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The donation of human embryos for the derivation of embryonic stem cell lines that may be used in the development of therapeutic products raises more complex ethical, practical and regulatory problems than the donation of embryos for non-clinical research. This review considers these issues and offers recommendations for good practice.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionIt is critical to seek ideal seed cells for the development of cardiovascular tissue engineering (CvTE). Currently autologous vascular wall cells (AVWCs) and marrow stromal cells (MSCs) represent established cell sources for CvTE. However, the invasive harvesting of vessel segments or bone marrow, a wound brought to body, are required duing cells isolation. Furthermore, these autologous cells was greatly limited in clinical applications, because the fussy experiment in vitro culture can be per...  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are especially resistant to several cellular stresses, but the existence and induction of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress by culture conditions are unknown. Using qPCR, here, we investigated the behavior of the principal sensors of ER stress and their relation with the feeder layer, the type of conditioned media used in feeder free systems and the upregulation of several differentiation markers. We observed the preservation of pluripotency, and detected differential expression of differentiation markers in HS181 and SHEF1 hESCs growing on Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) and feeder-free system with different conditioned media (HEF-CM and ASC-CM). Taken together, these results demonstrate evidence of ER stress events that cells must resolve to survive and maintenance of markers of pluripotency. The early differentiation status defined could progress into a more differentiated state, and may be influenced by culture conditions.  相似文献   

Novel methods and associated tools permitting individual identification in publicly accessible SNP databases have become a debatable issue. There is growing concern that current technical and ethical safeguards to protect the identities of donors could be insufficient. In the context of human embryonic stem cell research, there are no studies focusing on the probability that an hESC line donor could be identified by analyzing published SNP profiles and associated genotypic and phenotypic information. We present the International Stem Cell Forum (ISCF) Ethics Working Party's Policy Statement on "Publishing SNP Genotypes of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines (hESC)". The Statement prospectively addresses issues surrounding the publication of genotypic data and associated annotations of hESC lines in open access databases. It proposes a balanced approach between the goals of open science and data sharing with the respect for fundamental bioethical principles (autonomy, privacy, beneficence, justice and research merit and integrity).  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of death worldwide, and the burden is equally shared between men and women around the globe. Cardiomyocytes that die in response to disease processes or aging are replaced by scar tissue instead of new muscle cells. Although recent reports suggest an intrinsic capacity for the mammalian myocardium to regenerate via endogenous stem/progenitor cells, the magnitude of such a response appears to be minimal and has yet to be realized fully in cardiovascular patients. Despite the advances in pharmacotherapy and new biomedical technologies, the prognosis for patients diagnosed with end-stage heart failure appears to be grave. While heart transplantation is a viable option, this life-saving intervention suffers from an acute shortage of cardiac organ donors. In view of these existing issues, donor cell transplantation is emerging as a promising strategy to regenerate diseased myocardium. Studies from multiple laboratories have shown that transplantation of donor cells (e.g. fetal cardiomyocytes, skeletal myoblasts, smooth muscle cells, and adult stem cells) can improve the function of diseased hearts over a short period of time (1-4 weeks). While long-term follow-up studies are warranted, it is generally perceived that the beneficial effects of transplanted cells are mainly due to increased angiogenesis or favorable scar remodeling in the engrafted myocardium. Although skeletal myoblasts and bone marrow stem cells hold the highest potential for implementation of autologous therapies, initial results from phase I trials are not promising. In contrast, transplantation of fetal cardiomyocytes has been shown to confer protection against the induction of ventricular tachycardia in experimental myocardial injury models. Furthermore, results from multiple laboratories suggest that fetal cardiomyocytes can couple functionally with host myocytes, stimulate formation of new blood vessels, and improve myocardial function. While it is neither practical nor ethical to test the potential of fetal cardiomyocytes in clinical trials, embryonic stem (ES) cells serve as a novel source for generation of unlimited quantities of cardiomyocytes for myocardial repair. The initial success in the application of ES cells to partially repair and improve myocardial function in experimental models of heart disease has been quite promising. However, multiple hurdles need to be crossed before the potential benefits of ES cells can be translated to the clinic. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of cardiomyocyte derivation and enrichment from ES-cell cultures and provide a brief survey of factors increasing cardiomyogenic induction in both mouse and human ES cultures. Subsequently, we summarize the current state of research using mouse and human ES cells for the treatment of heart disease in various experimental models. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges that need to be overcome prior to the successful clinical utilization of ES-derived cardiomyocytes for the treatment of end-stage heart disease. While we are optimistic that the researchers in this field will sail across the hurdles, we also suggest that a more cautious approach to the validation of ES cardiomyocytes in experimental models would certainly prevent future disappointments, as seen with skeletal myoblast studies.  相似文献   

Efforts to efficiently derive embryonic stem cells (ESC) from isolated blastomeres have been done to minimize ethical concerns about human embryo destruction. Previous studies in our laboratory indicated a poor derivation efficiency of mouse ESC lines from isolated blastomeres at the 8-cell stage (1/8 blastomeres) due, in part, to a low division rate of the single blastomeres in comparison to their counterparts with a higher number of blastomeres (2/8, 3/8 and 4/8 blastomeres). Communication and adhesion between blastomeres from which the derivation process begins could be important aspects to efficiently derive ESC lines. In the present study, an approach consisting in the adhesion of a chimeric E-cadherin (E-cad-Fc) to the blastomere surface was devised to recreate the signaling produced by native E-cadherin between neighboring blastomeres inside the embryo. By this approach, the division rate of 1/8 blastomeres increased from 44.6% to 88.8% and a short exposure of 24 h to the E-cad-Fc produced an ESC derivation efficiency of 33.6%, significantly higher than the 2.2% obtained from the control group without E-cad-Fc. By contrast, a longer exposure to the same chimeric protein resulted in higher proportions of trophoblastic vesicles. Thus, we establish an important role of E-cadherin-mediated adherens junctions in promoting both the division of single 1/8 blastomeres and the efficiency of the ESC derivation process.  相似文献   

The executive order and issuance of federal guidelines for human embryonic stem cell research are positive developments and will produce long-term benefits by creating a new registry for hESC lines. But there may be short-term costs caused by regulatory uncertainty, procedural delay, and knock-on effects as national policies are adopted at state and local jurisdictions. Policymakers must ensure that national mechanisms of oversight for a new hESC registry are adequately funded, properly organized, transparent, and free of bureaucratic detail.  相似文献   

After years of following the trail of others, Spain is finally making a serious bid in science, specifically in regenerative medicine. In the framework of the European Union, Spain is setting up the basis for a solid collaborative network between public and private institutions, involving basic, translational, applied, technological and clinical researchers. In a society characterised by the idiom “slow but secure”, it is still too soon to see the results of the huge economic and infrastructure investment made. We present here an overview of the challenges that have been surmounted and the ones that will have to be solved in order to situate Spain as a reference country in regenerative medicine worldwide.  相似文献   

The immunological properties of stem cells are of increasing importance in regenerative medicine. Immunomodulatory mechanisms seem to play an important role not only with respect to the understanding of underlying mechanisms of autologous versus allogenic therapeutic approaches, but also for endogeneous tissue regeneration. The newly established European human embryonic stem cell registry (hESCreg) offers an international database for the registration, documentation and characterisation of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) and their use. By doing so, hESCreg aims to develop a model procedure for further standardisation efforts in the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine, and eventually the registry may lead to a repository of therapy-related information. Currently the stem cell characterisation data acquired by the registry are divided into several categories such as cell derivation, culture conditions, genetic constitution, stem cell marker expression and degree of modification. This article describes immunological aspects of stem cell characterisation and explores the layout and relevance of a possible additional section to the hESCreg repository to include immunological characteristics of human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

Classic derivation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells from blastocysts is inefficient, strain-dependent, and requires expert skills. Over recent years, several major improvements have greatly increased the success rate for deriving mouse ES cell lines. The first improvement was the establishment of a user-friendly and reproducible medium-alternating protocol that allows isolation of ES cells from C57BL/6 transgenic mice with efficiencies of up to 75%. A recent report describes the use of this protocol in combination with leukemia inhibitory factor and pluripotin treatment, which made it possible to obtain ES cells from F1 strains with high efficiency. We report modifications of these protocols for user-friendly and reproducible derivation of mouse ES cells with efficiencies of up to 100%. Our protocol involves a long initial incubation of primary outgrowths from blastocysts with pluripotin, which results in the formation of large spherical outgrowths. These outgrowths are morphologically distinct from classical inner cell mass (ICM) outgrowths and can be easily picked and trypsinized. Pluripotin was omitted after the first trypsinization because we found that it blocks attachment of ES cells to the feeder layer and its removal facilitated formation of ES cell colonies. The newly established ES cells exhibited normal karyotypes and generated chimeras. In summary, our user-friendly modified protocol allows formation of large spherical ICM outgrowths in a robust and reliable manner. These outgrowths gave rise to ES cell lines with success rates of up to 100%.  相似文献   

More nations are joining the human embryonic stem cell (hESC) ??race?? by aggressively publishing in the peer-reviewed journals. Here we present data on the international use and distribution of hESC using a dataset taken from the primary research literature. We extracted these papers from a comprehensive dataset of articles using hESC and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). We find that the rate of publication by US-based authors is slowing in comparison to international labs, and then declines over the final year of the period 2008?C2010. Non-US authors published more frequently and at a significantly higher rate, significantly increasing the number of their papers. In addition, international labs use a more diverse set of hESC lines and Obama-era additions are used more in non-US locations. Even considering the flood of new lines in the US and abroad, we see that researchers continue to rely on a few lines derived before the turn of the century. These data suggest ??embargo?? effects from restrictive policies on the US stem cell field. Over time, non-US labs have freely used lines on the US registries, while federally funded US scientists have been limited to using those lines approved by the NIH.  相似文献   

Ethical controversy in stem cell research arises because current methods to produce embryonic stem cell lines require the destruction of living human embryos. For this reason, there is increasing interest in developing alternative, non-embryonic sources of pluripotent stem cells. This effort is especially important in the US due to the prevailing policy against federal funding of embryo-destructive research. Altered nuclear transfer (ANT) is one of several potential methods to develop alternative sources of pluripotent stem cells. This approach employs the technique of somatic cell nuclear transfer, but the somatic cell nucleus or egg cytoplasm (or both) are first altered before the somatic cell nucleus is transferred into the oocyte. This alteration precludes the coordinated organization and developmental potential that is necessary for the resulting biological entity to be an embryo, but it still allows the entity to generate pluripotent stem cells. Proof-of-principle for one variant of ANT has been established in mice by silencing the functional expression of the gene Cdx2 in the somatic cell nucleus prior to its transfer into an enucleated egg. From the resulting non-embryonic laboratory construct, fully functional pluripotent stem cells were procured. Other more recent studies have suggested the possibility of achieving the same results by preemptively silencing maternally derived Cdx2 messenger RNA in the egg before the act of nuclear transfer. The procedure would produce the equivalent of a tissue culture of pluripotent stem cells. In contrast to the use of embryos 'left over' from clinical in vitro fertilization, ANT could produce pluripotent stem cell lines with an unlimited range of specifically selected and controlled genotypes. Such flexibility would greatly facilitate the study of disease, drug development, and toxicology testing, and may allow the production of therapeutically useful pluripotent stem cells that are immune-compatible. If developed to the point of scientific reliability, ANT would be a valuable research tool for the study of other aspects of cell development and differentiation, including gene expression patterns, imprinting, and cell-cell signaling. ANT would also help to clarify definitions and boundaries that distinguish true organisms from 'biological artifacts' and, thereby, provide moral precedent to guide future progress in developmental biology.  相似文献   

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