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The elastic fibers in the skin and other organs can be affected in several disease processes. In this study, we have developed morphometric techniques that allow accurate quantitation of the elastic fibers in punch biopsy specimens of skin. In this procedure, the elastic fibers, visualized by elastin-specific stains, are examined through a camera unit attached to the microscope. The black and white images sensing various gray levels are then converted to binary images after selecting a threshold with an analog threshold selection device. The binary images are digitized and the data analyzed by a computer program designed to express the properties of the image, thus allowing determination of the volume fraction occupied by the elastic fibers. As an independent measure of the elastic fibers, alternate tissue sections were used for assay of desmosine, an elastin-specific cross-link compound, by a radioimmunoassay. The clinical applicability of the computerized morphometric analyses was tested by examining the elastic fibers in the skin of five patients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum or Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome. In the skin of 10 healthy control subjects, the elastic fibers occupied 2.1 +/- 1.1% (mean +/- SD) of the dermis. The volume fractions occupied by the elastic fibers in the lesions of pseudoxanthoma elasticum or Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome were increased as much as 6-fold, whereas the values in the unaffected areas of the skin in the same patients were within normal limits. A significant correlation between the volume fraction of elastic fibers, determined by computerized morphometric analyses, and the concentration of desmosine, quantitated by radioimmunoassay, was noted in the total material. These results demonstrate that computerized morphometric techniques are helpful in characterizing disease processes affecting skin. This methodology should also be applicable to other tissues that contain elastic fibers and that are affected in various heritable and acquired diseases.  相似文献   

Aim of the study: Our previous research suggested that obesity induces structural fragility in the skin. Elastic fibers impart strength and elasticity. In this study, we determined whether elastic fibers decrease in the skin of obese mice. Materials and Methods: To confirm alterations in elastic fiber content due to obesity, we used spontaneously obese model mice (TSOD) and control mice (TSNO). Furthermore, to evaluate the elastin structure and gene expression dependent on the severity of obesity, an obesity-enhanced mouse model was developed by feeding a high fat diet to TSOD (TSOD-HF). Back skin samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Elastica van Gieson for microscopic examination, and the samples were stained for immunohistochemical analysis of neprilysin. Gene expression levels were determined using a real-time PCR system. Results: The abundance of elastic fibers beneath the epidermis was remarkably reduced and fragmented in TSOD as compared with TSNO. Fibrillin-1 mRNA levels in TSOD were significantly suppressed compared with those in TSNO, whereas neprilysin mRNA levels and immunohistochemical expression in TSOD were significantly increased, as compared with those in TSNO. The reduction of elastic fibers was enhanced and the expression levels of elastic fiber formed factors were significantly suppressed in TSOD-HF, as compared with those in the TSOD. Conclusions: The abundance of elastic fibers was reduced and fragmented in obesity, suggesting that the reduction in elastic fibers is initially caused by increased neprilysin and decreased fibrillin-1 expression, which may inhibit formation and stabilization of elastic fibers, resulting in skin fragility in obesity.  相似文献   

Evolution of species has led to the appearance of circulatory systems including blood vessels and one or more pulsatile pumps, typically resulting in a low-pressurised open circulation in most invertebrates and a high-pressurised closed circulation in vertebrates. In both open and closed circulations, the large elastic arteries proximal to the heart damp out the pulsatile flow and blood pressure delivered by the heart, in order to limit distal shear stress and to allow regular irrigation of downstream organs. To achieve this goal, networks of resilient and stiff proteins adapted to each situation--i.e. low or high blood pressure--have been developed in the arterial wall to provide it with non-linear elasticity. In the low-pressurised circulation of some invertebrates, the mechanical properties of arteries can almost be entirely microfibril-based, whereas, in high-pressurised circulations, they are due to an interplay between a highly resilient protein, an elastomer in the octopus and elastin in most vertebrates, and the rather stiff protein collagen. In vertebrate development, elastin is incorporated in elastic fibres, on a earlier deposited scaffold of microfibrils. The elastic fibres are then arranged in functional concentric elastic lamellae and, with the smooth muscle cells, lamellar units. The microfibrils may also play a direct functional role in all mature arteries of high- and low-pressurised circulations. Finally, since blood pressure regularly increases with developmental stages, it appears possible that the early deposition of microfibrils, which are highly-conserved in evolution, corresponds, at least in part, to an early microfibril-driven elasticity in low-pressurised arteries, present across species. In vertebrates, when pressure developmentally rises above a threshold value, the vascular wall stress may turn on the expression of other resilient protein genes, including the elastin gene. Elastin would then be deposited on microfibrils and resulting in the elastic fibre network and elastic lamellae whose mechanical properties are adapted to allow for proper arterial work at higher pressures.  相似文献   

Type I and type III procollagen are reduced in photodamaged human skin. This reduction could result from increased degradation by metalloproteinases and/or from reduced procollagen synthesis. In the present study, we investigated type I procollagen production in photodamaged and sun-protected human skin. Skin samples from severely sun-damaged forearm skin and matched sun-protected hip skin from the same individuals were assessed for type I procollagen gene expression by in situ hybridization and for type I procollagen protein by immunostaining. Both mRNA and protein were reduced ( approximately 65 and 57%, respectively) in photodamaged forearm skin compared to sun-protected hip skin. We next investigated whether reduced type I procollagen production was because of inherently reduced capacity of skin fibroblasts in severely photodamaged forearm skin to synthesize procollagen, or whether contextual influences within photodamaged skin act to down-regulate type I procollagen synthesis. For these studies, fibroblasts from photodamaged skin and matched sun-protected skin were established in culture. Equivalent numbers of fibroblasts were isolated from the two skin sites. Fibroblasts from the two sites had similar growth capacities and produced virtually identical amounts of type I procollagen protein. These findings indicate that the lack of type I procollagen synthesis in sun-damaged skin is not because of irreversible damage to fibroblast collagen-synthetic capacity. It follows, therefore, that factors within the severely photodamaged skin may act in some manner to inhibit procollagen production by cells that are inherently capable of doing so. Interactions between fibroblasts and the collagenous extracellular matrix regulate type I procollagen synthesis. In sun-protected skin, collagen fibrils exist as a highly organized matrix. Fibroblasts are found within the matrix, in close apposition with collagen fibers. In photodamaged skin, collagen fibrils are shortened, thinned, and disorganized. The level of partially degraded collagen is approximately 3.6-fold greater in photodamaged skin than in sun-protected skin, and some fibroblasts are surrounded by debris. To model this situation, skin fibroblasts were cultured in vitro on intact collagen or on collagen that had been partially degraded by exposure to collagenolytic enzymes. Collagen that had been partially degraded by exposure to collagenolytic enzymes from either bacteria or human skin underwent contraction in the presence of dermal fibroblasts, whereas intact collagen did not. Fibroblasts cultured on collagen that had been exposed to either source of collagenolytic enzyme demonstrated reduced proliferative capacity (22 and 17% reduction on collagen degraded by bacterial collagenase or human skin collagenase, respectively) and synthesized less type I procollagen (36 and 88% reduction, respectively, on a per cell basis). Taken together, these findings indicate that 1) fibroblasts from photoaged and sun-protected skin are similar in their capacities for growth and type I procollagen production; and 2) the accumulation of partially degraded collagen observed in photodamaged skin may inhibit, by an as yet unidentified mechanism, type I procollagen synthesis.  相似文献   

Skin aging is a complicated process associated with the passage of time and environmental exposure, especially to UV light. This aging phenomenon is related to alterations in various cellular mechanisms, such as changes in apoptosis, perturbations to cellular signaling, and an increased genetic instability. In this study, we investigated changes of proteins involved in intrinsic aging by the proteomic analysis of human sun-protected (upper inner arm) young and aged dermis. One of the proteins upregulated in aged dermis was identified as 14-3-3epsilon. This protein is an isoform of 14-3-3 protein, which is involved in cellular processes like signal transduction, cell cycle arrest, and apoptosis. 14-3-3epsilon is consistently found to be upregulated in the sun-protected dermis of aged skin, by Western blotting and immunohistochemical staining. In addition, we demonstrate that the expression of 14-3-3epsilon is further upregulated in the sun-exposed (photodamaged) dermis, and that the UV irradiation of young skin significantly upregulates 14-3-3epsilon in vivo. Our results suggest the possibility that the cellular processes related to 14-3-3epsilon protein play an important role in the photoaging and intrinsic aging of human skin.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of human skinfibroblast monolayers on human sperm function and fertilizationin vitro. Sperm function was evaluated using the hamster oocytepenetration assay (HOPA) and zona binding assay (ZBA) in mediumalone and in co-culture with human skin fibroblast monolayersand suspensions. The ZBA was also studied in fibroblast conditionedmedium and in bovine oviduct cell monolayers and suspensions.Fertilization was measured both in in-vitro fertilization (IVF)couples with a normal semen analysis (first study; randomized)and in IVF couples with subnormal semen analysis (second study;each patient served as its own control). The HOPA results werenot significantly different with or without fibroblasts. Inall co-culture situations and in conditioned medium the ZBAscored significantly lower than medium alone. No significantdifferences with respect to IVF were observed between the co-cultureand the control group in either study. The mean fertilizationrate per patient was 60% in the group with normal semen analysisand 25% in the group with abnormal semen analysis. From thisstudy we conclude that although co-culture with human skin fibroblastsand epithelial cells influences the results of some sperm functiontests, it does not influence fertilization in vitro.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is the new science that has come to make possible the growth of new organ tissue from small fragments of healthy tissue, thus partially or totally restoring the lost functions of ill tissues or organs, as shown by the achievements made with the culture of skin, cornea or cartilage. Thus far, this new science is able to ensure the recovery of lost functions and, doubtlessly, in a near future will be capable of developing tissues and organs not unlike natural ones. In our laboratory we have began the development of tissue engineering techniques for the successful construction of in vitro skin with the aim at mid term of producing cornea and cartilage. In a first clinical trial, these techniques were applied in the treatment of chronic skin lesions and the advantages and reach of these new tools were demonstrated for the effective solution of problems with would otherwise not be easily solved through the use of conventional treatments.  相似文献   

We have developed a unique method that allows us to culture large volumes of chondrocyte expansion from a small piece of human elastic cartilage. The characteristic features of our culturing method are that fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2), which promotes proliferation of elastic chondrocytes, is added to a culture medium, and that cell-engineering techniques are adopted in the multilayered culture system that we have developed.( 1-4 ) We have subsequently discovered that once multilayered chondrocytes are transplanted into a human body, differentiation induction that makes use of surrounding tissue occurs in situ, and a large cartilage block is obtained through cartinogenesis and matrix formation. We have named this method two-stage transplantation. We have clinically applied this transplantation method to the congenital ear defect, microtia, and reported successful ear reconstruction.( 4 ) In our present study, we demonstrated that when FGF2 was added to elastic chondrocytes, the cell count increased and the level of hyaluronic acid, which is a major extracellular matrix (ECM) component, increased. We also demonstrated that these biochemical changes are reflected in the morphology, with the elastic chondrocytes themselves producing a matrix and fibers in vitro to form a natural scaffold. We then demonstrated that inside the natural scaffold thus formed, the cells overlap, connect intercellularly to each other, and reconstruct a cartilage-like three-dimensional structure in vitro. We further demonstrated by immunohistochemical analysis and electron microscopic analysis that when the multilayered chondrocytes are subsequently transplanted into a living body (abdominal subcutaneous region) in the two-stage transplantation process, neocartilage and neoperichondrium of elastic cartilage origin are regenerated 6 months after transplantation. Further, evaluation by dynamic mechanical analysis showed the regenerated neocartilage to have the same viscoelasticity as normal auricular cartilage. Using our multilayered culture system supplemented with FGF2, elastic chondrocytes produce an ECM and also exhibit an intercellular network; therefore, they are able to maintain tissue integrity post-transplantation. These findings realized a clinical application for generative cartilage surgery.  相似文献   

人骨髓胚胎样干细胞向多核肌纤维诱导分化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的: 比较骨髓来源的胚胎样干细胞(ELSCs)与间充质干细胞(MSCs)的体外成肌分化能力。方法:采用胚胎干细胞扩增用的无血清Knockout-DMEM培养基在明胶包被过的培养瓶中培养人骨髓单个核细胞以分离ELSCs,传统方法从相同骨髓中分离MSCs,倒置相差显微镜下观察细胞形态特征,采用免疫荧光染色鉴定多潜能抗原标志的表达。成肌分化液分别培养ELSCs和MSCs,采用免疫染色法检测肌纤维特异性抗原标志肌球蛋白重链(MHC)、成肌素(myogenin)和MyoD蛋白的表达, RT-PCR检测MHC、myogenin和MyoD mRNA的表达,计算MHC阳性肌纤维的比例以比较ELSCs与MSCs的体外成肌分化能力。结果:无血清培养基可从骨髓中分离到弱表达多潜能抗原标志Oct-4、Nanog-3和Sox-2的ELSCs,体积较小,形态纤细均一,在形态方面不同于相同骨髓来源的MSCs,后者不表达多潜能抗原标志。在成肌分化液中培养,ELSCs和MSCs均可被诱导为在蛋白和mRNA水平表达MHC和myogenin的多核肌纤维,但诱导培养10 d时,ELSCs的MHC蛋白阳性肌纤维的比例为(25.7±4.1)%,MSCs为(15.8±7.6)%,ELSCs的成肌分化能力明显高于MSCs(P<0.05)。 结论:骨髓ELSCs能被诱导为多核肌纤维,并具有比来自相同骨髓的MSCs更强的成肌分化能力,ELSCs是肌病治疗更理想的种子细胞。  相似文献   

Degenerative processes of elastic fibers in sun-protected and sun-exposed skin were analyzed by light and electron microscopic (post-embedding) immunocytochemistry using antisera to elastin, fibrillin-1, amyloid P component, lysozyme and alpha1-antitrypsin. To assess the effect of aging and sun exposure, biopsy specimens of sun-protected skin (back) and severely and moderately sun-exposed skin (face and forearms) were obtained from a young age group (1-27 years), an adult group (31-56 years) and an old aged group (61-100 years). Elastin and fibrillin-1 were the essential components of elastic fibers; elastin being localized in the electron-lucent matrix and fibrillin-1 in the dense microfibrillar strands. Aging and sun exposure provoked degenerative condensed spots, which represented widened dense microfibrillar strands, in the matrix of altered elastic fibers in the reticular dermis. Amyloid P component was first deposited on the peripheral microfibrils, and then in the intermediate density zone of the spots. Lysozyme was observed in both the electron-dense core and in the intermediate density zone of the spots. Deposition of lysozyme correlated with basophilic degeneration of the elastic fibers. In the severely photodamaged facial skin of the aged, which showed solar elastosis in the upper reticular dermis, fibrillin-1 immunoreactivity was lost from the thickened and vacuolated elastic fibers that lacked condensed spots, and amyloid P component, lysozyme and alpha1-antitrypsin were diffusely deposited in the elastin-positive matrix. It seemed that amyloid P component deposition on the elastic fibers was closely associated with aging, while immunoreactive lysozyme was related to sun exposure. Vertically oriented, thin, elastic (oxytalan) fibers in the papillary dermis tended to decrease with age, with frequent deposition of amyloid P component but no lysozyme. In the facial skin of the aged, dermal papillae disappeared, with the formation of degenerative elastic globules beneath the dermal-epidermal junction. The present study demonstrated an intimate relationship between ultrastructural alterations and deposition of exogenous substances on the degenerative elastic fibers in sun-exposed and/or aged skin.  相似文献   

In this study the feasibility of using high pressure CO2 to produce porous α-elastin hydrogels was investigated. α-Elastin was chemically crosslinked with hexamethylene diisocyanate that can react with various functional groups in elastin such as lysine, cysteine, and histidine. High pressure CO2 substantially affected the characteristics of the fabricated hydrogels. The pore size of the hydrogels was enhanced 20-fold when the pressure was increased from 1 bar to 60 bar. The swelling ratio of the samples fabricated by high pressure CO2 was also higher than the gels produced under atmospheric pressure. The compression modulus of α-elastin hydrogels was increased as the applied strain magnitude was modified from 40% to 80%. The compression modulus of hydrogels produced under high pressure CO2 was 3-fold lower than the gels formed at atmospheric conditions due to the increased porosity of the gels produced by high pressure CO2. The fabrication of large pores within the 3D structures of these hydrogels substantially promoted cellular penetration and growth throughout the matrices. The highly porous α-elastin hydrogel structures fabricated in this study have potential for applications in tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the in vitro establishment and chemical treatment of human foreskin epithelial cells which transform the cells to an anchorage-independent state as demonstrated by growth in soft agar. The procedures described include (a) production of primary cultures of human epithelial cells, (b) cytotoxicity determination of putative chemical carcinogens, (c) chemical transformation protocol, and (d) evaluation of chemical transformation as indicated by anchorage-independent growth.  相似文献   

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