly greater than that in group C (166.45 ± 56.18μm) (P=0.038). Conclusion: For both PCV patients and healthy subjects, SFCT was positively correlated with MVD. No statistical significance was noted in SFCT between PCV eyes and unaffected fellow/ normal eyes. However, MVD was significantly larger in the PCV affected eyes than in unaffected fellow or normal control eyes, suggesting that MVD could be considered as a sensitive indicator to evaluate choroidal perfusion in PCV patients.  相似文献   

PurposeTo evaluate the efficacy of an optical coherence tomography (OCT)-based diagnosis of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) in Korean patients.MethodsThis retrospective, observational case series included 263 eyes of 263 patients (147 eyes with PCV and 116 eyes with typical exudative, age-related macular degeneration [AMD]) who had been diagnosed with treatment naïve exudative AMD. Eyes with three or more of the following OCT findings were diagnosed with PCV: multiple retinal pigment epithelial detachment (RPED), a sharp RPED peak, an RPED notch, a hyporeflective lumen representing polyps, and hyperreflective intraretinal hard exudates. The OCT-based diagnosis was compared with the gold-standard indocyanine green angiography-based method. The sensitivity and specificity of the OCT-based diagnosis was also estimated. An additional analysis was performed using a choroidal thickness criterion. Eyes with a subfoveal choroidal thickness greater than 300 µm were also diagnosed with PCV despite having only two OCT features.ResultsIn eyes with PCV, three or more OCT features were observed in 126 of 147 eyes (85.7%), and the incidence of typical exudative AMD was 16 of 116 eyes (13.8%). The sensitivity and specificity of an OCT-based diagnosis were 85.7% and 86.2%, respectively. After applying the choroidal thickness criterion, the sensitivity increased from 85.7% to 89.8%, and the specificity decreased from 86.2% to 84.5%.ConclusionsThe OCT-based diagnosis of PCV showed a high sensitivity and specificity in Korean patients. The addition of a choroidal thickness criterion improved the sensitivity of the method with a minimal decrease in its specificity.  相似文献   

PurposeTo evaluate vortex vein engorgement and choroidal vascular hyperpermeability in patients with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) using ultra-widefield indocyanine green angiography (ICGA).MethodsThis retrospective case control study included 51 patients with unilateral PCV, 7 patients with bilateral PCV, and 43 age-matched controls. The number of quadrants of vortex vein engorgement was evaluated in the middle phase of ICGA, which was classified as extended engorgement if the dilated choroidal vessels expanded to the macula. The area of choroidal vascular hyperpermeability was quantified stereographically from the late-phase ICGA and correlated with clinical and optical coherence tomography findings.ResultsAffected eyes had a larger choroidal hyperpermeability area and a thicker subfoveal choroid than eyes in the control group or fellow eyes (P < 0.001, P < 0.001). More quadrants with extended vortex vein engorgement were observed in affected eyes than in fellow eyes (P < 0.001). Significant differences were observed in the area of choroidal hyperpermeability, Haller layer thickness and greatest linear dimension according to the extended vortex vein engorgement in eyes with PCV (P < 0.001, P = 0.001, and P = 0.001, respectively). The area of choroidal hyperpermeability was significantly correlated with subfoveal choroidal thickness (P < 0.001, Pearson''s correlation coefficient = 0.471).ConclusionsUltra-widefield ICGA results revealed that patients with PCV had vortex vein engorgement and an increased choroidal hyperpermeability area. The results from this study provide substantial information to clarify the pathogenesis and predict the prognosis in the patients with PCV.  相似文献   

息肉状脉络膜血管病变的分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:在较大样本病例的基础上,探讨息肉状脉络膜血管病变(polypoidalchoroidalvasculopathy,PCV)的分类标准,并提出PCV的系统分类法。方法:42例(48只眼)国人PCV患者根据PCV的眼底表现和吲哚青绿血管造影(indocyaninegreenangiography,ICGA)特征,按息肉状病灶发生的部位、息肉状病灶渗漏程度、有无与息肉状病灶相连的分支状脉络膜血管网及眼底出血、渗出的严重程度进行分类。结果:48只PCV患眼按息肉状病灶发生的部位分为黄斑型(30只眼,占62.5%)、血管弓型(6只眼,占12.5%)、视乳头旁型(3只眼,占6.3%)、中周型及结合型(9只眼,占18.8%);按息肉状病灶渗漏程度分为活动性(34只眼,占73.8%)与非活动性(14只眼,占29.2%);按有无与息肉状病灶相连的分支状脉络膜血管网分为典型(36只眼,75.0%)与非典型(12只眼,25.0%);按眼底出血、渗出的严重程度分为渗出型(13只眼,占27.1%)与出血型(35只眼,占72.9%)。其中按息肉状病灶发生的部位和按有无与息肉状病灶相连的分支状脉络膜血管网进行分类为本研究首次提出。结论:PCV的上述分类有助于PCV的诊断与鉴别诊断、指导治疗及判断预后。  相似文献   

It has been reported that pulsations in abnormal vessels are observed on indocyanine green (ICG) angiography in half of patients with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV), although the mechanism of the pulsation is unknown. In this study, we report a case of PCV showing venous pulsations at an arterio-venous (A-V) crossing, and discuss a possible mechanism of polypoidal vessel formation and pulsations in PCV. A 66-year-old female presented with a reddish-orange elevated lesion and serous retinal detachment in the macula of her left eye, and was diagnosed as PCV. She was treated with photodynamic therapy (PDT), and followed-up through routine examinations, including ICG angiography. ICG angiography at presentation showed a branching vascular network and choroidal venules with dye leakage (polypoidal vessels) in the left eye. Pulsations, supposedly of venous origin, were observed at an A-V crossing in the abnormal vessels. Within 3 months after PDT, the polypoidal vessel ceased to leak and the pulsations vanished. The reddish-orange lesion gradually decreased in size with complete disappearance of retinal detachment. This study suggests that an unusual compression at an A-V crossing may make a venule polypoidal, and fluctuations of blood flow and pressure in the venule may cause pulsatile movements of the vessel wall.  相似文献   

Purpose To determine the efficacy of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV). Methods PDT was performed in 35 patients (35 eyes) with PCV. We evaluated the number of treatments and compared visual acuity (VA), ophthalmological findings, and changes in polypoidal lesions and branching vascular networks by measuring lesion diameters using Heidelberg retina angiography before PDT, and then every 3 months for 1 year after PDT. Results The mean annual number of treatment sessions was 2.2. VA was improved or maintained in 80% of the patients. Retinal pigment epithelium detachment, retinal detachment, hemorrhage, and/or exudates disappeared in 69%, and leakage resolved in 74% of the patients. Polypoidal lesions disappeared completely on indocyanine green angiography in 83% of the patients. All branching vascular networks persisted. Polypoidal lesions had recurred at the termini of the remaining branching vascular networks at 9 months after the first PDT in two eyes and at 12 months in one eye. Conclusions PDT with verteporfin for PCV appears to improve or maintain VA for the first posttreatment year. Approximately 70% of PCV cases showed improved ophthalmoscopic findings. However, as polypoidal lesions recur after PDT in some cases, further study is needed to confirm the long-term efficacy of PDT for PCV. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2007;51:270–277 @ Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2007  相似文献   

Purpose To analyze the histopathology of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) and choroidal neovascularization (CNV) developing from PCV, the authors evaluated correlations between pathological findings and the findings of preoperative indocyanine green angiography (IA).Methods Two specimens were obtained during CNV excision associated with PCV. PCV tissue was excised with the CNV. The specimens were examined by light microscopy.Results In one case, IA revealed polypoidal lesions exhibiting hyperfluorescence in both the early and the late phase, and in the affected area, abnormally dilated vessels were identified histologically underneath relatively healthy retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). In the other case, the polypoidal lesions seen on IA showed early hyperfluorescence and late isofluorescence, and dilated vessels were observed under the RPE; perivascular amorphous material was present. The RPE adhered to the side of the choroid, and there was CNV under the neurosensory retina in both cases. The CNV had numerous vascular lumens, was not surrounded by the RPE, and exhibited few fibrous components.Conclusions IA findings vary depending on the condition of the RPE located above the PCV and the extent of amorphous material around the PCV. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2004;48:249–255 © Japanese Ophthalmological Society 2004  相似文献   

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