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脱离矽尘人员健康状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金矿属矽尘作业 ,长期接触可引起矽肺病 ,同时带给人体一系列的损害。有关这方面的研究很多 ,但对离尘人员的报道却较少。我们对某金矿离尘人员进行了调查研究 ,现报告如下。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 选择某金矿离尘人员 364人 (男性 )为调查对象。平均年龄 55.3岁 ,平均接尘工龄 2 9.59年 ,平均离尘年限 5.62年。主要接尘工种有井下凿岩工、井下运输工和选场碎矿工等。1.2 方法 制定统一的流行病学调查表格 ,详细询问职业史、既往病史和自觉症状 ;采用 DFM90 0 0肺功能测试仪进行肺通气功能和小气道功能测定 ,设立标准对照并依此计算出…  相似文献   

为了解有机和无机粉尘对作业女工肺通气功能的损害程度和损害特点.我们对某棉絮加工厂和汽车修配厂铸造车间的接触棉尘和矽尘的女工进行了肺通气功能的测定.  相似文献   

某矿30年来接尘工人参加健康监护的情况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们对山东省新汶矿业集团公司某煤矿30年来接尘工人历次尘肺普查的X线胸大片数量进行了核对和分析,分析该矿的健康监护工作状况。  相似文献   

37例不吸烟水泥接尘工人呼吸系统损害分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对甘孜州水泥厂37名单纯接触水泥成品、无吸烟史的工人进行体检和肺通气功能测试。结果表明,接尘工人咳嗽、咯痰、胸痛、呼吸困难、鼻喉干燥、慢性支气管炎阳性率高于对照组,差异有显著性。肺功能指标中,除FVC外,VC、FEV1.0、PEFR、MMEF、MVV均低于对照组并有显著性差异。各测试项目实测值均低于预计值,差异有显著性。测试项目异常率与对照组比较,VC、FEV1.0、PEFR、MMEF、MVV有显  相似文献   

谭聪  田娇  张勇兵 《职业与健康》2020,(15):2025-2027
目的了解益阳市粉尘作业工人职业健康状况,为预防尘肺病提供科学建议。方法收集2015—2019年益阳地区矽尘及煤尘作业工人在岗期间职业健康监护资料,并对其胸片检查结果进行统计分析。结果 5 802例矽尘及245例煤尘作业工人胸片尘肺样改变分别检出219及27例,检出率分别为3.77%和11.02%。5年间共报告矽肺165例,煤工尘肺193例。不同地区、性别、企业规模及行业不同年龄组及工龄组矽尘作业工人胸片尘肺样改变检出率比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);不同年龄组、企业经济类型、企业规模及行业煤尘作业工人胸片尘肺样改变检出率比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论益阳市煤尘作业工人职业健康检查率偏低,赫山区矽尘作业危害较大,煤尘及矽尘作业工人胸片尘肺样改变的高发特征有男性、40~59岁、采矿及小型企业,应对其职业健康状况进行重点监管。  相似文献   

目的 通过开展用人单位工作场所职业病危害因素监测,分析四川省接触矽尘岗位危害现状,为矽尘危害的防控提供科学依据。方法 2021年8月至11月对四川省1 926家存在矽尘危害的企业进行现场矽尘检测,通过调查表收集防尘设施情况、防尘口罩使用情况及接触矽尘工人职业健康检查情况,采用SPSS 21.0软件采用卡方检验进行统计分析,检验水准为α=0.05。结果 1 926家企业以制造业、采矿业为主,检测矽尘岗位数5 622个,超标岗位数1 117个,超标率为19.87%;检测矽尘工作场所点数8 358个,超标工作场所点数1 269个,超标率为15.18%。89.77%的企业有防尘设施,10.23%的企业无防尘设施,94.16%的企业防尘设施有效。91.12%的企业发放防尘口罩,8.88%的企业未发放防尘口罩,96.52%企业的防尘口罩有效。应职业健康检查40 296人,实际职业健康检查31 922人,检查率为79.22%,职业健康检查异常人数476人,异常率为1.49%。结论 四川省矽尘危害形势不容乐观,应加强监测和监管,开展专项治理,重点加强对采矿业、制造业、建筑业等行业的矽尘防治。  相似文献   

目的 评估福建省石材加工企业矽尘暴露的职业健康风险,为职业病防治提供依据。方法 从国家工作场所职业病危害因素监测系统数据中选取2022年福建省262家石材加工企业矽尘检测结果,应用半定量接触比值法和风险指数法开展职业健康风险评估。结果 944个岗位的超标率为34.1%。半定量接触比值法各风险等级占比为中等风险(36.2%)、高风险(44.0%)、极高风险(19.8%),综合风险等级为高风险;风险指数法各风险等级占比为无危害(40.0%)、轻度危害(31.8%)、中度危害(12.7%)、高度危害(8.9%)、极度危害(6.6%),综合风险等级为中等风险。结论 石材加工企业矽尘超标率较高,两种风险评估方法显示石材加工企业的整体矽尘职业健康风险水平较高,其中干磨(异形加工)是重点关注的岗位,同时也不能忽视其余岗位的粉尘危害。  相似文献   

本研究以184名接尘工人为对象,同时对112名无粉尘接触史职工为对照组,通过对两组对象肺通气功能结果的分析发现,接尘组随着接尘工龄的增加,肺通气功能各指标均有不同程度的减退,最早出现减退的是FEV1和V25,接尘工龄不足10年者,各指标与对照组比较均无显著性差异。  相似文献   

目的了解井下采掘工人肺通气功能状况,掌握煤矿井下粉尘对采掘工人肺通气功能的损害情况。方法井下采掘工人595名为接尘调查对象,另选341名高温、红外辐射工种工人为对照组。采用统一的体检表格,由专业医师进行体检,逐一填写;采用日本产HI-198型肺量计,进行肺通气功能5项指标测量,测量结果运用£检验进行统计学处理。结果井下采掘工人肺通气功能随年龄和工龄的增长而减低。接尘组与对照组FVC、FEV1.0、PEV1.0%3项指标差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01或P〈0.05);mmF、PEFR差异无统计学意义。结论结果符合肺通气功能随年龄增长而减低的规律,接尘工人肺功能损伤主要为阻塞性呼吸障碍,肺通气功能与对照组比较,mmF、PEFR差异无统计学意义的原因可能是这2项指标较另外3项指标更为敏感所致。  相似文献   

德国是一个工业发达国家,矽尘是其主要职业危害因素之一.近几十年来,由于大力开展机械化作业和推行职业医学预防措施,每年新发矽肺病例不到1 000例,发病率低于0.6%.本文详细介绍了德国金属行业开展矽尘职业医学防护的具体原则,希望为我国的矽尘和矽肺的防护工作提供经验.  相似文献   

Exposure to silica dust has been examined as a possible risk factor for autoimmune diseases, including systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and ANCA-associated vasculitis. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms resulting in the increased prevalence of autoimmunity remain elusive. To clarify these mechanisms, we studied various markers of immune activation in individuals occupationally exposed to silica dust, i.e., serum levels of soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R), levels of IL-2, other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and lymphoproliferation. Our results demonstrate that silica-exposed individuals present important alterations in their immune response when compared to controls, as shown by increased serum sIL-2R levels, decreased production of IL-2 and increased levels of the pro-inflammatory (IFN-γ, IL-1α, TNF-α, IL-6) as well as anti-inflammatory (IL-10 and TGF-β) cytokines. Furthermore, silica-exposed individuals presented enhanced lymphoproliferative responses. Our findings provide evidence that the maintenance of immune homeostasis may be disturbed in silica-exposed individuals, possibly resulting in autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Some previous studies have observed an increased mortality regarding ischemic heart disease (IHD) among miners and industrial sand workers. The purpose was to study the occurrence of IHD mortality among silica-exposed workers. METHODS: Male miners, well borers, dressing plant workers, and other mine and stone workers were identified in the Swedish National Census of 1970. The total cohort (n = 11,896) was followed from 1970 until December 31, 1995 and linked to the Cause of Death Register. The referent group comprised all gainfully employed men identified in the same census. The Standardized Mortality Ratio was calculated as the ratio between observed and expected numbers of deaths. RESULT: An increased risk due to IHD mortality was observed among miners, well borers, dressing plant workers, and other mine and stone workers. CONCLUSION: These results indicate a possible relation between silica-dust exposure and IHD. The increased risk of IHD mortality is unlikely explained by smoking habits. Shift work might explain some of the increased risk. A low-grade inflammation in the lungs as a result of dust exposure is discussed as a possible cause. However, the key message is that better dose estimates and better confounding control is needed to study the possible relation between silica-dust exposure and IHD.  相似文献   

[目的]了解2014—2018年上海市松江区儿童流行性感冒(简称"流感")的流行特征,为流感监测与防治工作提供依据.[方法]收集上海市松江区2014—2018年流感样病例监测、病原学监测情况以及暴发疫情概况等资料,并进行描述性流行病学分析.[结果]松江区的流感流行峰位于冬季和夏季,且冬季峰较夏季峰明显.流感样病例以0~...  相似文献   



Lung function tests have become an integral part of assessment of pulmonary disease. Diseases of the respiratory system induced by occupational dusts are influenced by the duration of exposure. The aim of the study is to investigate the impairment of lung function and prevalence of respiratory symptoms among the rice mill workers.


A total of 120 rice mill workers from three districts of Karnataka were included in this study. Fifty urban dwellers from the same socio-economic level were selected as controls. The study included clinical examination, assessment of respiratory symptoms, pulmonary function test, measurement of peak expiratory flow rate, absolute eosinophil count, ESR estimation, total IgE estimation and radiographic test.


The present study has shown that the rice mill workers complained of several types of respiratory disorders like phlegm (40.8 %), dyspnea (44.2 %), chest tightness (26.7 %), cough (21.7 %), and nose irritation (27.5 %). Rice mill workers exposed to dust presented significantly (p < 0.05) lower levels of FVC (3.44 ± 0.11), FEV1 (2.73 ± 0.15) and PEFR (304.95 ± 28.79) than the controls. The rice mill workers are having significantly higher absolute eosinophil counts, total IgE and ESR than control groups. The hematological findings suggest that the harmful effects may be linked to both non-specific irritation and allergic responses to rice husk dust among rice mill workers.


Dust exposure in the working environment affects the lung function values and increased the respiratory symptoms among the rice mill workers.  相似文献   

Health disorders of shift workers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of shift work on physiological function through disruption of circadian rhythms are well described. However, shift work can also be associated with specific pathological disorders. This article reviews the evidence for a relationship between specific medical disorders and working at night or on shift systems. The strongest evidence exists for an association with peptic ulcer disease, coronary heart disease and compromised pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Health care workers (HCWs) suffering from psychiatric or neurological disorders, alcohol or drug addiction, may pose a risk for the health and safety of patients. The occupational health specialist charged of medical surveillance of hospital workers (the so-called "Competent Physician") often needs to recognize functional impairment in HCWs. CASE REPORT: Cases of impairment in HCWs are reported, and management criteria are discussed, in order to define effective strategies to deal with the problem. DISCUSSION: Alcoholism and other drug addictions are the most common causes of impairment, followed by emotional impairment, neurological and other physical disabilities. The primary responsibility of protecting the public, should be achieved while at the same time maintaining HCWs at work whenever possible. CONCLUSION: Critical key-points are identified, and suggestions for management of functionally impaired HCWs are given.  相似文献   

张文  王昌松 《职业与健康》2012,28(14):1711-1712
目的掌握某企业接触有毒有害因素的人群健康状况,为该人群的职业病防治提供依据和建议。方法按照《职业健康监护技术规范》GBZ 188-2007对该企业374名接触电焊烟尘、噪声的在岗工人进行健康检查。结果健康检查374人,其中74人职业健康检查结果无明显异常,占体检人数的19.79%;接触电焊烟尘作业人员检查112人,异常胸片7人,占6.25%;接触"噪声"作业人员检查314人,异常电测听113人,占35.99%。结论该企业存在的职业病危害因素,损害了劳动者的健康,企业必须采取有效的职业病防治措施,预防控制职业病的发生。  相似文献   

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate if work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are associated with increased health care use, over and above workers’ compensation health care benefits, in the period prior to and following a workers’ compensation claim indicating gradual progression and declining function associated with musculoskeletal morbidity. Methods: This study employed secondary analysis of employment data, workers’ compensation claim data and provincial (universal) medical services data for a cohort of health care workers; and investigated rates of medical care contacts among injured workers with a WMSD claim (n=549) compared to a matched group of non-claim workers. Predictors of health care contacts were estimated using general linear regression. Results: WMSD injured workers had significantly higher rates of health care contacts associated with a claim compared to non-injured workers, over and above workers compensation health care benefits. In the final multi-variable model, a WMSD claim among injured workers was associated with an estimated 69% (95% CI, 1.50, 1.91) increase in health care use for the 12-month period immediately after the injury date compared to non injured workers. Conclusion: The pattern of visits for WMSDs suggests that workers visit general practitioners as part of an ongoing pattern of symptoms, resulting in frequent utilization of health services prior to work disability that is also reflected in health care contacts after return-to-work.  相似文献   

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