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Background: The trend of alcohol use among college students has been shown to vary by ethnicity and has been linked to acculturation among Hispanics. Consistent findings indicate that males consume alcohol more frequently and in greater quantities compared to females. Objectives: This study investigated the drinking habits of Hispanic college students living in the border region of South Texas. The study evaluated the influence of acculturation on alcohol consumption among Hispanic males and females. Methods: Two hundred and ninety-six Hispanic students participated in this study. The participants reported their drinking behaviors over the past 30 days and completed a measure of acculturation. Results: Fifty-nine percent of the participants reported consuming alcohol in the past 30 days with more males than females reporting alcohol consumption. Logistic regression analysis indicated that age and gender, and not acculturation or enculturation, predicted drinking in the last 30 days. Among drinkers, the regression analyses indicated that gender and lower levels of Anglo orientation were linked to increased alcohol consumption, suggesting that Hispanics who were less oriented toward the Anglo culture consumed more alcohol than those more oriented toward the Anglo culture. Among drinkers, males and females did not differ in frequency or binge drinking, but males consumed more alcohol than females. Conclusion: Previous research indicates that greater acculturation is linked to greater consumption of alcohol; however, we found it to be associated with less consumption. The findings regarding gender represent some consistencies with previous research but there are some inconsistencies as well. These results suggest that less acculturated Hispanic male college students residing in the border region may be at a higher risk of alcohol abuse than Hispanic female students and more acculturated male students.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High-risk alcohol use among college students is associated with accidents, partner violence, unwanted sexual encounters, tobacco use, and performance issues. The identification and treatment of high-risk drinking students is a priority for many college campuses and college health centers. The goal of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) in college students. METHODS: A convenience sample of students coming into a college health clinic was asked to complete the 10-question AUDIT and then participate in a research interview. The interview focused on assessing students for alcohol abuse and dependence by using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Substance Abuse Module and timeline follow-back procedures to assess a 28-day drinking history. RESULTS: A total of 302 students met the eligibility criteria and agreed to participate in the study. The sample consisted of 185 females (61%) and 117 males (39%), with a mean age of 20.3 years. Forty students were abstinent, 88 were high-risk drinkers, and 103 met criteria for a 12-month history of dependence. Receiver operator curves demonstrated that the AUDIT had the highest area under the cure for detecting high-risk alcohol use (0.872) and the lowest for identifying persons with a lifetime history of alcohol abuse or dependence (0.775). An AUDIT cutoff score of 6 or greater demonstrated a sensitivity of 91.0% and a specificity of 60.0% in the detection of high-risk drinkers. CONCLUSIONS: The AUDIT has reasonable psychometric properties in sample of college students using student health services. This study supports the use of the AUDIT in this population.  相似文献   

Background: Alcohol use and related problems reach a peak in emerging adulthood. Impulsivity is a multifaceted construct known to be involved in emerging adult alcohol use. Few studies have examined impulsivity and alcohol use across both college attending and noncollege attending emerging adults. Objectives: To clarify the multifaceted nature of impulsivity and its links to emerging adult alcohol use, this study investigated whether the five distinct facets of the UPPS-P model of impulsivity were predictive of three different behavioral outcomes: alcohol intake, alcohol related problems and binge drinking. In addition, the moderating effects of college attendance were tested. Methods: A community sample comprising 273 Australian college and noncollege attendees (58.6% women; 41.4% men) aged between 18 and 30 years (Mage = 23.71, SD = 2.81). Results: Multiple regression analyses demonstrated that lack of premeditation predicted alcohol intake and binge drinking behavior, whilst positive and negative urgency predicted alcohol related problems. Moderation analyses revealed that the effects of impulsivity on alcohol patterns were consistent for college and noncollege attending emerging adults. Conclusion: These findings highlight the importance of impulsive urgency (both positive and negative) in emerging adult problematic alcohol use, and support the generalizability of college samples to broader emerging adult populations. Emerging adults may use alcohol to avoid negative mood states and further enhance positive mood states. Improved emotional regulation may help both college and non-college emerging adults reduce their alcohol use.  相似文献   

AIMS: To describe Australian workers' prevalence and patterns of alcohol use. DESIGN: A secondary analysis of the 2001 National Drug Strategy Household Survey. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 13 582 workers > or = 14 years old. MEASUREMENTS: Alcohol consumption levels associated with National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) guidelines for short- and long-term harm were stratified by occupation and industry. FINDINGS: Approximately 8% of the workforce drank at least weekly at short-term risky or high risk levels, 17% drank at least monthly, 18% drank at least yearly and 11% drank at long-term risky or high risk levels. The prevalence of risky or high risk drinking was higher for younger than for older workers. Controlling for socio-demographic factors, the risk of workers frequently drinking at levels associated with short-term harm was lowest in the education industry and significantly higher in the hospitality, agriculture, manufacturing and construction industries. Drinking patterns associated with long-term harm were more prevalent in the agriculture, retail and manufacturing industries, compared to the education industry. Drinking patterns associated with both short- and long-term harm were more prevalent for blue-collar workers than professionals. CONCLUSIONS: Risky and high risk drinking occurred at least occasionally in 44% of Australian workers. Workers in the hospitality, agriculture, manufacturing, construction and retail industries, workers in blue-collar occupations and young workers were identified as at-risk subgroups. These data provide evidence that patterns of consumption differ between occupational and industry groups, and highlight the pressing need to develop policies, prevention and intervention strategies to reduce harmful alcohol use in Australia, particularly among young adults.  相似文献   

AIMS: First, define alcohol use categories among two reservation-based American Indian (AI) populations based on the relationship between alcohol consumption and dependence. Secondly, examine associations between the alcohol use categories and other indicators of health status. DESIGN, PARTICIPANTS AND MEASUREMENTS: Epidemiological data on 1287 AIs aged 18-57 years who consumed alcohol during the past year. CHAID tree analysis, a hierarchical partitioning method, was used to analyze alcohol quantity (highest number of drinks consumed during 1 day) and frequency (number of days drank during the past month) data to define quantity-frequency categories distinguished by differing rates of alcohol dependence. Multivariate analyses assessed relationships between the alcohol use categories thus identified and a number of health outcomes. FINDINGS: People who reported drinking 12 or more drinks during 1 day and more than 4 days a month had the highest prevalence of alcohol dependence. Among the males who drank > 18 drinks the prevalence was 42.12% and among females who drank 12 or more drinks, 44.58%. The prevalence among males who drank > 18 drinks yet drank less frequently was also high (24.06%). Although findings differed by gender, drinkers in the highest risk category for alcohol dependence were most likely to report drug use disorders, mood/anxiety disorders, alcohol-related physical disorders and lower quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The quantity thresholds defined to identify AIs at highest risk for alcohol dependence in this study differed by gender and were higher than typically reported for non-AIs. They are consistent with previous findings regarding the pattern of high-quantity, low-frequency alcohol consumption among AIs residing on reservations.  相似文献   

Overview: Though not an official diagnosis, psychopathy has become an important area of research due to the litany of deleterious outcomes associated with this aspect of temperament. Psychopathy is composed of primary and secondary traits. Research consistently links psychopathy to alcohol pathology, though often only via secondary traits which are comprised of intractable aspects of behavior (e.g., poor impulse control). In contrast, primary psychopathy is comprised of behaviors that can be learned and thus may be more malleable (i.e., low harm reduction behaviors). Objectives: The current study examines associations between primary psychopathic traits and alcohol involvement as a function of Protective Behavioral Strategies (PBS) utilization in a sample of college students. Method: Participants (n = 936 college student drinkers; 66.56% female) completed a series of questionnaires assessing primary psychopathy, alcohol involvement, and PBS use. Results: There was a significant positive association between primary psychopathy and alcohol consumption and pathology. This association was partially mediated via diminished PBS use. PBS use also moderated the relationship between alcohol consumption and pathology. The indirect effects from psychopathy to alcohol outcomes were attenuated at high (+1SD) PBS and potentiated at low (?1SD) PBS. Conclusion: The current findings suggest that some of the alcohol pathology associated with psychopathy is a function of lower harm reduction strategies among individuals with more psychopathic traits. These findings suggest that interventions targeting PBS use may be one way to reduce alcohol problems among those with higher levels of primary psychopathy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The primary goal of this study was to evaluate how race and sex interact with the effects of a moderate dose of alcohol on different ocular control subsystems in African American (AA) and non-Hispanic white American (WA) college students. METHODS: Horizontal visually guided (VG) saccades and antisaccades (AS) of 80 young adult, healthy, AA and WA college students were recorded with an infrared system. Subjects ingested 10 aliquots of ethanol at 3 min intervals, with the aggregate dose precalculated to yield a peak breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) of 80 mg%. Data from the measures performed at baseline and the ascending and descending limbs of the BrAC at approximately 65 mg% were compared across race and sex by multivariate analysis of variance. A no-alcohol control session, performed in 20 of the subjects, documented test-retest reliability of the VG and AS measurements. RESULTS: Both AA and WA groups demonstrated slowing of AS and VG saccades after alcohol administration, but there was no significant effect of 65 mg% alcohol on VG accuracy or AS errors. AS latency recovered toward baseline values, whereas the slowing of VG latency/velocity progressed, during alcohol exposure. There were significant differences between AA and WA groups in the time course of VG latency after alcohol but not in most other dependent measures. No significant effects for sex were observed in any of the saccade measures. The faster disappearance of alcohol in WA compared with AA was replicated, and some measures demonstrated a significant, albeit small, negative correlation between the alcohol disappearance rate and impairing effects of alcohol on saccades. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged latencies and unchanged percentage of errors reflect a differential effect of alcohol on neural function in specific areas (parietal eye field, superior colliculus, and frontal eye areas). Race may interact with the effect of ethanol on saccadic eye movements in a college student population.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the relative risk (RR) of non-fatal injury associated with alcohol consumption in a series of emergency departments (EDs), possible effect modifiers and the impact of contextual variables on differences across sites. DESIGN: The case-crossover method was used to obtain RR estimates of the effect of alcohol on non-fatal injuries. Meta-analysis was used to evaluate the consistency and magnitude of RR across sites, and the extent to which contextual variables explain differences in effect sizes. PARTICIPANTS: Probability samples of 11,536 injured patients attending 28 EDs studies in 16 countries (1984-2002). The majority of the sample was male (65%) and > 30 years old (53%). MEASUREMENTS: Exposed cases where those that consumed alcohol 6 hours prior to the injury. Usual alcohol consumption served as the control period. FINDINGS: Drinking within 6 hours prior to the injury was reported by 21% of the sample. The estimated (random) pooled relative risk for patients who reported alcohol use within 6 hours prior to injury was 5.69 (95% confidence interval = 4.04-8.00), ranging from 1.05 in Canada to 35.00 in South Africa. Effect size was not homogeneous across studies, as societies with riskier consumption patterns had a higher relative risk for injury. Heavier drinkers also showed lower RR. CONCLUSIONS: Acute alcohol was a risk factor for non-fatal injuries in most sites. Policy measures addressed to the general population are recommended, especially in societies with riskier consumption patterns.  相似文献   

Background: Black young adults have lower rates of alcohol use than other racial groups. Genetic factors may protect against drinking. Specifically, the ADH1B*3 allele is present almost exclusively in Black populations and has been protective against alcohol use and alcohol use disorder. The protective effects of the ADH1B*3 allele, however, may differ as a function of alcohol-promoting cognitions. Objectives: The current study examined whether ADH1B*3 moderated relations of drinking motives with alcohol consumption among Black college drinkers. Methods: Participants were 241 undergraduate students of self-identified Black race (mean age = 20 years; 66% female) who reported consuming alcohol at least once in the past 30 days. Results: ADH1B*3 was not significantly associated with drinking motives or drinking behaviors. However, significant, albeit small, interaction effects of ADH1B*3 with drinking motives on drinking behavior were found; the presence of an ADH1B*3 allele protected against greater drinking quantity among students with high social motives (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 0.95, 95% CI [0.92, 0.99]) and against frequent drinking among students with low coping motives (IRR = 1.06, 95% CI [1.01, 1.11]). Conclusion: These findings represent a novel demonstration of genetic modulation of alcohol-related cognitions within Black college drinkers, although replication is needed. Results represent an initial step toward better characterizing individual differences in associations of drinking motives with drinking behavior, with potential implications for interventions aimed at motivational processes in alcohol use.  相似文献   

Background. The Food and Drug Administration recently added a new clinical endpoint for evaluating the efficacy of alcohol use disorder (AUD) treatment that is more inclusive of treatment goals besides abstinence: no heavy drinking days (NHDD). However, numerous critiques have been noted for such binary models of treatment outcome. Further, there is mounting evidence that participants inaccurately estimate the quantities of alcohol they consume during drinking episodes (i.e., drink size misestimation), which may be particularly problematic when using a binary criterion (NHDD) compared to a similar, continuous alternative outcome variable: percent heavy drinking days (PHDD). Yet, the impact of drinking misestimation on binary (e.g., NHDD) versus continuous outcome variables (e.g., PHDD) has not been studied.

Objectives. Using simulation methods, the present study examined the potential impact of drink size misestimation on NHDD and PHDD.

Methods. Data simulations were based on previously published findings of the amount of error in how much alcohol is actually poured when estimating standard drinks. We started with self-reported daily drinking data from COMBINE study participants with complete data (N = 888; 68.1% male), then simulated inaccuracy in those estimations based on literature on standard drink size misestimation.

Results. Clinical trial effect sizes were consistently lower for NHDD than for PHDD. Drink size misestimation further lowered effect sizes for NHDD and PHDD.

Conclusions. Drink size misestimation may lead to inaccurate conclusions about drinking outcomes and the comparative effectiveness of AUD treatments, including inflated type-II error rates, particularly when treatment “success” is defined by binary outcomes such as NHDD.  相似文献   

Background: Survey studies have emphasized a positive association between exposure to alcohol advertising on television (TV) and the onset and continuation of drinking among young people. Alcohol advertising might also directly influence viewers’ consumption of alcohol while watching TV. The present study therefore tested the immediate effects of alcohol advertisements on the alcohol consumption of young adults while watching a movie. Weekly drinking, problem drinking, positive and arousal expectancies of alcohol, ad recall, attitude, and skepticism toward the ads were tested as moderators. Methods: An experimental design comparing 2 advertisement conditions (alcohol ads vs. nonalcohol ads) was used. A total of 80 men, young adult friendly dyads (ages 18 to 29) participated. The study examined actual alcohol consumption while watching a 1‐hour movie with 3 advertising breaks. A multivariate regression analysis was used to examine the effects of advertisement condition on alcohol consumption. Results: Assignment to the alcohol advertisement condition did not increase alcohol consumption. In addition, no moderating effects between advertisement condition and the individual factors on alcohol consumption were found. Conclusions: Viewing alcohol advertising did not lead to higher alcohol consumption in young men while watching a movie. However, replications of this study using other samples (e.g., different countries and cultures), other settings (e.g., movie theater, home), and with other designs (e.g., different movies and alcohol ads, cumulative exposure, extended exposure effects) are warranted.  相似文献   

Background: Evidence suggests that for young adults, intimate partners influence each other’s drinking patterns. Therefore, exploration of variables related to intimate partner relationships (such as attachment style) could broaden the current understanding of risk factors for alcohol problems in this demographic. Objectives: The current study examined the role of drinking context in the relationships among insecure attachment, alcohol problems, and relationship satisfaction. A path model was hypothesized where the relationship between insecure attachment and alcohol problems would be explained via two distinct drinking contexts (i.e., drinking with one’s partner and drinking away from one’s partner). It was also hypothesized that the relationship between insecure attachment and relationship satisfaction would be explained via these same two drinking contexts. Methods: Participants were 194 undergraduate students ages 18–25 who reported being in a monogamous intimate partner relationship for at least 90 days and had also consumed alcohol in the past 90 days. The sample was comprised of 76% women and 24% men. Results: The hypothesized direct relationship from anxious attachment to alcohol problems was significant; there were also significant direct paths from both anxious and avoidant attachment to relationship satisfaction. The hypotheses regarding indirect relationships were not supported. Conclusion: The results of this study contribute to the existing literature, in that they suggest that drinking in the context of an intimate relationship may not directly affect relationship satisfaction in this population. However, relationship functioning still appears to be an important variable to consider in the prevention and treatment of alcohol-related problems affecting college students.  相似文献   

Aims To examine public opinion and experiences of family physician involvement in alcohol use issues and to identify patient characteristics associated with these opinions and experiences. Design A secondary analysis of population survey data from the 1993 Ontario Alcohol and Other Drug Opinion Survey (OADOS), a random household telephone survey of adults in Ontario, Canada. Opinion and experiences regarding alcohol use were examined by drinking status. Participants All survey respondents (n = 941; 65% response rate). Population expansion weights were applied to ensure the sample's representativeness of the adult population of Ontario. Measurements Measures assessed the prevalence of opinions and experiences of family physicians: (1) asking patients about their drinking; (2) advising regular drinkers to cut down/quit; and (3) helping patients with alcohol problems. Self‐reported past‐year alcohol consumption and related problems were used to construct a categorical variable describing current drinking status. Findings Public opinion supported routine inquiries into patients’ drinking habits and advising regular drinkers to cut down. However, the experience of being asked by a physician about drinking, being advised to cut down or being helped with alcohol problems was uncommon. Respondents’ drinking status was associated with experiences of being asked about drinking and being advised to cut down. Conclusions Physician training should inform physicians that public opinion supports inquiries about drinking and advisement to reduce consumption, as it does not appear that family doctors are meeting these expectations of patients.  相似文献   

Background:  Previous studies of family history of alcoholism (FHA) in college students have typically relied on dichotomous indices of paternal drinking. This study examined the prevalence of FHA and its effects on alcohol use and problems using a density measure in a sample ( n  =   408) of college students.
Methods:  Undergraduate students completed an anonymous survey in exchange for course credit. Data was collected between 2005 and 2006.
Results:  Using a density measure of FHA, we observed an overall prevalence rate of 65.9% and a rate of 29.1% for FHA in both first and second-degree relatives. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to investigate relations among FHA, alcohol use/problems and previously identified etiological risk factors for alcohol use disorders (AUD). Results indicated a significant positive association between FHA and alcohol-related problems and this relationship was mediated by age of onset of drinking, behavioral undercontrol and current cigarette use. Behavioral undercontrol also mediated the relationship between gender and alcohol problems. Additionally, FHA was associated with an earlier age of onset of drinking and this was related to greater alcohol use.
Conclusions:  Assessing density of FHA in future trajectory research may capture a greater number of students at risk for acute alcohol-related problems and/or future development of AUDs. Future preventive interventions with this population, which should begin well before the college years, may benefit from considering personality factors and incorporating smoking cessation to help identify at-risk students and assist those who wish to cut down on their alcohol use but find that smoking acts as a trigger for increased drinking.  相似文献   

Aims Even among those at risk for problematic alcohol use, there is variability in developmental trajectories of drinking and related problems. This prospective study examined the role of person–environment interactions in increased drinking during the transition to college. Design The authors followed a sample of recent high school graduates to test whether protective environmental factors could delay increases in drinking among those high in trait‐level risk factors. Setting Participants completed web‐based surveys. Participants A sample of 1784 students in the incoming class of 2004 at a large public United States university completed high school and first‐semester‐of‐college assessments. Measurements Participants completed self‐report measures of alcohol use, alcohol‐related problems, perceived awareness and caring from parents and other adults, sensation seeking and impulsivity. Findings In the transition to college, high sensation seekers from more protective high school parental environments increased their alcohol use and problems more than did other students. Increases in alcohol problems were also high among more impulsive students from less protective environments. Whereas high sensation seekers drank equivalently in college regardless of high school‐perceived awareness and caring, those who had greater high school‐perceived awareness and caring did not experience as many alcohol‐related problems in college. Conclusions Differences in drinking trajectories may be a function of person–environment interactions. Risk associated with high sensation seeking may be masked among adolescents in protective environments, but its emergence in the college transition predicts increases in alcohol use and related problems.  相似文献   

Aims College students who violate alcohol policies are often mandated to participate in alcohol‐related interventions. This study investigated (i) whether such interventions reduced drinking beyond the sanction alone, (ii) whether a brief motivational intervention (BMI) was more efficacious than two computer‐delivered interventions (CDIs) and (iii) whether intervention response differed by gender. Design Randomized controlled trial with four conditions [brief motivation interventions (BMI), Alcohol 101 Plus?, Alcohol Edu for Sanctions®, delayed control] and four assessments (baseline, 1, 6 and 12 months). Setting Private residential university in the United States. Participants Students (n = 677; 64% male) who had violated campus alcohol policies and were sanctioned to participate in a risk reduction program. Measurements Consumption (drinks per heaviest and typical week, heavy drinking frequency, peak and typical blood alcohol concentration), alcohol problems and recidivism. Findings Piecewise latent growth models characterized short‐term (1‐month) and longer‐term (1–12 months) change. Female but not male students reduced drinking and problems in the control condition. Males reduced drinking and problems after all interventions relative to control, but did not maintain these gains. Females reduced drinking to a greater extent after a BMI than after either CDI, and maintained reductions relative to baseline across the follow‐up year. No differences in recidivism were found. Conclusions Male and female students responded differently to sanctions for alcohol violations and to risk reduction interventions. BMIs optimized outcomes for both genders. Male students improved after all interventions, but female students improved less after CDIs than after BMI. Intervention effects decayed over time, especially for males.  相似文献   

Alcohol and other drug problems experienced by adolescents who use only alcohol compared to those who use both alcohol and marijuana (A+M) is studied. Using the national longitudinal survey of youth 1994 data, forward multiple regression analyses revealed that impulsivity, A+M use (compared to alcohol-only use), age, sex, religiosity, frequency of substance use were associated with a higher number of behavioral problems. Youth with more alcohol problems were found to be binge drinkers, impulsive, more frequent alcohol users, and nonHispanic. Implications and future research needs are discussed.  相似文献   

采用透明胶纸粘贴法对济宁医学院1 598名大学生面部蠕形螨感染情况进行了调查,总感染率为26.78%,男性感染率(32.65%)高于女性(22.90%);单纯毛囊蠕形螨、单纯皮脂蠕形螨与混合感染均存在,以单纯毛囊蠕形螨感染为主。蠕形螨的感染有聚集分布现象。  相似文献   

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