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选煤厂浮选剂的职业危害与控制技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤炭的开发与利用造成的环境问题已经成为影响中国经济和社会发展的一个制约因素,发展洁净煤技术具有特别重要的意义。选煤为煤炭燃烧前净化技术的主要组成部分,近年来选煤工业的发展进度已超过了原煤增长速度,1995年国有重点煤矿有选煤厂228处,1997年全国原煤入洗率达25.73%,选煤能力达到483.15Mt/a。以江西为例,1992年国有煤矿有选煤厂19座,入洗原煤532.7万T,原煤入洗率25.52%;其中国有重点煤矿共有选煤厂1l座,入洗原煤457万T,原煤入洗率62.0%。煤矿根据市场及企业的不同要求,加入浮选剂(起泡剂、捕收剂)对煤进行浮选,去除相关杂质,以适应冶炼等行业的需要。但选煤厂浮选剂的职业危害一直没有引起有关部门的重视,为此对其进行了相关研究。  相似文献   

云南以盛产烟草而闻名,全省有相当数量的工人从事烟草的复烤、制作。为弄清烟草粉尘对作业工人健康的影响,特别是烟草粉尘的理化特性以及引起尘肺的致病机理,我们对云南某卷烟厂的生产车间做了劳动卫生学的调查,并对213名作业工人进行了健康检查,现报告如下。1.资料和方法1.1.生产流程整个烟草的制作可分为烤烟生产及卷烟生产两大部份。烤烟生产;烟叶→分级→回潮→挂杆→上坑→复烤→下坑→打包→入库卷烟生产:烤烟→发酵→蒸叶→打叶→回叶→贮叶→切丝→烘丝→卷烟→包装。1.2.车间的生产环坑调查一车间包括蒸叶,打…  相似文献   

烟草粉尘职业危害研究进展李洪,万娴云南省职业病防治研究所650216任道凤上海医科大学劳动卫生教研室当今我国烟草生产为世界之最,有170多家烟草加工厂,从事烟草生产的工人40多万。吸烟对健康有害,人们也就关注接触烟草对健康的影响。本文仅就近年来有关职...  相似文献   

铸造粉尘职业危害调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
采用横断面流调方法,对某市铸造粉尘危害进行了调查。结果表明:铸工尘肺患病率为4.32%,平均发病工龄为25.7年,平均发病年龄为50.8岁。  相似文献   

岩棉粉尘职业危害研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩棉粉尘职业危害研究现状邢春生,叶风廷,王家庚综述刘占元审校岩棉(rockwool)系以精选的玄武岩或辉绿岩为主要原料,加一定比例的矿渣,经高温熔融制成的人造无机纤维,深加工制成岩棉板、岩棉管、岩棉毡等系列产品。具有绝缘、消音、耐火、导热系数小、隔冷...  相似文献   

为了解金红石粉尘的危害性,我们对厦门冶炼厂88名接触金红石粉尘的生产工人进行了调查,结果如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 金红石粉尘测定 用滤膜重量法测定生产环境的粉尘浓度,用焦磷酸重量法分析粉尘中的游离S1O_2含量,用滤膜法分析粉尘分散度。按工段分别计算10年来粉尘浓度的几何平均值。 1.2 调查对象 冶炼厂接触金红石粉尘的生产工人88名,其中男70名,女工18名。年龄25~53岁,平均39岁。接触粉尘工龄8—32年,平均19年。  相似文献   

黄麻粉尘的职业危害和卫生标准研制现状四川省劳动卫生职业病防治研究所(610041)沈国安林锦黄麻(Jute)又称络麻,其纤维取自椴树科(Tiliaceae)黄麻属(Corchorus)的圆果黄麻和长果黄麻的韧皮[1]。黄麻主要产于孟加拉国和印度,我国...  相似文献   

枣庄市山亭区水泥厂粉尘及职业危害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

谷物粉尘(以下简称谷尘)是指谷物在收获、运输、加工、贮藏等过程中产生的、以有机成分为主的混合性粉尘。我国是粮食生产和消费大国,不仅农民经常接触谷尘,城市中接触谷尘的工人也很多,加之谷尘对人体几乎可导致植物性粉尘所致的全部损害,因此,其危害正日益引起人们的广泛关注。 谷尘成分非常复杂,其组成受到地理位置、谷物种类、季节温度、贮藏湿度等影响。据Warren报道,谷尘成分包括:1.谷类物质本身;2.霉菌及其代谢产物;3.游离二氧化硅;4.细菌及其内毒素;5.昆虫类;6.螨类;7.哺乳类动物的毛发、皮屑及其排泄物;8.各种化学添加剂;9.花粉、谷穗及外源性植物性物质。在悬浮谷尘中,无机物含量从5~42%不等,有机物含量多于无机物。国内黄靖雄报道,谷尘中游离二氧化硅含量范围为1.21~38.50%。  相似文献   

Of 60 cases of neurotoxicity related to occupational exposures of workers at plants producing acrylamide monomers, cases involving neurotoxicity related to jobs using polymers with acrylamide monomer contamination have not been widely reported. In 1992, two patients were referred to the Division of Occupational and Environmental Health, Department of Family and Community Health, Marshall University School of Medicine, in Huntington, West Virginia for evaluation. The patients had worked in different coal preparation plants in southern West Virginia for over 10 years and had exposure to an acrylamide polymer flocculent contaminated with acrylamide monomer. Both patients had no instruction on proper use of, or the dangers of, acrylamide and were not given adequate safety equipment. Patient A developed Parkinsonism and Patient B peripheral neuropathies with a neurogenic bladder. These two case reports highlight the need to reemphasize the basic tenets of occupational health and safety. Many chemicals are being introduced into mining operations and awareness of potential toxic exposures and new diseases not previously reported in the mining industry must become part of the surveillance system by mine management and labor safety committees. Further studies on the extent of acrylamide neurotoxicity in the mining industry is encouraged. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) plasma levels were studied 222 coal miners to assess whether selenium is decreased in relation to coal dust exposure, taking age, alcohol, and tobacco consumption into account. Selenium levels decreased significantly with age and current tobacco consumption, among miners aged 34–50. Long-term and current exposure to coal dust were studied. The lowest Se values were observed for those with both long-term and current exposure (60.2 ng/ml), the highest for those never or slightly exposed (64.1 ng/ml); those with long-term exposure not currently exposed fell in an intermediate position (61.3 ng/ml). No relation was observed with alcohol consumption. The association of coal dust with low selenium remained significant after adjustment for age and smoking. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether respiratory symptoms were associated with the lower concentrations of respirable coal mine dust that were required by the U.S. Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (CMHSA) of 1969. The subjects were 1,866 male miners who had participated in the National Study of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (NSCWP) and been tested at least twice, initially in either Round 1 (R1) (1969–71) or Round 2 (R2) (1972–75) and then finally in Round 4 (R4) (1985–88). Self-reported information elicited with a standardized questionnaire was used to determine the presence at the final round (i.e., R4) of chronic bronchitis, shortness of breath, and wheeze. Cumulative coal mine dust exposure was characterized for both the pre- and post-CMHSA periods. Controlling for age and other potential confounders, increased risks for the symptoms were associated with higher levels of both measurements of exposure. Moreover, the adverse effects of the lower, post-CMHSA exposures were evident for shortness of breath and wheeze especially among subjects who had little pre-CMHSA coal mining experience. These findings provide additional evidence of the limitations of the current 2.0 mg/m3 coal mine dust standard to prevent respiratory disease. Am. J. Ind. Med. 32:268-274, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

福建省属煤炭系统粉尘危害情况调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文调查了福建省属煤炭系统的生产性粉尘及尘肺发病情况。结果:①各作业场所的粉尘浓度为07~3813mg/m3,达标率仅3549%;②粉尘粒子小于5μm的占5845%;③粉尘的游离SiO2平均含量:岩尘3416%、半煤岩尘1908%、煤尘643%;④尘肺病人占全省的比例越来越高,尘肺检出率明显高于全省水平(P<001)。认为造成其职业卫生现状差的主要原因是防尘不力。只要充分执行《煤矿安全规程》的规定,完全有可能预防、控制尘肺病的发生。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES—To investigate whether occupational exposures to formaldehyde and wood dust increase the risk of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC).
METHODS—A multicentred, population based case-control study was carried out at five cancer registries in the United States participating in the National Cancer Institute's SEER program. Cases (n=196) with a newly diagnosed NPC between 1987 and 1993, and controls (n=244) selected over the same period from the general population through random digit dialing participated in structured telephone interviews which inquired about suspected risk factors for the disease, including a lifetime history of occupational and chemical exposure. Histological type of cancer was abstracted from clinical records of the registries. Potential exposure to formaldehyde and wood dust was assessed on a job by job basis by experienced industrial hygienists who were blinded as to case or control status.
RESULTS—For formaldehyde, after adjusting for cigarette use, race, and other risk factors, a trend of increasing risk of squamous and unspecified epithelial carcinomas was found for increasing duration (p=0.014) and cumulative exposure (p=0.033) but not for maximum exposure concentration. The odds ratio (OR) for people cumulatively exposed to >1.10 ppm-years was 3.0 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 1.3 to 6.6) compared with those considered unexposed. In analyses limited to jobs considered definitely exposed, these trends became stronger. The associations were most evident among cigarette smokers. By contrast, there was no association between potential exposure to formaldehyde and undifferentiated and non-keratinising carcinomas. There was little evidence that exposure to wood dust increased risk of NPC, as modest crude associations essentially disappeared after control for potential exposure to formaldehyde.
CONCLUSIONS—These results support the hypothesis that occupational exposure to formaldehyde, but not wood dust, increases risk of NPC. This association seems to be specific to squamous cell carcinomas. Established cohorts of workers exposed to formaldehyde and wood dust should continue to be monitored for NPC and other respiratory cancers. Future studies of NPC should take into account histological type in assessing risk from environmental and host factors.

Keywords: occupational exposure; formaldehyde; wood dust  相似文献   



To investigate the association between head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) risk and occupational exposure to flour dust in women and men, using data from ICARE, a French population‐based case‐control study.


The analysis included 2053 cases of HNSCC and 3507 controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. A job‐exposure matrix was used to assess exposure to flour dust. Odds‐ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, and asbestos exposure, were estimated with logistic regression models.


Ever exposure to flour dust was associated with elevated ORs in women (OR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.01 4.55) and in men (OR = 1.55, 95%CI: 1.11 2.17). In women, the risk increased with the probability, the duration, and the cumulative level of exposure. No dose‐response relationships were observed in men.


Although the results were less conclusive in men than in women, overall, these findings provide some support to the hypothesis of a role of flour dust in the occurrence of HNSCC.

褐煤尘细胞毒性和致纤维化作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了评价褐煤尘的细胞毒性及致纤维化作用,对2个褐煤矿的煤尘成分、体外细胞毒性、体内致肺损伤作用进行了研究。甲矿煤尘游离SiO2含量为3.4%,乙矿煤尘为1.5%。培养液中加入褐煤尘后肺巨噬细胞存活率明显降低,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活力明显增高。乙矿煤尘组细胞存活率明显低于甲矿煤尘组,LDH明显高于甲矿煤尘组。染褐煤尘大鼠肺体积、湿重、干重和胶原蛋白含量增加,病理检查可见到煤尘灶、肺气肿、网状纤维和胶原纤维轻度增生。结果表明:褐煤尘具有细胞毒性和轻度致纤维化作用,乙矿煤尘细胞毒性和致纤维化作用均高于甲矿煤尘,用煤尘中元素含量解释煤尘毒性与以往的研究结果不尽相同。  相似文献   

在广西四个不同煤矿矿井下回采工作面采集新鲜无烟煤、烟煤及褐煤,制成煤尘后对Wistar大鼠进行非暴露式一次染尘。染尘45天及90天时宰杀大鼠进行实验研究。结果:大鼠肺冲洗液中脂质含量、鼠肺干、湿重及全肺胶原含量,石英组(阳性对照)大于煤尘组,煤尘组大于生理盐水组(阴性对照),差异有显著性意义(P<0.01);煤尘组间的差异与其变质程度的高低无关。提示石英尘的致病性比煤尘强,煤尘致病性的强弱与其变质程度的高低无相关关系。  相似文献   

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