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近年来,大学生考试作弊现象在各级各类学校层出不穷,并且呈现出多元化和市场化等新特点。本文总结了大学生考试作弊的原因以及新的时代背景下大学生考试作弊的特点。最后,根据分析结果提出了防止大学生考试作弊的相应对策。  相似文献   

对七年制医学生双语教学的问卷调查与思考   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文对开展神经病学中英文双语教学的七年制医学生进行了问卷式调查,表明在同学中存在医学英语基础不足和专业英语内容比例偏高等问题。因此,提高学生对双语教学重要性的认识,加强基础医学英语教学,改进教学方法,适当调整英语教学内容的比例,并合理引进考试机制将会有效促进双语教学的效果。  相似文献   

文章介绍了作者在《中药学》教学过程中对多元化考核方式的运用情况,突破了期末考试单一的终结性考核方式,采用以传统期末考试为核心引入多元化的考核方式,包括学生出勤情况、课堂回答问题、歌诀背诵、背记章节功效、闭卷期中考试、中药材饮片认知等。从而培养了学生的学习兴趣和解决问题的能力.提高了学习成绩。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊的原因及影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学生考试作弊的原因较多,本文主要从学生自身、学校管理和社会等层面上来分析考试作弊对作弊者自身、他人及社会产生的影响。  相似文献   

外科学在医学生的学习中占有重要位置,理论考试是检验学习的手段,传统的考试方式存在较多弊病,不能适应外科教学的需要.为此,文章对外科学理论在线考试系统中的题库建立、系统研发、实际应用和调整分别做了介绍,并指出整合后的题库包含多种专业、多种题型,每道试题具有多重属性,便于在组卷时进行选择;在线考试系统在考试组织、出题、监考、阅卷、试卷分析等环节中,能够提高工作效率、减少出错、增强保密性,可以满足不同学习阶段考查的需要.  相似文献   

In response to the continuing pressures facing anatomy and other basic sciences in medical education, the Department of Anatomy at the University of Colorado School of Medicine has instituted a parallel two-course system of teaching gross anatomy. Students in both the longer and shorter of the two courses appear to be prepared adequately by their experiences in the courses they elected. Statistically significant differences (students in the longer course scoring higher) were, however, observed on both departmental examinations and certain national examinations administered subsequent to the completion of the courses. Student responses to both courses were extremely favorable. Since the differences between the two groups were generally small and advantages were noted in presenting two courses simultaneously, it is concluded that the concurrent presentation of two differently organized basic science courses (within a single subject area) offers an effective response to the instructional needs of our medical school and medical students.  相似文献   

A study of the career decisions of all students in a single matriculation cohort was undertaken in 1965 at the University of British Columbia. Studied were 64 premedical students, 112 ex-premedical students and 87 science students who had completed at least their second year. It was found by means of a questionnaire that medicine remained the career of high prestige for the three groups of students. In general the values and needs of the ex-premedical student were more similar to those of the science student than the premedical student. The loyalists to medicine were found to be more committed, self-assured, and orientated towards people and service. In addition, the premedical student was more concerned about his academic achievement but was also more confident of his progress. He emerged at the end of his training as the committed student who had chosen medicine at an early age and had remained loyal to his chosen career goal.  相似文献   

采用匿名问卷的方法,收集259例医学生对作弊行为的态度,以及自己有无作弊的行为;。分析结果显示,作弊发生率为26%,男生多于女生,作弊学生中有67%在初、高中阶段有过作弊行为;作弊方式以抄袭、夹带和交换答案为主;多数学生认识作弊行为对自己和他人是一种伤害,但作弊学生多持宽容态度,而非作弊学生持严厉和否定态度。对作憋行为发生原因和对策作了分析。  相似文献   

探索性实验是实验生理科学这一创新人才培养普惠课程的关键内容,是医学创新人才培养的重要途径。为促进实验生理科学课程尤其是探索性实验的发展,研究者在原有多主体评价的基础上,通过量化师生评分项目,增设学生评教问卷、学生自评问卷等,形成多主体并重、定性与定量相结合的评估体系。该评估体系的应用有效提升了探索性实验教学效果评估的客观性,为探索性实验的改革提供了依据,促进了医学创新人才培养。  相似文献   

A model has been developed for a problem-based criterion-referenced test of clinical competence. The model, designed to increase the reliability and validity of traditional final year examinations for medical students, aims to provide a profile of student performance over a range of defined competence categories. The level of competence has been referenced to that expected of an intern. Both the content of the examination and the selection of test methods are based on patient problem blueprints which identify key areas that require testing. The content and test methods were incorporated, as appropriate, into either th;e written section or the practical section of the examination. The approach was found to be feasible and acceptable to staff and students.  相似文献   

目的综合评价本科生生理学小规模私有在线课程(SPOC)教学模式的实施过程和效果。方法选择蚌埠医学院2019-2020学年第二学期接受生理学理论教学的各专业本科生363名。从课程资源利用、作业互评和论坛互动3个维度,对SPOC教学模式参与度进行评价;进而又按学生参与度高、中和低分为3组,对教学过程、教学内容评价和学生考试成绩等教学效果进行评价。结果SPOC教学模式参与度结果显示,不同性别的同学在文档浏览、随堂测验、发帖或回复和收到回复或点赞方面差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),而在课程资源利用、作业互评和课程讨论方面差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05);教学效果结果显示,教学内容评价差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),而在教学组织评价、期末成绩和综合成绩方面差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05);与教学组织评价参与度低的同学相比,教学组织评价参与度高的同学,期末成绩和综合成绩较高(P < 0.05)。结论SPOC教学模式是提高生理学教学效果的重要途径,特别是有利于提高学生主观能动性、创新能力和专业素养。  相似文献   

目的 探讨基于成果导向教育(outcome-based education,OBE)理念的多元化教学在生理学教学中的应用效果。方法 选择沈阳医学院2020级麻醉学、口腔医学、医学影像学、精神医学五年制本科专业356名学生作为研究对象,采用基于OBE理念的多元化教学法。通过测评成绩及调查问卷进行分析评价。应用SPSS 16.0进行t检验。结果 测评成绩结果显示,学生医考成绩[(88.19±16.35)分]高于西医综合成绩[(66.69±21.45)分];期末考试A2型题[(70.63±17.67)分]高于A1型题[(63.16±14.80)分],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。调查问卷结果显示学生对多元化教学法的总体认可度较高。结论 OBE理念下的多元化教学法应用于生理学教学中,有助于提高学生综合学习能力和未来岗位胜任力,提升了教学质量。  相似文献   

The subjective effects of dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate and placebo were evaluated in 16 medical students during the period just prior to their final oral examinations. The subjects served as their own controls. The order of administration of the three medications for each student was randomized, and a double-blind technique was used throughout. A questionnaire method was employed for the collection of results, which proved to be a useful and effective means. It demonstrated that dextroamphetamine, methylphenidate and placebo were statistically different from one another with regard to their effect on efficiency of studying, fatigue, duration of sleep and appetite. There were also significant differences in the number of side effects caused by the three medications. The stimulants, however, did not increase the number of study hours, nor was their use recommended by the students when preparing for important examinations.  相似文献   

为了更全面地提高教学质量和培养学生综合学习能力,尝试建立《局部解剖学》课程形成性评价体系。把考试考核贯穿于课程教学的全过程,使课程教学不但重结果、而且重过程:使学生重视平时学习,养成良好的学习习惯,极大地减少了靠一次期末考试定成败的偶然性。多样的考试考核方法和叠加的综合成绩评定.使考试测验自始至终都能起到促进和帮助学生学习的作用。激励学生爱学、会学、创造性学习,监控教学全过程,是建立该体系的根本目的。  相似文献   

Objectives:To explore the attitude and perception of undergraduate medical students and their staff towards the educational methods (conventional versus online) and to assess their performance accordingly.Methods:It was a comparative cross sectional study, conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, Al- Imam University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on May 30, 2020. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data from students and staff about conventional teaching, online teaching, conventional examination and online examination. It was in the form of 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 5-strongly agree, to 1-strongly disagree, in addition to age and gender. The results of conventional and online examination were recorded.Results:The total sample reached 230 students and 20 staff. Mean scores for conventional teaching and examination were significantly higher than online. The mean values for grades of online final examination was significantly higher than those of midterm conventional examination. Most of the statements related to conventional teaching and examination attained a good response where students and their staff conveyed a negative perception pertinent to online examination. Students and staff showed a higher percentage of agreement in favor of online examination allowing immediate feedback.Conclusion:Conventional teaching was perceived as more effective, accessible, less technical difficulties and less fraud and cheating. Online learning, should be allowed in undergraduate medical education, by combining it with conventional learning, and students should be prepared to it.  相似文献   

The experience of evaluation of both students and course in pathology at Dalhousie Medical School indicates that valuable reproducible and probably objective information is obtained by the use of frequent multiple-choice tests combined with substantial final oral examinations. Course evaluation by student questionnaires has provided useful information on course modifications and teaching techniques. The most informative feature of the evaluation program is in the provision of mechanisms for feedback from students to faculty and among faculty members. By these means weaknesses in teaching have been identified and often corrected. The method has aided in the early identification of poor students and of their areas of weakness so that remedial instruction can be instituted before the final examination.  相似文献   

目的探讨医学影像专业放射肿瘤学的教学改革。方法对我院五年制医学影像专业98级、99级、2000级学生的放射肿瘤学教学中存在的问题进行细致分析。结果针对以上问题,进行教学改革,包括教材、教学手段、教学方法、教师结构的改革。结论教学改革不仅仅培养了临床医学生的综合运用能力,达到了教学目的,同时也锻炼了学生主动学习的能力,促进学生从记忆型、模仿型向思考型、创新型转变,提高了教学效果、教学质量,培养了学生素质。  相似文献   

India is in need of well-trained doctors. We highlight and analyse some of the problems affecting medical education in India and their possible solutions. The medical education system can be reviewed under four heads: selection of students, medical training, evaluation, and the development and accreditation of faculty. In India, students enter medical colleges without receiving sufficient orientation about the profession. If students were given some exposure to various professions in the final years of school, it would help address this issue. Medical students are selected on the basis of pre-medical tests consisting of multiple-choice questions, the validity of which is being questioned increasingly. There is no coordination between the scheduling of lectures on various diseases and their management and the clinical exposure of the students. Active involvement in treatment is limited to the final year, called internship, which is hampered by preparation for postgraduate entrance examinations. Efforts should be made to provide hands-on experience at an earlier time in the course. A systematic and reliable programme for evaluation is a must. There is a need for a shift in the focus of evaluation, which should assess the application of knowledge rather than the ability to recall facts. The replacement of the traditional long-/short-case examinations with more valid and reliable instruments for the assessment of clinical skills should be considered. 'Vision 2015', a document developed by the Medical Council of India, contains many notable recommendations for the improvement of the current system. If these are implemented effectively, the impact of improvement in Indian medical education will be felt globally.  相似文献   

专业思想教育在中医教育体系中具有根本性和领引性的作用,必须明确其主体地位。从以人为本的教育立场出发,在教学的组织管理、专业教学、学生工作等各个方面,通过导向性和辅助性教育手段,使学员端正学习动机,激发学习热情,形成正确的专业价值观和优良的专业品质,增强专业发展的责任感和荣誉感。  相似文献   

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