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Porous coated Ti-6Al-4V alloy implant systems provide a biocompatible interface between implant and bone, resulting in firm fixation and potential long-term retention via bony ingrowth. In order to achieve an acceptable porous coating structure, the sintering protocol for Ti-6Al-4V alloy systems often requires that the material be heat treated above the beta transus. This transforms the as-received equiaxed microstructure, recommended for surgical implants, to a lamellar alpha-beta distribution, which has been shown to have the worst fatigue properties of the most common structures attainable in Ti-6Al-4V alloy. However, post-sintering heat treatments may be used to improve these properties by producing microstructures more resistant to crack initiation and propagation. This study investigated the influence of microstructural variations on the fatigue properties of porous coated Ti-6Al-4V alloy material. Nonporous coated and porous coated Ti-6Al-4V alloy fatigue specimens were subjected to a standard sintering heat treatment to produce a lamellar microstructure. In addition, two post-sintering heat treatments were used to produce coarse and fine acicular microstructures. Rotating beam (reversed bending) fatigue testing was performed and the endurance limits determined for the noncoated and porous coated microstructures. The values determined were 668 MPa (noncoated as-received equiaxed), 394 MPa (noncoated lamellar), 488 MPa (non-coated coarse acicular), 494 MPa (noncoated fine acicular), 140 MPa (porous coated lamellar), 161 MPa (porous coated coarse acicular), and 162 MPa (porous coated fine acicular). The noncoated coarse and fine acicular specimens displayed an approximate 25% increase over the noncoated lamellar specimens. The porous coated coarse and fine acicular specimens showed an approximate 15% improvement over the porous coated lamellar specimens.  相似文献   

Cemented total hip replacement has been performed worldwide to treat patients with osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis, with aseptic loosening as its primary reason for revision. It has been indicated that the stem-cement interfacial porosity may contribute to the early loosening of cemented hip prosthesis. In addition, it is generally accepted that the micropores in bone cement surface and in the bulk material are detrimental to the mechanical integrity of bone cement and act as stress concentrators, resulting in generation of fatigue cracks in the cement mantle. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the micropores also play an important part in initiation and propagation of fretting wear on polished femoral stems. Taking this into consideration, a detailed review of the potential significance of the micropores in bone cement and the methods that could be employed to reduce porosity is given in this article. It was considered that modern cementing techniques are clinically beneficial and should be applied in surgery to further improve the survivorship of cemented total hip replacement.  相似文献   

It has been shown that preheating the femoral stem prior to insertion minimizes interfacial porosity at the stem-cement interface. In this study, the effects of methylmethacrylate monomer temperature prior to mixing on the properties of stem-cement interface and cement polymerization were evaluated for 4 degrees C, room temperature, and 37 degrees C using a test model and cementing techniques that simulated a clinical situation. The nature and extent of interfacial porosity of stem-cement interface was quantified, the static shear strength of the stem-cement interface determined, and the time and temperature of polymerization at the cement-bone interface were measured. Compared to RT monomer, preheating monomer to 37 degrees C produced higher polymerization temperatures and greater initial interfacial shear strength with an unchanged amount of interfacial porosity. Precooling monomer to 4 degrees C produced lower polymerization temperatures and decreased initial interfacial shear strength, with the amount of interfacial porosity unchanged compared to the RT group. Although clinical techniques of preheating or precooling bone cement have some effects on the properties of the stem-cement interface and cement polymerization, they do not appear to enhance implant fixation.  相似文献   

Summary A group of 5 women and 11 men walked on a treadmill, each carrying a weight in the right hand. In separate experiments, the mass was varied to give total exhaustion within 3 min, 5 min, 9 min, and 13 min. In additional experiments 50% and 25% of the masses leading to exhaustion after 5 min were used, and these were stopped after 16 min. Heart rate (f c) and systolic blood pressure (BPs) were measured noninvasively. There was a consistent increase in (f c) x BPs during the experiments leading to exhaustion, while steady-states were obtained in the nonexhausting trials. An electromyogram (EMG) was recorded with cutaneous electrodes over the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum superficialis muscles and the number of zero crossings (ZC) of the EMG signal per time unit were analysed. As the subjects approached exhaustion, the number of ZC declined exponentially, reaching approximately 50% of their initial values. In the nonexhausting experiments, however, the decline was slower and less marked, and during the second half of the experiment the number of ZC increased again. Subjectively, endurance was underestimated by all the subjects. It was concluded that cardiovascular and muscle criteria of fatigue in carrying coincided. Prolonged carrying in one hand of more than 6 kg or 10 kg for young healthy women and men respectively should not be recommended, since it could lead to cardiovascular non steady-states and EMG signs of fatigue.  相似文献   

The development of fatigue was investigated in the diaphragm of anaesthetized, tracheostomized, spontaneously breathing cats during restricted air flow. Ventilation, transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi), integrated electrical activity of diaphragm (Edi) and phrenic nerve (Eph) were measured simultaneously and expressed as a percentage of values at unloaded breathing. Inspiratory loads were 60, 70 and 80% of Pdi max. The Pdi max was measured by airway occlusion at functional residual capacity. The duration of loads was 40–60 min. The diaphragmatic fatigue developed only during heavy inspiratory loading (80% Pdi max). During the first 10 min of heavy load Pdi, Edi and Eph increased to 905 ± 60%, 248 ± 20% and 229 ± 24%, respectively (P < 0.01), and then began to fall gradually. Ventilation declined to 39 ± 3% after 60 min of heavy load (P < 0.01), resulting in acute hypercapnia and hypoxia. Initial fatigue appeared as a decrease in Pdi (to 781 ± 63%) and parallel decline in Edi (to 233 ± 21%) after 30 min of load (P < 0.05). Phrenic nerve activity did not change during this stage. These data suggest a peripheral basis of diaphragmatic fatigue, related to disorders in neuromuscular transmission. After 60 min of heavy load, Pdi fell to 675 ± 49%, Edi declined to 209 ± 28% and Eph decreased to 189 ± 25%. We interpret the decrease in phrenic nerve activity as a weakening of central inspiratory drive and development of the central component of diaphragmatic fatigue in the last stage.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of cyclic loading on the debond process of a roughened stem-cement interface used in total hip arthroplasty. The specific goals were to assess the effects of two surgeon-controlled variables (stem heating and degree of stem surface roughness) and to determine if an independent finite element-based fracture mechanics model could be used to predict the debond response. A clamped cantilever beam geometry was used to determine the fatigue debond response of the stem-cement interface and was created using an experimental mold that simulated in vivo cementing conditions. A second experiment was performed using a torsion-loading model representative of the stem-cement-bone composite. For both experiments, two stem heating (room temperature and 50 degrees C) and surface roughness conditions (grit blasted: Ra = 2.3 and 5.1 microm) were used. Finally, a finite element model of the torsion experiment with provision for crack growth was developed and compared with the experimental results. Results from both experiments revealed that neither stem preheating nor use of a stem with a greater surface roughness had a marked effect on the fatigue debond response. There was substantial variability in the debond response for all cases; this may be due to microscopic gaps at the interface for all interface conditions. The debond rate from the finite element simulation (10(-7.31) m/cycle) had a magnitude similar to the experimental torsion model (10(-(6.77 +/- 1.25)) m/cycle). This suggests that within the context of the experimental conditions studied here that the debond response could be assessed using a linear elastic fracture mechanics-type approach.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to characterize soft tissue bonding to porous coated implants such as those that would be used for resection-reconstruction of osteosarcoma cases. We were interested in determining conditions which would provide both mechanical attachment of the implant to the surrounding tissue and produce a vascularized interface. In a bilateral canine implant model, both femoral mid-shafts were replaced with a porous coated cobalt-chrome segmental implant fabricated with average pore sizes of 300 microns or 900 microns. Twelve implants, six of each pore size, were used in six dogs. Two dogs were sacrificed at 2, 4, and 6 months after implantation. The soft tissue-implant interface was characterized mechanically with peel tests and histologically using light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. At all periods, a nonvascularized fibrous membrane surrounded the smaller pore size implants, without ingrowth or mechanical bonding. In contrast, a vascularized membrane developed within and around the larger pore size implants; the attachment strength increasing with implantation time. The vascularity increased in size and quantity with time. This study demonstrates the feasibility of obtaining vascularized soft tissue attachment to tumor replacement implants with appropriate porous coated implant design.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of dual energy X-rays absorptiometry (DXA) areal bone mineral density (aBMD) measured in different regions of the proximal part of the human femur for predicting the mechanical properties of matched proximal femora tested in two different loading configurations.36 pairs of fresh frozen femora were DXA scanned and tested until failure in two loading configurations: a fall on the side or a one-legged standing. The ability of the DXA output from four different regions of the proximal femur in predicting the femoral mechanical properties was measured and compared for the two loading scenarios.The femoral neck DXA BMD was best correlated to the femoral ultimate force for both configurations and predicted significantly better femoral failure load (R2 = 0.80 vs. R2 = 0.66, P < 0.05) when simulating a side than when simulating a standing configuration. Conversely, the work to failure was predicted similarly for both loading configurations (R2 = 0.54 vs. R2 = 0.53, P > 0.05).Therefore, neck BMD should be considered as one of the key factors for discriminating femoral fracture risk in vivo. Moreover, the better predictive ability of neck BMD for femoral strength if tested in a fall compared to a one-legged stance configuration suggests that DXA's clinical relevance may not be as high for spontaneous femoral fractures than for fractures associated to a fall.  相似文献   

No consensus exists for the optimal surface finish on cemented total hip prosthesis stems. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of stem finish and interfacial cement porosity on the integrity of the stem-cement interface. Simulated stems made of Co-Cr, having polished or matte surfaces, at room temperature or heated to 37 degrees C, were cemented into Sawbones simulated femurs. Push out testing of the stem-cement interface was performed immediately after cement polymerization and after two aging periods in 37 degrees C saline or 37 degrees C air, and the extent of interfacial porosity at the stem-cement interface was determined. Polished stems exhibited an average 60% greater interfacial strength than that of matte stems initially and up to 240% after aging treatments. Cement porosity at the stem-cement interface and incomplete cement interdigitation into surface asperities on matte stems likely allowed saline penetration into the stem-cement interface during wet aging, resulting in a rapid decrease of shear strength. Stem preheating to 37 degrees C virtually eliminated interfacial pores and resulted in greater shear strengths regardless of surface finish. Polished stem surfaces with stem preheating provided the best interfacial shear strength and sealing ability against saline penetration into the stem-cement interface and could result in increased longevity of stem fixation.  相似文献   

An elastic stress analysis of porous-coated implant surfaces was performed using the finite element method. Three-hundred-microns-diameter metal beads sinter bonded onto an implant surface were modeled with sinter neck radii of 5, 10, 20, and 50 microns. Smooth-surface, single-bead, single-layer, and double-layer systems were analyzed. The finite element models were loaded to simulate bone-bead contact forces and lateral hip implant tensile forces. Results showed that, for a single bead sinter-bonded onto an implant surface, concentration of stress occurs either at the base of the sinter neck or within the neck itself, depending on the type of load applied. Under lateral hip implant tensile loads, a maximum stress concentration factor of 1.97 was obtained for a single bead sinter-bonded onto a implant surface. Addition of a single layer of beads onto the implant surface resulted in a significant increase in stress at the most proximal and distal ends of the porous layer, with a maximum stress concentration factor of 4.3. Addition of a second layer of beads did not significantly increase the magnitude of the stress concentration occurring at the ends of the porous layer. The results of this study provide stress concentration factors for porous coatings with sinter necks of known dimensions under loading conditions similar to those present along the lateral surface of a hip prosthesis.  相似文献   

The high cycle fatigue strength of porous coated Ti-6A1-4V is approximately 75% less than the fatigue strength of uncoated Ti-6A1-4V. This study separates the effects of three parameters thought to be responsible for this reduction: interfacial geometry, microstructure, and surface alterations brought about by sintering. To achieve the goal of one parameter variations, hydrogen-alloying treatments, which refined the lamellar microstructure of beta-annealed and porous coated Ti-6A1-4V, were formulated. The fatigue strength of smooth-surfaced Ti-6A1-4V subjected to hydrogen-alloying treatments is 643-669 MPa, significantly greater than the fatigue strength of beta-annealed Ti-6A1-4V (497 MPa) and also greater than the fatigue strength of pre-annealed, equiaxed Ti-6A1-4V (590 MPa). The fatigue strength of porous coated Ti-6A1-4V, however, is independent of microstructure. This leads to the conclusion that the notch effect of the surface porosity does not allow the material to take advantage of the superior fatigue crack initiation resistance of a refined alpha-grain size. Thus, sinternecks acts as initiated microcracks and fatigue of porous coated Ti-6A1-4V is propagation controlled.  相似文献   

The development of new leisure activities such as walking has spread the use of the backpack as a means of carrying loads. The aim of this work was to present a way of defining the movements imposed on the trunk by this type of load carrying. A 20 kg load situated at the thoracic level (T9) of the trunk, was placed in a backpack (2.5 kg). The 12 subjects were average mountain guides of Auvergne region, intermediate level and complete beginners. External markers were glued to the projecting contours of the spinous processes of the C7, T7, T12, L3 and S1 vertebrae, the shin and the external occipital tuberosity (EOT). Using a Vicon 140 3-D system we measured the effective mobility of the different spinal segments in the sagittal plane during one step. For every subject, we noticed a significant decrease of the effective inter-segmental mobility (EISM) between S1-L3-T12 (p < .01) while backpacking a 22.5 kg load. A decrease of EISM also appeared at the next level between L3-T12-T7 (p < .05). An increase of the EISM between T7-C7-EOT was noted (p < .05). We supposed that strength loss of the back muscles and/or angular oscillations of the trunk could be a common cause of symptoms during backpacking. The subjects using this type of load carrying have to adopt an adequate position of the lumbar, dorsal and cervical vertebrae.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin-coated ascites tumour cells lose some of their immunoglobulin coat following their transfer to in vitro culture conditions. The uncoating process is metabolism-dependent and related to the turning over of cell-surface components.  相似文献   

Rotating cantileverfatigue tests were performed on specimens extracted longitudinally from the cortices of human femora. The usual inverse relationship between stress amplitude and fatigue life was found; the median life was 1·3×104 cycles at a stress amplitude of 12,200 1bf/in2 (84·1 MN/m2) and 4·6×106 cycles at 6750 1bf/in2 (46·6 MN/m2). Arguments are advanced which suggest that these results are compatible with what is known of the stresses applied in life and the clinical occurrence of fatigue fractures.  相似文献   

It is well known thathuman blood vessel hasan innermembrane constituted bylipid-protein LB (Langmuir-Blodgett) bilayer membrane,and exhibits an excellentanti-coagulant property.If we prepare biomaterials to imitate the structures andcompositions of the in…  相似文献   

The dynamic elastic modulus (Ed) and the coefficient of wall viscosity (η W) of the tail artery of normotensive rats were determined as functions of the circumferential wall stress under quasistatic and dynamic conditions. The experiments were performed under strong smooth muscle activation induced by norepinephrine, and during relaxation induced by papaverine. The following results were obtained.
  1. Ed andη W increase with increasing wall stress. At a given wall stress, Ed is virtually independent of frequency whileη W decreases markedly with increasing frequency. This behaviour ofη W is called thixotropy or pseudoplasticity.
  2. In the wall stress range from 5–60 kPa the values of Ed, and in the wall stress range from 60–140 kPa those ofη W obtained under smooth muscle activation and during relaxation are virtually identical.
  3. In the relaxed smooth muscle, the phase angles between sinusoidal pressure and radius changes are virtually independent of the mean wall stress at all frequencies. In the low stress range, the phase angles are greater at low frequencies in the activated state than in the relaxed state, decrease with increasing wall stress, and are virtually identical to the values under papaverine at high wall stresses. At high frequencies no dependence of the phase angles on the mean wall stress can be seen.

The use of surface electromyography (EMG) for studying the effect of mechanical compression of occupational origin on muscle fatigue has been the subject of poor attention in ergonomic research. This study examined the effect of backpack carrying on fatigue of two shoulder muscles during sustained low force static contraction: the middle deltoid (MD) muscle and the upper trapezius (UT) muscle on which the backpack strap exerted direct compressive force. EMG activities of MD and UT muscles, of the dominant and non-dominant sides, were studied on eight subjects during two tasks, a maximal and an exhausting submaximal bilateral isometric 90° arm abduction, which were performed while carrying a backpack load of 0, 10, and 20 kg, respectively. EMG amplitude (root mean square, RMS) and spectral (mean power frequency, MPF) parameters were computed from the recorded signals. No significant differences between the dominant and non-dominant sides were found for none of the parameters whatever the load-carrying mass. Load-carrying masses which were tested did not influence significantly the maximal bilateral arm abduction performance contrary to the time to exhaustion during the submaximal task, which decreased significantly with increasing load-carrying mass. A significant increase in fatigability, defined by the slope of MPF decrease, was observed for both muscles when load-carrying mass increased; but only UT presented a significant increase in muscle fatigue level, defined by the MPF value with respect to its initial value, at the end of the exhausting submaximal task. Furthermore, the increase in muscle activation of UT, quantified by RMS, during the exhausting task was not significantly higher with increasing load-carrying mass. So, the increased signs of local fatigue of UT may be interpreted by a localised blood flow impairment resulting from the direct compressive force exerted by backpack on this muscle.  相似文献   

Responses of the lower limb to load carrying in walking man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Muscle activity patterns of several lower limb muscles were examined in the left leg of normal human subjects walking at comfortable speed on a treadmill. In addition knee angular changes and the durations of the swing and stance phases of the step cycle were recorded. Data were collected during a period of normal control walking and when the subject carried a load, either in his right or left hand or on his back. Load (up to 20% of body weight) carried in either hand caused minimal changes in the kinematic parameters investigated but evoked significant prolongation of the normal ongoing electromyographic activity in the contralateral Gluteus medius and in the ipsilateral Gastrocnemius, Vastus lateralis and Semimembranosus. Load (up to 50% of body weight) carried on the back significantly shortened the swing phase and prolonged the ongoing electromyographic activity of the Vastus lateralis. These findings would seem to indicate that the activity of the leg musculature during walking is so tightly controlled that deviation from the normal kinematic pattern of the legs is largely prevented even when body posture and balance are disturbed by carrying substantial additional load.  相似文献   

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