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BACKGROUND: There are very few data regarding sun exposure behaviour of patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in central Europe. OBJECTIVES: A case-control study of patients with sporadic BCC was conducted to assess the risk of occupational and leisure-time sun exposure behaviour, precursor lesions for skin cancer and phenotypic factors on the development of sporadic BCC in Ulm and Dresden, Germany. METHODS: A comparison was made of 213 patients with BCC (128 from Ulm, 85 from Dresden; 103 men and 110 women; median age at diagnosis 69 years) and 411 controls (237 from Ulm, 174 from Dresden; 197 men and 214 women; median age 58 years). Crude odds ratios (ORs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals for all of 64 possible risk factors revealed strong associations in 33 items. Selection of important risk factors was performed in a multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: For sporadic BCC, an increased risk was shown for persons with actinic cheilitis (OR 7.1), actinic keratosis (OR 2.7) and solar lentigo (OR 2.5). The only phenotypic factor indicating risk of sporadic BCC was hair colour, with a higher risk for red/fair than brown/black hair (OR 4.3). There was an increased risk for persons with BCC in first-degree relatives (OR 5.1) and those with sunburn 20 years before sporadic BCC was diagnosed (OR 3.6). Additionally, occupational ultraviolet (UV) exposure appeared to be a risk factor (OR 2.4). In contrast, clinical actinic elastosis showed a protective effect (OR 0.1). CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to earlier reports, clinical actinic elastosis turned out to be the only protective factor for sporadic BCC. A special relationship between wrinkling and BCC risk could not be shown. For basic research, future work should be aimed at elucidating further the different forms of collagen repair processes after intermittent and/or chronic UV exposure. The data strongly support the recommendation that a change in recreational UV exposure habits in individuals, and sunburn avoidance in particular, are necessary not only because of the increased long-term risk of melanoma, but also because of the risk of other skin cancers such as sporadic BCC.  相似文献   

报告1例色素性基底细胞癌。患者女,68岁。右侧腋下黑色条状斑块10余年。皮肤科检查:右侧腋下约3.0 cm×0.2 cm大黑色斑块,边界尚清,其上散在分布数个米粒大黑色丘疹,斑块中部可见糜烂、渗液,渗液周边可见炎症性红斑,无触痛。皮损组织病理检查:表皮层局灶瘤细胞巢,表皮至真皮层可见一肿块,由嗜碱性基底样细胞组成,可见细胞异形性及有丝分裂象,在肿块周边细胞呈栅栏状排列,可见收缩间隙。诊断:色素性基底细胞癌。  相似文献   

痣样基底细胞癌综合征是一种罕见的常染色体显性遗传病,以泛发性皮肤基底细胞癌和多器官发育异常为主要临床特征。本文报告1例痣样基底细胞癌综合征患者,并结合相关文献对该病的发病率、发病机制、诊断标准、治疗方法等进行讨论。  相似文献   

患者女,67岁.主因左耳后皮疹20年,溃烂2年余就诊.患者自述20年前左耳后长出一绿豆大小皮肤色丘疹,无自觉症状,数年后丘疹略增大,表面变粗糙,当地医院诊断刺瘊,自行数次用头发捆勒祛除之,未见效,皮疹增长缓慢无不适感.近5年常令其子用烟头烫,2年来丘疹反复糜烂、渗液、结痂,基底渐增大,色变黑,皮疹增大至鸽卵大小,中心溃烂不愈,无痛、痒感.  相似文献   

Since a prolonged duration of a strong UBV erythema has been suggested as a marker for propensity to develop skin cancer, we objectively followed the duration and intensity of erythemas induced by UVB and UVA radiation for 28 days in 18 patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and in 15 healthy controls using reflectance spectrophotometry. The erythema index, defined as the difference in redness between UV-exposed skin and normal, adjacent skin on the lower abdomen, did not differ significantly between the two groups at 24 h, when the reaction was maximal, following a dose of 6 MED of UVB. Erythema values after 7 and 14 days were slightly higher in the BCC group, but this difference did not reach statistical significance. At day 7 some patients in the BCC group showed very strong erythemas. At days 21 and 28 the two groups had almost identical erythemal reactions. Following a standard dose of UVA of 100 J/cm2, patients with BCC and healthy controls both showed weak erythemal reactions, which declined somewhat over the study period. No significant differences in pigmentary response were noted between the BCC and the control group, neither following UVB nor UVA. Although individual patients with BCC deviate from the normal erythemal curve for UVB, the UVB response is not a suitable predictive instrument in screening patients with the basal cell carcinoma phenotype.  相似文献   

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common tumor in Central Europe, the U.S. and Australia. The increasing incidence of basal cell carcinoma presents the health care system, especially dermatology, with great challenges. In recent years new options for treating basal cell carcinoma have become available, enriching our therapeutic options. We review the current status of each of these treatment approaches.  相似文献   

目的:明确多发性基底细胞癌的皮肤镜特点。方法:回顾性分析行皮肤镜检查并经组织病理确诊为基底细胞癌的7例多发性基底细胞癌患者的25处皮损。结果:皮损表现为散在血管模式20处,无血管模式5处;蓝灰色卵圆巢21处,多发性蓝灰色点及小球16处,不典型血管15处,无结构区13处,色素减退12处,线性毛细血管扩张11处,出血/溃疡11处,枫叶状结构10处,螺旋状血管10处,分支状血管7处,乳红色小球7处,红白背景下无结构区7处,逗号样血管5处,乳红色小点4处,轮幅样结构2处。结论:多发性基底细胞癌皮肤镜常见表现为散在血管模式,蓝灰色卵圆巢及多发性蓝灰色点及小球。  相似文献   

报告1例息肉样基底细胞癌.患者女,77岁.右腋下赘生物25年,变红伴疼痛1年.皮肤科检查:右侧腋下可见蚕豆大暗红色息肉样半球形赘生物.皮损组织病理检查:表皮增生肥厚,部分区域向下增生,形成条索状及块状肿瘤细胞团块,肿瘤细胞团块由基底样细胞组成,细胞核大深染,可见核分裂象,部分边缘呈栅栏状排列,可见收缩间隙;真皮内可见间...  相似文献   

Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS), also known as Gorlin syndrome, is characterized by an aberrant activation of the hedgehog (Hh) pathway, most cases being caused by PTCH1 mutations. However, certain features such as multiple hereditary infundibulocystic basal cell carcinomas (MHIBCC), sclerotic fibromas, childhood medulloblastoma or meningioma may be relatively specific to a SUFU mutation. We present two patients with MHIBCC, along with a more complex cutaneous and extracutaneous phenotype. MHIBCC syndrome and BCNS may share clinical features and, indeed, both syndromes probably represent different degrees of upregulation in the Hh pathway.  相似文献   

硬斑病样基底细胞癌是基底细胞癌的少见类型,临床上少见,易被忽视而误诊,现报道1例。患者,女,65岁。鼻背丘疹,硬斑10余年,增大伴少量结痂1年。皮肤科检查:鼻背部有一基底约1.5 cm×2 cm、略隆起的局限性浸润性蜡样硬斑块,其上可见条线状凹陷,周围稍红,表面高低不平,可见小片黑痂。组织病理诊断:硬斑病样基底细胞癌。手术切除皮损。  相似文献   

 目的:总结我院皮肤基底细胞癌(BCC)和皮肤鳞状细胞癌(SCC)临床与组织病理资料,以期提高BCC与SCC的诊断率。方法:回顾性分析2014年1月1日-2018年12月31日间我院皮肤科门诊经组织病理切片确诊的170例BCC与100例SCC患者的临床与病理资料。结果:BCC与SCC年度发病整体均呈逐渐上升趋势。BCC、SCC男女患病比例分别为0.8∶1、1∶1,好发部位均为曝光部位(头面颈部和四肢),临床诊断与组织病理诊断符合率分别为62.4%与30.0%。临床诊断上,BCC易与脂溢性角化病(SK)、色素痣混淆;SCC易与BCC、鲍温病、光线性角化病(AK)混淆。结论:BCC和SCC为临床常见的非黑素性皮肤肿瘤,但易误诊和漏诊。临床医生对于可疑病灶应尽早行皮损组织病理检查。  相似文献   

报告1例硬斑病样基底细胞癌。患者女,38岁。左眉间淡黄色丘疹3年,增大伴糜烂、结痂2年。皮肤科检查:眉间偏左有一基底约3cm×3.5cm大、略隆起的局限性浸润性蜡样硬斑块,表面有一约1.2cm×1.5cm、高低不平的浅溃疡。组织病理诊断:硬斑病样基底细胞癌。  相似文献   

In excising basal and squamous cell carcinomata, the surgical margin that is wide enough to completely remove the tumor an acceptable percentage of the time and narrow enough to minimize removal of excessive normal tissue must be selected. This task can be reliably accomplished with comprehensive knowledge of factors that affect subclinical tumor extension such as tumor appearance, diameter, histology, location, treatment status, and, in the case of squamous cell carcinoma, vertical invasion depth and involvement of subcutaneous fat. Information regarding these factors along with specific recommendations about excisional margins for basal cell and squamous cell carcinomata is presented.  相似文献   

Epidemiology and aetiology of basal cell carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

BACKGROUND: It is well accepted that ultraviolet radiation from the sun can induce and promote growth of skin tumours. Skin cancer develops as a consequence of multiple genetic hits, where an initial, important step includes proliferation of cells susceptible to malignant transformation. Foci of morphologically normal epidermal keratinocytes overexpressing p53 protein are common in chronically sun-exposed skin. Such foci have previously been shown to represent expanding clones of p53-mutated keratinocytes. Although several characteristics concerning epidermal p53 clones remain to be resolved, an important role in skin carcinogenesis is anticipated. The density of epidermal p53 clones in human skin is largely unknown. OBJECTIVES: To compare the occurrence of epidermal p53 clones in skin surrounding cancers with that in skin surrounding benign melanocytic naevi. To assess the influence of age on frequency and size of epidermal p53 clones in human facial skin. METHODS: We have analysed the number and sizes of epidermal p53 clones in skin specimens from patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and benign melanocytic naevi. Cases included normal facial skin from four different age groups. Tissue sections were immunohistochemically stained and the presence of p53 clones was recorded. Approximately 1.4 m of epidermis from a total of 112 biopsies was analysed. RESULTS: We found 128 epidermal p53 clones in biopsy specimens from 112 patients. The results showed that the number and size of p53 clones increase with age. In normal skin adjacent to SCC p53 clones were significantly more numerous and greater in size in comparison with those in normal skin both adjacent to benign naevi and adjacent to BCC. Interestingly, normal skin in the close vicinity of BCC and melanocytic naevi showed similar results regarding both number and size of epidermal p53 clones. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest a connection between development of epidermal p53 clones and SCC.  相似文献   

回顾性分析经病理证实的107例BCC患者的声像图(其中结节溃疡型63例、色素型22例、表浅型20例、纤维上皮瘤型1例、硬斑病型1例)。BCC的圆度系数值为1.43~17.75,平均值8.53,中位数3;22例探及血流信号,收缩期峰值流速(PSV)平均值为14.23±4.77 cm/s,阻力指数(RI)平均值为0.44±0.13。结节溃疡型、色素型和纤维上皮瘤型皮损回声形态表现为椭圆形或类圆形68例,扁平形18例,位于真皮层内62例;表浅型、硬斑病型皮损回声形态表现为椭圆形或类圆形2例,扁平形19例、位于真皮层内2例。  相似文献   

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